03/08/2022 - Regular - MinutesDocuSign Envelope ID: D843088A-6BF7-4F5F-B3EB-109301225492 City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of March 8, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Lucarelli Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Trenary Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Staff present via remote access: Public Works Director Dorsey, Police Chief Brown, Senior Planner Fisk, City Attorney Archer, City Clerk Wallace and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting also streamed live on YouTube. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Time Stamp: 0:00:29) Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Time Stamp: 0:00:57) MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to approve the agenda as published. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS (Time Stamp: 0:01:37) There were no citizen comments. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Time Stamp: 0:02:22) A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 83673 through 83681 including bank drafts in the amount of $135,916.76 and EFT's in the amount of $905.62 totaling $136,822.38. DocuSign Envelope ID: D843088A-6BF7-4F5F-B3EB-109301225492 Minutes of March 8, 2022 PaRe2of5 B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 83682 through 83687 including bank drafts and EFT's in the amount of $218,222.75 and Direct Deposits in the amount of $203,743.74 totaling $421,966.49. MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried. 5. PRESENTATION 6. PUBLIC HEARING (Time Stamp: 0:02:57) A. Petition to Vacate City Right-of-way, the Southern Portion of Opened Bay Street Mayor Putaansuu opened the public hearing at 6:36 p.m. Roberta Huth thanked Council for considering this matter and noted she is available should anyone have any questions about a letter she submitted to the Council for consideration. There being no more testimony, Mayor Putaansuu closed the public hearing at 6:38 p.m. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Time Stamp: 0:08:10) At 6:39, p.m., Mayor Putaansuu recessed the meeting for a 30-minute executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) relating to legal risks of a proposed action where public discussion may have adverse legal impacts to the City. City Attorney Archer and Public Works Director Dorsey were invited to attend, and City Attorney Archer noted action will follow. At 7:09 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu extended the executive session an additional 10-minutes. At 7:19 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu reconvened the meeting back into session. 8. BUSINESS ITEMS (Time Stamp: 0:09:25) A. Adoption of an Ordinance Approving the Petition to Vacate City Right -of -Way, the Southern Portion of Opened Bay Street City Attorney Archer explained the drafted ordinance does not reduce the appraised rate or waive the fee, so the motion would need to include the stated amount of compensation sought. An amendment would need to be made to add a section that states the Council agrees to waive the appraisal and review fee if Council chooses to do so. DocuSign Envelope ID: D843088A-6BF7-4F5F-B3EB-109301225492 Minutes of March 8, 2022 PaRe3of5 MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt an ordinance, vacating 200 square feet of City right-of-way, the Southern portion of opened Bay Street as presented, and adjusting Section 8 the appraisal vacation price to $9,500 and add a section to waive the appraisal fee and review fee as requested. The motion carried. (Ordinance No. 010-22) B. Approval of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket MOTION: By Councilmember Diener seconded by Councilmember Chang, to approve the 2022 Comprehensive Plan amendment agenda pursuant to POMC 20.04.060, as presented. The motion carried. C. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 001-22 with MurrySmith, Inc. for the 2022 On-Call/Modeling Update Services MOTION: By Councilmember Lucarelli, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C001-22 with Murraysmith, Inc. for 2022 On- Call/Modeling Update Services for the City's Water Systems, thereby increasing the budget authority in the amount of $100,000, for a total amended contract amount of $180,000. The motion carried. D. Approval of the February 15, 2022, City Council Work Study Meeting Minutes MOTION: By Councilmember Rosapepe, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried. Councilmember Clauson abstained. E. Approval of the February 22, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of February 22nd The motion carried. Councilmembers Cucciardi and Diener abstained. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) (Time Stamp: 0:32:45) A. Continued: Veterans Park DocuSign Envelope ID: D843088A-6BF7-4F5F-B3EB-109301225492 Minutes of March 8, 2022 Palle 4 of 5 Mayor Putaansuu noted significant cleanup efforts by volunteers and a contract company within the past couple days. He addressed concerns with the RV parking near Mile Hill Drive. Additional discussion was held regarding photos taken by the code enforcement officer, clean-up efforts, trash and garbage vendor, dumpsters, portable toilets, parked RV and expansion of items and outreach, public health and safety issues, violations and vehicles parking within the County right- of-way at north end of the park. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES (Time Stamp: 0:42:12) Mayor Putaansuu reported the Economic Development and Tourism Committee is scheduled to meet March 14tn [March 215t]. The Utilities Committee is scheduled to meet April 121n. The Finance Committee was scheduled to meet March 15tn, but the meeting will need to be rescheduled. The Transportation Committee is scheduled to meet March 22"d. The Land Use Committee is scheduled to meet March 16tn. The Sewer Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet May 18tn. The City Council Retreat is scheduled for March 11tn Councilmember Lucarelli reported the Festival of Chimes and Lights Committee is scheduled to meet March 21St Councilmember Cucciardi reported the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet March 9tn 11. REPORT OF MAYOR (Time Stamp: 0:44:23) The Mayor reported on the following: • Fireworks survey; • Community Events Center update and survey; • Cancelation of the March 15tn Work Study meeting due to lack of items; and • In accordance with Ordinance 008-20 Delegating Authority to the Mayor for Creating and Modification of Job Descriptions, he reported on job description updates for the Finance Director. 12. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS (Time Stamp 0:46:22) City Attorney Archer reported while she is out of the office, City Attorney Robertson will be available for any Council questions. City Clerk Wallace reported on special event applications and digital signatures. DocuSign Envelope ID: D843088A-6BF7-4F5F-B3EB-109301225492 Minutes of March 8, 2022 Paee 5 of 5 Police Chief Brown reported on new legislation related to police departments and awards to police employees. 13. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Time Stamp: 0:49:49) There were no citizen comments. 14. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Time Stamp: 0:50:36) Councilmember Rosapepe spoke to inflation impacts. 15. EXECUTIVE SESSION The executive session was held earlier in the meeting. 16. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: 1°�vaan o�j (JAUL 12o(�c v� �u aav� suu Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor