101-21 - The Masters Touch - Contract Amendment Exhibit BATTACHMENT B CITY OF PORT ORCHARD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS — UTILITY BILL PRINT, INSERT, AND MAIL SERVICES PRICING SCHEDULE May 21, 2022 DATE SERVICE/PRODUCT VW UNIT PRICE MONTHLY PRICE Monthly Volume per unit price $.28 each $ 728.00 (for 2,600) Submit pricing on th a basis of a volume of 2,600 bills per month and specifications listed in detail above, including a statement (perforated) on 8.5 x 11 white paper, two color printed on one side (one of the colors being black) with a No. 10 custom printed window envelope and No. 9 single window return envelope included. Price will also include imaging, processing, LASS/PAVE Certification, folding, logic inserting, metering and delivery to LISPS, not including postage. "Undeliverable" Processing per unit price $ None $ One-time programming/setup charge $ None $ Programming Changes per hour $ 110.00 $ Inserts Gient Supplied Inserts $ .005 $ Vendor Supplied Inserts One sided, 1/3 page, print, insert $ .015 $ One sided, print, fold, insert 8 1/2 x 11 $ .035 each $ Two sided, print, fold, insert 8 1/2 x 11 $ .04 each $ Note: Minimum charge for any mailing will be $175.00. This will include outgoing and return envelopes, statement IMb Trace and PDFs of each statement. Please itemize all other applicable charges