09/20/2022 - Work Study - PacketJ .. IYuh , Mayor: Rob Putaansuu Administrative Official Councilmembers: MarkTrenary E/D & Tourism Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Transportation Committee KRCC-alt Shawn Cucciardi Finance Committee E/D & Tourism Committee Lodging Tax, Chair Fred Chang Economic Development & Tourism Committee Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Jay Rosa pepe Finance Committee, Land Use Committee KRCC, PSRC-alt, PSRCTranspol-alt, KRCCTranspol alt, KRCC Planpol-alt, John Clauson Finance Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Kitsap Public Health District-alt Cindy Lucarelli (Mayor Pro-Tempore) Festival of Chimes & Lights Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee, Chair Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Scott Diener Land Use Committee, Chair Transportation Committee Department Directors: Nicholas Bond, AICP Development Director TBD Director of Public Works/City Engineer Tim Drury Municipal Court Judge Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Matt Brown Police Chief Brandy Wallace, MIMIC, CPRO City Clerk Meeting Location: Council Chambers, V Floor 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 Contact us: (360) 876-4407 cityhall@cityofportorchard.us City of Port Orchard Council Work Study Session September 20, 2022 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, the City Council is conducting its public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Members of the public may view and provide public comment during the meeting in person at City Hall, via the online platform zoom (link below), or via telephone (number below). The public may also view the meeting live on the City's YouTube channel. Remote access Zoom Link: https://uso2web.zoom.us/*/87537527373 Zoom Webinar ID: 875 3752 7373 Zoom Call -In: 1-253-215-8782 Guiding Principles • Are we raising the bar? • Are we honoring the past, but not living in the past? • Are we building connections with outside partners? • Is the decision -making process positively impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion? CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 1. ADA Transition Plan Update (Hammer) Page 2 Estimated Time: 30 minutes 2. Transportation Benefit District Sales Tax Proposal (Crocker) Page 12 Estimated Time: 30 minutes 3. Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property (Archer) Page 25 Estimated Time: 15 minutes EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), the City Council WILL hold an executive session. The session duration will be announced prior to the executive session. GOOD OF THE ORDER Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned Meeting materials are available on the City's website: www.citvofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office, 360.876.4407 The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Contact the City Clerk's office should you need special accommodations. Back to Agenda AA13A lfPiHln2u2uI iR Page 2 of 34 Back to Agenda History ADA Transition Plan (Ordinal) - zoi6 Limited Update - zozi Goals of limited update • Document progress • Update maps; Retrofits, Extensions • Staff effort ... reduced consultant involvement • Focus limited $ on construction Page 3 of 34 9/16/202222 2 Back to Agenda New Sidewalks 2016 to 2021 Appendix B T 1-71 Ir 17 Legend, October 2021 No Sidewalk Install —Date 2CI 6 new 0.359 miles 2617 new 0 miles 2019 new 1.969 miles k - 2019 new 0.264 miles - 2020 new 1 42 miles - 2021 new 0.773 miles r-7 COPO Boundary Zt 32t 9/16/2022 3 Back to Agenda Progress 2016 to 2021 9/16/2022 Back to Agenda ADA Ramp Upgrades 2016 to 2021 Appendix � 4 I A;N r• ■ y a.� rt; y'r r � � • � T r vp Me yr i a.�*. a � i f i * r r a ra • � � � � rI � r Legend, October 2021 - • � CC PO ADA stamps Upgraded Date + <allalhervaluear t 41 Reiuribished Date f ! * f 201 E upgraded 5 #r* • r� ■ gal upgrasetl l i t i ■ 201&upgradetl22 i ` � 202a upgraded 4 f • f ■ 2021 upgraded OOPO &aunOwy Pa e 6 of 34 9/16/2022 Back to Agenda Progress 2016 to 2021 Page 7 of 34 Back to Agenda Driveway Entrances 2016 to 2021 Legend, October 2021 w Driveway Pad S • all other values, 0 Refurbished Driveway 2016-2021 total 26 = COPO Boundary 9/16/2022 Back to Agenda Progress 2016 to 2021 Page 9 of 34 9/16/202222 Back to Agenda Planned work Funding: Operating budget; $35K/yr Capital budget; $30oK/ yr+ HUD; CDBF Grants Implementation: Lippert Road and Sidewalk Project: $557K (CDBF Funded) Transit Routes serving Ferries (Pending CDBF Grant) City Crew Sidewalk Repairs Pavement Preservation Program: may include ADA ramps Page 10 of 34 9/16/2022 LIo lNI[' zw- ORCHARD ........... --ZZ��� Back to Agenda Public Hearin Transportation Benefit Distric Sales Tax Froposa 09.13.202; Note: This is intended to illustrate the project estimates and potential funding sou Page 12 of 34 Back to Agenda Discussion Overview Transportation Benefit District Sales Overview Timeline Process Use of Funding: Phase 1: Bethel Road-Salmonberry Rd to Blueberry Rd Proposal for Transportation Benefit District Sales Tax Projection of Transportation Benefit District Sales Tax Revenue Scenario Analysis Page 13 of 34 Back to Agenda Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Sales Tax: A tax on all sales within the jurisdiction's boundaries dedicated for transportz purposes w° E- M a2 Example 1: $10 purchase the TBD Sales Tax would be $0.01 Example 2: $100 purchase the TBD Sales Tax would be $0.10 City Council has been evaluating solutions to address local funding challenges for transportation projects in the City of Port Orchard • New legislation: Effective July 1, 2022, Sec. 406-407 of ESSB 5974 increases the maximum transportation benefit district (TBD) sales tax authority from 0.2% to 0.3% and authorizes indefinite renewals of up to 10 years with voter approval. In addition, for TBDs that include all of the territory within the boundaries of the jurisdiction(s) that established the TBD, the legislation authorizes the governing board to impose 0.1% of the sales tax councilmanically (without voter approval) up to 10 years at a time. Page 14 of 34 Back to Agenda Transportation Benefit Discussions in 2022 February 2022 June 14,2022 June 27, 2022 June 28, 2022 July 12,2022 July 26, 2022 Council Retreat Council Meeting Finance Committee Transportation Committee Regular Council Meeting Regular Council Meeting Other Outreach: Mayor community engagement Page 15 of 34 Timeline: TBD 1 /10 Sales Tax Effective January 1, 2023 Back to Agenda August 2022 Community Outreach: Post social media and website, press releases Communication with the Chamber of Commerce Et Merchants Association August 09,2022 Council Meeting: Draft Ordinance provided to Council for review and discussion September 13,2022 Council Meeting: Public Hearing on Ordinance imposing the 1 /10 of a percent TBD Sales Tax September 20,2022 Council Work-study: Discussion on Ordinance imposing the 1 /10 of a percent TBD Sales Tax September 27,2022 Council Meeting: Continuation of Public Hearing Adoption of Ordinance imposing the 1 /10 of a percent TBD Sales Tax October 14,2022: All required documents accepted by Department of Revenue Page 16 of 34 Phasing Strategy Phase 1: Bethel Road-Salmonberry Rd to Blueberry Rd • Construct two roundabouts on Bethel Road at both Salmonberry Road and Blueberry Road. While right of -way should be acquired to accommodate the full build -out roundabout design for the 2040 horizon year volumes, the design and number of circulating lanes required to support opening day volumes will be determined during the design phase. At Salmonberry Road, our analysis identified a single -lane roundabout as an interim design. However, a two-lane roundabout with two-lane approaches southbound and northbound on Bethel Road is expected to be required to meet LOS standards in 2040. At Blueberry Road, our analysis did not identify an interim design and a single -lane roundabout is expected to meet LOS standards in 2040. • Construct the Bethel Road segment between Salmonberry Road and Blueberry to the Bethel Road - Typical Section A specifications including sidewalk, bioretention swale, curb and gutter, bike lane, one travel lane in each direction, and a raised center median. • In order to adequately accommodate detour traffic during construction, Ramsey Road between Sedgwick Road and Salmonberry Road will need to be improved to meet City standards prior to implementation of Phase 1, including resolving some existing right-of- way issues. A preliminary cost for this improvement has been included in the estimate for Phase 1. Figure 10: Phasing Strategy Diagram 4 ,9 Back to Agenda Page 17 of 34 Transportation Benefit District Proposal • Approve FY 2023 Back to Agenda a Councitmanic TBD 1 /10t" sales tax beginning ih • Use the funding to complete Design and Ft ROW acquisition for Phasel - Bethel Ft Salmon Berry • Once Design is complete, explore a public TBD 2/10th sales tax beginning in FY 2026 • Utilize the additional tax to issue debt to complete the project and potentially others Page 18 of 34 S1,600,000 51, 400, 000 $1, 200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $ 600,000 $400,000 $ 200,000 TBD 1/10th Sales Tax