046-19 - Port Orchard Police Guild - ContractFINAL 7.19.19 (Clean)
Contract No. 046-19
to the
By and Between
(Representing Patrol Officer employees)
January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021
EXCLUSIVE BARGAINING REPRESENTATIVE .................................... :..:...................
GUILD MEMBERSHIP.......................................................................................................
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS..........................._..................................................
GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION....................................................._............................
HOURS OF WORK AND WORKING CONDITIONS......................................................
WAGES, LONGEVITY PAY................................................................. .............
SICK LEAVE ......... :....... ............... ....
BEREAVEMENT..................................................... ............................. ...............................
LEAVES OF ABSENCE ....................................... :.......... :...................... ............... :.....:.......
HEALTH AND WELFARE.................................................................................................
LAYOFFS, .............. ........ - ............... . ............................. ........ ............................. —.
UNIFORM ALLOWANCES................................................................................................
SAVINGS CLAUSE..................._........................................................._................._.............
NO STRIKE CLAUSE..........................................................................................................
NEGOTIATION NOTIFICATION. ................. I .......................... ....... .................................
POLICIES ........ .................... ............. :............. ................................... .... .......... .....................
LEGALITY........................................................ .........................................................
GUILD ACTIVITIES............................................................................................................
TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT ........................ :.......
TRAINING AND EDUCATION ..:.............:...::.,..::......: ....... :.:.... ....... .................. ... .......
............................... ................. ...................... ......................................
,..................................................................... ...........................................24
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
By and Between
(Representing Patrol Officer employees)
January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021
This Agreement is entered into by the City of Port Orchard, Washington, hereinafter also referred to as the
Employer and the Port Orchard Police Guild, hereinafter also referred to as the Guild.
1.1 The Employer recognizes the Guild as the exclusive bargaining representative for all Patrol Officer
employees. The Agreement does not cover extra help, seasonal employees, supervisors, sergeants, the Deputy
Chief, and the Chief of Police.
ARTICLE 2 ....................... NON-DISCRIMINATION
2.1 The Employer and the Guild agree that employment shall be consistent with applicable state and federal laws
regarding non-discrimination.
ARTICLE 3 .........................GUILD MEMBERSHIP
3.1 The parties agree to comply with the provisions of Chapter 41.56 RCW regarding guild membership.
ARTICLE 4 ............................... MANAGEMENT RIGHTS
4.1 Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, and subject to the Guild's right to negotiate
mandatory subjects of bargaining, the Employer has the sole and exclusive right to exercise all the rights and
functions of management. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, management rights includes; but is
not limited to:
(1) The determination of Police Department policy, including the right to manage the affairs of the Police
Department in all respects;
(2) The right to assign working hours, including overtime;
(3) The right to establish, modify or change work schedules, managing of facilities and equipment,
including the amount of facilities and equipment;
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(4) The right to direct the employees of the Police Department, including the right to hire, evaluate
qualifications, evaluate skill and ability, promote, demote, suspend, layoff and discipline or discharge for
just cause;
(5) The right to organize and reorganize the Police Department in any manner it chooses, including the
size of the Police Department and the determination of job classifications and rank based upon duties
assigned, except where such changes impact mandatory subjects of bargaining, wherein the Employer
will notify the Guild of its intent and offer the opportunity to bargain prior to final decision by the
(6) The determination of the safety, health and property protection measures for the Police Department in
accordance with applicable statutes and regulations;
(7) The selection, promotion or transfer of employees to supervisory or other managerial or technical
positions, except where otherwise subject to Civil Service procedures;
(8) The allocation and assignment of work to employees within the Police Department;
(9) The determination of policy affecting selection or training of employees;
(10) The scheduling of operations and determination of the number and duration of hours of assigned duty
per week, except that the Employer will notify the Guild of its intent and offer the opportunity to
bargain prior to final decision by the Employer;
(11) The establishment, modification and enforcement of Police Department rules, regulations and orders;
(12) The transfer of work from one position to another within the Police Department;
(13) The introduction of new, improved or different methods and techniques of operation of the Police
Department or changes in existing methods and techniques;
(14) The placing of service, maintenance or other work with outside contractors or agencies of the
(15) The determination of the number of ranks and the number of employees within each rank; and
(16) The determination of the amount of supervision necessary.
4.2 The Employer has the right to immediately exercise its management rights without consultation with the Guild in
exigent circumstances, subject to any applicable requirements of Ch. 41.56 RCW and its accompanying regulations.
4.3 The Guild reserves the right to assert that the continuation of the City's management rights clause does not require the
Guild to waive any bargaining rights it presently has under Ch. 41.56 RCW and the City reserves the right to contest
this assertion.
ARTICLE 5..................DISCIPLINE
5.1 Discipline is defined to include written reprimands, suspensions without pay, demotions to a lower paying
classification, and termination of employment.
5.2 It is agreed that the City has the right to discipline any employee for just cause.
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ARTICLE 6 .........................GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION
6.1 A "grievance" means a claim or dispute by an employee or group of employees or the Employer with respect
to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement.
6.2 If an employee or group of employees, or their delegated Guild representative is/are not satisfied with the
solution by the supervisor, the grievance, in writing, may be presented within thirty (30) calendar days of its
alleged occurrence to the employee's immediate supervisor who shall attempt to resolve it within fifteen (15)
calendar days after it is presented to the immediate supervisor. However, if the immediate supervisor has no
authority to adjust the issue, the grievance shall be introduced at the next level in the chain of command.
6.3 If the employee or employees or their delegated Guild representative is/are not satisfied with the solution by
the supervisor, the grievance, in writing, may be presented within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt from
the immediate supervisor to the Department Director who shall attempt to resolve it within (30) thirty calendar
days after it has been presented to him or her. It is required that the written statement include the section of the
Agreement allegedly violated, the facts, and the remedy sought.
6.4 If the employee or group of employees or their delegated Guild representative is not satisfied with the solution
by the Department Director, the grievance, in writing together with all other pertinent material may be
presented to the Mayor by the Guild representative, within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt from the
Department Director.
6.5 In the event a grievance is not satisfactorily settled after presentation to the Mayor, the Guild, if it so chooses,
may submit the matter to arbitration under the following procedures; provided, however, that a grievance
involving a disciplinary action at the level of an Education or Warning may only proceed through the Mayor's
review and decision, unless the Employer later relies on any document of an Education or Warning as part of
a subsequent disciplinary action against the disciplined employee, at which time the Employer agrees that the
Guild may elect to contest any such Education or Warning through arbitration, and the Employer affirms that
it will not assert any procedural defenses in processing that matter. A written request for arbitration must be
made by the Guild within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the Mayor's decision. In regard to each
case reaching this step, the parties will attempt to agree on an arbitrator to hear and decide the particular case.
If the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator within ten (10) working days of the submission of the written
request for arbitration, either party may request a list of nine (9) names from the Public Employment Relations
Commission (PERC). An arbitrator shall be selected by alternating strikes, the first strike to be determined by
a flip of a coin. The arbitrator shall hold a hearing and accept pertinent evidence submitted by both parties and
shall be empowered to request such data as he/she deems pertinent to the grievance. Each party to the
proceedings may call such witnesses as may be necessary. Such testimony shall be limited to the matters set
forth in the written statement of grievance. The arguments of the parties may be supported by oral comment
and rebuttal. The hearing shall be kept private and shall include only the parties in interest and/or their
designated representatives and witnesses.
