01/25/2022 - Regular - Additional Docs-RFMRIC§CeYgusmILLER 275 Fifth St. Suite 100 Bremerton, WA 98337 ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING VIZLAB 360-377-8773 rfmarch.com January 24, 2022 Nick Bond Development Director City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect St Port Orchard, WA 98366 Re: South Kitsap Community Events Center Amendment 04 Request - Bay Street Grant Application Support RFM Project: 2020002.00 Dear Nick, Rice Fergus Miller is pleased to present the following request for a contract amendment to provide additional services for the above referenced project. Scope of Services RFM and its consultants will provide grant application preparation and support to the City of Port Orchard per the attached proposal letter from KPG. II. Owner Responsibilities Owner shall take the lead in the grant application effort and application submittal. Our team will provide assistance as described in our scope of services. III. Schedule No change to project schedule. IV. Compensation For the Scope of Services outlined above, compensation shall be as described below, plus reimbursable expenses, plus any applicable tax. FIXED FEE: RFM (Architectural & Project Management) $1,000.00 KPG (Landscape) $11,200.00 Total Amount: $12,200.00 Additional Services, when requested, will be billed on an hourly basis at the consultant's and our standard hourly rates, as listed in the attached Standard Hourly Billing Rates Sheet or as agreed to prior to commencement of the Additional Services. South Kitsap Community Events Center Amendment 04 - Bay Street Grant Application Support January 24, 2022 V. Terms of Agreement Please provide an amendment to our South Kitsap Community Events Center contract upon accepting this proposal. VI. Summary Thank you for considering this request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Rice Fergus Miller, Inc. deg Belding, Principal Architect & LEED AP Attachments: Consultant Proposal RFM 2021 Hourly Billing Rates Sheet EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Community Events Center Amendment # 4 - Grant Application Preparation and Support January 21, 2022 Overview: This Scope of Work is an attachment to a contract for services between the Rice Fergus Miller (RFM) and KPG P.S. (Sub -consultant) for grant application preparation and support to the City of Port Orchard (City) for the 2022 Kitsap County Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) Countywide Competition for Construction Phase of the Community Events Center project. The specific work to be performed, deliverables to be provided, timeline, and budget are described below. Primary Activities: 1. Prepare Screening Form for the KRCC Countywide Application, in coordination with City Staff. 2. Prepare KRCC Countywide Application, in coordination with City, PSRC and KRCC Staff. This includes gathering data, reviewing previously -prepared materials and resources, and providing any maps and/or graphics required by the application. 3. Provide presentation support and materials as needed. Deliverables and Timeframe: Screening form for KRCC Countywide Application is anticipated to be due in March 2022. 2. KRCC Countywide Application is anticipated to be due in May 2022. Budget: Consultant invoice on a time and materials basis not to exceed $10,000.00 without written authorization. Consultant's rates are as follows: RESOURCE Principal Senior Engineer Project Engineer I KPG, P.S. RATE/Hr. $274.00 $203.00 $140.00 1of2 PN# 20040 EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK Design Engineer $126.00 Project Landscape Architect $141.00 Senior Admin $112.00 Mileage shall be billed at current approved IRS mileage rate. Miscellaneous direct expenses (e.g. parking, copies) shall be billed at actual costs. KPG, P.S. 2 of 2 PN# 20040 RIC eYgusmILLER ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING VIZLAB 275 Fifth Street, Suite 100 Bremerton, WA 98337 Phone: (360) 377-8773 rfmarch.com 2022 Hourly Billing Rates Date of Proposal: January 24, 2022 Project: South Kitsap Community Events Center Project No.: 2020002.00 The hourly billing rates shall be annually adjusted in accordance with normal salary review practices of Rice Fergus Miller. Principal in Charge: $ 190.00 - $ 275.00 Senior Planner: $ 175.00 - $ 275.00 Project Manager: $ 130.00 - $ 190.00 Project Architect: $ 120.00 - $ 190.00 Staff Architect: $ 125.00 - $ 160.00 Project Designer: $ 115.00 - $ 190.00 Staff Designer: $ 115.00 - $ 155.00 Interior Designer: $ 100.00 - $ 170.00 Technical Designer: $ 95.00 - $ 155.00 Production Support: $ 85.00 - $ 155.00 Graphics Visualization: $ 120.00 - $ 140.00 Project Coordinator: $ 140.00 Administrative Support Staff: $ 90.00 - $ 140.00