1011 - Resolution - Proposed Park and Recreation Districtl 1
Resolution of yof Port Orchard approving the in-
cl€asio n of the City of Port Orchard in a proposed park and
recreation district, prided that the City of Pbrt Orchard
shall nab surrender jurisdiction over its present pecks and
recreates facilities, end those to be wired by the City
of fort Ortbard in the future, to the said park and recrea-
tion district, and further provided bast the City of Port
Orchard shall ant be obligated to provide funds for the
;fi a of any park and recreation facilities con-
structed by time park and recreation district.
HEREAS, a petition Is being circulated in South Kitstap County for
the formation at a park and recreation district for the primary purpose of con-
structing a swimming pool for the benefit of the South Kitsap area..; and
WHEREAS, before the City of Port Orchard may be included in said
park and recreation district, it is necessary for the City Cal of the City
of Port Orchard to pass upon a resolution approving the inclusion of the City
of Port Orchard in time said perk and recreation district; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Orchard has no ob-
jection to being inc tided in a park and recreation district, provided that the
City of Port Orchard a®atntains jurisdiction over its present parkas and recrea-
tion facilities and the parks and recreation facilities to be acquired by the City
of Port Orchard wfthft its corporate limits in the future, and farther provided
that the City of Fbrt Orchard is not obligated in any manner to provide funds
for the maintenows of the swimming pool or lather parks or recreation facilities
to be vcamtructed by the saint park and recreation district;
City C uncil of the City of .Port Orchard that the City of Port Orchard may be
included within the proposed park and
recreaticn district for South Kitsap
County, for the primary purpose of constructing a swimming p=1 for dw
bendit of South Kitsap Cotmty, Wavided, however, that the City of Port
Orchard shall wt by this act surrender jurisdiction over its present parks
or C .:;,f.-yB;fbeffittes or over parks andrecreation facilities to be con-
of Pbrt
Orchard "}' h."future,and provided '. d fi''.furtherthat the City 9,`. PbrtOrduLrd shall not be obligated or li&Ne in any respect to provide funds fGr
!S a; the pi. q f x'..: ;..qswimming pool, or any park.!:recreatisT
facility Ae be
w `.?. '* 4. Yi c:,e by theproposedpark andrecreationdistrict.
Apprared a9 to form: