01/10/2023 - Regular - Additional Docs-HAP Presentation Port Orchard Housing Action Plan Existing Conditions and Community Engagement Update January 10, 2023 City Council SCOTT 1 Updated Schedule Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 2 SCOTT 2 Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 3 Existing Conditions & Housing Needs Analysis Report SCOTT 3 Housing Action Plan Priorities Address limited housing diversity, even amid historic levels of construction Document the recent increases in housing prices and who it is affecting most Verify housing data by talking to stakeholders and community members Identify actions to promote additional “missing middle” housing such as accessory dwelling units, townhomes, and cottages Identify actions to promote additional affordable/subsidized housing Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 4 Image: Opticos Design SCOTT 4 Population Population growing much faster than Kitsap County and Washington State 2020 population: 15,587 2022 population: 16,400 2044 target: 26,087 10,500 new residents by 2044 Recent growth rate close to 3% annually Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 5 Data Sources: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM), Kitsap County Regional Planning Policies ANDREW 5 Demographics More diverse than Kitsap County, particularly share of Hispanic residents. Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 6 Younger population than regional and statewide averages Data Source: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates ANDREW 6 Households 69% of households are families 11% are one-person households over 65 40% of households are renters, higher than county and statewide averages Potential for greater housing instability Mismatch between household size and housing unit size shows demand for smaller units Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 7 Data Source: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates ANDREW 7 Income Median Household Income is $71,719 Higher for ownership households Lower than state and county averages but has increased 21% since 2010, adjusted for inflation 46% of residents earn less than 80% of the HUD Median Family Income Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 8 Data Source: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates ANDREW 8 Housing Type & Age 63% of housing units are single-family detached Housing stock is relatively recently constructed, with 57% of housing built since 1990, compared with 40% countywide. Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 9 Data Source: 2019 U.S. Census Bureau Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics (LEHD), via Census OnTheMap Tool ANDREW 9 Housing Production Housing permit data shows significant increase in housing production over the past decade Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 10 Data Source: HUD State of the Cities Data Systems, City of Port Orchard ANDREW 10 Housing Production Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 11 Data Source: HUD State of the Cities Data Systems, City of Port Orchard 5,198 units expected to be completed in the coming years, doubling the city’s housing inventory Diversity of housing products remains low, with the majority being either single-family or large apartment projects ANDREW 11 Project Spotlights: Middle Housing Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 12 Valley Quadplex Recently completed off Mitchell Avenue Construction cost of $200 per square foot Good example of infill McCormick Village ADU’s Conceptual mixed-use project 23 acre site with up to 153 lots Single-family homes all with ADU’s above alley garages SCOTT 12 Project Spotlights: Mixed-Use Projects Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 13 Bay Street Apartments Recently permitted in Downtown 39 units and 500 sq. ft. commercial space One level of structured parking The Ramsey Corner of Sedgwick Road and Ramsey Road 3-story buildings with 99 apartments Structured parking on a compact site SCOTT 13 Vacancy Multifamily vacancy rates are falling overall, currently around 3.5% Overall vacancy rates in the city have been falling over the past decade, showing high demand for housing. Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 14 Data Source: Costar ANDREW 14 Housing Costs Average home values are $511,600 and average rents are $1,638 in mid-2022. 5% increase for ownership units and 9% increase for rent over the past decade Rents and home values have been rising faster than incomes since 2017 Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 15 Data Sources: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Zillow ANDREW 15 Housing Affordability Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 16 Data Sources: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Zillow, Freddie Mac, Leland Consulting Group ANDREW 16 Housing Cost Burden Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 17 Data Source: 2015-2019 HUD Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) 70% of the lowest-income households earning 30% of the median income or lower are spending more than half their income on housing costs More than half of households earning under 80% of the median income are cost-burdened Households are considered “cost-burdened” if they pay more than 30% of their income in housing costs, and “severely cost-burdened” if they pay more than 50% of their income in housing costs ANDREW 17 Housing Needs by Income, 2044 Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 18 Data Source: 2015-2019 HUD Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) 5,291 new housing units will be needed in Port Orchard by 2044, according to Washington Department of Commerce targets. About 1,300 of these will be for higher-income earners based on current income distribution 1,100 units will be needed for households earning 30% AMI or lower ANDREW 18 Key Code Observations Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 19 The City has a good foundation of supportive zoning standards to support a variety of housing Recent ADU ordinance removes barriers The City does not have minimum density standards in any zone Residential development allowances are regulated in multiple chapters, which creates some opportunity for confusion Complicated lot dimension standards The minimum “site size” provided only for cottages and townhouses discourages those types ANDREW 19 Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 20 Draft Community Engagement Report SCOTT 20 Stakeholder Interviews 14 stakeholder interviews with elected officials, builders and developers, affordable housing agencies, and general residents Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 21 Port Orchard Mayor Port Orchard City Council Kitsap Housing Authority Disney & Associates Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce Tarragon Contour Construction McCormick Communities SCOTT 21 Stakeholder Interviews Stability of military presence and increased telecommuting is driving more people to live in Port Orchard Diversity of housing options are a challenge; middle housing is hard to build and hard to find, but could be popular Middle housing could be built more with some code simplification, regulatory updates, and updated permitting processes Strong link between housing growth and infrastructure needs Frequent interest in seeing more housing in downtown While homeless service capacity is limited, there is interest in more supportive housing like shelters, SROs, and group living Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 22 SCOTT/ANDREW 22 Housing Survey Key Themes (To Date) About one-third of survey takers are cost burdened Renters are strongly interested in moving to single-family homes, and homeowners are somewhat interested in a variety of ownership housing types (townhouses, cottages, etc.) Renters are generally more open to zoning updates to provide a variety of housing The most important locational feature of housing is being in a neighborhood safe for walking and bicycling Lack of day care and some types of medical services were identified as related cost and quality of life issues Based on preliminary survey results from 98 respondents; survey closes January 20 Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 23 SCOTT 23 Housing Survey Closes January 20 Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 24 Link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/8DV5FQ9 Survey participants can enter a raffle to win one of three $50 Visa gift cards SCOTT We now have 107 survey responses. It’d be great if we can get to 150 by the time the survey closes on January 20, so anything you do to help get the word out would help. 24 Housing Survey – Stories Renter: “Due to rent and other cost increases and poor well-paying job opportunities we’ve been essentially trapped here for 5 years, and the situation is leading me to look elsewhere for our future.” Homeowner: “Even with our two middle class jobs, we find it exceptionally expensive to afford our modest home. If something were to happen…we'd be struggling a lot to pay the mortgage.” Homeowner: “I would like to see renting as a valid option for folks who have found themselves downsizing or are approaching retirement age who might not have access or time to pay a home loan, but can still live independently and with dignity.” Business owner: "Kids can't afford housing and live with us. All our employees live outside the city because it's cheaper.” Renter: “We wanted to buy a home as first time buyers but find the process a bit difficult. Renting a home is getting to be expensive with rent being $2100 for two bedroom duplexes.” Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 25 SCOTT 25 Next Steps Port Orchard Housing Action Plan | January 10, 2023 26 SCOTT 26