03/22/2022 - Regular - Additional Docs-Impact Fee ReportCITY OF PORT ORCHARD Department of Community Development a uu, 216 Prospect Street . I Port Orchard, WA 98366 V Phone (36o) 874-5533 - Fax (36o) 876-4980 ter._ Memorandum To: The City Council From: Nicholas Bond AICP, DCD Director Date: March 22, 2022 Re: 2021 Impact Fee Annual Report (Per POMC 16.70.130 E) In November 2015, the City Council passed an Impact Fee Ordinance which took effect on January 1, 2016. This ordinance established Transportation Impact fees while continuing the collection of Park Impact fees. Port Orchard Municipal Code Section 20.182.130 (5) requires the Director to provide an annual report on the collection of Park and Transportation Impact fees. McCormick Park Impact Fees were assigned to the City as part of the McCormick Woods annexation from County to City and were fully expended in 2018. This memo is written to satisfy the reporting requirement. In 2021, the City updated its traffic impact fee rate and adopted a new development agreement for transportation with McCormick Communities. The development agreement allowed for the separate McCormick transportation impact fee rates and accounting to be consolidated with the citywide impact fees and impact fee program. As such, this report has been updated to consolidate these 2 separate impact fee fund balances and project accounting. In addition, the new impact fee study updated the total eligible costs for various projects to be contributed from the impact fee fund. Park Impact Fee: Background: Park Impact fees are assessed at $811 for new single-family residences and $584 for new multifamily residences. Park impact fees are not assessed against non-residential development. Impact Fee's are intended to be spent within a 10-year period of being collected for appropriate projects. 10-Year Trackin The city tracks the total amount of Park Impact Fee Revenue collected each year and when those revenues were spent on park eligible projects. As of the end of 2021, the City has expended all revenues collected from 2012-2018. See the below table for current revenue received eligible for projects by Fiscal Year. Pursuant to RCW 82.02.070 (3) Impact Fees must be spent within 10 years of collection. The table below demonstrates $49,782 must be spent by 2029, $173,546 by 2030 and $248,995 by 2031. Page 1 of Tracking 2019 2020 2021 Revenues 79,059 173,546 248,995 Applied Expenses (29,278) - - Balance Available to Spend By Year Collected 49,782 173,546 248,995 2021 Financial Overview: On January 1, 2021, there was a Parks Impact Fee balance of $255,009. Revenue received during the year included park impact fees of $248,244 and interest of $751 for a total revenue received of $248,995. Parks Impact fees were used to pay towards McCormick Woods Splash Pad Retrofit Project in 2021 in the amount of $31,682 leaving an ending balance of $472,322. The follow table represents the revenue and expense activity: Park Impact Fees 2019 2020 2021 Beginning Balance 44,266 123,325 255,009 Revenue 79,059 173,546 248,995 Expenditure (41,862) (31,682) Ending Balance 1 123,325 1 255,009 1 472,322 Transportation Impact Fee: Background: Transportation impact fees are assessed against all new development and are based on the peak PM trip generation of a project. Impact Fees are intended to be spent within a 10-year period of being collected for appropriate projects. 10-Year Tracking The city tracks the total amount of Transportation Impact Fee Revenue collected each year and when those revenues were spent on eligible projects. As of the end of 2021, the City has expended all revenues collected from 2016-2018. See the below table for current revenue received eligible for projects by Fiscal Year. Pursuant to RCW 82.02.070 (3) Impact Fees must be spent within 10 years of collection. The table below demonstrates $27,451 must be spent by 2029, $498,544 by 2030 and $1,205,887 by 2031. 