03/10/2020 - Regular - Packet City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Agenda March 10, 2020 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes for items listed on the Agenda and that are not for a Public Hearing. When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name for the official record) 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items listed below, which have been distributed to each Councilmember for reading and study. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Councilmember so requests. In the event of such a request, the item is returned to Business Items.) A. Approval of Vouchers and Electronic Payments B. Approval of Payroll and Direct Deposits C. Approval of the February 18, 2020, Council Work Study Session Meeting Minutes Page 3 D. Approval of the February 25, 2020, Council Meeting Minutes Page 7 E. Adoption of an Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 2.16 Police Department (M. Brown) Page 13 5. PRESENTATION A. South Kitsap Fire and Rescue Levy/Bond Presentation (Wright) 6. PUBLIC HEARING 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b), the City Council will hold an executive session related to a real-estate matter; with action being taken. 8. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Approval of Amendment No. 4 to Contract No. 053-18 with Waterman Investment Partners, LLC for the 640 Bay Street Purchase and Sale Agreement (Mayor) Page 23 B. Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing a Civil Engineer II Position (Dorsey) Page 33 C. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 019-20 with Arken, Inc. for the 2020 Library Leak Repair (Dorsey) Page 39 D. Approval of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Agenda (Bond) Page 51 Mayor: Rob Putaansuu Administrative Official Councilmembers: Bek Ashby Finance Committee Economic Development & Tourism Committee Transportation Committee KRCC/KRCC PlanPol-alt /KRCC TransPol PSRC-alt/PSRC TransPOL-Alt/PRTPO Shawn Cucciardi Finance Committee Economic Development & Tourism Committee Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Fred Chang Economic Development & Tourism Committee Land Use Committee Jay Rosapepe (Mayor Pro-Tempore) Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee KRCC-alt John Clauson Finance Committee Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Kitsap Public Health District-alt Cindy Lucarelli Festival of Chimes & Lights Committee Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Scott Diener Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Department Directors: Nicholas Bond, AICP Development Director Mark Dorsey, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Tim Drury Municipal Court Judge Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Matt Brown Police Chief Brandy Rinearson, MMC, CPRO City Clerk Contact us: 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned. The Council may consider other ordinances and matters not listed on the Agenda, unless specific notification period is required. Meeting materials are available on the City’s website at: www.cityofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (360) 876-4407. The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Contact the City Clerk’s office should you need special accommodations. March 10, 2020, Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A. Remote Meeting Option (Mayor) 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES 11. REPORT OF MAYOR 12. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS 13. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes for any items not up for Public Hearing. When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name for the official record) 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Date & Time Location Finance TBD, 2020; 5:00pm City Hall Economic Development and Tourism March 9, 2020; 9:30am City Hall Transportation March 24, 2020; 5:00pm City Hall Utilities March 16, 2020; 9:30am City Hall Sewer Advisory May 27, 2020; 6:30pm City Hall Land Use April 6, 2020; 9:30am DCD* Transportation March 24, 2020; 5:00pm City Hall Lodging Tax Advisory October, 2020 City Hall Festival of Chimes & Lights March 16, 2020; 3:30pm City Hall Outside Agency Committees Varies Varies **DCD, Department of Community Development, 720 Prospect Street, Port Orchard CITY COUNCIL GOOD OF THE ORDER City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of February 18, 2020 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Present Councilmember Chang Present Councilmember Clauson Present Councilmember Cucciardi Present Councilmember Diener Present Councilmember Lucarelli Present Mayor Pro-Tem Rosapepe Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, Finance Director Crocker, City Clerk Rinearson, Utility Manager Brown, City Attorney Archer, and Office Assistant II Whisenant. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Spring/Fall Clean-Up Program Public Works Director Dorsey shared with Council the concerns the Public Works Department has with the current Spring/Fall Clean-Up Program and provided an additional reeducation measure to help with the process. The reeducation measure will be a tag listing the reason why the item didn’t meet the pickup requirements. Councilmembers requested that public outreach be increased. Staff and Mayor expressed that notices will be sent out in all methods possible such as Facebook, City’s website, and press release. Council Direction: Staff is to move forward with the additional reeducation measure and increase public outreach. 2. 