11/22/2022 - Regular - Additional Docs-Legislative Agenda PresentationCity of Port Orchard 2023 Legislative Agenda Josh Weiss and Annika Vaughn GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 1 Meeting AGENDA What to Expect in 2023 Review Draft 2023 Legislative Agenda Discussion Key Dates 2 2 What to Expect in the 2023 Legislative Session First year of the two-year legislative biennium – scheduled to last 105 days Legislature will adopt biennial budgets: Some opportunities in the operating and capital budgets Transportation budget limited - programming Move Ahead WA investments Influx of new legislators from retirements, redistricting, and elections Democratic majorities retained/build majorities: House 57-41?; Senate 29-20 Returning topics: Behavioral health, Blake, public safety, middle housing, Tax Structure Workgroup, property tax cap Format - in person with hybrid participation options? 3 3 draft 2023 Legislative Priorities Address Transportation Needs: Sedgwick Roundabouts Signal Timing - $250,000 Foster Pilot Program Legislation to implement Task Force recommendations Ensure Port Orchard has a path forward for its pilot project Vehicular Pursuits Port Orchard Community Events Center Plaza Design Public Records Reform Defend Against Housing Mandates and Defend Local Control Homelessness, Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health 4 next steps & key dates Next Steps: Meet with 26th Legislative Delegation Refine and socialize proposed legislation with partners Key Dates: November 30 – December 2: Legislative committee assembly December: Governor’s proposed budgets January 9: Legislative session begins 5 Josh 5 Questions? Josh Weiss Partner jweiss@gth-gov.com Annika Vaughn State Lobbyist avaughn@gth-gov.com Thank you! Josh 6