01/18/2022 - Work Study - Minutes.'A City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of January 18, 2022 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Lucarelli Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Trenary Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Staff present via remote access: Community Development Director Bond, City Clerk Rinearson, and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting is also streaming live on YouTube. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Parks Plan Review Community Development Director Bond explained this project was started right as the pandemic began, but it was delayed and now we feel like we are getting close to a finished product. We hired a consultant for this project and had an extensive public participation process. The public input is documented in the draft parks plan. This has been reviewed along with the Planning Commission for the last six months. The consultant, Mr. Beckwith, has provided presentations to the Planning Commission. We want to make sure Council priorities are included in the plan, along with a couple priorities which include updating this plan to be eligible for grant funding from the Recreation Conservation Office. This plan, once adopted, will give us the ability to apply for grants. Another objective is that our parks impact fee has not been adjusted in more than eight or ten years. Part of this plan is the basis of a parks impact fee update. Minutes of January 18, 2022 Page 2 of 4 Mr. Bond briefly discussed specific park projects and private facilities. Tom Beckwith with Beckwith Consulting, provided a presentation which included the planning process steps, population growth implications, recreation activity projections, existing park assets, gaps in park development, social equity considerations, current park utilization, current recreation behavior, future park priorities, partnerships and volunteers, proposals -open space, waterfront access, off -road trails, on -road trails, skate dots/pump tracks, courts and fields, implementation project list, and financing. Additional discussion was held regarding Lundberg Park, inflation factor, CIP's, proposed park impact fee, adoption of plan, and private facilities. Council Direction: No direction given to staff. 2. Fireworks Discussion Mayor Putaansuu noted this discussion has been to the Land Use Committee. He spoke about data regarding fires, injuries and damage caused by fireworks. A draft ordinance has been prepared. Any action taken in 2022 would not go into effect until 2023. Community Development Director Bond said the hope is Council will look at the draft ordinance and figure out if they want to move forward with a hearing or if further changes are needed before any public outreach. Discussion was held regarding public hearings, potential action, making sure the public is aware of this potential change, debris fallout from fireworks, impact to pets and wildlife, mailers to the firework stands to let them know of the potential change, and reaching out to the City of Bainbridge Island to ask them about their processes and lessons learned from adopting a similar ordinance. Councilmember Clauson apologized for missing the last part of the parks plan review discussion as he was having internet issues. He wanted to add a couple comments to that discussion which include the South Kitsap Western Little League is a City and not a County facility, and asked about the demographic similarities that were mentioned in the plan and the comparisons to Seattle and King County. Council Direction: Revise the draft ordinance to mention debris fallout and the impact to pets and wildlife. 3. Establishing the 2022 Council Committees and Appointments Mayor Putaansuu explained he surveyed the Council and asked for their committee priorities. Due to most Councilmembers wanting to be appointed to the Finance Committee, a public poll via Zoom was conducted to find out who should serve on that committee. Minutes of January 18, 2022 Page 3 of 4 Councilmembers Lucarelli, Cucciardi, Clauson, Chang and Rosapepe each spoke to why they would appreciate serving on the Finance Committee. After discussing and the viewing the poll results, the following Councilmembers were proposed to be appointed as follows: Committees Finance Land Use Economic Development/Tourism Utilities/SAC Festival of Chimes and Lights Transportation Lodging Tax Outside agencies are assigned as follows: Health District: Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council: KRCC Exec. Board PSRC Exec. Board: Kitsap Economic Development Alliance PSRC Transpol: KRCC Transpol: KRCC PlanPol: PRTPO Exec Board: Committee Members Rosapepe, Clauson, and Cucciardi Chang, Diener, and Rosapepe Trenary, Chang, and Cucciardi Clauson, Lucarelli, and Trenary Lucarelli Trenary, Diener, and Chang Cucciardi Mayor, Clauson (alt) Mayor, Rosapepe, Trenary (alt) Rosapepe, Trenary (alt) Mayor, Rosapepe (alt) Lucarelli Rosapepe (alt) Rosapepe (alt) Mayor, Rosapepe (alt) Planning Commissioner Ashby, Mayor (alt) Council Direction: Staff to prepare a draft resolution for the next council meeting, appointing Councilmembers to Council committees and outside agencies. 4. Council Retreat Date and Topics Councilmember Putaansuu asked what format the Council would like, if they would like to have a consultant facilitate, and if the retreat should be virtual or in person. After a brief discussion, it was tentatively agreed the retreat would be held on March 11, 2022, starting at 9:00 a.m. with a back-up date of March 9, 2022. Meeting in -person in the Council Chambers at City Hall and staff will contact the facilitator, Sophie Glass, to see if she would be available during either of those dates. Further discussion was held regarding possible topics including conversations Councilmembers had with citizens during campaigning, clarifying what residency requirements are for residents, Council priorities for the budget process, if the retreat can be live streamed, if staff should attend, and State of the City presentations. Minutes of January 18, 2022 Page 4 of 4 Mayor Putaansuu asked the Council to send him any additional topic suggestions. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. GOOD OF THE ORDER Councilmember Clauson spoke to Wave Cable internet issues and potentially asking citizens if they are also having these problems. A brief discussion was held regarding internet and if any other businesses services our area. Councilmember Diener thanked the Mayor for sending out the legislative report. He voiced concerns on how the ADU legislation is shaping up and how its removing some of the regulatory authority of jurisdictions. Mayor Putaansuu reported on 1406 dollars [HB 1406 Encouraging investments in affordable and supporting housing]. Housing Kitsap has given us four homes at Heritage Mobile Home Park that need roofs, decks and handicamp ramps totaling about $42,000. If there are no objections, the city attorney is working on an agreement with Housing Kitsap, and Finance Director Crocker is verifying this is an appropriate expenditure. He is also working with Kitsap Homes of Compassion and received a proposal for three group homes in Port Orchard. They would house up to four individuals. He said to receive these funds for home improvement, we must be 60% or less median household income. Councilmember Chang voiced his concerns with the Housing Kitsap agreement. Mayor Putaansuu said he thought he was going to have a conflict with attending next week's meeting, but there is no longer a conflict and he will be attending. A brief discussion was held regarding Council Committee meetings dates and times. Councilmember Lucarelli stated this year's Chimes and Lights event will be in -person. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. Brandy Rine rson, MMC, City Clerk F';� Robert Putaansuu, Mayor s �