Councilmanic Revenue Projection 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 203G 2031 2032 Taxable Sale Tax Growth Rate 0% ■ Taxahle Sales Growth Rate 5% pp 1 h, J Transportation Benefit District 1 /10th Sales Tax TBD 1/10th Sales Tax Councilmanic Revenue Projection $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,646,106 $6,000,000 $5,815,343 $4,984,579 $5,000,000 $4,153,816 $4,000,000 $3,323,053 $3,000,000 $2,492,290 $2,000,000 $1,661,526 $1,000,000 $830,763 ■ 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 ■ Per Year ■ Cumulative $7,476,869 2029 2030 2031 Page 20 of 34 2032 Back to Agenda Growth Scenarios • 0% growth in taxable sales provides a ranges of $830,000/year • 0% growth in taxable sales provides a cumulative revenues of $8.307 million over the 10 years 1 Phase 1: Bethel Road -Salmon berry Rd to Blueberry Rd Revenue and Expenses Revenue 2022 2023 2024 2025 TBD .1 % Sales Tax $830, 763 $830, 763 $830, 763 TIF Bethel Phase 1 $353,394 $1,186,700 $493,489 Blueberry (TIP 1.8) Fee in Lieu $234,000 REET (TIP 1.8) $116,000 $0 $250,000 $250,000 Total Revenue 1 $350,0001 $1,184,1571 $2,267,4631 $1,574,252 Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 Bethel Phase 1-Design $344,813 $281,405 $225,000 $350,000 Bethel ROW Bethel -Construction $359,090 $1,742,848 $1,742,848 Total Expenditure $344,813 $640,495 $1,967,848 $2,092,848 Net Net (with carry forward) $5,187 $543,662 $299,616-$518,595 $548,849 $848,465 $329,870 Back to Agenda ASSUMPTIONS • With the 1 /101h TBD Councilmanic Sales Tax (0% growth) • Transportation Impact Fee Revenue • Developer funding • Real Estate Excise Tax SUMMARY • Able to Fund Design and ROW acquisitions through 2025 Page 21 of 34 Phase 1: Bethel Road -Salmon berry Rd to Blueberry Rd Revenue and Expenses • TBD 1 / 10 Sales Tax( No Growth) • Funding Shortfall will occur in 2026 on a cash flow basis • Revenues are short of Expenses by - $3.6 million No GPTwth Forecast-0.1%Council manic a es ax Back to Agenda Revenue 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Total Per Revenue Source TBD.1% SalesTax $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 $8,307,632 TIF Bethel Phase 1 $353,394 $1,186,700 $493,489 $2,033,583 Blueberry (TIP 1.8) Fee in Lieu $234,000 $234,000 REET (TIP 1.8) $116,000 $0 $250,0001 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $616,000 Total Revenue $350,000 $1,184,157 r $2,267,463r $1,574,252r $830,763r $830,763r $830,763r $830,763r $830,763r $830,763r $830,7631 $11,191,215 Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Bethel Phase 1-Design $344,813 $281,405 $225,000 $350,000 $1,201,218 Bethel ROW $359,090 $1,742,848 $1,742,848 $3,844,785 Bethel -Construction $2,972,810 $6,804,891 $9,777,701 Total Expenditure $344,813 $640,4951 $1,967,8481 $2,092,848 $2,972,810 $6,804,891 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,823,704 Net $5,187 $543,662 $299,616 Net (with carry forward) $548,849 $848,465 -$518,595-$2,142,047-$5,974,128 $329,870-$1,812,177-$7,786,305 $830,763 $830,763 -$6,955,542-$6,124,778 $830,763 $830,763 $830,763 -$5,294,015-$4,463,252-$3,632,489 $3.6 ' Million Short Page 22 of 34 Phase 1: Bethel Road -Salmon berry Rd to Blueberry Rd Revenue and Expenses Back to Agenda • Voter Approved TBD 2/10th sales tax beginning in FY 2026 • City will have the ability to issue debt repaid by the tax • Tax will remain in place until the debt service is retired, extending the tax beyond 10 years • There will be cashflow considerations, however, overall revenue will exceed expenses . Revenue 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Total Per Revenue Source TBD .1% Sales Tax $830,763 $830,763 $830 763 $2,492,290 TBD .2% Sales Tax (Voter Approved) $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $11,630,685 11 TIF Bethel Phase 1 $353,394 $1,186,700 $493,489 $2,033,583 Blueberry (TIP 1.8) Fee in Lieu $234,000 $234,000 REET(TIP 1.8) $116,000 $250,000 $250,000 $616,000 Total Revenue $350,000 $1,184,157 $2,267,463 $1,574,252 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $17,006,558 Expenditures 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Bethel Phase 1-Design $344,813 $281,405 $225,000 $350,000 $1,201,218 Bethel ROW Bethel -Construction $359,090 $1,742,848 $1,742,848 $3,844,785 $2,972,810 $6,804,891 $9,777,701 Total Expenditure $344,813 $640,495 $1,967,8481 $2,092,8481 $2,972,8101 $6,804,891 1$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,823,704 Net $5,187 $543,662 $299,616-$518,595-$1,311,284-$5,143,365 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 $1,661,526 Net (with carry forward) $548,849 $848,465 $329,870-$981,414-$6,124,778-$4,463,252-$2,801,726-$1,140,199 $521,327 $2,182,854 Page 23 of 34 Next Step, Back to Agenda September 13, 2022 Council Meeting: Public Hearing on Ordinance imposing the 1 / 10 of a percent TBD Sales Tax September 20,2022 Council Work-study: Discussion on Ordinance imposing the 1 /10 of a percent TBD Sales Tax September 27, 2022 Council Meeting: Continuation of Public Hearing Adoption of Ordinance imposing the 1 / 10 of a percent TBD Sales Tax October 14,2022: All required documents accepted by Department of Revenue January 1, 2023: TBD Sales Tax Effective becomes effective March -April 2023: First TBD Sales Tax Revenue to be received by the City Page 24 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard �-= Work Study Session Executive Summary `yam■�� � � IIIAI �_'a Issue Title: Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property Meeting Date: September 20, 2022 Time Required: 15 Minutes Attendees: City Attorney Archer, Nick Bond and Angela Garcia (DCD/Code Enforcement), Chief Matt Brown (Police), and Tony Lang (PW) Action Requested At This Meeting: As follow-up to previous Council Actions, Staff are providing a report on draft procedures by which Staff respond to illegal dumping and unauthorized camping on public property. Issue: Pursuant to Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 6.04.090, 9.60.130, 9.30.020, 10.12 and 12.24.030, the City regulates the use of public property, for property that is open and closed to public. Staff was tasked to develop uniform procedures, in conjunction with existing applicable City and departmental procedures, to implement existing codified regulations, which balance the public health and safety concerns of neighborhood residents as well as people experiencing homelessness. The proposed procedures call for the removal unauthorized encampments and associated junk, garbage or debris from City of Port Orchard property and, where applicable, temporarily storing personal property in a manner that is consistent with local, state and federal laws. Background: The City of Port Orchard has received complaints from residents of Port Orchard regarding the illegal dumping of junk, garbage or debris in conjunction with active and abandoned unauthorized encampments on public property including roadsides, open streets and greenbelts. Illegal dumping and unauthorized camping may impact the community by affecting public health, safety, land values, quality of life, and the environment. The City prohibits illegal dumping of junk, garbage and debris on public property as a threat to the public safety and health. Similarly, unauthorized camping on public property creates environmental hazards and quality -of -life issues for adjacent neighborhood residents, as well as for the encampment residents themselves. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 4 - Parks Recommendation: Receive briefing and provide feedback on draft procedures. Attachments: [Draft] Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property Page 25 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property Purpose: The City of Port Orchard has received complaints from residents of Port Orchard regarding the illegal dumping of junk, garbage or debris in conjunction with active and abandoned unauthorized encampments on public property including roadsides, open streets and greenbelts. Illegal dumping and unauthorized camping may impact the community by affecting public health, safety, land values, quality of life, and the environment. The City prohibits illegal dumping of junk, garbage and debris on public property as a threat to the public safety and health. Similarly, unauthorized camping on public property creates environmental hazards and quality -of -life issues for adjacent neighborhood residents, as well as for the encampment residents themselves. The City desires to adopt uniform procedures, in conjunction with existing applicable City and departmental procedures, to implement existing codified regulations, which balance the public health and safety concerns of neighborhood residents as well as people experiencing homelessness. These were prepared by staff to establish uniform procedures for removing unauthorized encampments and associated junk, garbage or debris from City of Port Orchard property and, where applicable, temporarily storing personal property in a manner that is consistent with local, state and federal laws. Applicable Authorities: These procedures are intended to implement the following regulations adopted by the Port Orchard City Council: Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 6.04.090 — Burning or dumping — Generally. POMC 9.60.130 — Camping prohibited. POMC 9.30.020 (18) — Nuisance, Obstructing pedestrian or vehicle access POMC 9.30.020 (14) — Nuisance, Junk vehicles POMC Chapter 10.12 — Parking, Standing and Stopping POMC 12.24.030 (1) — Street use permit, nuisance Definitions: These definitions, consistent with the above authorities, apply to these procedures: "Encampment" means one or more tent, structure, or assembly of camping equipment or personal property located in an identifiable area within the City of Port Orchard which appears to a reasonable person as being used for camping. Active encampments do not include sites a reasonable person would conclude are no longer in use for camping because remaining materials are garbage, debris, or waste. "Hazard" means any discarded, useless, unwanted, or abandoned substances, including but not limited to chemicals, pesticides, or any residues or containers of such substances which are disposed of in such quantity or concentration as to pose a present or potential hazard to human health, wildlife, or the environment. Page 26 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property "Immediate hazard" means the dumping of junk, garbage or debris that creates a risk of serious injury or death to others, including but not limited to items left on roadways, shoulders and other areas exposed to moving vehicles, and landslide -prone areas. "Obstruction" means personal property, garbage, debris or other objects that are: in a City park or on a public sidewalk; interfere with the pedestrian or transportation purposes of public rights -of -way; or interfere with areas that are necessary for or essential to the intended use of a public property or facility. "Junk" and "garbage" means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semisolid wastes including, but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, swill, sewage sludge, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and recyclable materials. "Personal property" means an item that: is reasonably recognizable as belonging to a person; has apparent utility in its present condition and circumstances; and is not hazardous. Examples of personal property include but are not limited to identification, personal papers and documents, tents, bicycles, radios and other electronic equipment, eyeglasses, prescription medications, photographs, jewelry, crutches, and wheelchairs. Personal property does not include building materials such as wood products, metal, pallets, or rigid plastic. The relevant staff member will determine whether an item is personal property, and in cases when the status of an item cannot reasonably be determined in the staff member's judgment based on the totality of the circumstances, the staff member will treat the item as personal property under these procedures. "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicular -type unit primarily designed for recreational camping or travel use that has its own motive power or is mounted on or towed by another vehicle. The units include travel trailers, fifth -wheel trailers, folding camping trailers, truck campers, and motor homes. "Street" means any highway, lane, road, street, right-of-way, boulevard, alley, and every way or place in the city that is publicly owned or maintained for public vehicular travel. "Vehicle" means the same as such is defined in RCW 46.04.670. Exclusions from Procedures: These procedures do not apply to the following situations: These procedures do not apply to the illegal dumping of junk, garbage or debris or vehicles on private property owned by the reporting party, or property owned by an institutional or public agency other than the City. If a reporting party notifies an employee that they have been the victim of illegal dumping on private property owned by the reporting party, the employee should: • Advise the reporting party to contact 911 if they believe the situation creates an immediate danger to life, health, or the environment. If the reporting party states the condition does not create an immediate danger, the employee should refer the reporting party to a list of resources available on the City's website Page 27 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property and to the Kitsap Public Health District (the district maintains vouchers for the disposal of illegally dumped solid waste). These procedures do not apply to illegal dumping of junk, garbage or debris or vehicles or illegal camping reported by a resident on private property that the reporting party does not own/lease, the employee should direct the reporting party to contact the City's Code Enforcement Officer. This matter is handled pursuant to Community Development Departmental procedures as an open enforcement case, on a resources -available basis. A site inspection, with the property owner's permission, may occur in conjunction with representatives of the Police Department and/or Public Works Department, as appropriate. 3. This policy does not apply to the illegal dumping of junk, garbage or debris on public property that is not associated with an active encampment, which are collected and disposed of by Public Works Department in accordance with Public Works Department Departmental procedures. 1. Abandoned Personal Property: Consistent with the above referenced authorities, staff will utilize the following procedures (in conjunction with applicable City and departmental procedures) to respond to the dumping of personal property in the right of way or on City -owned property. 1.1. Upon receipt of a report of illegal dumping of personal property on City -owned property or street, the reporting party should be directed to the Public Works Department for investigation of the report, in conjunction with the Police Department.' 1.1.1. If there are no signs of an active encampment but personal property is present, Public Works Department may dispose of all junk, garbage and waste. Public Works Department may separately collect personal property and store for twenty-four (24) hours. During the twenty-four (24) hours, Public Works Department will collaborate with the Police Department to make efforts to locate the owner for the personal property. If no owner can be located or the owner does not collect the items, Public Works Department may dispose of the personal property, in accordance with department policy. 1.1.2. If there are signs of an active encampment, Public Works Department should refer the report to the Code Enforcement Officer. See procedures for Camping/Encampment. 2. Unlawfully Parked Vehicles/Recreational Vehicles: Consistent with the above referenced authorities, Staff will utilize the following procedure (in conjunction with applicable City and departmental procedures) for responding to the unlawful dumping of vehicles, including Recreational Vehicles (RVs) or campers, in the right of way or on City -owned property: ' Public Works and Police intend to establish a routine (at least quarterly) meeting to discuss potential encampment sites and any hazards posed by the potential encampment site to city employees. This conference should occur prior to the site inspection, if feasible. Page 28 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property 2.1. Upon receipt of a report of an abandoned vehicle, including a Recreational Vehicle (RV) or camper, and associated dumping of junk, garbage or debris on an opened street, the report should be directed to the parking enforcement officer who will evaluate the situation for violations of the City's parking code. Parking Enforcement may issue citations in accordance with the POMC and Department procedures. 2.1.1. If the vehicle is abandoned and there are no signs of habitation, after issuance of citations, the parking enforcement officer should: (1) contact Public Works Department for collection and disposal of all junk, garbage or debris surrounding the vehicle; and (2) contact the Police Department for impound of the vehicle, pursuant to Police Department procedures. 2.1.2. If it is unclear whether the vehicle is being used for habitation, the parking enforcement officer should supply information regarding available public services to the occupants of the vehicle and should contact the Police Department for follow-up. Staff may attempt to contact the owner(s) and/or occupants of the vehicle and provide information regarding available public services. If no contact occurs after multiple attempts, the Police Department may have the vehicle impounded, pursuant to Police Department procedures. Information identifying available public services shall be provided to the owner(s) and/or occupants and/or affixed to the vehicle at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled impound. Staff should contact Public Works Departmentfor collection and disposal of all junk, garbage or debris surrounding the vehicle at the time of impound. If the volume of junk, garbage or debris exceeds the capacity of Public Works Department, staff should contact the City's on -call waste disposal contractor. If the contents include hazardous materials, staff should contact Kitsap Public Health and/or South Kitsap Fire and Rescue. 