6.6 The arbitrator shall be authorized to rule and issue a decision in writing on the issue presented for arbitration,
such decision shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitrator shall rule only on the basis of
information presented in the hearing before him/her and shall refuse to receive any information after the
hearing except when there is mutual agreement, and in the presence of both parties. The arbitrator shall have
no power to render a decision that will add to, subtract from, or alter, change or modify the terms of this
Agreement, and the arbitrator's power shall be limited to interpretation and application of the express terms of
this Agreement. The arbitrator's decision shall be made in writing and, if neither party wishes to submit a
post -hearing brief, shall be issued to the parties within thirty (30) days after the arbitration hearing. If either
or both parties wish to submit post -hearing briefs, said brief(s) may be submitted to the arbitrator on a date
agreed upon by the parties or, if they are unable to agree on a date, designated by the arbitrator. If post -
hearing briefing is submitted, the arbitrator's written decision shall be issued to the parties within thirty (30)
calendar days of submission of the briefs. Each party shall pay any compensation and expenses relating to its
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021 V
own witnesses or representatives. If either party requests a stenographic record of the hearing, the cost of said
record will be paid by the party requesting it. If the other party also requests a copy, that party will pay one-
half of the stenographic costs. Any PERC fee for the list of nine (9) names and the fee and expenses of the
arbitrator shall be paid by the party ruled against by the arbitrator. In the event that the arbitrator's decision
provides for a split ruling, the arbitrator shall then determine the appropriate share of the total cost that will be
paid by each party.
6.7 None of the foregoing is intended to mean that the Guild itself cannot lodge a grievance and process the same
through the various steps to arbitration in accordance with and subject to the provisions hereof. The right of
the Guild to so lodge and process a grievance is expressly confirmed. An employee may be represented at any
stage of the grievance procedure by the Guild. No settlement of a grievance with an employee shall be
contrary to the terms of this Agreement.
6.8 ELECTION OF REMEDIES — In no event may the Guild/employee receive an arbitration hearing and a
hearing under the Port Orchard Civil Service Commission's appeal procedures regarding the same grievance,
issue, or matter. The Guild, on behalf of the employee, must elect a remedy i.e., either pursing arbitration
under this Article 6 or pursuing an appeal before the Port Orchard Civil Service Commission (within the
timeframes established by the Civil Service Commission's rules). Submission of a matter to the Port Orchard
Civil Service Commission constitutes an election of remedies and irrevocably waives the right to pursue the
matter through the arbitration process. Similarly, submission of a matter to the arbitration process constitutes
an election of remedies and irrevocably waives the right to pursue the matter through the Port Orchard Civil
Service Commission.
7.1.1 The regular work week shall be forty (40) hours of work consisting of five (5) consecutive eight -
hour days followed by two (2) consecutive days off or four (4) consecutive ten-hour days followed by three
(3) consecutive days off during a seven-day period, except for shift changes. The selection or subsequent
change in the work week shall be at the discretion of the Employer.
7.1.2 OFF DUTY WORK — If the Employer approves off duty work, the payment for such work shall be
through the Employer. Any off duty work shall be paid at the overtime rate, but the hours worked shall not be
counted towards the forty (40) hour work week for determining overtime for on duty work. The provisions
relating to holiday pay, call back and other compensation enhancement provisions of this Agreement shall
not apply to off duty work, nor shall off duty work apply to increase the compensation enhancement for on
duty work. Off duty work shall be offered first to bargaining unit members before offering it to reserve
officers. The officer working the special event shall receive off duty pay for the actual time worked, or the
number of hours charged by the Employer to the special event sponsor, whichever is greater.
7.1.3 SHIFT BIDS — Shifts will be bid by seniority based on a mutually agreeable procedure between the
Employer and the Guild. Provided, however, that the Police Chief (or his/her designee) may assign
employees to different shifts than which is bid upon by any employee if determined necessary by the Police
Chief based upon a legitimate operational reason.
7.2 OVERTIME - Services performed in excess of eight (8) hours in a day or forty (40) hours per week will be
compensated at one and one-half (1.5) times the regular hourly rate. If a 10-hour workday is in effect all time
over ten (10) hours will be compensated at one and one-half (1.5) times the regular hourly rate.
7.3 CALL-BACK - Should an employee be called for duty other than the regular shift, such employee shall
receive a minimum of three (3) hours of overtime pay, excluding court time. Call back shall not apply when
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the employee is called back to work within two (2) hours of the start of their regular shift. A reserve officer
shall not be used to supplant bargaining unit scheduled work, unless the work is first offered to bargaining
unit members. Reserves may be used to supplement scheduled shifts, or to fill scheduled shifts where no
bargaining unit member is available.
7.3.1 SCHEDULED OVERTIME - Should an employee be scheduled for duty other than the regular
shift, such employee shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours of overtime pay. It is understood and agreed
that the Employer may require that the employee work the entire period.
7.3.2 COURT PAY - Should an employee be called or scheduled for court such employee shall receive a
minimum of three (3) hours of overtime pay for time scheduled on the employee's day off, and two (2) hours
of overtime pay for time scheduled during the employee's regularly scheduled work day; provided that there
is no overlap of this two hour overtime period and the start of the employee's shift. Employees called to duty
for any other reason during their off -duty time, when such time is not contiguous with their regularly
scheduled work day, which shall include but not be limited to the requirement to attend (as a witness or in
any other capacity directly related to their official duties): (a) any case pending in Juvenile Court, County
Court or District Court; (b) any Grand Jury proceeding; (c) any conference with the City or County
Prosecutors or their respective assistants; (d) any pre-trial conference or related hearings; or (e) any
proceedings by any City, County, State or Federal governmental entity, shall be entitled to overtime
compensation at the rate of either: (i) a two (2) hour minimum at one and one-half (1.5) times their regular
hourly rate of pay; OR (ii) one and one-half (1.5) times their regular hourly rate of pay for the actual number
of hours in attendance, whichever is greater.
If an employee is required to attend any of the above circumstances when on an approved leave period of
longer than three (3) days, the employee shall be entitled to overtime compensation at the rate of either: (i) a
three (3) hour minimum at one and one-half (1.5) times their regular hourly rate of pay; OR (ii) one and one-
half (1.5) times their regular hourly rate of pay for the actual number of hours in attendance, whichever is
7.3.3 If at any time, the Mayor or his/her designee, closes City Hall due to inclement weather or a state of
emergency, non -essential employees will not be required to report to work. The City will pay non -essential
employees for the equivalent time of their regular working hours for that day and they will not be required to
use leave. Employees designated as essential will need to coordinate with the supervisor regarding their
schedule. Essential employees who are required to stay and work by the Employer shall be credited the
equivalent time of the closure into their vacation leave banks. The foregoing shall not apply to situations in
which City Hall is closed to the public but remains open for employees to work. This section 7.3.3, will not
apply to non -essential and essential employees that were previously scheduled to use leave (i,e., vacation,
personal holiday, sick or other leave categories) during the closure
7.4 Should an employee be called for duty when the employee is on approved vacation, leave time will terminate
upon commencement of work and resume again after emergency work is completed. The leave time will be
restored to his/her bank of vacation time to be used at a later date. A maximum of eight (8) hours in a 24-hour
period may be restored. If travel time should exceed normal home to work commuting time, the excess time
will be included in the eight (8) hours maximum restorable time.
7.5 STAND-BY - An employee shall be paid at 50% of their regular wage rate for time he/she must stand-by at
home by demand of the Court or Police Department.
7.6 Adjustments in the regular working hours of the employees for the convenience of the Employer and
employees shall not be in conflict with this Agreement.
7.7 DUTY SCHEDULE ---The Employer shall strive to post the master duty schedule 30 days prior to scheduled
shift change. This shall not apply to changes that may occur during the thirty day posting period.
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7.8 K-9 OFFICER ASSIGNMENT — If the Employer should, as an exercise of its management rights, determine
that an officer should be assigned the duty of serving as a K-9 officer, then the following shall apply:
1. One-half hour of each eight hour work day shall be devoted to care for the animal.
2. All mandatory training shall take place during the employees regular shift.
3. The Employer shall reimburse the employee for all receipted expenses, approved in advance by the Chief.
4. The City shall pay the officer an additional four (4) hours per work week to be paid at a rate of one and
one-half (1.5) times the Washington State minimum wage for home care of the K-9.
5. At the time the animal is determined, by the Employer, as no longer fit for service, at the K-9 officer's
option, ownership of the animal will be transferred to the K-9 officer. Such transfer of ownership shall
relieve the city of any further liability.
7.9.1 Mandatory Training — For purposes of this paragraph, any training that the Employer requires an
employee to attend will be considered mandatory. Travel days and attendance days for any mandatory
training outside of the employee's regular shift will be compensated as an eight (8) hour work day at one and
one-half (1.5) times the employee's base pay. Employees who attend mandatory training that requires
overnight accommodations shall adjust their work schedule at the straight time rate for all travel and lodging
time associated with the training with a maximum of ten (10) hours per day. Any overnight accommodation
shall include the option that each participating employee be provided with a single occupancy room, and all
meals shall be reimbursed at the applicable federal per diem rate and as otherwise consistent with City policy.
7.9.2 Voluntary Training — For purposes of this paragraph, any training that an employee requests to attend,
but is not required by the Employer, will be considered voluntary. Employees who request to attend a
voluntary training falling on their day(s) off waive the overtime requirement of this Section. Travel days and
attendance days worked for any voluntary training will be compensated as an eight (8) hour work day at the
straight time hourly rate of pay.
ARTICLE 8 ....:......:...........WAGES, LONGEVITY PAY
8.1 All employees covered by this Agreement shall be classified and compensated in accordance with Appendix
"A" attached hereto and considered part of this Agreement.
8.2 After completion of two (2) years full-time employment, an employee shall be eligible for longevity pay.
Such longevity pay shall be the employee's base pay plus .25% for each additional year of employment. Each
longevity pay increase shall commence in the pay period that the employee's anniversary date occurs. Each
longevity increase shall be calculated on the base pay for the position held by the employee.
8.3 The wage set forth in Appendix A, shall be increased by 5% whenever the officer is actually serving as a
Field Training Officer (FTO). FTO pay will commence for those Field Training Officers activated to train a
recruit officer on the first day of assignment of the recruit officer into field training. All FTOs activated will
receive FTO pay until the recruit officer is out of the field training program. If, during the training period,
there is a need to replace an assigned FTO, the replacing FTO will receive FTO pay on the date of this
replacement until the recruit officer is out of the field training program.
8.4 School Resource Officer (SRO) and Detective Premiums: Any officer serving as a SRO shall receive an
additional one -and one-half percent (1.5%) premium to his/her base wages while assigned to such duties.
Any officer serving as a Detective shall receive an additional two -and -one-half percent (2.50%) premium to
his/her base wages while assigned to such duties. Provided, however, no employee may "stack" specialty
assignment premium pay. This means that in the event an officer is eligible for two different types of
premium pay (for example, for serving as a FTO and as the SRO, the officer shall receive the higher of the
two premium pay rates, but not both).
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ARTICLE 9 .........................DEFINITIONS
9.1 In construing the provisions of this Agreement the following definitions shall apply:
9.2 A "full-time employee" is any person employed by the Employer who devoted his/her full time to the job
during working hours on a yearly basis.
9.3 A "part-time employee" is any person employed by the Employer for less than forty (40) hours per week.
9.3.1 Accumulation of Sick Leave and Vacation Leave - Part-time employees shall have their sick leave and
vacation leave prorated on the basis of two thousand and eighty (2,080) hours per year (full-time
employment). Sick leave and vacation leave shall be accumulated and recorded on a monthly and or calendar
year basis.
ARTICLE 10 ......................HOLIDAYS
10.1 In lieu of holidays, employees shall be credited with eight (8) hours holiday leave per calendar month.
10.2 In addition to the above holiday leave, employees shall receive twenty-four (24) hours additional holiday
leave on their anniversary date.
10.3 HOLIDAY PAY - Any employee whose shift starts on a holiday shall be paid one and one-half (1.5) times the
straight time rate for all hours worked during their regularly scheduled full shift. Time worked on a holiday
outside of an employee's regularly scheduled shift shall be compensated at double time for all hours worked.
If an employee works an extra -duty assignment or an off -duty assignment on a recognized holiday, the
standard rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the regular hourly rate of pay shall apply. This includes, but is
not limited to, grant funded traffic emphasis assignments, extra -duty for private entities, and volunteering to
work special events.
10.4 Holidays shall be observed on the traditional date (not statutory date). The recognized traditional holidays are
New Years Day; Martin Luther King, Presidents Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day;
Veterans Day; Thanksgiving Day; the day after Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day.
10.5 An employee may carry over a maximum of ninety-six (96) hours of accrued holiday time. All other accrued
holiday hours not used by the end of each calendar year shall be forfeited. When accrued holiday hours are not
used due to the convenience of the Employer, the employee will be paid in cash at the end of the year.
10.6 The Employer shall pay an employee, as defined herein, for his/her accrued holiday time, if any, which is
earned, but not taken, upon separation of employment (including for the reasons of voluntary termination and
death of the employee). Provided, however, that in case of voluntary termination, the employee shall have
given Employer at least thirty (30) calendar days' notice of such termination in order to be eligible to receive
such pay. There shall be no cap on the amount of the payment of accrued holiday time upon separation of
employment (other than the current maximum accrual and carry over restrictions set forth in this Article 10)
for LEOFF II employees.
10.7.1 Employees on light duty assignments are eligible to work on a holiday and to receive "holiday pay"
(described in Section 10.3 above), provided that the employee provides his or her supervisor with a work plan
for that day. If the supervisor agrees that there is significant work for the employee, a recommendation will
be made to the Chief of Police, who will make the final decision and notify the employee of that decision ten
(10) days in advance of the holiday.
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10.7.2 In order to be eligible to receive "holiday pay" (described in Section 10.3 above), the employee must
work his/her regularly scheduled shift immediately preceding, or immediately thereafter, the shift worked on
the subject holiday, except if the employee is on leave due to illness or injury.
ARTICLE 11 ...................... VACATIONS
After six (6) completed months of employment, employees shall be entitled to use their accrued vacation
All full-time employees will accrue vacation leave on a prorated monthly basis as follows:
Year 1: 10 days (80 hours) a year
Year 2: 11 days (88 hours) a year
Year 3: 12 days (96 hours) a year
In addition, each year on the employee's anniversary date, after three (3) full years of employment, one (1)
bonus day (8 hours) of vacation for each year will be credited to his/her vacation account. After each
additional year of employment, the employee shall be entitled to one (1) additional bonus day (8 hours) of
vacation leave. The total vacation/bonus day accrual shall not exceed thirty (30) days (240 hours).
11.1.1 ACCUMULATION OF VACATION LEAVE -Part-time employees shall have their vacation leave
prorated on the basis of two thousand and eighty (2,080) hours per year (full-time employment). Vacation
leave shall be accrued and recorded on a monthly and or calendar year basis in the same manner as provided
in the vacation accrual section.
11.2 Vacation leave to an employee's credit may be granted at any time during the year at the discretion of the
Department Director concerned.
11.3 Each employee must use at least one week (five (5) consecutive days) leave each year for a vacation purpose.
The balance of vacation leave to his or her credit may be granted one at a time.
11.4 An employee, as defined herein, shall receive leave pay for any portion of vacation earned, but not taken,
upon leaving the employ of the Employer (including for the reasons of voluntary termination and death of the
employee); provided, however, that in case of voluntary termination, the employee shall have given at least
thirty (30) calendar days' notice of such termination in order to be eligible to receive such pay. Upon date of
termination the employee shall receive compensation for bonus vacation leave prorated from the last
anniversary date. There shall be no cap on the amount of the payment of accrued vacation time upon
separation of employment (other than the current maximum accrual and carry over restrictions set forth in this
Article 11) for LEOFF II employees.
11.5 The leave pay of all employees who are employed on a daily wage scale shall be paid on the same schedule
for the vacation period as the employee would have been paid for a regular week of work without overtime.
11.6 An employee may carry over a maximum of thirty (30) days of vacation effective January 1 of each year. All
other accrued vacation not used by the end of each year will be forfeited, except when accrued vacation is not
used due to the convenience of the Employer, the employee will be paid in cash at the end of the year.
ARTICLE 12 ...................... SICK LEAVE
12.1 All full-time and part-time employees shall be entitled to sick leave pay when they are incapacitated from
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performance of their duties by reason of sickness or injury or when, through exposure to contagious diseases,
the presence of the employee would jeopardize the health of others. Such sick leave for full-time employees
shall accrue at the rate of one (1) day (8 hours) for each calendar month of employment. An employee may
accumulate more than one thousand forty (1,040) hours during the year, but may only carry over a maximum
of one thousand forty (1,040) hours from one calendar year to the next. Part-time employees shall have their
sick leave prorated on the basis of two thousand eighty (2,080) hours per year (full-time employment). Sick
leave shall be accumulated and recorded on a monthly basis as provided in this Section.
12.1.1 The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries has interpreted RCW 49.46.210 as
rendering unlawful any programs that discourage employees from using sick leave. The parties agree to
suspend the provisions of the sick leave incentive, as described in Section 12.1.1 of the parties' 2016-2018
collective bargaining agreement, effective upon ratification. However, these provisions shall be reinstated in
the event that a court of competent jurisdiction rules that such programs are lawful.
12.1.2 Sick Leave Buy Back Upon an employee's permanent separation of employment from the Employer due to the employee's
death, disability, or voluntary termination, any employee hired by the Employer as a fully commissioned law
enforcement officer may elect to cash out up to four hundred (400) hours of accrued but unused sick leave.
Any such sick leave cash out payments shall be made by the Employer directly to the respective employee's
medical health retirement/voluntary employees' beneficiary association account ("HRANEBA"). The
remainder of the employee's accrued but unused sick leave, if any, shall be forfeited without compensation.
Employees who are involuntary terminated or who resign in lieu of termination shall not be eligible for this
12.2 Sickness shall be reported at the beginning of any period of illness to the Police Department and, within three
(3) days after returning to work, the employee may be required to give a written statement certifying the need
for the absence and submit a formal request for approval if so taken, which request, when approved by the
Department Director, shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Coordinator for filing in the employee's
personnel file.
12.3 A doctor's certificate may be required when the sick leave extends over a period of three (3) consecutive days.
12.4 Advance sick leave may be granted to employees who have two (2) or more years of continuous service with
the Employer after they have exhausted all of their accrued vacation, and sick leave.
12.5 Advance sick leave may be granted in cases of serious disabilities or ailments of the employee. Sick leave
credit advanced shall be limited to not more than twelve (12) and not less than five (5) consecutive workdays.
It shall be further limited to cases in which it is believed that the employee will return to full duty for a period
of time sufficient to liquidate the advance.
12.6 Requests for advance sick leave shall be submitted by the employee to the Department Director concerned.
The Department Director shall make a recommendation on the proposed request and forward it to the City
Council for approval or disapproval. It will be signed by the Mayor and forwarded to the Human Resources
Coordinator for filing in the employee's file and the employee will be notified of the Council's decision by the
Department Director.
12.7 Sick leave earned after return to duty must first be applied to liquidate the sick leave advanced prior to being
used as regular sick leave.
12.8 Any employee found to have abused the sick leave privilege by falsification or misrepresentation may
thereupon be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
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12.9 Loss time payments for injury or illness covered by Industrial Insurance will be deducted from the employee's
next regular pay after the Washington Department of Labor and Industries' (L&I) award letter.
12.10 At the option of the employee, sickness in excess of the maximum number of days accrued may be charged to
unused vacation.
12.11 Workers' CompensationlLEOFF II Disability Supplement. The Employer will provide Workers'
Compensation benefits administered by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) pursuant
to the requirements of Title 51 RCW. Under the terms required by RCW 41.04.500 et. seq., full-time,
commissioned LEOFF II employees who suffer an on-the-job injury or illness shall also receive a disability
leave supplement to the extent the respective employee qualifies for payments under RCW 51.32.090 due to a
temporary total disability.
12.11.1 To the extent required by RCW 41.04.505, the disability leave supplement shall be an amount which,
when added to the amount payable under RCW 51.32.090, will result in the employee receiving the same pay,
based on the employee's regular rate of pay, that he/she would have received for full-time active service
during the period of temporary total disability, taking into account that industrial insurance payments are not
subject to federal income or social security taxes.
12.11.2 Pursuant to RCW 41.04.510, the disability leave supplement shall be paid as follows:
(1) The disability leave supplement shall begin on the sixth (6`h) calendar day from the date of the
injury or illness which entitles the employee to benefits under RCW 51.32.090. For purposes of this
Section, the day of injury shall constitute the first calendar day.
(2) One-half (1/2) of the amount of the disability leave supplement (as defined by RCW 41.04.505)
shall be charged against the accrued paid leave of the employee. In computing such charge, the
Employer shall convert accumulated days, or other time units as the case may be, to a monetary
equivalent based on the base monthly salary of the employee at the time of the injury or illness.
"Base monthly salary" for the purposes of this Section means the amount earned by the employee
before any voluntary or involuntary payroll deductions, and not including overtime pay.
(3) One-half (1/2) of the amount of the disability leave supplement as defined in RCW 41.04.505
shall be paid by the Employer.
(4) Pursuant to RCW 41.04.510, if an employee has no accrued paid leave at the time of an injury or
illness which entitles him/her to benefits under RCW 51.32.090, or if accrued paid leave is exhausted
during the period of disability, the employee shall receive only that portion of the disability leave
supplement prescribed by Section 12.11.2(3) above.
(5) In no event shall the employee receive more in combined benefits than he/she would have
received in base salary if he/she had not been disabled.
12.11.3 Pursuant to RCW 41.04.515, the disability leave supplement shall continue as long as the employee
is receiving benefits under RCW 51.32.090, up to a maximum of six (6) months from the date of injury or
12.12 Washington State Fa-mily and Medical Leave Program. Employees are eligible for paid family and medical
leave consistent with RCW 50A.04.115, effective January 1, 2020. The premium costs for the available leave
will be collected by the City effective January 1, 2019 from employees as follows: 45% of the medical leave
portion and 100% of the family leave portion.
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
ARTICLE 13 ..................... BEREAVEMENT
13.1 Employees shall be allowed up to twenty-four hours (24) of paid bereavement leave for death in the
immediate family upon approval and authorization of the Department Director. For travel out of State an
employee shall receive, subject to the approval of the Department Director, an additional sixteen (16) hours of
paid bereavement leave.
13.2 For purposes of paragraph 13.1 above, "immediate family" means the employee's spouse (or Washington
State registered domestic partner as defined by Chapter 26.60 RCW), their children and/or step -children, and
both the employee's and the spouse's/domestic partner's sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, mother,
father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, as well as any "step or foster" relation and any other familial inhabitant
of the employee's household. If an employee would like to attend the funeral of an individual not listed in
this section, upon approval and authorization of the Department Director, the employee may do so either by
using accrued vacation leave, or if the employee has no vacation leave available, leave without pay. The
timelines set forth in section 13.1, above, will apply to such leave. The provisions of Section 14.3 requiring
exhaustion of sick leave before leave without pay will be authorized will not apply to Article 13.
ARTICLE 14....................LEAVES OF ABSENCE
14.1 CIVIL LEAVE - Any necessary leave may be allowed by the Director of a Department to permit any
employee to serve as a member of a jury. Each employee who is granted such leave and who, for the
performance of the jury duties involved received any compensation shall be paid by the Employer for the time
he/she is absent only in the amount of the difference between their regular salary and the compensation
received for jury duty, exclusive of travel and any other reimbursable allowance.
14.2 MILITARY LEAVE - Leave not to exceed twenty-one (21) calendar days during each year beginning
October Is' and ending the following September 30`h, over and above annual vacation shall be allowed. Any
employee who is a member of any duly established National Guard or reserve corps unit during the period of
military leave shall receive their normal pay.
14.3 VOLUNTARY LEAVE WITHOUT PAY - Leave without pay may be granted at the discretion of the
Department Director, subject to the approval of the appointing authority. Such leave will be granted only after
all sick leave, holiday leave, and vacation leave has been exhausted and under no circumstances in excess of
ninety (90) calendar days. Leave without pay shall not be granted for the purpose of the employee accepting
other temporary employment or to gain personal advantage or profit. During an authorized leave without pay,
the employee shall not receive any benefits nor shall they continue to accrue seniority. Nothing herein is
intended to supersede the employee's rights under applicable State or Federal Leave Law.
14.4 UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE - Unauthorized absence from duty for three (3) consecutive working days
shall constitute grounds for dismissal upon recommendation of the Police Chief at the discretion of the
appointing authority.
14.5 STATE LAWS APPLICABLE - Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as an attempt to modify
in any way the laws of the State of Washington relating to Police Relief and Pension.
ARTICLE 15 ......................HEALTH AND WELFARE
15.1 MEDICAL COVERAGE — Subject to the remaining terms of this Article 15, the Employer will provide
health insurance coverage through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Kaiser Permanente $20
Copay/$200 Deductible Plan or LEOFF Trust Plan FX. The Employer reserves the right to reopen
negotiations to bargain over any change(s) to this Article 15 to the extent that any of the insurance products
agreed upon herein become unavailable or are impacted by the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, or
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
any changes thereto. In such event, the Employer shall have the right to change the health and welfare
insurance company and/or plan so long as the medical premium impacts to the employee are cost neutral and
the benefits in the new plan are substantially the same as the benefits in the plan in effect at the time the plan
change is to be implemented. The term "cost neutral" is to be used in the context of employee monthly
medical premiums. Employee medical premium amounts are listed in Appendix B of this Agreement and are
expressed as fixed dollar amounts for 2019 and a percentage to be applied in 2020 and 2021. "Cost neutral"
means that the employee medical premiums will not be increased above the fixed amounts that would have
been calculated under the previous plan's allocation in the event the City elects to change health and welfare
insurance plans or companies.
15.2 The Employer shall purchase Dental Plan "J" and Ortho Plan II through Association of Washington Cities
(AWC), for the employee, spouse and dependents if such coverage is available to the Guild through AWC. In
the event that such coverage is not available to the Guild, the parties agree to re -open this Agreement for the
singular purpose of bargaining the dental benefits to be provided under this Article 15.
15.3 The Employer shall remit an amount per person per month (person means employee) equal to the $0 Copay
Vision Service Plan named "VSP" for the employee, spouse and dependents if such coverage is available to
the Guild through AWC. In the event that such coverage is not available to the Guild, the parties agree to re-
open this Agreement for the singular purpose of bargaining the vision benefits to be provided under this
Article 15.
15.4 All employees must meet the eligibility threshold per the applicable plan and City policy. If the employee
does not meet the eligibility requirements, then they are not entitled to the benefits or alternative
compensation for the same. Eligibility is effective the first of the month following date of hire.
15.5 The Employer shall reimburse employees on the LEOFF Trust Plan FX or the Kaiser Permanente $20
Copay/$200 Deductible plan up to four dollars ($4) for each brand name or generic prescription obtained;
provided, however, that no employee on either plan shall be reimbursed more than he/she actually spent on
the prescription.
15.5.1 Full-time employees shall be responsible for paying a portion of the total monthly premium for the
subject medical plan by payroll deduction. See Appendix B.
15.5.2 MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - Subject to the remaining terms of
this Article 15, for part-time employees (employees working fewer than thirty (30) hours per week on
average), the Employer will pay 50% of the medical insurance premium as specified above for the
employee only if the employee elects to pay 50% of the premium by payroll deduction. The employee
may elect to purchase medical insurance coverage for their spouse and/or dependents at their own
expense by payroll deduction.
15.6 The Employer shall provide a Sixty Thousand Dollar ($60,000) term life insurance policy on the employee's
life, the beneficiary to be chosen by the employee. The policy shall remain in full force and effect so long as
the employee is employed by the Employer. The Employer shall not cancel any existing policies until the new
policy is in place. To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must meet the eligibility requirements of the
subject life insurance policy. This currently includes a requirement that the employee work at least 30 hours
per week.
If an eligible full time employee elects to waive the Employer medical coverage as provided in this Article 15
and the related insurance companies involved allow for such practice, beginning in August 2019, the
employee shall be compensated five hundred dollars ($500) as a cash contribution per month through the
payroll process as a cost savings incentive (the compensation amount from January through July 2019 was
$250). This cost savings incentive is only payable for those full months where the employee elects to waive
coverage. Employees who participate may not be eligible to return to medical coverage until open enrollment
periods as outlined by the insurance carrier or the City's cafeteria plan document.
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
Enrollment and eligibility for the Medical Incentive Program is subject to the participation requirements of the
LEOFF Trust Plan FX and AWC plans. The LEOFF Trust FX Plan does not allow more than fifty percent
(50%) of the members to opt out.
Employees currently opting out will continue to remain opted out unless they elect to opt in. In the event, in
an open enrollment period, the number of potential enrollees exceeds the available capacity, there will be a
lottery for the available spots. Participants will not be unenrolled from their medical plan for the Medical
Cost Savings until the City has verified that the employee is eligible to participate in the Medical Incentive
Cost Savings program.
15.8 HRANEBA: The Employer shall establish, and enroll employees in, a HRANEBA account and deposit, on
an annualized basis, four hundred eighty dollars ($480) in each employee's account to be used for qualified
medical expenses. The Employer's annual $480 contribution shall be divided into equal installments
throughout the year on either a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Each employee shall contribute an annual
matching amount of four hundred eighty dollars ($480) to be deducted from employee paychecks on a pre-tax
basis in equal monthly or bi-monthly installments. The Employer's monthly matching payment has been
based on $350 per year from January 1 through July 31, 2019. As of August 1, 2019, this matching payment
will be $40 per month per employee. The employee shall be responsible for all fees charged by HRANEBA
for his/her respective account. HRANEBA shall deduct these fees directly from each employee's respective
ARTICLE 16...................... LAYOFFS
16.1 ...... Layoffs shall be made in the following order: (1) temporary employees and then (2) regular officers.
16.2 ...... Employees shall be provided not less than four (4) weeks written notice of layoff.
ARTICLE 17 ......................UNIFORM ALLOWANCES
17.1 Uniform Allowance for Police:
17.1.1 The Employer will replace all items of uniform as deemed necessary by the Police Chief. Work
boots will be replaced or repaired, through the same supply system applicable to uniforms, when the Police
Chief, in his/her sole discretion, determines the boots are unserviceable, up to a maximum of $175 per pair.
Employees must submit to the Employer's decisions.
17.1.2 The entire cost of uniform items, including one pair of boots, will be provided by the City to a newly
hired police officer upon appointment.
17.1.3 All clothing and equipment so furnished shall remain Employer property.
17.1.4 The City will provide all necessary duty gear. Replacement of these items shall only be as
designated by the Department Director.
17.1.5 Each officer shall be issued a raincoat.
17.1.6 Uniform coat cleaning will be paid by Employer when authorized by the Department Director or
17.1.7 The Employer will make available level 3A ballistic vests for those employees desiring to utilize said
vests, and will replace such equipment within thirty (30) calendar days prior to the manufacturer's expiration
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021 _
date. The City will also provide, as a one-time benefit, hard body armor approved by the Chief of Police or
designee, up to a maximum cost of three hundred dollars ($300) per officer, upon their written request. The
Employer shall replace body armor damaged in the line of duty. Body armor damaged due to negligence may
be replaced at the Employee's expense.
17.2 The Employer shall pay an amount equal to current vision plan benefits for the replacement or repair of
prescription glasses/contacts when such items are lost or damaged in the line of duty, provided such loss or
damage is not the result of employee negligence.
17.2.1 The Employer shall pay for the fair market repair or replacement for a watch that is damaged or
destroyed in the line of duty, through no fault of the employee, up to a maximum of one hundred dollars.
17.3 Employees in the Detective assignment shall have an annual clothing allowance of up to $550.00 per calendar
year. Said allowance shall be reimbursed to the Detective upon presentation of appropriate receipts which are
approved by the Police Chief or his/her designee.
ARTICLE 18..................SAVINGS CLAUSE
18.1 No ordinance granting any employee a benefit shall be changed during the term of the Agreement which
would reduce the benefits to the employee for the duration of this Agreement.
ARTICLE 19 ......................NO STRIKE CLAUSE
19.1 Per RCW 41.56.120, public employees are not permitted the right to strike or refuse to perform his/her
assigned duties, and the Guild shall so counsel its members.
19.2 Any employee violating this Article shall be subject to immediate discharge or other disciplinary action as
determined appropriate.
20.1 This Agreement shall become effective when signed by both the Guild and the Employer and remain in full
force and effect from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021. Should either party to this Agreement wish
to commence collective bargaining discussion over any changes they wish to introduce into a subsequent
agreement, it is agreed that notice of such party's desires to open collective bargaining discussion shall be
mailed to the other party not less than 150 days prior to the termination date of the Agreement, and all efforts
will be made to complete negotiations no later than thirty (30) days prior to the termination date. Both parties
after such notice has been given shall forthwith seek establishment of a meeting for the purpose of discussion
and negotiation on desired changes.
ARTICLE 21 ....................... POLICIES
21.1 Any Department Policies covering mandatory subjects of bargaining may not be changed without first
providing the Guild with written notice of the intended change and providing the Guild with a reasonable
opportunity to respond.
ARTICLE 22 ..................... LEGALITY
22.1 All provisions herein are subject to existing law and, should any provision, of this Agreement be found to be
in violation of any federal, state or local law, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force
and effect for the duration of this Agreement. In the event a section is found to be in violation, both sides shall
negotiate a new wording within thirty (30) days.
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
23.1 The Employer retains the right to adopt rules for the operation of the Port Orchard Police Department and the
conduct of its employees provided that such rules do not conflict with City Ordinances, applicable Civil
Service rules, or this Agreement. Unless otherwise specifically noted herein, nothing in this Article 23 shall
be construed as limiting any of the Employer's management rights expressed in this Agreement.
A. General Procedures
1. It is essential that public confidence be maintained in the ability of the Employer to investigate and
properly adjudicate complaints against its employees. Additionally, the Employer has the right and the responsibility
to seek out and discipline those whose inappropriate conduct impairs the effective operation of the Employer. The
rights of the employee, the Employer, as well as those of the public, must be protected. In criminal investigations, an
employee shall be afforded those constitutional rights available to any citizen. In administrative investigations in
which an employee will be interviewed concerning an act which, if proven, could reasonably result in disciplinary
action involving a loss of pay against him or her, she/he will be afforded the safeguards set forth in this Article 23 and
she/he shall also be subject to the obligations set forth in this Article.
2. Upon initiating an administrative investigation which could reasonably result in disciplinary action against
an employee involving a loss of pay, the Employer will notify the subject employee in writing, unless such notification
would endanger the investigation. To the extent possible, this notice will include a description of the general nature of
the complaint. Upon receipt of this notice, the employee shall contact the Police Chief or Deupty Chief (or their
designee) within five (5) calendar days for the purpose of scheduling an interview. The interview shall be held within
ten (10) calendar days of the date of written notification unless the Employer determines it is appropriate to conduct the
interview at a later date. Nothing in this Section or this Article shall preclude the Employer or its designee from
investigating additional matters, allegations, and the like which come to light during the investigation process; in that
event, the Employer shall provide the employee with written notice of the investigation of the additional matters or
additional allegations.
3. The employee being interviewed as the subject of the investigation shall be afforded, upon request, the
opportunity to consult with a Guild representative and/or attorney for the Guild. Up to two Guild representatives
(including the attorney) may be present at the interview of the subject employee. The interview may not be unduly
delayed awaiting an unavailable Guild representative or Guild attorney. The subject employee will be informed in
writing not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to conducting the interview that he/she is the subject of an inquiry that
may lead to disciplinary action that involves a potential loss of pay. This notice shall describe the general nature of the
investigation and a summary of the factual allegation(s) sufficient to generally apprise the employee of the nature of
the charge(s).
4. The employee under such investigation shall be informed of the name of the person in charge of the
investigation and the persons to be present during the questioning of the employee during the interview. The employee
shall be informed of the agency or investigative section that the investigator represents.
5. When possible, the interview of the subject employee shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably
when the employee is on -duty or during the normal waking hours for the employees, unless the seriousness of the
investigation requires otherwise. If the interview occurs during off -duty time of the subject employee, the employee
shall be compensated for such off -duty time in accordance with Employer's regular procedures.
6. The interview of the subject employee shall take place at a location designated by the investigating officer,
preferably at the Police Department unless another location is determined appropriate by the investigating officer.
7. The interview shall be for a reasonable period, taking into consideration the gravity and complexity of the
issue(s) being investigated. Persons questioned shall be allowed to attend to their own personal physical necessities
whenever reasonably possible.
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
8. The employee will be required to answer any questions involving non -criminal matters under investigation
and will be afforded all rights to which he/she is entitled under this Agreement and Employer's rules and regulations.
Prior to any interview where the employee is the subject of an administrative investigation, the employee shall be
advised of the substance of the following:
You are about to be questioned as part of an administrative investigation conducted by the City of Port
Orchard Police Department or its designee. You are hereby ordered to answer the questions that are put to
you that relate to your conduct and/or job performance, and to cooperate with this investigation. You are
required to answer questions relating to the performance of your official duties or fitness for duties. Your
failure to cooperate with this investigation can be the subject of disciplinary action in and of itself, including
dismissal. The statements you make or evidence gained as a result of this required cooperation may be used
for administrative purposes but will not be used or introduced into evidence in a criminal proceeding.
9. Employees shall not be subjected to objectively offensive language, nor shall investigators make promises
or threats as an inducement to answer questions. Investigators may, however, explain the consequences to the subject
employee for his/her refusal to answer questions and cooperate with the investigation (i.e., that such conduct
constitutes an independent basis for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal).
10. The Employer shall not require employees who are the subject of an investigation to be subjected to visits
by the press or news media; nor shall their home address be given to the press or news media without the employee's
consent (unless otherwise required by law).
11. Unless otherwise specified herein, nothing contained in any of the above guidelines shall restrict and/or
limit the authority of the Department Director in the performance of his/her duties and responsibilities as the Chief
Administrator of the Port Orchard Police Department.
12. The complete interview of an employee may be recorded by the Employer or the employee, and/or the
either party's representative. If a recording is made of the questioning, the party making the recording shall provide a
copy of the recording (or a transcript of the recording, if made) to the other party upon request. By operation of this
Agreement, all participants to the interview will be deemed to have already consented to being recorded.
13. It is the Employer's goal that all interviews and investigations be completed without unreasonable delay.
After ninety (90) days have elapsed from the time the subject employee receives written notification that he/she is the
subject of an administrative investigation, the employee or his/her Guild representatives may contact the Chief of
Police (or his/her designee) and inquire when the Employer anticipates completing the subject investigation. The
Employer shall timely respond to any such request and provide reasonable detail as to the status of the investigation
and the reason for the delay.
14. Upon completion of the administrative investigation and the Employer's review of the case, the employee
under investigation shall be informed of the results of the investigation i.e., whether the complaint determined
unfounded, exonerated, not sustained, sustained, or other misconduct found.
15. Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude the Chief of Police or his/her designee from ordering an
employee member to cooperate with other agencies involved in criminal investigations. If a member fails to comply
with such an order, the member shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. This Section
shall not be construed as requiring any employee to forgo their Constitutional right against self-incrimination.
B. When the Investigation Results in Departmental Charges Being Filed
After the investigation is completed and the findings are that the complaint has been sustained or other
misconduct found, the employee will be furnished with a copy of the completed investigation report. The employee
shall be advised of the investigation's findings and any future action to be taken on the incident.
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C. Use of Lethal Force
When an employee, whether on or off -duty, uses lethal force, the employee shall not be required to make a
written or recorded statement for seventy-two (72) hours after the incident except that immediately following the
incident the employee shall verbally report to a superior a brief summary of the incident and any information necessary
to secure evidence, control the scene, identify witnesses, apprehend suspects, or similar information necessary to
preserve the safety of the public and fellow officers. Employees involved in the use of lethal force shall be allowed an
opportunity to consult with a Guild representative or attorney prior to being required to provide a statement regarding
that use of lethal force. The affected employee may waive the requirement to wait seventy-two (72) hours, or the
employee or the Guild may request, to the Chief, a reasonable extension of the waiting period (which shall be subject
to the Chief s discretion).
D. Personnel Records
1. Employee personnel files are the property of the Employer. An employee's official personnel files shall
be considered the official record of his/her service. Employees shall be provided a copy of all material in
their official personnel file upon request. The Employer shall give the employee a copy of discipline -
related documents or evaluations that will be placed into his/her official personnel file. The employee
shall have the right to attach statements in rebuttal or explanation to those documents. All records of
employee discipline, up to and including Written Reprimands, may upon request be removed from an
employee's personnel file three (3) years after issuance of the discipline, unless the employee has
subsequently been disciplined for similar misconduct demonstrating a pattern of behavior. Employees
are responsible for initiating the process by making a written request to the Chief of Police. The
Employer will then take appropriate actions to remove said files and notify the employee.
2. Employee personnel files will be maintained as confidential records to the extent required by applicable
law. Access to the employee's personnel file will be limited to the employee, his/her representatives upon written
authorization from the employee (and presentation of proper identification), officials of the City and their designees
(including the Employer's attorneys), and other persons, agencies, and entities as may be required or allowed under
applicable law. It is understood that certain members of the Employer's staff will have access to employee personnel
files and may need to review or update personnel files while conducting Employer business.
3. The Employer shall disclose information in personnel files to third parties in accordance with applicable
law. Prior to disclosing personnel file documents (other than employment verification information) the Employer will
give the affected employee notification of the request. If the Employer believes that the document(s) is subject to
disclosure, it will notify the employee. The employee shall have five (5) working days to provide the Employer any
reason for not releasing the requested document(s) and/or to give the employee an opportunity to take action to prevent
the release of said document(s) at the expense of the employee prior to the Employer releasing the requested
document(s). The employee may waive the notice requirement.
4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring the Employer to obtain the employee's consent
to use his/her personnel files in any disciplinary proceeding or other litigation of any type involving the employee.
5. No secret personnel file will be kept on any employee. This does not preclude, however, a supervisor from
maintaining notes on an employee's job performance or a supervisory working file. For purposes of this Section, a
"supervisory working file" may consist of material relevant to the preparation of the employee's performance
evaluation and/or documentation of counseling sessions, commendations, training records, or other records/information
related to an employee's performance. Material in the supervisory working file shall only include documents relevant
to the completion of an employee's current performance evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, all material in
the supervisory working file shall be returned to the employee or destroyed.
6. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting any rights the Guild has under applicable law to access to
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021 1 r}
E. Discipline
1. Prior to making a final determination of disciplinary action involving a loss of pay, the Employer shall
notify the employee in writing of the contemplated discipline and, upon request, provide the employee with a copy of
the completed investigative report if applicable.
2. The employee shall then have a minimum of three (3) working days to review the case.
3. A conference meeting shall be conducted subsequent to the three (3) working day review period set forth
above, unless the subject employee declines to participate in such a meeting. The employee will be afforded the
opportunity to present any mitigating evidence he/she deems pertinent; the employee may submit the information
orally or in writing. The meeting may be recorded by either party. By operation of this Agreement, all participants to
the meeting will be deemed to have already consented to being recorded. If a recording is made of the meeting, the
party making the recording shall provide a copy of the recording (or a transcript of the recording, if made) to the other
party upon request. The employee may be represented at the meeting by his/her Guild representative(s), the total not to
exceed two (2) people (including an attorney, if any) for the employee.
4. Following a consideration of any additional information provided by the subject employee, the Employer
shall make a final determination. The Employer shall notify the employee in writing of its final determination.
Medical Examinations
l . The Employer retains the right to require employees to submit to medical or psychological examinations
when the Employer has significant evidence that could cause a reasonable person to inquire as to whether
an employee is still capable of performing his or her job. Specifically, the Employer must have a genuine
reason to doubt whether an employee can perform job -related functions. . Any relevant medical history
of the employee which the examining professional conducting a psychological evaluation requests shall
be released by the employee only to the examining professional.
2. The examining professional shall issue a written report to the Employer, as the client, provided however,
the employee shall have the right to meet with the examining professional to discuss the evaluation
results and provided further that such report shall indicate only whether the employee is fit or unfit for
duty and in the event an employee is unfit the expected prognosis and recovery period as well as any
accommodations which could be made to allow an employee to return to duty.
3. If the employee believes that the conclusions of the examining professional are in error, he/she may
obtain an additional examination at his/her own expense and the Employer will make reasonable efforts
to provide the examining professional with documents which were utilized by the Employer's examining
4. The Employer will undertake reasonable efforts to have the Employer's examining professional make
him/herself available to answer appropriate questions by the examining professional who conducts the
independent examination.
5. Should an employee grieve a disciplinary or discharge action taken as a result of an examination, the
Employer shall allow release of the examination and supporting documents upon which it relies for the
action, and all other prior examinations of the employee.
