086-22 - Port Orchard Police Guild-Patrol Officer - Contract Amendment 2MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
The City of Port Orchard ("City") and the Port Orchard Police Guild representing Patrol
Officers ("Guild") enter into this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") regarding
recruitment incentives for lateral police officer applicants.
WHEREAS, the employment market for Lateral Police Officers is highly competitive; and
WHEREAS, other jurisdictions in Kitsap County offer incentives to Lateral Police
Officers; and
WHEREAS, Lateral Police Officer candidates are able to work on their own within 3 to 4
months of hire, compared to 7 months or longer for entry level police officer candidates; and
WHEREAS, entry level officers cost the City over $5,000 in charges from the Basic Law
Enforcement Academy;
WHEREAS, lateral candidates may forfeit large leave balances when departing their
current law enforcement agencies;
WHEREAS, on May 24, 2022, the Port Orchard City Council approved Ordinance number
019-22 providing a hiring incentive of $10,000 upon hire; and
WHEREAS, both parties agree that an additional incentive of $5,000 upon completion of
probation is warranted;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Guild agree as follows:
The City may offer a $5,000 recruitment incentive to Lateral Police Officer candidates
who have:
a. Completed the Washington State Basic Law Enforcement Academy;
b. Meet all other criteria to be eligible for consideration as a Lateral Police Officer
Candidate under the City of Port Orchard's Police Civil Service Rules; and
c. Successfully complete their probationary period as a Police Officer with the
City of Port Orchard on or after June 1, 2022, or the effective date of this MOU,
whichever is later.
2. The incentive will be paid on the first available paycheck, as determined by payroll,
after successful completion of probation.
3. Lateral Police Officers completing probation or hired during the tern of this MOU,
whichever is earlier, will receive 40 hours of sick leave and 40 hours of vacation leave
in their leave banks effective with the first available paycheck after date of hire, or
completion of probation, whichever is applicable, as determined by paryroll.
4. Lateral Police Officers accepting the recruitment incentive will be required to sign an
agreement agreeing to repay the incentive if they voluntarily separate or are removed
from employment for cause after their one year anniversary but before reaching their
two year anniversary. Repayment of each portion will be pro -rated based on the length
of their employment.
5. The cash value, if any, of any accrued sick and vacation time will be reduced by 40
hours of sick and 40 hours of vacation, and those hours shall be forfeited, if a Lateral
Police Officer receiving leave as provided for in section 3 of this MOU terminates
employment for any reason within six months of receiving the additional leave, thereby
allowing the City to recover the additional credit to the employee's leave banks.
6. All payments are considered gross wages and subject to applicable payroll taxes and
This MOU is effective when signed by both parties and will remain in effect until
terminated by the City with ten (10) calendar days written notice to the Guild. No
modification to this MOU is valid unless in writing and signed by the parties. The
parties reserve the right to reevaluate this MOU no less frequently than every 30
calendar days to determine if its continuance is of mutual benefit to the City and the
Guild. The City may terminate this MOU with ten (10) calendar days written notice to
the Guild.
Mayor Rob Putaansuu
Date: t U 1 lZ(Z2,
An ew Brandon, President
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