04/26/2022 - Additional documentStatement of Committee’s Role
The purpose of the Transportation Committee is to advise the Mayor and City Council on transportation issues and support City Staff in achieving the City’s transportation objectives.
Implementation activities by the committee may include, but are not limited to:
Coordinating with the Mayor and Council to clarify and evolve policy goals.
Advocating for community desires as expressed by Council as a body for multi-modal transportation.
Assist Staff with developing programs and initiatives for the preservation and improvement of infrastructure and safety of the traveling public.
Advocating for City policies that support funding of programs/ projects, including grant procurement.
Encourage community involvement and assist Staff with community engagement.
The Transportation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and Council adopted studies provide policy guidance for the Committee and Staff.
The purpose and vision of the transportation policy element is to provide a safe, dependable, properly maintained, fiscally and environmentally responsible multi-modal transportation
system that is consistent with and supports the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The transportation system should respect community character, environment, and neighborhoods;
improve mobility and safety; minimize impacts from regional facilities; and promote increased use of transit and nonmotorized travel. The transportation system needs to be both locally
and regionally coordinated, adequately financed, and community-supported.
Comprehensive Plan; Chapter 8 - Transportation