640 Bay Street Page 3 of 108 Minutes of February 18, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Mayor Putaansuu went over the history of the 640 Bay Street contract and said the project has become a larger plan than originally intended. Steve Sego, Waterman Investment Partners, LLC and Jack Powers discussed the current objective with the redevelopment of 640 Bay Street, along with the Community Event Center Proposals and the involvement with potential collaborators. Presenters, Councilmembers, Mayor and staff discussed the status of the purchase and sale agreement, with possible extension, and what the potential impacts and benefits would be to not only the downtown area, but the City overall. Council Direction: Staff to bring forward to next week’s City Council meeting for further discussion, and possible action. 3. Preliminary 2019 Financial Report and Council Retreat Follow-up Finance Director Crocker provided an update on the overall current financial State of the City. Since the City is on a biennial budget, the unexecuted transfers of 2019 will transfer into the 2020 fiscal year. He identified the current status of each fund account. In addition, provided an update on the items discussed at the 2020 Council Retreat, including how the City would be able to fund most of the items to include the Downtown Sub-area Plan, Laserfiche, City Hall Security Improvements, Communications Consultant, and hiring of another Building Inspector. Council Direction: No direction was given. 4. Asset Management Planning Finance Director Crocker and Utility Manager Brown presented the Asset Management project and gave the background on the recent improvements to the GIS systems and how we should move forward in the overall Asset Management plan. Staff was seeking input as to whether staff can move forward in obtaining services to develop an Asset Management Plan, which would include purchasing software. Utility Manager Brown gave her prior experience with other jurisdictions who purchased software without a consultant and explained the valuable benefit to bring in a consultant versus seeking out on their own. Mayor, Councilmembers, and staff discussed the importance of the asset management program, the software need, and staff designation for maintaining the management of the assets. Council Direction: Staff was directed to move forward. Page 4 of 108 Minutes of February 18, 2020 Page 3 of 3 OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: Mayor Putaansuu discussed concerns over the library leak and the failing of the scupper system. Public Works Director Dorsey explained the history behind the building and that the leak issue has been building for a long time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor Page 5 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 6 of 108 City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of February 25, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Present Councilmember Chang Present Councilmember Clauson Present Councilmember Cucciardi Present Councilmember Diener Present Councilmember Lucarelli Present Mayor Pro-Tem Rosapepe Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, Finance Director Crocker, Community Development Director Bond, City Attorney Archer, Police Chief Brown, Utility Manager Brown, City Clerk Rinearson and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to approve the agenda as published. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 78935 through 78997 and 79008 through 79037, including bank drafts in the amount of $186,095.54 and EFT’s in the amount of $438.54 totaling $186,534.08. B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 78998 through 79007 including bank drafts and EFT’s in the amount of $259,940.09; and Direct Deposits in the amount of $ 180,288.78 totaling $440,228.87. Page 7 of 108 Minutes of February 25, 2020 Page 2 of 5 MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried. 5. PRESENTATION A. Employee Recognition Police Chief Brown presented employee recognitions to Sergeant Donna Main who was selected as the Best Police Officer for 2019 by Sound Publishing; Detective Andrew Brandon for Officer of the Year by the Port Orchard Police Department; and Officer Steven Morrison and Officer Bill Schaibly for receiving Life Saving Awards. B. Drinking Water Taste Test Utility Manager Brown said the American Waterworks Association has a taste test each year in June. In order to qualify to enter your water in that contest you have to win in the regional level, and in order to do that, you have to win at the local level. Only one source of water can be entered in the contest, and tonight it is up to Council to determine which is the best source. There are 4 sources of water in Port Orchard and the Council can rate each one on the score card provided. Once complete, the results will be tallied and announced later in the meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARING There were no public hearings. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Adoption of Ratifications to the Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) MOTION: By Councilmember Ashby, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve the ratifications of the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council Interlocal Agreement as presented. The motion carried. (Agreement No. 033-20) B. Approval of a Contract with LaserFiche for Records Management and Workflow Software Page 8 of 108 Minutes of February 25, 2020 Page 3 of 5 MOTION: By Councilmember Rosapepe, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to execute an agreement for the purchase of Laserfiche software, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney in amount not to exceed $150,000. The motion carried. (Contract No. 032-20) C. Approval of an Agreement with Stanley for City Hall Security Improvements MOTION: By Councilmember Lucarelli, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Stanley in a form acceptable to the City Attorney not to exceed $80,000. The motion carried. (Contract No. 034-20) D. Approval of the January 21, 2020, Council Work Study Session Meeting Minutes MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to approve the Council meeting minutes of January 21st. The motion carried. Councilmembers Cucciardi and Diener abstained. E. Approval of the February 11, 2020, Council Meeting Minutes MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve the February 11, 2020, meeting minutes. The motion carried. Councilmembers Clauson, Lucarelli and Rosapepe abstained. Councilmember Lucarelli pointed out an incorrect date listed under Council Committees and Councilmember Ashby pointed out she is still listed on the minutes as the Mayor Pro-Tem. [Councilmember Rosapepe is the Mayor Pro-Tem]. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) There were no discussion items. 9. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES Mayor Putaansuu reported the Economic Development and Tourism Committee is scheduled to meet March 9th. The Land Use Committee is scheduled to meet March 2nd. Page 9 of 108 Minutes of February 25, 2020 Page 4 of 5 Councilmember Lucarelli reported the Utilities Committee is scheduled to meet March 16th. She reported on the February 24th Chimes and Lights Committee meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for March 16th. Councilmember Ashby reported on the Transportation Committee, which met earlier this evening. They decided to meet the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:00pm. Mayor Putaansuu reported on a Transit work study meeting and Housing Kitsap. Councilmember Ashby reported on Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council and the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization. Utility Manager Brown provided the results of the water taste test and noted the Council choose McCormick Woods Well Field as the best tasting water. 10. REPORT OF MAYOR The Mayor reported on the following: • Village Greens tour; • Mayor’s Exchange conference; • Well City award; • Transportation budgets; • Surplus of the County’s Veteran’s Park; • March 21, 2020, Community Service Day; • City’s domain name; and • Citizen request for a presentation to Council. 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Finance Director Crocker reported they are still working on the KCR [Kitsap Community Resources] affordable housing contract. Mayor and Council briefly discussed the affordable housing contract and their intent for fund contribution. Community Development Director Bond reported on focus group outreach for the parks plan update and asked Council to reach out to him if they think of any additional groups to contact. In response to Councilmember Ashby, Community Development Bond provided an update on Stetson Heights. Page 10 of 108 Minutes of February 25, 2020 Page 5 of 5 12. CITIZEN COMMENTS Dennis Perkins spoke to current parking regulations and homelessness issues in his neighborhood on Dekalb Street and asked Council to consider new parking regulations. He would also like to meet with the committee that discusses homelessness in our City. Mayor Putaansuu said these issues will be addressed with our Land Use Committee. The meeting is scheduled for March 2nd. Nick Gourley spoke about the $30 car tab fee and asked the Mayor and Council to follow in the City of Orting’s steps and listen to their citizens. He also thanked Councilmember Chang for coming to his door when he was running for City Council. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:53 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu recessed the meeting for a 20-minute executive session to discuss real estate pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) and to discuss potential litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). City Attorney Archer, Community Development Director Bond, Public Works Director Dorsey, and Finance Director Crocker were invited to attend and Mayor Putaansuu announced no action would be taken. At 8:13 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu extended the executive session for an additional 20 minutes. At 8:33 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu reconvened the meeting back into session. 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor Page 11 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 12 of 108 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Consent Agenda 4E Meeting Date: March 10, 2020 Subject: Adoption of an Ordinance Repealing and Prepared by: Matt Brown Replacing Port Orchard Municipal Code Chief of Police Chapter 2.16 Police Department Atty Routing No.: 043-20 Atty Review Date: February 19, 2020 Summary: City Staff, including the Chief of Police, recently audited POMC Chapter 2.16 and recommend the current ordinance be repealed as replaced so as to clarify positions in the Police Department and the duties thereof. The replacement of the ordinance was introduced at the City Council retreat in January 2020 and has been reviewed by the City’s legal counsel. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council repeal and replace POMC 2.16 Police Department with the proposed ordinance. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Motion for consideration: I move to adopt an ordinance repealing and replacing POMC 2.16 Police Department with the proposed ordinance. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact. Alternatives: Not approve the repeal and replacement of POMC Chapter 2.16 and provide staff with direction. Attachments: Proposed Ordinance redline and final. Page 13 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 14 of 108 ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE PORT ORCHARD POLICE DEPARTMENT; REPEALING CHAPTER 2.16 OF THE PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE (“POMC”) AND ADOPTING NEW POMC CHAPTER 2.16, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 1970, by Ordinance No. 857 codified at Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 2.16, the City Council created and established the Port Orchard Police Department; and WHEREAS, City Staff, including the Chief of Police, recently audited PMC Chapter 2.16 and recommend new code sectionslanguage and amendments to existing sections, so as to clarify the positions in the Police Department and the duties thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed code language, amendments and believes it to be in the best interests of the City to enact the proposed amendmentscode language; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Repealed. Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 2.16, Police Department, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. Adoption. A new Chapter 2.16 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code, entitled Police Department, is hereby adopted and added to read as follows: Chapter 2.16 Police Department 2.16.010 Establishment 2.16.020 Chief of Police – Appointment and civil service exclusion 2.16.030 Positions designated 2.16.040 Members – Appointment and Commissioning 2.16.050 Police Powers 2.16.060 Oath of Office 2.16.010 Establishment There is established and created a Police Department to be operated under the direction and control of the City’s chief law enforcement officer, the Chief of Police, subject to the supervision of the City Mayor. Page 15 of 108 Ordinance No. _______ Page 2 of 4 2.16.020 Chief of Police – Appointment and civil service exclusion The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the City Mayor, subject to approval by the City Council, and may be removed by the City Mayor. Removal shall be in accordance with the law and the policies of the City of Port Orchard. Pursuant to RCW 41.12.050, the position of Police Chief is excluded from civil service for city police. 2.16.030 Positions designated In addition to the Chief of Police, tThe following full commission positions within the police department are established: chief of police, police commander, sergeant, and police officer. The the police department shall be staffed by regular commissioned personnel in such numbers and ranks as shall be deemed necessary by the city council pursuant to its adopted budget. The department may be supplemented by such support personnel as would be required to aid in the everyday operations of a police department. Such support personnel shall not be commissioned officers. 2.16.040 Members – Appointment and Commissioning All persons hired as law enforcement officers for the Port Orchard Police Department shall be commissioned as police officers for the City of Port Orchard prior to being assigned to law enforcement duties. All personnel below the rank of Chief shall be appointed and commissioned by the Chief in accordance with the applicable law, ordinance, rule, or regulation relating to civil service except as exempted in accordance with RCW 41.12.050 and may be removed by the Chief subject to any applicable law, ordinance, rule, or regulation then in force and effect. No police commission, regular, temporary or honorary, shall be issued to any person until such person has been certified for a regular or provisional appointment to fill an authorized personnel vacancy by the Civil Service Commission in accordance with such rules and regulations relating to civil service then in force and effect. 2.16.050 Police Powers The Chief of Police and all commissioned police personnel shall have the powers granted to them by state and local law and shall be responsible for those duties imposed by the laws of the state relating to Chief of Police and law enforcement personnel for code cities. The Chief and all law enforcement personnel shall have the power and duty to enforce the ordinances of Page 16 of 108 Ordinance No. _______ Page 3 of 4 the City and to perform other such services as the laws of the state or the ordinances of the City may now or hereafter require including acts authorized pursuant to the Inter-Local Cooperation Act, the Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act, and pursuant to Chapter 10.93 RCW and Chapter 39.34 RCW. 2.16.060 Oath of Office All commissioned personnel, to include the Chief of Police, shall be sworn in to enforce the ordinances of the City of Port Orchard, state and federal law, to protect the public peace and safety within the City of Port Orchard, and to abide by the code of professional conduct and responsibility for peace officers. Prior to assuming a police commission, persons hired for a position that requires a commission will take an oath of office to enforce the law, uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Washington, and shall make such oath before the mayor or a designee. SECTION 7. Ratification. All acts taken pursuant to the authority of this Ordinance but prior to its effective date are hereby ratified. SECTION 8. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this ordinance. SECTION 9. Savings Clause. Those portions of Chapter 2.16 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code which are repealed by this ordinance shall remain in force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. Such repeals shall not be construed as affecting any existing right acquired under the laws repealed, nor as affecting any proceeding instituted thereunder, nor any rule, regulation or order promulgated thereunder. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after posting and publication as required by law. A summary of this Ordinance may be published in lieu of the entire ordinance, as authorized by State Law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage this __ day of _______ 2020. Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: Page 17 of 108 Ordinance No. _______ Page 4 of 4 Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: SPONSORED BY: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney Scott Diener, Councilmember Page 18 of 108 ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE PORT ORCHARD POLICE DEPARTMENT; REPEALING CHAPTER 2.16 OF THE PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE (“POMC”) AND ADOPTING NEW POMC CHAPTER 2.16, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 1970, by Ordinance No. 857 codified at Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 2.16, the City Council created and established the Port Orchard Police Department; and WHEREAS, City Staff, including the Chief of Police, recently audited PMC Chapter 2.16 and recommend new code language, so as to clarify the positions in the Police Department and the duties thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed code language, and believes it to be in the best interests of the City to enact the proposed code language; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Repealed. Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 2.16, Police Department, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. Adoption. A new Chapter 2.16 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code, entitled Police Department, is hereby adopted and added to read as follows: Chapter 2.16 Police Department 2.16.010 Establishment 2.16.020 Chief of Police – Appointment and civil service exclusion 2.16.030 Positions designated 2.16.040 Members – Appointment and Commissioning 2.16.050 Police Powers 2.16.060 Oath of Office 2.16.010 Establishment There is established and created a Police Department to be operated under the direction and control of the City’s chief law enforcement officer, the Chief of Police, subject to the supervision of the City Mayor. 2.16.020 Chief of Police – Appointment and civil service exclusion Page 19 of 108 Ordinance No. ____ Page 2 of 4 The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the City Mayor, subject to approval by the City Council, and may be removed by the City Mayor. Removal shall be in accordance with the law and the policies of the City of Port Orchard. Pursuant to RCW 41.12.050, the position of Police Chief is excluded from civil service for city police. 2.16.030 Positions designated In addition to the Chief of Police, the police department shall be staffed by regular commissioned personnel in such numbers and ranks as shall be deemed necessary by the city council pursuant to its adopted budget. The department may be supplemented by such support personnel as would be required to aid in the everyday operations of a police department. Such support personnel shall not be commissioned officers. 2.16.040 Members – Appointment and Commissioning All persons hired as law enforcement officers for the Port Orchard Police Department shall be commissioned as police officers for the City of Port Orchard prior to being assigned to law enforcement duties. All personnel below the rank of Chief shall be appointed and commissioned by the Chief in accordance with the applicable law, ordinance, rule, or regulation relating to civil service except as exempted in accordance with RCW 41.12.050 and may be removed by the Chief subject to any applicable law, ordinance, rule, or regulation then in force and effect. No police commission, regular, temporary or honorary, shall be issued to any person until such person has been certified for a regular or provisional appointment to fill an authorized personnel vacancy by the Civil Service Commission in accordance with such rules and regulations relating to civil service then in force and effect. 2.16.050 Police Powers The Chief of Police and all commissioned police personnel shall have the powers granted to them by state and local law and shall be responsible for those duties imposed by the laws of the state relating to Chief of Police and law enforcement personnel for code cities. The Chief and all law enforcement personnel shall have the power and duty to enforce the ordinances of the City and to perform other such services as the laws of the state or the ordinances of the City may now or hereafter require including acts authorized pursuant to the Inter-Local Cooperation Act, the Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act, and pursuant to Chapter 10.93 RCW and Chapter 39.34 RCW. Page 20 of 108 Ordinance No. ____ Page 3 of 4 2.16.060 Oath of Office All commissioned personnel, to include the Chief of Police, shall be sworn in to enforce the ordinances of the City of Port Orchard, state and federal law, to protect the public peace and safety within the City of Port Orchard, and to abide by the code of professional conduct and responsibility for peace officers. Prior to assuming a police commission, persons hired for a position that requires a commission will take an oath of office to enforce the law, uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Washington, and shall make such oath before the mayor or a designee. SECTION 7. Ratification. All acts taken pursuant to the authority of this Ordinance but prior to its effective date are hereby ratified. SECTION 8. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this ordinance. SECTION 9. Savings Clause. Those portions of Chapter 2.16 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code which are repealed by this ordinance shall remain in force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. Such repeals shall not be construed as affecting any existing right acquired under the laws repealed, nor as affecting any proceeding instituted thereunder, nor any rule, regulation or order promulgated thereunder. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after posting and publication as required by law. A summary of this Ordinance may be published in lieu of the entire ordinance, as authorized by State Law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage this 10th day of March 2020. Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Page 21 of 108 Ordinance No. ____ Page 4 of 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM: SPONSORED BY: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney Scott Diener, Councilmember PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: Page 22 of 108 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7A Meeting Date: March 10, 2020 Subject: Approval of Addendum No. 4 to Contract Prepared by: Robert Putaansuu No. 053-18 with Waterman Investment Mayor Partners, LLC for the 640 Bay Street Atty Routing No.: 042-20 Purchase and Sale Agreement Atty Review Date: March 5, 2020 Summary: In July 2018, the City and Waterman Investment Partners, LLC (Waterman), entered into a purchase and sale agreement for the City’s property located at 640 Bay Street. Two addenda to the agreement have been previously approved to extend the closing date to December 31, 2019. On December 17, 2019, a third addendum was approved to extend the closing date to March 31, 2020. During the February 18, 2020, work study session, discussions were held regarding Public Facilities District funding sources, the original intent of the agreement, whether some minor changes should be made to the contract, and the upcoming expiration of the contract. Recommendation: Staff made changes to the agreement based on Council’s comments, with that, recommends approval of Addendum No. 4 to the real estate purchase and sale agreement for the City’s property at 640 Bay Street. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Motion for Consideration: “I move to approve Addendum No. 4 to the real estate purchase and sale agreement for the City’s property at 640 Bay Street.” Fiscal Impact: N/A Attachments: Addendum No. 4; with exhibit Page 23 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 24 of 108 Addendum to No. 4 to REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM NO. 4 to the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement for the property located at 640 Bay Street, Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington, is executed by and between Waterman Investment Partners, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company hereafter ("Buyer") and the City of Port Orchard, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington (hereafter "seller"). WHEREAS, Buyer and Seller entered into the above referenced Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated July 10, 2018, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Agreement") ; and WHEREAS, Buyer and Seller entered into Addendum No. 1 to the Agreement, dated December 11, 2018, to amend certain provisions of the Agreement, including the Closing Date, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Addendum No. 1"); and WHEREAS, Buyer and Seller entered into Addendum No. 2 to the Agreement, dated June 11, 2019, to extend the Closing Date in exchange for a payment from the Buyer, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Addendum No. 2"); and WHEREAS, Buyer and Seller entered into Addendum No. 3 to the Agreement, dated December 17, 2019, to extend the Closing Date, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Addendum No. 3"); and WHEREAS, Section 16 of the Agreement provides that it may be amended or modified by a written instrument executed by Buyer and Seller; and WHEREAS, Section 6.1 of the Agreement sets forth the Closing Date requirements of the parties, and provides that the parties may agree in writing to a later closing date than the originally anticipated closing date of December 31, 2018; and WHEREAS, via Addendum No. 1, the parties extended the closing date to June 30, 2019; and WHEREAS, via Addendum No. 2, the parties extended the Closing Date to December 31, 2019; and WHEREAS, via Addendum No. 3, the parties extended the Closing Date to March 31, 2020; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that it is in the best interests of both to further extend the closing date to March 31, 2022 and to amend certain provisions of the Agreement in exchange for a payment from Buyer that will go toward closing or be forfeited if closing does not occur; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to memorialize their agreement to amend the closing, payment and other provisions of the Agreement; Page 25 of 108 NOW, THEREFORE, Buyer and Seller agree as follows: 1. Section 2.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Deposit. Within five (5) business days after the date on which the last party executes this Agreement (the "Effective Date"), Buyer shall execute and deliver to Land Title Company of Kitsap in Port Orchard, Washington ("Title Company"), BS escrow agent for the closing of this transaction, a promissory note (the "Earnest Money Note") in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($ 15,000.00). The Earnest Money Note will be converted to cash upon the expiration of the Due Diligence Period (as defined in Section 5.2.1) (the "Deposit") and will be paid or delivered as earnest money (the "Earnest Money") in part payment for the purchase price of the Property no later than January 4, 2019. Within five (5) business days after the date on which the last party executes Addendum No. 2 to this Agreement, Buyer shall deposit with Title Company, as escrow agent for the closing of this transaction, a payment ("Closing Date Extension Payment") in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). The Closing Date Extension Payment will be paid or delivered to Seller in part payment for the purchase price of the Property upon closing. If the parties do not close this transaction, the Closing Date Extension Payment will be forfeited by Buyer and paid or delivered to Seller. Within five (5) business days after the date on which the last party executes Addendum No. 4 to this Agreement, Buyer shall deposit with Title Company, as escrow agent for the closing of this transaction, a payment ("Closing Date Extension Payment") in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00). The Closing Date Extension Payment will be paid or delivered to Seller in part payment for the purchase price of the Property upon closing. If the parties do not close this transaction, the Closing Date Extension Payment will be forfeited by Buyer and paid or delivered to Seller. 2. Section 2.2 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Purchase price. The purchase price for the Property (the "Purchase Price") shall be set as follows: at least two (2) months prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall obtain an independent appraisal of the Property, and the Purchase Price shall be the appraised value, provided that the Purchase Price shall not be less than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Four Dollars ($219,534.00). Page 26 of 108 3. Section 4.1 of the Agreement is hereby stricken, and the following sections are renumbered accordingly. 4. Section 5.5 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Seller’s contingency. In addition to any conditions provided in other provisions of this Agreement, Seller’s obligation to sell the Property is subject to the fulfillment prior to Closing of each of the following conditions: 5.5.1 Project Phasing and Application. Buyer intends to improve the Property via development of a mixed-use community utilizing the Property and contiguous parcels owned by the Buyer, as described in the Buyer’s Proposal, as amended and attached hereto as Exhibit C (the “Project”). As depicted on Exhibit C, Buyer intends to develop the Project in phases (each a “Phase”). Buyer agrees that prior to closing, buyer will submit counter complete applications for the first Phase of the development (consisting of Land Disturbing Activity Permit, Building Permit, SEPA Checklist, Etc.) within the area described on Exhibit C, for a Phase including at least 40,000 square feet of residential, nonresidential, and/or structured parking. The City authorizes the Buyer to submit permit applications for the 640 Bay Street property prior to the Closing Date, and this property must be included in Phase 1 of the project. Prior to the Closing Date, Buyer shall have submitted a substantially complete application for building permits and any other required and necessary permits (collectively, “Building Permits”) enabling Buyer to proceed with construction commencement of Phase I of the Project. 5.5.2 Compliance by Buyer. Buyer shall have performed and complied with all of the covenants, agreements, obligations and conditions required hereunder to be performed and complied with by Buyer on or before the Closing Date. 5.5.3 Correctness of Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties of Buyer stated in this Agreement shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if such representations and warranties had been made on and as of the Closing Date, unless Buyer shall have provided written notice to Seller to the contrary and has given Seller the opportunity to terminate or withdraw from this transaction at or prior to Closing). 5.5.4 Buyer’s Deliveries. Buyer shall have delivered all of Buyer’s Deliveries to Escrow Agent on or before the Closing Date. Page 27 of 108 5.5.5 City Council Approval. The Port Orchard City Council shall have approved the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. 5. Section 5.6 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Satisfaction/waiver of Seller’s contingency. The Seller’s contingencies are solely for the benefit of the Seller. If the contingencies are not timely satisfied, the Seller will have the right at its sole election either to waive the contingency in writing and proceed with the purchase or to terminate this Agreement. If Seller elects to terminate this Agreement, the escrow will be terminated, the Deposit must immediately be returned to Buyer, all documents and other funds will be returned to the party who deposited them, and neither party will have any further rights or obligations under this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, and except that each party shall pay one-half (1/2) of the cost of terminating the escrow. 6. Section 6.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Closing date. This transaction will be closed in escrow by Title Company acting as escrow agent ("Escrow Agent"). The closing will be held at the offices of Title Company no later than March 31, 2022 (the "Closing Date"). If closing does not occur on or before the Closing Date, or any later date mutually agreed to in writing by Seller and Buyer, Escrow Agent will immediately terminate the escrow, forward the Deposit to the party entitled to receive it as provided in this Agreement and return all documents to the party that deposited them. 7. Section 6.2.2 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Buyer’s escrow deposits. On or before the Closing Date, Buyer shall deposit into escrow the following: (a) Cash or immediately available funds in an amount sufficient to pay the Purchase Price, plus Buyer’s share of closing costs; and (b) A duly executed and completed Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit; and (c) Any other documents or instruments Buyer is obligated to provide pursuant to this Agreement (if any) in order to close this transaction; and Page 28 of 108 (d) A certificate reaffirming as of the Closing Date that all of Buyer’s representations and warranties under this Agreement are true and accurate. 8. Section 6.3.