1017 - Resolution - Appropriation of FundsRESOLUTION NO'. 1017
That the Cleric of the City of Port Orchard, Washington be and
hereby is authorized to appropriate $32.42 for Salaries and :ages,
General Government, Current Expense Fund; $1&.55 for Library Maintenance
and Operation and $392.10 for Capital Outlay, Arterial Street Fund, and
to make any necessary appropriation transfers within fund classifications
as deemed necessary by Clerk.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of the City of Port
Orchard, Washington be and hereby is authorized to transfer to Sewer Bond
Redemption Fund, the following amounts; from Current Expense Fund; $1,966.90,
from Water Fund; $1,866.90 and from Sewer Fund; 51,865.90 to repay loan for
N. C. R. Accounting Machine and Friden Adding Machine, this amount includ-
ing I'Z interest from 5113/63.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of the City of Port
Orchard Washington be and hereby is authorized to transfer to Sewer Bond
Redemption Fund the following amounts; from Sewer Fund; $14,091.23 to repay
loan for International pick-up, two dump trucks and hoist, this amount
including 12 interest from 6/10/63.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of the City of Port
Orchard, Washington be and hereby is authorized to transfer from Water Fund
to Current Expense Fund as a payroll transfer correction $561.75 and from
Sewer Fund to Current Expense Fund, $634.60 as a payroll transfer correction.
DATED this 28th day of December, 1964.
Mary E. Odge, Acting erk
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Nick J. epanic , Mayor �