1116 - Resolution - Vacate Portion of Sherman StreetP.ES0LUTIC N 1%0. 1116 / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT OF.C-Wj, INITIATING PROCEMIIvGS TO VACATE A CERTAIN PORTION OF SHERIMAN STREET. BE IT RESOLVED HNC THE CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF POET ORCI.RD, as follcrs: (1) That it is the intention cf the CITY OF PORT OF.CHARD- ;qh! to initiate proceedings to vacate the following described -atreet 4 within the City of Port Orchard: J; r' That portion of Sherman_ Street lying between the North line of Lot 5, Block 3 'nd the South line of Lot 6, Block 3, of Sroufe's Addition extended westerly, said portion being approximately 84 feet wide and 102 feet in length in the City of Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington. (2) That Tuesday, the 26th day cf December, 1972 et the hour of 7:30 o;clock PM at the Council Chanbers, Port Orchard City Hall, Port Orchard, Washington is the time and place fixed for this hearing. Passed by the City Council ane approved by the Mayor this 13th day of November, 1972. / j7 Approved as to form: �✓ ru�i Mayor ATTEST: City Attorney City Clerk