086-22 - Port Orchard Police Guild-Patrol Officer - Contract Amendment MOU 4MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
The City of Port Orchard ("City") and the Port Orchard Police Guild representing Patrol
Officers ("Guild") enter into this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") regarding recruitment
WHEREAS, on May 24, 2022, the Port Orchard City Council approved Ordinance number
019-22 allowing the Mayor to offer a hiring incentive of $10,000 upon hire to lateral patrol officer
candidates who had completed the Washington State Basic Law Enforcement Academy; and
WHEREAS, on October 11, 2022, the City and the Guild entered into a MOU allowing the
City to offer an additional $5,000 and 40 hours of sick leave and 40 hours of vacation leave to
lateral patrol officers who successfully complete their probationary period, subject to certain
conditions (the "October MOU"); and
WHEREAS, Port Orchard Civil Service rules define Certified Patrol Officers as those who
have completed the Washington Basic Law Enforcement Academy but do not otherwise qualify
as a Lateral Officer due to lack of experience; and
WHEREAS, both parties recognized the highly competitive market for law enforcement
officers and the need to compete for quality candidates; and
WHEREAS, both parties recognized that hiring candidates who do not need to attend the
full Washington State Basic Law Enforcement Academy benefits the City and its Police
Department; and
WHEREAS, Certified Patrol Officers are able to serve our citizens in a solo capacity much
faster than entry level candidates; and
WHEREAS, both parties are interested in attracting quality candidates from out of state
that need only to complete the Washington State Law Enforcement Equivalency Academy; and
WHEREAS, Lateral Police Officer Noah Sanchez was hired on March 3, 2022, and did not
receive the $10,000 payment under Ordinance 019-22 but is eligible for payments upon completion
of probation under the October MOU; and
WHEREAS, Certified Patrol Officer Alexis Sartor was hired on October 10, 2022, and is
not eligible for payments under Ordinance 019-22 or the October MOU; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Guild desire to revise their agreement regarding recruitment
incentives as set forth in this MOU;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Guild agree as follows:
Recruitment Incentive MOU
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Officer Sanchez will remain eligible for payments in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the October MOU. All other Guild members are covered under the terms
and conditions of this MOU exclusively and are not eligible for any payments or
benefits under the October MOU, which is hereby declared null and avoid except as it
applies to Officer Sanchez.
2. Beginning on the effective date of this MOU, the City may offer the following
recruitment incentives to Lateral and Certified Patrol Officer candidates, subject to the
conditions in this MOU:
a. $10,000 after date of hire;
b. $5,000 after successful completion of probation; and
c. 40 hours of sick leave and 40 hours of vacation leave after successful
completion of probation.
3. All payments are gross wages and subject to applicable payroll taxes and withholdings.
All payments and leave balance credits will be provided on the first available paycheck
as determined by payroll.
4. Lateral candidates are eligible for payments and credits under the terms of this MOU
if they are a Lateral candidate as defined by Port Orchard Civil Service Rules and they
have either already successfully completed the Washington State Basic Law
Enforcement Academy or they are eligible to attend the Washington Law Enforcement
Equivalency Academy.
5. Certified Patrol Officer candidates are eligible for payments and credits under the terms
of this MOU if they are a Certified Patrol Officer candidate as defined by Port Orchard
Civil Service Rules.
6. Any candidate receiving a recruitment incentive payment under this MOU will be
required to sign an agreement agreeing to repay a pro-rata portion of such payment(s)
if they voluntarily separate employment from the City within two years from their date
of hire.
7. A candidate who receives sick and vacation leave credits under this MOU who
separates employment for any reason from the City within six months of receiving the
leave credits will automatically forfeit 40 hours of any accrued sick leave and 40 hours
of any accrued vacation leave at the time of separation, and such hours cannot be cashed
8. The City may offer Certified Patrol Officer Sartor a recruitment incentive of $5,000
after successful completion of probation and 40 hours of sick leave and 40 hours of
vacation leave after successful completion of probation in accordance with the
conditions and repayment requirements contained in this MOU.
Recruitment Incentive MOU
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9. This MOU is effective when signed by both parties and will remain in effect until
terminated by the City with ten (10) calendar days written notice to the Guild. No
modification to this MOU is valid unless in writing and signed by the parties. The
parties reserve the right to reevaluate this MOU no less frequently than every 30
calendar days to determine if its continuance is of mutual benefit to the City and the
Guild. The City may terminate this MOU with ten (10) calendar days written notice to
the Guild.
Mayor Rob Putaansuu
Date: I v' I l -4 / ZZ
Andre Brandon, President
Date: /Z