2.2. Upon receipt of a report of an abandoned vehicle, including a Recreational Vehicle (RV) or camper, and associated dumping of junk, garbage or debris on City -owned property other than an opened street, the report should be directed to the Code Enforcement Officer who will evaluate the situation for violations of the City's municipal code. 2.2.1. If the vehicle is abandoned and there are no signs of habitation, after issuance of citations, the Code Enforcement Officer should: (1) contact Public Works Department for collection and disposal of all junk, garbage or debris surrounding the vehicle; and (2) contact the Police Departmentfor impound of the vehicle, pursuant to Police Department procedures. 2.2.2. If it is unclear whether the vehicle is being used for habitation, the Code Enforcement Officer should supply information regarding available public services to the occupants of the vehicle and should contact the Police Department for follow-up. Page 29 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property Staff should attempt to contact the owner(s) and/or occupants of the vehicle and provide information regarding available public services. The Police Department may then have the vehicle impounded, pursuant to Police Department procedures. Information identifying available public services shall be provided to the owner(s) and/or occupants and/or affixed to the vehicle at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled impound, including referral to available shelter. Staff should contact Public Works Departmentfor collection and disposal of all junk, garbage or debris surrounding the vehicle at the time of impound. If the volume of junk, garbage or debris exceeds the capacity of Public Works Department, staff should contact the City's on -call waste disposal contractor. If the contents include hazardous materials, staff should contact Kitsap Public Health and/or South Kitsap Fire and Rescue. 3. Unlawful Camping/Encampments: Consistent with the above referenced authorities, Staff will utilize the following procedure (in conjunction with applicable City and departmental procedures) for responding to a report of unlawful camping on City -owned property. 3.1. Upon receipt of a report of unlawful camping and associated dumping of junk, garbage or debris on City -owned property, the report should be directed to the Public Works Department. In conjunction with the Police Department,2 Public Works Department will conduct an initial evaluation of the report. See attached Initial Site Evaluation Form. 3.1.1. If a vacant active encampment presents an emergency and imminent hazard to public health and safety (as determined in consultation with the City Attorney), the Public Works Department should post a Notice of Emergency Order to Vacate and remove items present. Junk, garbage, and waste may be disposed of in accordance with department policies. Personal property should be stored for no less than sixty (60) days, and staff should attempt to contact the personal property's owners during that time. 3.1.2. If the site is vacant and does not contain: (1) evidence of an active encampment; or (2) personal property, Public Works Department may immediately dispose of the dumped materials pursuant to department procedures. If the volume of junk, garbage or debris exceeds the capacity of Public Works Department, staff should contact the City's on -call waste disposal contractor. If the contents include hazardous materials, staff should contact Kitsap Public Health and/or South Kitsap Fire and Rescue. 3.1.3. If the site is vacant and there are no signs of an active encampment, but personal property is present, Public Works Department should refer to procedure for Abandoned Personal Property. 2 Public Works and Police may establish a routine (quarterly) meeting to discuss potential encampment sites and any hazards posed by the potential encampment site to city employees. This conference should occur prior to the site inspection, if feasible. Page 30 of 34 City of Port Orchard Back to Agenda Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property 3.1.4. If the site is vacant but contains evidence of an active encampment and associated personal property, Public Works Department should refer matter to the Code Enforcement Officer, including a copy of the initial site evaluation form. The City, through the Code Enforcement Officer, working conjunction with public health and human services partners and the Police Department, should make contact with those present at the camp/encampment to offer services. In conjunction