Application for Payment Plan

  • Date Selection
  • Mailing Address same as Street Address?
  • I, , have been financially impacted and request a flexible payment plan.  I understand that if my balance is $800 or less, the maximum number of months I can make payments is six (6).  If my balance is over $800, I can extend the payments up to twelve (12) months.

Payment Calculation:


  • _____________
  • $
  • Flexible payment plan amount in addition to regularly accrued charges.

Terms and Conditions


  • Payments are due by the 26th of each month.  No bill will be sent for this payment.

    Payments are in addition to the regularly accrued charges for the account.

    Late penalties will not be assessed if all agreed upon payments are made on time.

    Late penalties will be applied if payments are not made according to the agreement.

    I understand, should I default on the flexible payment plan as agreed, City of Port Orchard may discontinue utility service and service will not be restored until the balance is paid in full plus any disconnect and reconnect fees.  I further understand that should I default on this agreement; City of Port Orchard will not allow another payment plan.  All subsequent billings are payable when due.

    Property Managers are not eligible for payment plan arrangements.

  • Date Selection
  • The owner recognizes by allowing the tenant to enter into an agreement that utility bills are the ultimate responsibility of the property owner and if the tenant defaults, amounts due will become the responsibility of the owner.

  • Date Selection
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