1127 - Resolution - Temporary Interfund Loans//
7i3AT the City Treasurer of the City of Port Orchard be and
hereby is authorized to make the following temporary interfund loans,
said loans to be secured by promissory notes with interest @ 5% per annum:
Water -Sewer Revenue Bond Redemption Fund to
Water -Sewer Operating Fund $ 17,000.00
Arterial Street Fund to Water -Sewer Fund 3,000.00
Current Expense Fund to Garbage Fund 5,000.00
Current E )erase Fund to Federal Shared Revenue
Fund 6,019.89
DATED this 14th day of January, 1974.
R. G. Lloyd, City Clerk
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Fivp�1 o zsa�� d_ and
y,;tn eres t'n c:; E't', (i at ?-'1e rate Ui _ 5 —_ —_-�f-... ._.-. ,u^.; i 1t ht. .. E _..- ._ �t:�C�''.
per ce. per ann Y ear. 4.:_, tip o rC of into a
Fri^.. tea. ,:.: r.iere5t ^a%cble at the office of ___Cif _ Z E3StiLe'r
a^� rlierrst s-ati
Cc:L. jipa!d JfteI due, this note shall becorne due and pa}abl a: once w!,Lhout fa Cher not' ?i tCe U, _on Ct the 1'Oide2
I`::s r.o,e snail bear interest at the rate of p
�___.pe. cent, er ,ar.n::m after r,„<aur::y u; att=•r `allure t� + • pay ar,� :nteses.
anr..- this note shall be placed in, the hands of an att f r n 1 or^!^: o col e: io Or s!:(t shall e h:eu�ht to ,vl ect c�^v of
the prir.cipa? cr interest of this, note, 1 promise to iGa a reasona b:e 1t:,•r rf':.S ` (.. r!- n-:;kr,ro YXec U e S e A^!e
as a .ncipal and not as a surety. Flu
T1.-.3,, 1
- ------ — No.--#-73 ----------
, Wash.,-- r-.31_- -- > 19y"Z?_
_____lrDays -after date, without grace, for value received, I promise to pay
to__ CD,=mnt Npmse Msy3 -- - -- ---------.—,or order,
the sWn of ----- - $6,019 _ R9
with interest thereon at the rate of S$ per cent, per annurn from date hereof, payable
Principal and interest payable at the office of CjtY Tre G irPr
_ Pnri- C]rnhard _ _, SNM Washington. If any interest shall
remain unpaid after due, this note shall become due and payable at once without further notice, at the option of the holder
This note shall bear interest at the rate of 5$ per cent, per annum after maturity or after failure to pay any
interest payment, and if this note shall be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or if suit shall be brought to col-
lect any of the principal or interest of this note, I promise to pay a reasonable attorney's fee. Each maker of this note executes
the same as a principal and not as a surety. City of Port Orchard
al ha-rePuepli- T;ltznd
FORM L23R Pioneer National Title Insurance Company Lorraine Carrawgy, Treasureir
v rcna ;-cpl=�r 31 73
Pow c Car �.-
S?htVa 'or value vece•i:ec, i.s• tc pay
-- - - er d
o - `- - - _ .
Seventeen thousand azzd_:000 _ -- - -- - -- - - --- -- - - -- -
Lo arm
th s u:n n+ -- - -- - - - - ._ -- 1 Off .
t, per cent, r annum from date hereof, po,ablF �
vr,.. he*eon a, t.,e rate of__—p per
-- -- -- - - - - ----- - - ----
Principal and interest payable at the office of ---r`i # r TYPastrr - if any interest shall
_ -
------- _ _---------._..---- - --- - t::e holder
rem_'ir; unpaid after due, this note shall become due and payabi:> a once without further notice, at
he option o,
them of.
This note shall bear interest at the rate of -y, __per cent, per annum after maturity or after failure to pay an, interest
suit shall be brought to collect anv of
pa;'ment, and if this note shall be placed in the hanV of an attorne} for collection or .f� of +',� n�`e executes th= same
a reasonable attorney's fee. Ea rmal-e>r
the principal or interest of this note, I promise to pay Water -Sewer Cperati�-jg F��d
ar, a pr.ncipai and not as a surety.
r • off-Po.�---mod - --- - ---- -- ----- - ---
SECURITY TiT,E !NS'URANCE COMPANY r�� % <• L ��_-- !t. �- ,�. ry-Ly__.----
. v .. .. .... �. i''Y'r"� _ter•-r�.-. - - i
.,:,/ ....... LOrrarne Carrasaay. T re'l _Cj irp_r— ✓
------3, 009.An No.-2-73--------
Port Orchard -- _-- wash... _ December 31 __, 19-?3
2,jrl,=%ra --__ _ after date, without grace, for value received, I promise to pay
to ArbeAcaa Street Fund - - or order,
the sum of - ---- ---- — -- -------------- Dollars.
with interest thereon at the rate of -5$___ per cent, per annum from date hereof, payable tJPM redeimti M Of nOtP
Principal and interest payable at the office of City-Trea-_urer
If anv interest shall
remain unpaid after due, this note shall become due and payable at once without further notice, at the option of the holder
This note shall bear interest at the rate of __�$__ per cent, per annum after maturity or after failure to pay any interest
payment, and if this note shall be placed in the hands of an attorney fnr collection or it suit shall be brought to collect any of
the principal or interest of this note, I promise to pay a reasonable attornev's fee. Each maker of this note executes the same
as a principal and not as a surety. Water-Seuper Operating Fmd
-�e+Port ()=hard
— - — -
Tt.-ih l 66