218 - Resolution - Intent to Improve Kitsap Street. COPY,
R C L L T I C N.
^t...r r. i:T p .11T7 n %.� -.-r 'Ts' 1 rn ,' �r ;� m ir' ,•, y,
; L7JLIG�.C� t,Q '.;'.IL• 07 � �.i.� _C�Ti+ C ; C � OR.,iI:�R,�, wccic.ri �? its
int3nti.oFa to it rov3 Kitsap 3tra3t by const_ruatinr a fiv3 foot concrat3
3 r 7'- , t _3 f'tori:fi arid. 7GU.'"''' as of t'a-, J 3.',� t_ay town of
i sic_ v,a�:� or. .�� s� C �:_ said tr ir:
Port C'rr°?.a^c. rashin ton.
?'r �K3A3, It is �.ia:=.�c'_ frrr the bast int3rasi..s of �h3 Town of Port Crc':i_ard
rya_ `3 ,.
i�i t�:,u.A ��L W from �: ,i. :J�,si �',aL in of al>an�y 3t do "vL13 ':3c3v ^tarf�,i
dv*. hV r?f_"wG�'rt]^ �.TG' i,i�370?L1a i^. n+ ? fl ol-a Q nc a ?sT !` + rnn 4'
1T s0 O .r � Slt. 261.
t'2s I' ort-?1 an _ +"70uth Sit<3S ^of t1,13 sa.i(: str334'. i
�!'( (1 '.. "�� R' 1 IT
3( h ~�^� 9 +� .}. v h A J. ',' fTi !. y. •
PtO :._�„':3_,_0 .�, B.� I �o.LUD by ,�h .,o�,noil of t,.. .c;sn of Port `rc.la.dy
FIRST. 1 hr'_'L, it i s th3 i nt 3ntion of Va3 council of t:1:3 Tvcrn of s cr'u
OrclvarC to j rn. r6v3 Kitsan 3tra3t fron th3 Alas`, *1ar7i.n of airn3y St. tc thI
3g, "^:�r?7'1 ^f J3'-."`.,t1.3 Av3, by con s:,_T"JCti ling, cn th3 N'-lr t and, South siG3s o
L ).i�i S�;"'??'✓ a C.`OTi1.'I'3t3 walk,fIve Paat in width q
SECOND, ^hat thi said iraprov3n3nt shall b3 m-343 in ter^ s3etions, Sacti
+II,, + �r. 3 Hwy{ 3- 3'� t.o 3 t• 3 3 .in3 of 3idnj-y St
V�J •1 V,•I.�V iJ _ lJI �a. V•1 SVL �J •.: ��un�. :•, IJ� l/3Z Cl f�J 1
r� •+-}.t.� ��'q a- j 1 rrl s t V 3 own3rs of lo4v3 In this !'istrici- to �'a
and F+ •_s , 1 n _ of ii �_ ,on Irv.
six 'nnntlis in-7`:-,i ah to riak3 sa ir,.oroTT;?m3nt, an(f.. no-l', havin's nnif3C_
t' iir _ntanticn of riwl_:inrl innrov-,m3nt within tha Said ti"'_?, t;? � stork
to ;- l 3t by ,C t 3ontrac� th Z uV bid:'3r, :a.nc C a , o� .jai:.
-i —
)rOv3amant to b 3n.aarG3CL Against- "v:la iron arty abutting; ,__3 1�i�JrU1' ,3".3rit•
of iI1Cl�!1? oa '"i�cun,4:3c. bbyTITTRD, mtlt3 . �SCtir n 2i2Lt3S t,:4T, .C;`T.i " i? vr'3 3
t'-e -;as+ ling of Harrison 'St f,nG the 1n3st 1i_n3 of S3alut10 A v a i la,3 ov;nars 0
lots abutting, tli3 improvarent in this >'.istrict to hav3 on3 1' 3a.r in rhich tq
t ' n h3 sai c:. i?'1r,rOv:2r, 3n � T rind ugcxx not havin` signi fi3ta "ur.3ir ilit..3P_t�io23
ri n �' ' C. ''" rOV'r.^.?Tip within tilde ti2 3 tii3 sl"? to b-3 13t by contract to
r�1 n 7a-p. U ,
th-i 1Cirost h?dr.?r r1nc, th-3 cost tli3raof $fix to b3 :harr3d against ts?'' t:rc± arty«
d.btJ':, :,i nSr th 3 7.°prOq' 3::?nt.
rCi�RTiI, ""I tha Ic,l3rkj of t±ha��sai ~ ^c�;rt ,his .-.araby inatructaC to post
at �a�s, t�++�e:) Vorz✓s cf this rasol Lion in -11rpia paclic nlac3s in Vh3 To,7,,n
alone; th.3 lin3 cf t=..3 said. i:rprov3n3nt, an(: also ar:.i1 a copy ^f "'is ^_3sciu�
to-3a.eth nro.nart;T nwner along th3 Zinn of th3 said prc"~os3C ir.vrcv3IG3nt, 3ddr
rto his last :{nown plac3 cf rasic:3nc•3, wit: -tin thre3 Czays after t:13
~2ssaga of this resolation.
f _L TH.m .i; l m r t i i 3 i p 3 i 3 ins t o
:ha a.nv �c�t, s+. .�^.i s• � � :� c grc, es c. �I.rcv z": � r.ay ..