G. Brady Designation
1. A punitive action, or denial of promotion on grounds other than merit, shall not be undertaken by the City
against any officer solely because that officer's name has been placed on a Brady list, or that the officer's
name may otherwise be subject to disclosure pursuant to Brady.
2. The provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit the City from taking punitive action, denying a
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
promotion on grounds other than merit, or taking other personnel action against an officer based on the
underlying acts or omissions for which that officer's name was placed on a Brady list, or may otherwise
be subject to disclosure pursuant to Brady, if the actions taken by the City otherwise conform to this
3. Evidence that an officer's name has been placed on a Brady list, or may otherwise be subject to disclosure
pursuant to Brady, shall not be introduced for any purpose in any administrative appeal of a punitive
action, except as provided in this subsection.
Evidence that an officer's name was placed on a Brady list may only be introduced if, during the
administrative appeal of a punitive action against an officer, the underlying act or omission for which that
officer's name was placed on a Brady list is proven and the officer is found to be subject to some form of
punitive action. If the arbitrator or other administrative appeal tribunal finds or determines that an officer
has committed the underlying acts or omissions that will result in a punitive action, denial of a promotion
on grounds other than merit, or any other adverse personnel action, and evidence exists that an officer's
name has been placed on a Brady list, or may otherwise be subject to disclosure pursuant to Brady, then
the evidence shall be introduced for the sole purpose of determining the type or level of punitive action to
be imposed.
5. For purposes of these subsections, "Brady list" means any system, index, list, or other record containing
the names of officers whose personnel files are likely to contain evidence of dishonesty or bias, which is
maintained by a prosecutorial agency or office in accordance with the holding in Brady.
ARTICLE 24 .......................GUILD ACTIVITIES
24.1 No more than two (2) Guild officers/members may attend proceedings or meetings relating to Guild business
during their regular working hours. In all instances, before leaving the work area or otherwise devoting on -duty time
to the performance of Guild business, the Guild officers/members shall notify their supervisor, obtain approval, and
then notify their supervisor when they return to duty.
ARTICLE 25................— MISCELLANEOUS
25.1 INSURANCE SURCHARGE - When it is determined by the Safety Committee of the Employer that an
employee charged with driving Employer vehicles has a poor driving record which causes a surcharge to be
made on the Employees insurance policy, the Employer will not assume responsibility for this extra
surcharge. The employee may elect to pay the extra surcharge personally or resign.
ARTICLE 26 ..................... TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT
26.1 The Chief of Police shall have the authority to hire a police officer(s) on a temporary basis with a written
agreement defining the length of employment. Termination of employment at the end of the employment
term shall not be subject to the grievance or progressive discipline processes.
26.2 All temporary positions shall be entitled to the same rights, responsibilities, Guild security, and benefits as all
full-time police officers, except as to seniority, which will not apply to the temporary position, except as set
forth in Section 26.5 below. There shall be a one year probationary period.
26.3 If a temporary police officer position is occupied when a full-time police officer position becomes available,
the temporary police officer shall have the option of transferring to the full-time position. There shall be no
new probationary period if the temporary police officer transfers to a full-time position except to the extent
that if the transfer occurs within one year of the date of hire the officer must complete the initial one year
probationary period.
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
26.4 If there is more than one temporary position occupied when a full-time police officer position becomes
available, the temporary police officer who has held the position the longest shall first have the option of
transferring to the full-time position.
26.5 If a temporary police officer becomes a full-time police officer, without a break in service, then his/her
date of hire for purposes of benefit accrual shall be the date he/she started as a temporary police officer
and his/her seniority date shall be the date he/she becomes a full-time police officer.
26.6 If an officer is placed on special assignment with another agency or department and fails to return to duty with
the Employer for at least one year after the special assignment has ended, then the officer shall reimburse the
Employer $5,000 for the Employer's expenses associated with meeting supplemental staffing needs through
temporary employees.
ARTICLE 27 :....................TRAINING AND EDUCATION
27.1 Officers shall be eligible to receive the educational incentive pay of 2% of base pay per hour. The officer
(1) Have an associate degree from an accredited college or university in an eligible course of study; or
To receive the educational incentive pay of 3% of base pay per hour, the officer must:
(2) Have a bachelor's degree fi•om an accredited college or university in an eligible course of study.
The officer must provide an official transcript and diploma.
The Mayor or his/her designee will confirm/verify that the officer's request for educational incentive pay
meets the requirements of this Article 27.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands on this -30 day of �Uee 2019.
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Robert Pu
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e son, MMC, City Clerk""'
ex_:.ILjibn Cates, City Attorney
Nathan Ly ent
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Spencer That, Attorney for the Port Orchard Police Guild
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
August 4, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021
Rates of pay will be as follows:
For 2020 and 2021, the new pay rates will go into effect January 1 of the pay rate year.
For 2019, the City will calculate total earnings of each officer from January 1, 2019 through August 3,
2019 and pay to employees 3.5% of that total as a signing bonus. For the remainder of 2019, the new
rates will become effective beginning with the August 4, 2019 payroll hours.
After 36 mos. from DOH
After 24 mos. from DOH
After 18 mos. from DOH
After 12 mos. from DOH
Commission Date
Date of Hire.1
*Effective January 1, 2020 the rates of pay for 2020 will be increased by one hundred percent (100%)
of that percentage increase set forth in the All Urban Consumers Index (CPI-U) (1982-1984=100) fir
the Seattle -Tacoma -Bellevue area for that period from June, 2018 to June, 2019, as is specified by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor; provided, however, the COLA increase
shall not be less than two percent (2%) nor more than four percent (4%).
*Effective January 1, 2021 the rates of pay for 2021 will be increased by one hundred percent (100%)
of that percentage increase set forth in the All Urban Consumers Index (CPI-U) (1982-1984=100) for
the Seattle -Tacoma -Bellevue area for that period from June, 2019 to June, 2020, as is specified by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor; provided, however, the COLA increase
shall not be less than two percent (2%) nor more than four percent (4%).
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021
11�j� co
January 1, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021
Employee Premiums for LEOFF TRUST Plan and Kaiser Permanente
Full-time employees shall be responsible for paying a portion of the total monthly premium for the
subject medical plan by payroll deduction. The employees' share of the monthly premium shall be
based on a numeric percentage of the total cost of the monthly premium for the subject plan
(including the cost to insure dependents, if applicable).
The monthly dollar amount employees are required to pay for each of the subject medical plans
will be calculated using the employee premium percentage (as represented by the table) multiplied
by the medical premium per year:
Jan 1-July 31, 2019 Aug 1-Dec.31, 2019 2020 2021
Employee Premium
Fixed Dollars
Employee Premium
Fixed Dollars
Employee Premium
Employee Premium
Employee Only
S 43.00
5 43.29
Em /S ouse
$ 95.00
$ 95.23
Employee Spouse /1 Dependent
S 122.00
S 122.46
Employee Spouse/ 2 Dependent +
$ 138.001
S 137.941
1 6.12%
Employee and 1 Dependent
$ 99.00
$ 99.11
Employee and 2 Dependents
S 115.00
S 114.56
Employee and 3 Dependents
$ 134.00
$ 134.25
Kaiser Permanente
Employee Premium
Fixed Dollars
Employee Premium
Fixed Dollars
Employee Premium
Employee Premium
Employee Only
$ 28.00
$ 27.96
Em /S ouse
S 62.00
$ 61.60
Employee Spouse /1 Dependent
S 85.00
$ 85.49
Employee Spouse/ 2 Dependents +
$ 105.00
$ 105.29
Employee and 1 Dependent
$ 62.00
$ 61.70
Employee and 2 Dependents
$ 86.00
$ 85.73
Employee and 3 Dependents
S 105.00
S 105.34
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2021