10-Year Tracking 2019 2020 2021 Revenues 160,487 498,544 1,205,887 Applied Expenses (133,036) - - Balance Available to Spend By Year Collected 27,451 498,544 1,205,887 2 2021 Financial Overview: On January 1, 2021 there was a balance of $944,142. Revenue received during the year included impact fees of $1,203,165 and interest of $2,721 for a total of $1,205,887 in Transportation Impact Fee Revenue. Transportation Impact fees were used to develop designs for the TIP 2.04 Bethel -Lincoln corridor project in the amount of $345,001 for 2021. Additionally, Transportation Impact fees in the amount of $73,146 were used to reimburse McCormick Land Co. (as assigned) for previously constructed improvements pursuant to Development Agreement post the new agreement. The total expenses for 2021 were $418,147. Transportation Impact Fees ended the year with a balance of $1,731,882. The follow table represents the revenue and expense activity: Transportation Impact 2019 2020 2021 Beginning Balance 542,494 702,981 944,142 Revenue 160,487 498,544 1,205,887 Expenditure - (257,383) (418,147) Ending Balance 702,981 944,142 1, 731, 882 McCormick Woods Transportation Impact Fee: Background: In the following table, McCormick Woods Impact Fees are accounted for separately from the City-wide transportation impact fees and can only be spent on a specific list of projects. Pursuant to the 2007 Development Agreement for Transportation between McCormick Communities LLC and the City, the McCormick Woods Transportation Impact Fee is not subject to the 10-year spending requirements under RCW 82.02.070 (3). 2021 Financial Overview: On January 1, 2021 there was a balance of $785,820 for McCormick Woods Transportation Fees. Revenue received during the year included impact fees of $29,244 and interest of $1,946 for a total of $31,190. In 2021 McCormick Woods Impact fees in the amount of $28,111 were used to reimburse McCormick Land Co. (as assigned) for previously constructed improvements pursuant to the 2007 Development Agreement for Transportation between McCormick Communities LLC and the City. The result of these activities is an ending balance of $788,898 The follow table represents the revenue and expense activity: McCormick Woods 2019 2020 2021 Beginning Balance 536,834 610,659 785,820 Revenue 124,868 222,471 31,190 Expenditure (51,043) (47,310) (28,111) Ending Balance 1 610,659 785,820 788,898 3 Restated Transportation Impact Fees: In 2021 the McCormick Woods Transportation Impact Fees were merged with the City Transportation Fee through a new agreement. The following table restates the Combined Transportation Impact Fee' balances for 2021. Going forward the city will only report on the combined amounts. Transportation Impact 2021* Beginning Balance 1,729,962 Revenue 1,237,077 Expenditure (446,258) Ending Balance 2,520,781 *2021 Re -stated to reflect New McCormick Agreement Transportation Impact Fee Detail History 2021 Project Description TIF 2021 2021TIF Growth Share Expenses Paid Growth Share Remaining Certified Project Cost 2008-2015 2016 2027 2018 2019 2020 2021 Glenwood Connector Roadway DA $ 2,000,000 $ 391,612 $ 33,799 $ 11,843 $ 45,976 $ 51,043 $ 47,310 $ 101,257 $ 1,440,983 $ 2,123,823 Tremont St Widenin CN Phase 1.1 $ 1,851,656 $ 47,000 $ 1,804,656 Bethel/Sed wick Corridor Ph.l Desi n 1.3 $ 293,489 $ 293,489 Old Clifton Rd/Anderson Hill Rd Roundabout 1.4 $ 786,112 $ 118,923 $ 28,762 $ 638,427 Old Clifton Rd Design - 60% 1.5A $ 562,000 $ 562,000 Old Clifton Rd/Campus Pkwy Roundabout 1.5C $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Vallair Ct Connector 1.7 $ 96,697 $ 96,697 Sidney Ave N Widening 2.01 $ 3,144,444 $ 3,144,444 Sed wick Rd West Desi n/ROW 2.02 $ 722,000 $ 722,000 Sed wick Rd West Construction 2.03 $ 2,165,500 $ 2,165,500 Bethel/Sed wick Corridor Ph. 1 ROW/Construction 2.04A $ 1,740,094 $ 1,740,094 Bethel/Sed wick Corridor Ph. 2 2.04B $ 1,464,306 $ 1,464,306 Bethel/Sed wick Corridor Ph.3 2.04C $ 97,776 $ 97,776 Bethel/Sed wick Corridor Ph.4 2.04D $ 2,067,975 $ 2,067,975 Bethel/Sed wick Corridor Ph. S 2.04E $ 5,529,500 $ 257,383 $ 345,001 $ 4,927,116 Sidney Rd S Widening 2.05 $ 2,593,367 $ 2,593,367 Pottery Ave N Widening 2.06 $ 277,500 $ 277,500 Old Clifton Rd Shoulder &Ped Improvements 2.07 1,686,000 $ 86,630 $ 1,599,370 Old Clifton Rd/McCormick Woods Dr Roundabout 2.08 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Melcher S!Widenin 2.09 25,279 $ 25,279 Fireweed Rd Wden!ng 2.1 11,700 $ 11,700 Sherman Ave Widening 2.12 16,400 $ 16,400 Tremont St Widenin g Ph. 2-PO Blvd 2.13 5,342,000 $ 5,342,000 Pottery Ave S Widening 2.14 415,119 $ 415,119 Blueberry Rd Widening 2.16 80,518 $ 80,518 Geiger Rd Widening 2.17 11,700 $ 11,700 Salmonberry Rd Widening 2.18 28,803 $ 28,803 PiperberryWay Extension 2.19 25,665 $ 25,665 Old Clifton Rd/Feigley Rd Roundabout 2.21 31,150 $ 31,150 DA Feigley Rd Improvements* DA 76,474 76,474 $ $ 76,474 Totals 1 $ 36,343,224 $ 468,086 $ 152,722 $ 40,605 $ 179,606 $ 51,043 $ 304,693 $ 446,258 1 $ 34,824,033 4