02/08/2022 - Regular - MinutesDocuSign Envelope ID: OF8F72CB-7E1A-427D-B54A-295F353F473E City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of February 8, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Lucarelli Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Trenary Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Absent Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Staff present via remote access: Public Works Director Dorsey, Utilities Manager J. Brown, Police Chief M. Brown, Community Development Director Bond, City Attorney Archer, City Clerk Wallace and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting also streamed live on YouTube. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Councilmember Trenary, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to add the excusal of Councilmember Lucarelli for personal reasons. The motion carried. MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried. K311111111[s] Ill It"►F-SK91IVAIkvA14►11110 There were no citizen comments. DocuSign Envelope ID: OF8F72CB-7E1A-427D-B54A-295F353F473E Minutes of February 8, 2022 Paee 2 of 5 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 83520 through 83543 and 83551 through 83583 including bank drafts in the amount of $249,069.19 and EFT's in the amount of $580,091.51 totaling $829,160.70. B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 83544 through 83550 including bank drafts and EFT's in the amount of $213,201.98 and Direct Deposits in the amount of $202,818.10 totaling $416,020.08. C. Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 10.12 Establishing Regulations and Fees Related to Parking, Stopping or Standing in Certain Areas of the City (Ordinance No. 003-22) D. Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Vermeer BC-1000XL Woodchipper via DES Contract No. 05218 (Resolution No. 018-22) E. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 026-21 with Transportation Solutions for Third Party Transportation Concurrency Review, Reimbursed by Developer Fees F. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 028-21 with Transportation Solutions for On Call Transportation/Traffic Engineering Services G. Approval of the January 18, 2022, City Council Work Study Session Meeting Minutes H. Approval of the January 25, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes I. New: Excusal of Councilmember Lucarelli from Tonight's Meeting for Personal Reasons MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to approve the consent agenda as amended. The motion carried. S. PRESENTATION There were no presentations. 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. Petition to Vacate City Right-of-way, the Southern Portion of Opened Bay Street — Request to Strike City Clerk Wallace explained on January 11, 2022, Council adopted Resolution No. 009-22, setting a public hearing tonight for a petition to vacate City right-of-way. When preparing for the notices for the hearing, it was discovered that due to a calculation error there was an insufficient amount of time for staff to prepare the noticing and posting to meet the requirements of the Port Orchard Municipal Code, which requires public notice of the hearing no less than 20 days in advance of the hearing. Later on tonight's agenda for the City Council's consideration is a resolution re -setting the public hearing for March 8, 2022. Staff is asking the Council not to hold this public hearing this evening. Mayor Putaansuu noted we will not be holding this public hearing this evening. DocuSign Envelope ID: OF8F72CB-7E1A-427D-B54A-295F353F473E Minutes of February 8, 2022 PaRe3of5 B. City of Port Orchard's 2020 Water System Plan (2022 Adoption) Mayor Putaansuu opened the public hearing, and there being no testimony, closed the public hearing at 6:39 p.m. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Adoption of a Resolution Fixing the Date of a Public Hearing on a Petition to Vacate City Right- of-way, the Southern Portion of Opened Bay Street MOTION: By Councilmember Chang, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to adopt a resolution re- setting a Public Hearing for March 8, 2022, at 6:30 PM, on a petition from Walter and Roberta Huth Trustees to vacate a portion of opened right-of-way, Bay Street. The motion carried. (Resolution No. 020-22) B. Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting the 2020 Water System Plan (2022 Adoption) MOTION: By Councilmember Diener seconded by Councilmember Chang, to adopt an ordinance adopting the 2020 Water System Plan. The motion carried. (Ordinance No. 005-22) C. Adoption of a Resolution Adopting the Port Orchard Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan Dated January 31, 2022 MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt a resolution adopting the 2022 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan as presented. Councilmember Clauson noted there are a couple things he had previously mentioned that he would like changed. For example, Kitsap County is still listed as providing the South Kitsap Western Little League. This should be the City of Port Orchard. The motion carried. (Resolution No. 021-22) D. Approval of a Contract with Serotonin LLC for Public Relations, Marketing, and Communications Consultant MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve a contract with Serotonin, LLC for Public Relations, Marketing and Communications Consultant. The motion carried. DocuSign Envelope ID: OF8F72CB-7E1A-427D-B54A-295F353F473E Minutes of February 8, 2022 Paae 4 of 5 (Contract No. 036-22) 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A. Continued: Veterans Park City Attorney Archer, Kitsap County Parks Director Alex Wisniewski, Kitsap County Director of Human Services Doug Washburn, Anton Preisinger with Northwest Hospitality, Mayor, Council and staff spoke to the ongoing issues, conditions, and future steps at the park which included garbage and refuse, garbage services, dumpsters, property ownership at SE Mile Hill Drive, portable toilets and damage, volunteers who help clean the park, health and safety concerns, fire hazards, Kitsap County Parks Coordinator position, RV situation, Housing Solutions outreach team, Boise versus Martin decision, services offered to the unhoused, available shelter beds, mental illness and disabilities of the unhoused, working together to find a way to solve this issue, and requesting the County Commissioners attend these discussions. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 9. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES Mayor Putaansuu reported the Economic Development and Tourism Committee is scheduled to meet February 14tn. The Utilities Committee is scheduled to meet February 16tn. The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet February 15tn. The Transportation Committee is scheduled to meet February 22nd. The Festival of Chimes and Lights is scheduled to meet February 22nd and the Land Use Committee is scheduled to meet February 16tn Councilmember Cucciardi spoke to working with staff on scheduling a meeting for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. A brief discussion was held regarding topics for the Council Retreat scheduled for March 11tn 10. REPORT OF MAYOR The Mayor reported on the following: • State's transportation package. In response to Mayor Putaansuu, Councilmember Clauson spoke to transportation funds received by Kitsap Transit. • In accordance with Ordinance No. 008-20, he reported on the revised job description for the Human Resources Manager 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Police Chief Brown reported on new officers and the police academy. DocuSign Envelope ID: OF8F72CB-7E1A-427D-B54A-295F353F473E Minutes of February 8, 2022 Page 5 of 5 Community Development Director Bond reported on an email sent to Council asking for agenda topics to discuss during the Land Use and Economic Development and Tourism Committee meetings. Mayor Putaansuu reported the contracts with Kitsap Homes of Compassion and Housing Kitsap are processing and he hopes to have them before Council at the end of the month. Also, discussed a meeting regarding the complete streets project grant. Public Works Director Dorsey reported on the splash pad and McCormick Village Park and the Bay Street Pedestrian Path west situational study. 12. CITIZEN COMMENTS Robert McGee spoke to the Washington Building Council and their proposals on the commercial energy code, and voiced concerns with those proposals and policies. Heidi Fenton voiced concerns with City Council meetings not being held in person and still being held remotely. 13. GOOD OF THE ORDER Councilmember Rosapepe spoke about the McCormick Village Park and splash pad, and how it was great to see people using that park. Councilmember Clauson spoke to funding for public transit and increased funding, and revenue opportunities. He asked if City Attorney Archer could look at the proposed transportation funding package and share her opinion on how the package might benefit the City if approved. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no executive session. 15. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. DocuSigned by: L96�� ned by: �va�n o�,�j (PA L't' Pu%a�aiMWs, Sn/iT43. 5BBE E ... Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor