241 - Resolution - Receipts and DisbursementsFICOJ W 24-1 Resolution BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, that the estimates of the receipts and disbursements for the year 1932 be adopted and a time fixed for the hearing thereof. The proposed budget for the year 1932 as adopted is as follows: GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS Taxation 17 Mills on the Assessed Valuation of $392,327 ........ $6669.55 Pool Room and other licenses....................................................... 60.00 Fines---- - ---- ------.................. --..... ............................................ -................. 100.00 Road and Bridge Fund taxes - ..... -.......................... _........ .............. 110.00 State allowance for Bay Street Concrete maintenance ........ 110.00 TOTAL....- .................................. ---• ............................................... $7049.55 DISBURSEEIVIENTS Salary Street Superintendent ........................................ $1800.00 Clerk's Salary----....-•.............................-..-.........----........... 420.00. Treasurer's Salary ......... - -` ........................•---... 420.00 Marshal's Salary . ................................ ......... -..................... 300.00 Maintenance paved. portion Bay St . ............................ 110.00 Industrial Insurance ------------ ........... ....................... -........... 60.00 State Auditor's examination Town's finances ............ 75.00 Guaranty Fund L. I. D. No. 33...- ......................-....... 30.67 Election expenses, registration books, etc . ............ 50.00 StreetLights ........ ....... - -- . ---•- --•---...........--•--•..--......--•---. 800.00 Stationery, supplies and advertising - .......................... 400.00 Fire Department, supplies and expenses ................ 400.00 Cleaning Bay St- ........................... -.......... - .............. -....... 300.00 Supervising garbage dump --------------------_-_----.----------- 60.00 Water Department for water at fires ...... ._....-._....... 100.00 i General Street work and maintenance, including i . oiling ....... _...... _................................................................. 2023.98 $7049.55 WATER FUND DISBURSEMENTS Estimated deficit Jan. 1, 1932, from erection steel tank and digging new well ........................ $9000.00 SalaryClerk ..... ..... -.......................................... -................. 480.00 Salary Treasurer ....................................... - .................. _... 60.00 Salary Water Superintendent ............................... 1500.00 Labor---------------------------------------..........----..._............. 200.00 Electric Power for pump ....... . .............................. -....... 900.00 Stationery, supplies, etc. ........ ....... ... ..............-............ 300.00 TOTAL ...................... .... -...... ............... - ...................... -. $12440.00 RECEIPTS Estimate receipts for the year 1932................................................ $6000.00 Net deficit for the year 1932............... -................................... $6440.00 LIBRARY FUND RECEIPTS One mill levy on taxable valuation of $392,327 ................... ... $392.32 DISBURSEMENTS SalaryLibrarian..................................................................... $240.00 Purchase of books, supplies, etc . .................................... 152.32 $392.32 PARK FUND RECEIPTS One mill levy on taxable valuation of $392,327 ............................ $392.32 DISBURSEMENTS i To be paid on account purchase price Fairgrounds property... •------......... -....................... ----............ ..-....... $400.00 NetDeficit ...... ----....... -.... ____ ....................... ........................... $ 7.68 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council meet on Monday evening, October 5th, 1931, at 7 : 30 p. m. for the pur- pose of making the tax levy for the year 1932 in accordance with the foregoing estimate, at which time and place any person inter- ested may appear and be heard in reference to the said proposed tax levy, and the Clerk shall give notice of such hearing by pub- lishing this resolution in accordance with law. Thus passed by the Town Council of the Town of Port Orch- ard this 14th day of September, 1931. FR,ANCIS M. APPLEGATE, CHARLES GRIEVE, Town Clerk. Mayor. 33-35 auwtii �,000G�`�/F�+C�l