1057 - Resolution - Create Local Improvement District...-_--_
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Orchard, Washington, declaring its in-
tention to carry out the system or plan provid-
ing for additions to and betterments of the
system of sewerage of the City as adopted by
Ordinance No. 803 , passed April 22, 1968, and
to create a local improvement district to assess
a part of the cost and expense of carrying out
said system or plan of additions to and better-
ments of the system of sewerage, all to become
a part of the waterworks utility of the City,
against the properties within the local improve-
ment district proposed to be created specially
benefited thereby, and notifying all persons
who may desire to object to said improvement
to appear and present their objections at a
meeting of the City Council to be held on May
27 , 1968.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard, Washington, by Ordin-
ance No. 803, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor
on the 22nd day of April, 1968, specified and adopted a plan of
additions to and betterments of the system of sewerage of the City,
all to become a part of the waterworks utility of the City, con-
sisting of the construction and installation of the Bay Street.in-
terceptor sewer lines and a system of lateral sewer lines and other
necessary appurtenances, estimated the total cost of said additions
to and betterments of the system of sewerage to be $555,0ft.00 and
1. provided that payment therefor would be made (a) from a grant antici-
pated to be received from the United States Government, Department
of Housing and Urban Development, in the amount of $104,000.00;.
(b) from the proceeds to be received from the issuance and sale of
water and sewer revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00;
and (c) from assessments to be levied in the amount of not to exceed
$381,000.00 against the property specially benefited by the proposed
improvement and included in one or more local improvement districts
to be thereafter formed; and
WHEREAS, the Director of the Department of Public Health
of Bremerton-Kitsap County, the Health Officer of the City of Port
Orchard, has filed with the Mayor and City Council a report showing
the necessity for the carrying out of such plan providing for addi-
tions to and betterments of the system of sewerage of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and declares that
such improvement is necessary for the protection of the public
health and safety and that it is in the best interests of the City
that said plan providing for additions to and betterments of the
system of sewerage of the City, all to become a part of the water-
works utility of the City, be carried out and that a local improve-
ment district be created to assess a part of the cost and expense
thereof; NOW, THEREFORE,
DO ORDAIN, as follows:
Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council of
the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order the carrying out of
the system or plan providing for additions to and betterments of
the system of sewerage of the City, all to become a part of the
waterworks utility of the City, as adopted by Ordinance No. 803 ,
consisting of the construction and installation of the Bay Street
interceptor sewer lines and a system of lateral sewer lines and
other necessary appurtenances, the nature and territorial extent
of such improvement being more particularly described in Section 2
of Ordinance No. 803 , which Section is by this reference incorporated
herein and made a part hereof. The boundaries of such proposed local
improvement district are more particularly described in Exhibit "A"
attached to this Resolution and by this reference incorporated herein
and made a part hereof.
Section 2. The improvement shall be constructed and in-
stalled in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor
to be prepared by Hammond, Collier and Isaac, consulting engineers
to the City.
Section 3. Not to exceed $38].,pft.00 of the cost and ex-
pense of carrying out said system or plan shall be borne by and
assessed against the property Epecially benefited by such improve-
ment to be included in the local improvement district to be estab-
lished embracing as near as may be all property specially benefited
by such improvement and with the proposed boundaries as set forth
in Exhibit "A" attached to this Resolution. The balance of the cost
and expense of said improvement shall be paid (a) from.a grant antici-
pated to be received from the United States Government, Department
of Housing and Urban Development, in the amount of $104,000.00; and
(b) from the proceeds to be received from the issuance and sale of
water and sewer revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00.
Section 4. All persons who may desire to object to the
improvement herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and pre-
sent such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in
the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Port Orchard, Washington, at
8:00 o'clock p.m. (PDST) on May 27, 1968, which time and place are
hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed im-
provement and all objections thereto and for determining the method
of payment for said improvement.
Section 5. Hammond, Collier and Isaac, consulting engineers
of the City, are hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or
prior to the 27 day of May, 1968, all data and information required
by law to be submitted.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote
of the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, and ap-
proved by the Mayor at a regular meeting thereof on this 22nd day of
April, 1968.
?%-- Mayor
City Clerk
City Attorn
- 3 -
Beginning at a point on the centerline of Kendal! Street, said point being
120 feet east of the easterly margin of Hull Street; thence westerly along ti.e
centerline of Kendall Street, a distance of approximately 340 foot to all inter-
section with a line parallel to and 120 feet northwesterly of dull Sweet as platted
s outhwesterly measured at right angles to Hull Street; thence soutI-nvesterly a1011g
said parallel line to an intersection with a line which is parallel to and 120 feet
west of Sherman. Street measured at right angles to Sherman Street; thence south
erly along said line parallel to Sherman Street to a. point which is 4-eO feet south
of the centerline of Guthrie Street; thence westerly along a line which is parallel
to and 120 feet south of the production of the cente_line of Gutixie Strect to the
westerly margin of Pottery Hill Road; thence southerly along the westerly margin
of said road to a point 200 feet north of the centerlino of Tremont Street; thence
westerly parallel to Tremont Street 150 feet; thenco sot:hcrly parallel to 150 feet
west of the vvost margin of Pottery. Hill Road to an intersection with the north line
of Section 3, Township 23 N, Range 1 E. W.M.;
Thence westerly along said section line 550 feet; thence southerly parallel
to the east line of said Section 3 and 730 feet west of said line to an intersection
with the easterly margin of State Highway 14; thence southeasterly along said
highway margin crossing Sidney Road and Stetson Road to an intersection with a
line parallel to and 100 feet south of the south margin of Nelson Street; thence
easterly parallel to Nelson Street 150 feet; thence N 16348041" E to the intersection
with a line which is S 00038153" W 428.40 feet and parallel to the north line of the
NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 23 N, Range 1 E. W.M., which is
the south line of Aridersonwood Addition; thence N 89001142" E along said south
City of Port Orchard
L.I.D. Boundary Description
line to t ho east line of said addition; thence N 00°38°53" E along the east line
of said addition to the north line of Soutli Fireweed Street; thence westerly along
said street margin to the intersection of a line which is parallel to and 120 feet
easterly of Sidney Road, measured at right angles to Sidney Road; thence north-
erly erly along said parallel line to a point which is 120 feet south of Granat Road
measured at right angles to Granat Road; thence easterly along a line which is
120 feet from and parallel to Granat Road, a distance of 230 fees; thence north
270 feet; thence westerly parallel to Granat Road to a point which is 120 feet
from the easterly margin of Sidney Road; thence northerly along a line which is
120 feet measured at right ankles to Sidney Road from and parallel to Sidney Road
to the easterly production of the north margin of Poplar Street; thence westerly
along said street margin extension, across Sidney Road and continuing westerly
along the north margin of Poplar Street to a point 120 feet west of the westerly
margin of Sidney Road, measured at right angles the_-oto; thence northeasterly
along a line which is parallel to and 120 feet northwesterly from the wo- sterly
margin of Sidney Road to a point which is 120 feet from the south line of Tremont
Street, measured at right angles to said stroet; t1honce westerly along a line parallel
to and 120 feet south of Tremont Street to a point opposite the centerline of the alley
between Flower Avenue and Has,,a.rd Avenue; thence northerly along the alley center-
line produced and the alley centerline to the centerline of South Stre-at; thence
easterly along said centerline to the alley bet een Howard Ave. and Flower
Avenue; thence northerly along said alley centerline to a point 120 feet north of
the north margin of South Street, thence easterly along a lins 120 foot from and
parallel to the north margin of South Street to the alley between Flo7,�;er Avenue and
Garrison avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of said valley across Guthrie
City of Port Orchard
L.I.D. Boundary Descriptior.
Sheet and tilelcher Street to a point I20 feet north ci the north margin of Belcher
Strect; thence easterly along a line parallcl to and 120 foot north of Nlelcher Street
to the centerline of the alley ben%7cen IvVest Avenue and Tacoma Avenue; thence
northerly along the centerline of said alley to Kendall Strect; thence easterly along
the centerline of Kendall Street to a point opposite the co[:-imon lino between Lots
22 and 21, Block 11, Sweany's Audition; thence northerly along said common lot
line and said line produced across Smith Street and to the alley in Block 6 of
said addition; thence easterly along said alley centcrline to the common line be-
tween Lots 8 and 9 of said block; thence northerly along said common line and
said line produces; to the centerline of Sweany Street; thence -westerly to a point
opposite the common line between Lots 19 and 20 of Block 1, W. F. Smith's Ad-
dition; thence northerly along said common line to the alley in said block; thence
westerly along the centerlines of tine alley in Block 1, V.F. Smith's Addition,
Block 3, Replat Central Addition, and Block 4 of Rcplat Central Addition to the
west line of Lot 14 of said Block 4; thence southerly along the west lines of
Lot 14, said Block 4, Lot 4 of Block 5, and Lot 12 of said Block 5, Lot 4, Block 8
of said addition; Lot 11 of said Block 8, Lot 4, Block 9 of said addition, and
Lot 11 of said Block 9 to the centerline of Kendall Street, the point of beginning.