07/26/2022 - Regular - Additional Docs-HAP Port Orchard Housing Action Plan July 26, 2022 City Council SCOTT 1 Agenda Introductions Project context, goals, and scope Community engagement strategy Key research questions Next steps Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 2 SCOTT 2 Bob Bengford Scott Bonjukian Markus Johnson Consultant Team Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 3 Chris Zahas Andrew Oliver Staff Roles Public engagement, code analysis, land use and urban design expertise Real estate economics, market analysis, development incentives expertise BOB? 3 Project Background Port Orchard has set the stage with: Housing goals and policies in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Adopting subarea plans for centers (Downtown, Ruby Creek) Multifamily tax exemption program Several major zoning code updates to help make housing easier to develop To address the additional work that needs to be done, Port Orchard was awarded a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce to create a Housing Action Plan (HAP). A HAP is a policy document that has more specific data, goals, and strategies to promote safe and affordable housing options for all Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 4 SCOTT 4 Project Background Challenges in housing diversity: 2,300 new apartments in the pipeline – mostly garden-style Struggling to see desired urban infill and midrise development Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 5 Image: Opticos Design Port Orchard is not seeing much in the way of “missing middle” housing types (duplexes, townhouses, cottages, etc.) SCOTT Staff provided these quick stats. 5 Missing Middle Housing Examples Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 6 SCOTT These housing types give people more homeownership options, a greater range of price options, and more options to accommodate changes in lifestyle or family situation. 6 Comprehensive Plan – Key Housing Goals Housing Goal 1. Ensure that the City’s housing stock responds to changes in desired housing types based on demographic trends and population growth. Housing Goal 2. Ensure that housing is affordable and available to all socioeconomic levels of Port Orchard residents. Housing Goal 5. Promote the efficient use of residential land in order to maximize development potential. Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 7 SCOTT 7 Housing Stock Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 8 Source: City of Port Orchard Two-thirds of Port Orchard’s housing stock is comprised of single-unit residences. The remainder is evenly split between multi-unit buildings of varying sizes. Port Orchard has a higher share of multi-unit buildings than Kitsap County overall. The number of housing units has increased by about 26% since 2010, an increase of 1,188 units. ANDREW Two-thirds of Port Orchard’s housing stock is comprised of single-unit residences. The remainder is evenly split between multi-unit buildings of varying sizes. Port Orchard has a higher share of multi-unit buildings than Kitsap County overall. The number of housing units has increased by about 26% since 2010, an increase of 1,188 units. 8 Housing Stock Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 9 Port Orchard’s housing stock is considerably newer than Kitsap County and Washington, with over half the housing units built since 1990, compared with only 35% statewide. Source: 2020 ACS 5-Year Estimates, Table DP04 ANDREW Port Orchard’s housing stock is considerably newer than Kitsap County and Washington, with over half the housing units built since 1990, compared with only 35% statewide. 9 Affordability Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 10 Since 2015, incomes have stagnated while housing prices have increased. Inflation-adjusted rents increased 42% from 2010-2020, an annual increase of 5% The inflation-adjusted average value of a home in Port Orchard increased 33% between 2010 and 2020, an annual increase of 5%. Source: 2020 ACS 5-Year Estimates, Tables S2503, DP04, Zillow ANDREW From 2010 to 2015, incomes were keeping pace with rent and housing prices in Port Orchard. Since then, incomes have stagnated while housing prices have increased. Inflation-adjusted census-reported rents increased 42% from 2010-2020, an annual increase of 5%, outpacing rent increases in Kitsap County and Washington. The inflation-adjusted average value of a home reported by Zillow in Port Orchard has increased 33% between 2010 and 2020, an annual increase of 5%. 10 Affordability Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 11 Source: 2020 ACS 5-Year Estimates, Tables S2503, DP04, Zillow, Freddie Mac, Leland Consulting Group There is a large gap in what local households earn compared to Port Orchard’s current state of housing prices. ANDREW 30% is a rule of thumb that is often used. If you pay more than 30%, that’s consisted cost-burdened, and we’ll want to determine how many people that affects. It matters because housing is not the only thing we need to pay for in life. Food, transportation, healthcare, transportation, etc. are all competing. The average Port Orchard household earns enough to purchase a home worth about $303,000. However, the median sales price in 2021 in the City was $468,702 – a gap of $165,690. Or, to put it another way, the median household would need to earn $39,217 more to be able to afford the median home. The median household in Port Orchard earns slightly more than needed to pay the median rent as reported on the Census. However, Census rents are often an underestimation. Furthermore, the median renter household would be about $190 per month short of the amount needed to afford the median rental unit in Port Orchard. 11 Rental Market Vacancy Rate Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 12 Source: 2020 ACS 5-Year Estimates, Table DP04 Port Orchard’s vacancy rates have dropped in recent years, currently 2% for rental housing A healthy rental market has vacancy rates of 5% When vacancy goes down, prices tend to go up, and vice versa ANDREW Port Orchard’s vacancy rates have dropped in recent years, currently at 2.5% for ownership and 2.0% for rental 12 Project Scope and Schedule Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 13 SCOTT Indicate grant end date is flexible, but we think we can do the project faster than needed. We have some flex time, ultimately 13 Discussion What are your top 1-2 goals or priorities for this project and housing in Port Orchard in general? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 14 SCOTT As part of the introduction, we want to hear from each of the council members 14 Community Engagement Stakeholder interviews to gather input from public officials, housing advocates, housing providers, and others Community survey to identify demand for housing types among current population, with a focus on the needs of cost-burdened residents Check-in meeting with Planning Commission and City Council to present the Existing Conditions and Housing Needs Analysis Report (could be formatted as a public workshop) Other? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 15 MARKUS Community survey – could be two surveys potentially, one about housing needs, and the other a visual preference survey on housing types that is targeted and strategic later in the process once we have more info and after talking to stakeholders. 15 Key Research Questions What are the most pressing housing needs in Port Orchard for each segment of the population? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 16 MARKUS 16 Key Research Questions What are the most pressing housing needs in Port Orchard for each segment of the population? What are we most concerned about and most hopeful about for residential development in Port Orchard over the next 10 years? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 17 MARKUS 17 Key Research Questions What are the most pressing housing needs in Port Orchard for each segment of the population? What are we most concerned about and most hopeful about for residential development in Port Orchard over the next 10 years? What code updates can be made to meet the needs of all economic segments of the Port Orchard community? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 18 MARKUS 18 Key Research Questions What are the most pressing housing needs in Port Orchard for each segment of the population? What are we most concerned about and most hopeful about for residential development in Port Orchard over the next 10 years? What code updates can be made to meet the needs of all economic segments of the Port Orchard community? What are the biggest longstanding or new barriers to affordable and diverse residential development in Port Orchard? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 19 MARKUS 19 Key Research Questions What are the most pressing housing needs in Port Orchard for each segment of the population? What are we most concerned about and most hopeful about for residential development in Port Orchard over the next 10 years? What code updates can be made to meet the needs of all economic segments of the Port Orchard community? What are the biggest longstanding or new barriers to affordable and diverse residential development in Port Orchard? What new or updated tools, policies, staff capacity, and funding are most likely to meet Port Orchard’s housing goals? Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 20 MARKUS 20 Next Steps Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | July 26, 2022 21 SCOTT From here, we’ll be doing the existing conditions review, planning the stakeholder interviews, etc. We want open dialogue throughout the whole project. 21