with Public Works Department and the Police Department, the Code Enforcement Officer shall schedule an encampment clean-up date. If the size and scope of the encampment exceed the capacity of the Public Works Department, the City's on -call vendor should be contacted. Once scheduled, the Code Enforcement Officer should prepare an initial notice of clean-up. The Notice should be posted at the encampment and affixed to all tents/structures present on the property. If needed, posting should be coordinated with the Public Works Department and Police Department. The Notice should include information directing those present to available services. The Notice shall provide at least fourteen (14) days advance notice of the clean-up. The Code Enforcement Officer should prepare a second notice of clean-up. The second notice of scheduled clean-up shall be posted at least seven (7) days prior to the clean-up and should meet the criteria of the first notice. The Code Enforcement Officer, Public Works Department, and Police Department, in conjunction with public health and human services partners and any on -call remediation vendors shall perform the camp/encampment clean-up on the date scheduled. The clean-up should include the following: All remaining persons shall be notified, in person, of the need to vacate and offered available shelter and public health and human services. Junk, garbage and waste may be disposed of. Personal property should be collected by the Public Works Department and/or on -call vendors. and stored for no less than sixty (60) days, and staff should attempt to contact the personal property's owners during that time. Following the clean-up event, the Police Department and Public Works Department may utilize methods to limit the re-establishment of camping/the encampment, including fencing, trimming of vegetation, etc. Page 31 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property INITIAL SITE INSPECTION REPORT FOR UNLAWFUL CAMPING AND ASSOCIATED DUMPING Date of Report: Report Received By: Report Received From: Location of Reported Dumping/Unauthorized Encampment: Site Inspection Conducted On: Location of Site Inspection in relation to location of dumping/unauthorized encampment Observed Conditions (check all that apply): ❑ Signs of habitation, including one or more tent, structure, or assembly of camping equipment. o If yes, is the tent/structure secured? Yes/No ❑ Personal Property ❑ Garbage, rubbish, or ashes, Industrial wastes, swill, sewage sludge, ❑ Demolition and construction wastes ❑ Abandoned vehicles or parts thereof (if yes, copy of report to Parking Enforcement) ❑ Human waste or hazardous materials/fluids Are there people present? Yes/No • If yes, how many people were observed: Page 32 of 34 City of Port Orchard Back to Agenda Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property NOTICE TO VACATE UNAUTHORIZED ENCAMPMENT All occupants are hereby ordered to vacate the unauthorized encampment at address/location: (the "Property") Pursuant to Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 9.30.060 and POMC 6.04.090, you are ordered to vacate the above publicly -owned land, as the POMC prohibits: Storage of personal property in a park, right of way or any publicly owned parking lot or publicly owned area ❑ Vehicle habitation for a period of more than 24 hours in a park, right of way or any publicly owned parking lot or publicly owned area ❑ POMC 6.04.090 Burning or dumping — Generally. ❑ POMC 9.60.130 Camping prohibited. ❑ POMC 9.30.020 (18) — Nuisance, Obstructing pedestrian or vehicle access ❑ POMC 9.30.020 (14) — Nuisance, Junk vehicles ❑ POMC 12.24.030 (1) —Street use permit, nuisance You are hereby provided notice that any continued violation(s) may result in the issuance of civil infraction(s), and/or notice of criminal trespass, as well as the disposal of all junk, garbage and debris present at the Property, removal of all personal property at the Property, and impounding of your vehicle (if any). You are ordered to comply as follows: ❑ You have _ hours to vacate and remove all property, including your personal property and/or vehicle ❑ You must immediately vacate due to the following imminent safety concerns: Shelter services are available by contacting: I acknowledge and represent that I have read the foregoing. Signed this _ day of , 2022 at , Washington. Signature: Printed Name: Page 33 of 34 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Procedures for Response to Unauthorized Trespassing/Camping on Public Property Date/time of posting: Location of Notice posted: Posting Official: Page 34 of 34