01/17/2020 - Retreat - Minutesffioat"ORC}IARD City of Port Orchard: Council - Mayor - Directors Retreat Summary (Draft v. L-27-2Ol January L7,2O2O | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Puerto Vallarta Restaurant (1599 SE Lund Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98356) Welcome (Mayor Putaansuu) The Mayor welcomed Councilmembers to the 2020 Port Orchard Council - Mayor - Directors Retreat. See Attachment A for a list of Councilmembers in attendance, as well as Directors who arrived later in the morning. City Council Committee Assignments (Mayor Putaansuu and Brandy Rinearson) Mayor Putaansuu led a discussion of 2020 City Council Committee assignments. Councilmembers discussed a new Transportation Committee and its possible focus areas, including: o Transportation concerns within ond outside the City of Port Orchard o lmpacts of lnitiative 976 o Bethel Corridor transportation issues o Flower Meadows transportation issues . Transportation Plan to complement 5-year Transportation lmprovement Program o lmpact fees o Surface paving and repaving o Grant opportunities and timing Councilmembers also commented on the Economic Development and Tourism Committee, including its possible focus areas: o Liaising with Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce o lssues affecting downtown ond outside of downtown o Community outreach o Commuters o parking City Councilmembers then volunteered for internal Committees and external Committees/Boards. Port Orchard Committees: Proposed Appointments John ClausonShawn Cucciardi Bek Ashby Shawn Cucciardi Bek Ashby Fred Chang Cindy Luca relli Jay Rosapepe Jay RosapepeScott Diener Fred Chang Scott Diener Bek Ashby Jay Rosapepe Cindy Lucarelli Jay Rosapepe Committee Fina nce Economic Development and Tourism Uti I ities/Sewe r Adviso ry Land Use Transportation (new) Festival of Chimes and Lights Lodging Tax L John Clauson ffi*.w*-gRcHnnfi External Boards or Committees: For Port Orchard's Committees, the first meeting of the year will include a discussion of the following topics: o Selection of Committee Chair r Mission statement (see focus areas above for the Transportation Committee, and the Economic Development and Tourism Committee) o Frequency of meeting dates o lssues for Work Studies versus Committee Meetings o Coordination with other Committees for cross-categorized issues o Appropriate staff persons State of the City: 2019 Overview and 2020 PIans (Mayor Putaansuu) Mayor Putannsuu gave a presentation on the State of the City, which he also plans to give to City of Port Orchard staff, service groups, and at town hall meetings. short-Term Priorities Throughoutthlssummory oshort- Below are the Mayor's priorities for 2O2O: termo referc to approxlmotely l_2o Finish the Capital Projects the City has started years lnto the future (i.e. through- Bay Street Path Right of Way Phase 2022).- Well#13 Drilling and Conveyance System - McCormick Lift Station #2 - Marina Pump Station - Well#11Design o Continue to invest in technology that creates efficiencies - Electronic Records System o Continue to invest in Public lnfrastructure . Downtown Master Planning 2 Proposed Appointments Shawn Cucciardi Cindy Luca relli Bek Ashby (primary)Jay Rosapepe (alternate) Bek Ashby (Transportation Policy Board prim dry, Executive Board a lternate) Scott Diener (potential Growth Management Policy Board a lternate) Bek Ashby Police Chief Brown (alternate) John Clauson (alternate) Board or Committee Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCc) Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Peninsula Regional Tra nsportation PIa nning Organization (PRTPO) Kitsap 9L1 Public Health o Update Parks Plan . Community Center Planning and Outreach . Marquee discussion and solutions o 202L-2O22 Biennial Budget o Facilitate the groundbreaking of a mixed-use project downtown o Retain Kitsap Bank downtown and attract their new corporate campus o Continue to support the South Kitsap School District o Planning for improvements to City Hall . Expansion of the Mental Health Navigator Program in Port Orchard o Conduct a salary survey and organizational review o lmplement 1406 funding Long-Term Priorities The Mayor's long-term goals included the following: Throughoutthissummary' olong- o Keeping up with growth: water (additional reservoir); term' relerc to opproximately 3$ sewer lift station (sedgwick/sidney); and stormwater yearc into the future (i'e' through 2026).. Transportation: Hwy 16/150 interchange; Bethel; Anderson Hill roundabouU Flower Meadows sidewalks & stormwater; and maintaining & im proving existing streets r Facilities: City Hall; Public Works Shop; and new library o Parks and Recreation: new parks; paths & trails; community center o Social lssues: homelessness; addiction issues r lmprove public outreach, perhaps via a Public lnformation Officer Councilmembers provided feedback to the Mayor for how his Stote of the City presentation could be revised to best communicate to a public audience. Questions and Answers Q: When did the current City Hall bond mature? A: 2OI9 Directors Work Plans and Future Priorities Below are the past achievements and requests from each City of Port Orchard Department MunicipalCourt Judge Tim Drury and Court Administrator Sharon Ells provided a presentation to the City Councilmembers on the Municipal Court's successes and its future priorities. Recent Successes o Addressed court security issues o Completed file scanning project o Managed an effective community service proBram that helped decrease jail costs 3 {f')2ar"rp;'fincfinr/* Long-Term Priorities o lnstitute a court case management system (e.9. Tyler Technologies, Journal Technologies, etc.). Questions and Answers Q: How do the costs forthe jail in 2019 compare to costs from 2018? A: The jail bill decreased from 2078 to 2OL9. Q: ls there an option for people to be detained at home rather than be jailed? A: Yes, through Kitsap County, which has an ankle monitoring program through which defendants pay S10/day. Q: ls the Municipal Court seeing a lot of repeat offenders? A: Yes, there are several repeat offenders. However, a few individuals who were previously repeat offenders received mental health and substance abuse treatment and are on the path to recovery, Police Department Police Chief Matthew Brown provided a presentation on the recent successes and future priorities of the Police Department. Recent Successes o Lexipol & updated policy o Re-defined leadership roles o Online training . Uniform Committee o Civil Service and recruiting . Tracking - Assets and Training o Tracking - Critical Incidents (use of force, pursuits, collisions) o Complaints o Policy Reviews Short-Term Priorities o Supervision of commissioned personnel, potentially including a 5th sergeant o Management of property and evidence via a shared facility with Kitsap County o Training hours and funds (including training related to lnitiative 940) o Records management o Provision and designation of authority Long-Term Priorities o i-Leads Records Management replacement o Expansion of Navigator Program 4 Qont ORCIIARD CiW Clerk Clerk Brandy Rinearson gave a presentation on the successes and priorities of her department. Recent Successes r Added Police Department to the Public Records Request Portal r Drafted a records management policy to include the State's "scan and toss" program Short-Term Priorities o Contract Management: Track contracts and insurance certificates. o Claims Management: Memorialize a Claims Management policy; litigation preparation\tort claim processing\damage to City property processing. o General Clerk: Work with Code Publishing to display Municipal Code in a more user-friendly manner; update social media policy; continue to manage facility uses and special event applications. o Public Records Requests: Continue to process requests and support other departments in managing their requests; continue to create and distribute education materials to employees of current news in the PRA world; and update Public Records Processing policy. o Records Management: Finalize the Records Management policy; continue managing paper files; continue managing electronic files, text messages, and email archiving; and continue to create and distribute education materials on tips and tricks for reducing files (paper and electronic). o lnvest in Laserfiche. o Consider the role of a Public lnformation Officer as part of City Administration. Questions ond Answers Q: What are the most common requests or questions? A: Emails regarding the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway or Sidney Finance Department Noah Crocker, Finance Director, shared information about the Department's past successes and future priorities. Recent Successes o Accountingsoftware implementation o Equipment Repair Replacement (ERR) fund Short-Term Priorities o Workforce Strategic Planning Assessment o Salary survey update o 2O2I-2O22 Biennial Budget o Accounts Payable going paperless (Laserfiche) o Internship and apprentice program o Update Policies (Financial, lT, Personnel, other) 5 }IARD Laserfiche Presentotion Laserfiche software creates logical, consistent, repeatable, and documentable processes related to: o Procurement-Workflow/Processes o Contracts o Accounts Payable o Ordinance/Resolutions o Staff Reports Laserfiche enables the following: o Public records retrieval o Public access to public records o Automated records retentioh, drchiving, and destruction o lntegration with existing software across multiple departments Questions ond Answers Q: Will it be very time-consuming to scan past documents in Laserfiche? A: No - there are several time-saving strategies. Q: How much does Laserfiche cost? A: SL7O,OOO for the first yea r;540,000 for following years. Q: Do you anticipate any new funds from the WA State Legislature in 2020? A: Not likely. Human Resources Debbie Lund, Human Resources Director, provided a presentation on the priorities and achievements of the Human Resources Department. Recent Successes o 5 union contracts re-negotiated o Hired Debbie Lund o Paperless/online job application o Civil Service Commission is meeting regularly, rules updated o Added High Deductible Medical plans to benefits options o 2L different recruitment processes Short-Term Priorities o Workforce staffing and salary study o Streamline paperwork associated with onboarding process o Utilizing onboarding software purchased as part of paperless job application software package o Researching training tracking software to document and monitor staff training accomplished and needed 6 WHARD o Utilize a background check vendor for more comprehensive employee background checks o Policy updates (implement/watch for impact of new Paid Family Medical Leave; myriad of other policies to review/update) e Job description review needed o Training needs analysis/plan/calendar (e.g. Council to choose 2020 training topic for Risk Management Service Agency) Long-Term Priorities o Become an "employer of choice." o Address the tough recruitment market. o Ensure our salary and benefits are appropriate (implement 2020 staff/salary study). o Create a positive work environment and culture to decrease our turnover rate. o Make employee performance reviews meaningful and goal-focused. o Ensure manageable and appropriate workloads. I nfo rfn ati ojr Lg*c h n o I ogv Noah Crocker also provided updates on the work of the IT Department. Recent Successes o Agreement with Wave Broadband for voice and data services o Deployed seventeen new computers as part of the 4-year workstation refresh cycle o lmplemented workstation management software allowing lT to provide software installation, updates, and help desk services more effectively and efficiently o lmplemented network auditing software to enhance network security and provide historical information on system and data modifications o Deployed on-premise Geographic lnformation System (GlS) server software allowing more efficient deployment of GIS maps and applications r Converted Office 365 licenses from monthly subscription to annual payment for an annual savings of 57,000 o Responded to 450 help desk tickets . Upgraded eighteen workstations from Windows 7 to Windows 10 o Extracted legacy data from Springbrook financial software system to facilitate implementation of Tyler lncode system o Cleared out old computer equipment from 4th floor storage area, old lT room and server room and sent equipment to e-cycle facility o Hired a full time Network Administrator Short-Term Priorities o Workstation replacements o Software and Subscriptions o Hardware (printers, security locks/doors, cameras, wi-fi) o Tra in ing 7 ffi*efi ONCHNRT} Long-Term Priorities . lntranet for the City employees o Explore Smart City Concepts (example Electronic Records Management, process automation, Smart Water Meter Readers, Fleet & Asset Management, Facilities Management, Energy Efficiency, Parking Management, Citizen Services, etc.) CommuniW Development Director Nick Bond shared updates and goals for the Department of Community Development. He informed the Council that in 2019 there were 192 new housing starts in Port Orchard. There were over 3,500 inspections in 2019. Recent Successes o 2019 Comprehensive Plan amendment - centers issues, map corrections o Closed out 2 Recreation and Conservation Office Grants (McCormick Village Park and Rockwell Park) o Adoption of Form Based Code (March 2019) o Adoption of Public Works and Engineering Standards (Coordination) o 9-Lot Short Plat Ordinance Short-Term Priorities o Hire a Special lnspector for the Building Department, especially to provide oversight on: o Courthouse o Community Event Center o City Hall o Mixed Use Buildings o AnnualComprehensivePlanAmendments o Capital Facilities Plan o Parks Plan o Shoreline Master Program Update e Downtown Subarea Plan and Planned Action Environmental lmpact Statement (ElS) o Ruby Creek Subarea Plan o Coordination with Public Works on water, sewer, and stormwater plans o Buildable Lands Report o County Coordination (Comprehensive Plan, Transportation lmplementation Strategy, lmpact Fees) e Traffic impact fee calculation study o Multifamily Tax Exemption Ordinance o HousekeepingOrdinance(ongoing) o Ordinance on Temporary Signs in the Right of Way o Minor revisions to design guidelines o Significant trees and tree canopy 8 "ORg:HARD . Update to Site Development Plan (SDP) and Land Disturbing Activity Permit (LDAP) o Abate 1-2 dangerous buildings annually o Clean up Crawford Road area o Erosion controlenforcement (Stetson Heights and Blueberry Ridge Development) Long-Term Priorities . Community Center construction o Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Update o Update code enforcement chapters (ongoing) Public Works Public Works Director Mark Dorsey discussed the past achievements and upcoming goals for his Department. Recent Successes o Water Projects: installation, maintenance, and construction of various water infrastructure o Sewer Projects: removal, installation, cleaning, and construction of various sewer projects r Streets Projects: tree and limb removal, vegetation maintenance, marquee post construction, and sinkhole repair o Parks Projects: various landscaping, construction, building maintenance, and erosion control tasks for Port Orchard's parks Short-Term Priorities o Hire new electrician or contract with vendor for overflow o Water Comprehensive Plan Update o Stormwater Utilities Comprehensive Plan o Park Comprehensive PIan Update o Transportation Comprehensive Plan o Facilities Comprehensive Plan Element o Marina Pump Station Design - Ad Ready o McCormick Pump Station 1 Construction o McCormick Pump Station 2 Construction o Eagle Crest Generator Set o Pressure Reducing Valve Stations o Well 11 Project & Treatment Upgrade - Bid Ready o Well LL Project & Treatment Upgrade o Well L2 - Pilot Hole o Well 13 - Development and Construction o 580 Zone Reservoir to McCormick Water Main o McCormick Park - Splash Pad Retrofit o Port of Bremerton - Marina Park Expansion o Bay Street Pedestrian Path Right of Way Phase - Waterfront 9 ORCIIARD . Bethel Road Phase 1 Design 100% - Salmonberry to Blueberry o Anderson H.ll/Old CIifton Rd lntersection - Construction o OId Clifton Road Design - Feigley lntersection o Old Clifton - Campus Parkway lntersection o Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction (Waterfront Pathway) o Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway West o Tremont Overlay Long-Term Priorities o Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update . Bay Street Pump Station lmprovements o Telemetry Upgrades o Water Main Replacement Program o Well 7 Treatment / City Hall Pump Station Removal o Well 12 - Drilling & Casing . City Hall lmprovements o Community Center Construction o Vallair Ct Connector - Construction o Annual Pavement Maintenance o Annual Sidewalk & Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Upgrade Program o Annual Pavement Management System Paving Projects Question and Answers Q: When will the pavement management system be complete? A: It is an ongoing effort. Council Goal Setting Due to the lack of sufficient time, the Council decided that they needed to have a separate workshop to evaluate the long-term goals that the Directors shared. To conclude the day's retreat, Councilmembers raised the following questions: o What are the appropriate layers of management within the Police Department? o Since the Mayor needs to focus on implementing near-term projects, how can the Council most effectively turn its attention to prioritizing long-term issues? o How should Port Orchard address long-term concerns such as homelessness and climate change? o How can the City be most efficient in allocating its limited resources? o How can the City balance its growth with demands on infrastructure? r How can the City administration be effective without being too "top heavy''? o What are the implications of the City's growth in terms of traffic, housing, neighborhood character, etc.? 10 }IARD o What budget priorities require ongoing expenses vs. one-time fees? Wrap Up (Mayor Putaansuu) Mayor Putaansuu commented that some of the top priorities emerging from this retreat include (but are not limited to) investing in Laserfiche, hiring a Building lnspector, and hiring a Public lnformation Officer. Next, Mayor Putaansuu shared the next steps following this retreat, including: o The Council needs a separate workshop to evaluate the various priorities and projects that they discussed during the retreat. o Scott Diener needs to confirm his role as an alternate on the Growth Management Policy Board. r Mayor Putaansuu will update his State of the City Powerpoint to be more accessible to public audiences. Mayor Putaansuu thanked the Council and Department Directors for an informative and productive retreat. There were no public comments. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM LL I Attachment A: Participants Councilmembers in Attendance o Councilmember Shawn Cucciardi . Councilmember Bek Ashby o Councilmember Scott Diener o Councilmember John Clauson o Councilmember Cindy Lucarelli o Councilmember Fred Chang o Councilmember Jay Rosapepe o Mayor Rob Putaansuu Directors and Staff in Attendonce o Judge Tim Drury . Court Administrator Sharon Ells o Chief Matthew Brown o Clerk Brandy Rinearson o Director Noah Crocker . Director Debbie Lund o Director Nick Bond o Director Mark Dorsey o Sophie Glass, Triangle Associates dy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaa u, Mayor il R4 L2 i, o \aa