07/26/2022 - Regular - MinutesDocuSign Envelope ID: 2B271 B12-F34D-4397-985A-F66D18B567BE City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of July 26, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Lucarelli Present Councilmember Chang Present Councilmember Clauson Present Councilmember Cucciardi Present Councilmember Diener Absent Councilmember Trenary Present Councilmember Rosapepe Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Finance Director Crocker, Police Chief M. Brown, Community Development Director Bond, Assistant City Engineer Hammer, City Attorney Archer, City Clerk Wallace, and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting also streamed live on YouTube. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Time Stamp: 00:41) Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Time Stamp: 01:02) MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to remove Business Item 7E [Adoption of a Resolution Supporting the TIB 2022 Urban Arterial Program Funding Application for the Bethel Corridor Phase 1 Project], add a Business Item 7A [Adoption of an Ordinance Repealing and Replacing POMC Chapter 9.18, Domestic Violence Protection Orders], and add to the Consent Agenda the personal excusal of Councilmember Diener. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS (Time Stamp: 02:33) DocuSign Envelope ID: 2B271 B12-F34D-4397-985A-F66D18B567BE Minutes of July 26, 2022 Paee 2 of 6 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Time Stamp: 04:33) A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 84367 through 84426 and 84434 through 84466 including bank drafts in the amount of $1,883,951.86 and EFTS in the amount of $135,177.61 totaling $2,019,129.47. B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 84427 through 84433 including bank drafts and EFTS in the amount of $228,787.90 and Direct Deposits in the amount of $226,607.46 totaling $455,395.36. C. Adoption of a Resolution Declaring an Item as Surplus and Authorizing its Disposition (Resolution No. 073-22) D. Approval of the July 12, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes E. NEW: Excusal of Councilmember Diener from Tonight's Meeting Due to Personal Reasons MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve the consent agenda as amended. The motion carried. S. PRESENTATION A. Housing Action Plan (Time Stamp: 4:59) Community Development Director Bond introduced Scott Bonjukian and Marcus Johnson with Makers Architecture and Urban Design. Their firm has been hired to create a Port Orchard Housing Action Plan under a Department of Commerce grant the City received last year. Mr. Bonjukian and Mr. Johnson provided a presentation which included introduction of the consultant team, project background, challenges in housing diversity, missing middle housing examples, comprehensive plan -key housing goals, housing stock, affordability, rental market vacancy rates, project scope and schedule, community engagement, key research questions, and next steps. Additional discussion was held regarding home ownership and affordability, rental affordability, target size of a starter home, comparison to other cities, is there a need for smaller homes, multi- family tax exemption, and including the last couple years of growth. Council direction: No direction was given to staff. B. Police Department Annual Report (Time Stamp 27:43) Police Chief Brown presented the Annual Report which included crime reporting, Group A and Group B offenses, statewide crime profile, Port Orchard -crimes against persons, property, and society, trend since 2012, state profile compared to Port Orchard, case clearance rate, calls for service, service due to the COVID-19 pandemic, takeaways, and next steps. Additional discussion was held regarding the school resource officer, legislative changes, crime for city residents versus non -city residents, and police staffing. DocuSign Envelope ID:2B271B12-F34D-4397-985A-F66D18B567BE Minutes of July 26, 2022 PaRe3of6 Council direction: No direction was provided to staff. 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. Surplus of Certain Proprietary Funds (Sewer) Utility Equipment (Time Stamp 51:18) Mayor Putaansuu opened the public hearing, and there being no testimony, closed the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. ADDED ITEM: Adoption of an Ordinance Repealing and Replacing POMC Chapter 9.18, Domestic Violence Protection Orders MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, second by councilmember Trenary, to adopt an ordinance repealing and replacing Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 9.18, domestic violence protection orders. City Attorney Archer noted a typo was shown in the ordinance provided under the fourth Whereas clause. The ordinance should state 'Chapter 20.50 RCW' and not 'Chapter 20.10 RCW'. The motion carried. (Ordinance No. 031-22) B. Continued: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending POMC Chapter 20.182 and Adopting an Updated Parks Impact Fee Rate Schedule (Time Stamp: 53:46) MAIN MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt an ordinance amending POMC 20.182 and establishing a new Park Impact Fee rate schedule as presented. AMENDED MOTION: By Councilmember Rosapepe, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to amend the prior motion on the floor to the stepped approach starting at 45%, effective September 1, 2022, and then increases to 57% on February 27, 2023. The amended motion carried. The main motion, as amended, carried. (Ordinance No. 013-22) C. Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Biennial Budget (Time Stamp: 1:03:30) DocuSign Envelope ID:2B271B12-F34D-4397-985A-F66D18B567BE Minutes of July 26, 2022 Page 4 of 6 MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to adopt an ordinance amending the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget, as adopted by Ordinance No. 035-20, and as previously amended. The motion carried. (Ordinance No. 030-22) D. Adoption of a Resolution Declaring Certain Proprietary Funds (Sewer) Utility Equipment as Surplus (Time Stamp 1:06:41) MOTION: By Councilmember Trenary, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to adopt a resolution declaring the utility equipment as surplus and authorizing its disposition, as presented. The motion carried. (Resolution No. 074-22) E. Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Purchase with Axon for Interview Room Recording System for the Police Department (Time Stamp 1:09:05) MOTION: By Councilmember Chang, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase and installation of an interview room recording system, including associated hardware and software, from Axon Enterprise, Inc. through Sourcewell Contract No. 010720-AXN for a total purchase price of $29,500.14 (applicable tax included). The motion carried. (Resolution No. 075-22 and Contract No. 097-22) F. Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Contract with Ceccanti, Inc. for the McCormick Village Park Splash Pad Treatment Facility Installation Project (Time Stamp 1:14:25) MOTION: By Councilmember Lucarelli, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to adopt Resolution No. 071-22, thereby approving Contract No. C075-22 with Ceccanti, Inc. for the McCormick Village Park Splash Pad Treatment Facility Installation project contract in the amount of $590,386.52 (applicable taxes included). Councilmember Chang voiced his concerns with the cost of the project and water conservation. The motion passed. Councilmember Chang voted no. G. Adoption of a Resolution Approving an Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation for Bridge Rail Repairs (Time Stamp 1:20:43) DocuSign Envelope ID: 2B271 B12-F34D-4397-985A-F66D18B567BE Minutes of July 26, 2022 Paee 5 of 6 MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation for Lund Avenue Bridge Rail repairs. Councilmember Chang noted he works for the Washington State Department of Transportation and would recuse himself if anyone had concerns. No once voiced concerns. The motion carried. (Resolution No. 072-22 and Contract No. 084-22) 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) There were no discussion items. 9. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES (Time Stamp: 1:22:50) Councilmember Trenary reported on the July 18tn Economic Development and Tourism Committee meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for August 1511 A brief discussion was held regarding lodging tax funding. Councilmember Clauson reported on the July 191" Finance Committee meeting. Councilmember Chang reported on the July 26t" Transportation Committee meeting which included Bethel Phase 1. Mayor Putaansuu reported the Festival of Chimes and Lights Committee is scheduled to meet August 15t". The Land Use Committee is scheduled to meet August 17tn Councilmember Lucarelli reported on utility inserts for the 2022 Chimes and Lights event. She also reported the Sewer Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet August 17tn 10. REPORT OF MAYOR (Time Stamp 1:35:01) The Mayor reported on the following: • Participation in the Joint Transportation Committee; • Missing middle housing work group; and • Public Works staffing, responsibilities, and job descriptions. 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS (Time Stamp 1:41:02) Assistant City Engineer Hammer reported a professional services agreement for Bethel Phase 1 project will be going before Council on August 9tn DocuSign Envelope ID: 2B271 B12-F34D-4397-985A-F66D18B567BE Minutes of July 26, 2022 Paae 6 of 6 Finance Director Crocker reported on a plan for an IT server replacement, closing this week on the purchase on Bay Street, and provided a presentation on the Transportation Benefit District Sales Tax timeframe. Community Development Director Bond reported on a new interactive zoning map that will be posted on the City's website. 12. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Time Stamp: 1:54:15) There were no citizen comments. 13. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Time Stamp 1:55:00) Councilmember Clauson would like paper copies of presentations, or to have them included in the packet. Councilmember Rosapepe urged everyone to follow CDC recommendations for COVID-19. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no executive session. 15. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. DocuSigned by: �v'a�n UJAUAtt Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk EDocuSigned by: I�oWubt*f P4MA L Robert Putaansuu, Mayor