f; 1 atl _i V =•. +J:, 3 lonC13r'. of tha Town ccr bafcri tha 24 th icy of 0ctobar 1.O10
74- . 6 nrct3sts ^ill b3 h,3ard and consid3ead- by
t h a Co ,r.cil
i^1 0
l�c�o~L�d by , h_3 Council of th3 'Ic•,•n of Pcrt
Crchq.-•d thi :s 3rC: c'av cf Cctobg
o~of r'o :a rt Orr:ard.
iC'1,11' CIF i CR ^ CRCI-iA, D, C..3c 1 -arir.>, Its in—
in".icn to improve Sicnay 3-'�Ire3t by con structin;rr a six foot plank
k3rr�llr on it13 •,3:t sif 3 of :h3 Sa-LC. Strait batw"?-m Danalb and Div.'..' IC
.r in, t.13 r=o7'n of Port 0rc!1n.rd Vilashingtcn
r�Il.',:R �tf►), _ is .33:S3Ci for t-?13 beat in'ZIar'3sts of tiia T06'tin Cf-'c°_':.
.,.F..»r+ S�ri,atu.,7�r r•+e th? ire ' ,3 c. . .,13y Str3at bat 33n 1.1_.3
c,va r-:antion:)a for #le pkrno;sa of public trav3l.
i1Cri iH23M 1MR>3, D iT S;CLV D by t h 9 Cour!ci1 ^f t h i '"cwn of Port CrcJ,:lr(<
n '1-ram k,,. F IS v e intan ion of tha Council � 13 Town of Yory
I. I..i .. • . . :A y - J� J_. V.
iml)ro a giCn9Y itr33v atV:33n tia SoUvh Iin3 of D3K�alb 8t .rd. th37
in i
.^-' ✓'.TTi:3 C? Wit. bpi t :cnstr` aticn of a plank sie-.c3ivalk on ,1]3 v:'3st s-; d3 of
. Le said streA, to b3 of Ih3 uniforri vidtll of six f-33t anc�
corstruct3d i`t;th as to :r'at-�rial a.^.d rorkmans2in in accordance with the plans
an(.7 spacifi nations t0 be filed. ?"jt;i th.3 TL-T,-1 Clark.
iCC'i D. "'Fla` �f13 pro.3°'tf Ct7I29rS along t!13 11n3 of '.:'1'.' .�rO;JC$et� 3iw )f`c.v3'??T!
_n--"7 ' 1th?n S.l days ^.ft3r 4C.12a passag3 of this r3sr.-lution, YL?11(: safes
siC-Aveal_ ac orC�in-c, t 3 ,)I-..ns a: 3 t,:?3 Cl Y'—
:: � G .,/il ,s Sp3CifiC3tiC11:� t0 b fi! C•. ��i.t:l '' r' 3 ''"
as Slcr33t:.i , In front of t%'3zr respactiv3 propar i3s; ='RC IT;"D, uYi�t
_)ro:)3ri.j o-,.-m rs wao Yaay tt'Sira to boils sail siC.3wal:c -n front, OP th3ir
vi34^ '1ei:l.liri �n?zs o C_o so ti t ,
7 y'
and fill Sams -vith Llerit on or befcro t"L:? ti a fixed for 'LIh3 hoaring
Of protests, o u.,?r-i s3 t',.3 c- l(f iinnrcv arnarit s:lall b 3- ; ada by contract. l3'' '.' ^
the lowest ras~•onsit-I 3 bidd3r, aric tt,a Coot traer3of a5S3Ss@C: against th?
nro,'3rty abutJina' th, -a 173ciCL? of Sieln37 Svr33t b3t?r33r. th13 Points abcvt3
C1�:°., a(,.c-'Cin? to .13 b.3n3fits .3riS' %.L as :'rQTiG.?k by 11rT,
^' � Tn s " z er-k. •I-,•.?? 3a.id Town i s .,,,3r`3b� insI'Ir lct3d to -ost .t
1$t ',
..!1re? ccni3s of tiliS r3solut.i07v in tir3: of t`13 most nuhlic la.c?s in
se4d TDwn on3 of irli c i r,'-,n-ll ba on + ? irw of
d nn pro y.� rne�s I
in viir?? Rays affJ@r v'13 ;?aSac1�3 OP tti,iS r38o i- -p'�a olso'�: SaIt�'�1T :�r3rTJ,
nrnnsrty o-�wn 3'_" alOT
�t+tt: TTi. That any prot3sts arain_st s'aic. rr-pcsad ir.I�rov3r-3nt rna b3 fil3(7-
^n-,-vn Clerk n~ or b3for3 th:) ` 4-t 1 4+ -•
J. /.. _ J! cay of October 1 ' C ) a-;, T.,G
ObclocT. F.i.'. at whi,h 4L-,;-m3 any prou3sts will h-3 haarcanc. ccnsid3r-ad by the
vounci 1
anni:.ad In- tha r^,qnr�� �_ of th- ^lorrn nt` a ��1-µ .� „
Fort L'' :CC. this c)y,. C_. dS.-v Cf
Octobsr 1�1C. F V
:layer ci ici-m of Pert Orc.ia�
Town Clark.