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Seller’s costs. Seller shall pay the cost of the appraisal provided for in Section 2.2, State of Washington real estate excise taxes applicable to the sale, and one-half of Title Company’s escrow fee. 9. Section 6.3.2 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Buyer’s costs. Buyer shall pay the premium for a standard coverage policy of title insurance in the full amount of the Purchase Price, the additional premium, if any, attributable to the extended coverage policy of title insurance (if elected by Buyer) and any endorsements required by Buyer, the cost of recording the Deed and one-half of Title Company’s escrow fee. 10. Section 14 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Seller: City of Port Orchard ATTN: Mayor Robert Putaansuu 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 With a copy to: Office of the City Attorney Charlotte Archer Inslee Best Doezie Ryder PS 10900NE 4th Street Suite 1500 Bellevue, WA 98004 Buyer: Waterman Investment Partners, LLC P.O. Box 376 Burley, WA 98322 with a copy to: Ron Templeton Templeton Horton Weibel 3212 NW Byron Street, #104 Silverdale, WA 98383 11. New Exhibit C. New Exhibit C, referenced in amended Section 5.5.1 herein and attached hereto, is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into the Purchase and Sale Agreement. This Exhibit is intended to illustrate the proposed Project (by identified Blocks, each of which constitutes a proposed Phase of the Project, with Page 29 of 108 phasing to begin with the Block identified on Exhibit C as B1. Exhibit C has not been reviewed by the City of Port Orchard for compliance with the Port Orchard Municipal Code, including the City’s development regulations. 12. In all other respects, the Agreement between the parties, as amended by Addendum No. 1, Addendum No. 2, and Addendum No. 3 shall remain in full force and effect, further amended as set forth herein, but only as set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum No. 4 this __ day of March 2020. WATERMAN INVESTMENT PARTNERS, LLC (BUYER): CITY OF PORT ORCHARD (SELLER): Steve Sego, Sole Member Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charlotte Archer, City Attorney Page 30 of 108 W2B1W1Geiger StreetBayStreetOrchardStreetN0’    50’ 100’ 200’Scale: 1”=100’‐0”Printed:09.27.2018PORT ORCHARD - CONCEPT MASTER PLANKITSAP BANK PRESENTATION | DATE: 09.28.20184W3bW3aParcel Area:1.2 acres (97,861sf)Total Site Area:7.3 (316,205 sf)Note:Residential Units are based on 85% efficiency rate and 750 sf per dwelling unit.Block #Building Gross Square FeetDwelling UnitsParking StallsStructured On-StreetW1Community CenterCommunity Center‐24,000N/A N/A 7Total - 24,000W2Mixed Use ResidentialParking ‐10,450Residential ‐54,400Commercial ‐6,90062 368Total - 71,750W3AMixed Use ResidentialParking ‐21,000Residential ‐51,500Commercial‐5,20057 7013Total - 77,700W3BPublic Parking DeckPublic Parking - 28,900N/A 101 N/AB1MixedUse OfficeParking ‐90,250Residential‐80,000 Kitsap BankOffice -31,300 Additional Office‐23,800 Commercial‐16,80088 881096430Total - 242,150Total - 261Total444,550207Units 468 58Proposed Block Plan and Program SummaryEXHIBIT C to Addendum 4 to the Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 31 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 32 of 108 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 ___ Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7B Meeting Date: March 10, 2020 Subject: Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing Prepared by: Mark Dorsey, P.E. a Civil Engineer II Position Public Works Director Atty Routing No.: N/A N/A Summary: The current workload of the Public Works/Engineering Department has increased significantly with the increase in volume of active development and capital projects. The City Council and Mayor has expressed a desire for the City to do more design work in-house. With the increase in workload, the desire to do increased design within the City PW/Engineering department and the need to provide for an organizational structure to support the growth a full time Civil Engineer II position is required. It is critical to the efficiency of the Public Works/Engineering Department and supports the direction of organization. This individual would be responsible for aiding the Engineers with Development review and inspection, civil engineering design, project management, construction administration and inspection of capital projects, GIS and AutoCAD mapping. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the ordinance, as presented, to approve approving the position and salary scale for a Civil Engineer II position in the Public Works/Engineering Department. Motion for consideration: I move to adopt an ordinance, approving the position and salary scale for a Civil Engineer II position in the Public Works/Engineering Department thereon, as presented in Exhibit A. Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact. This position will be absorbed within the current budget authority. The estimated annual salary & benefits is $137,000 Alternatives: Not approve this request Attachments: Ordinance, Exhibit A: Job summary, Salary Scale. Page 33 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 34 of 108 ORDINANCE NO. __________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING A FULL TIME CIVIL ENGINEER II POSITION. WHEREAS, the level of private development in the City and City capitol project management has significantly increased; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Engineering department is increasingly in need of more staff time to review and process permits, perform on-site inspections, work with consultants on capitol project designs and provide services during construction of public facilities; and WHEREAS, the City desires to provide a high level of service to the community and increase the Public Works Engineering Department capabilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the creation of a new Civil Engineer II position is in the best interests of the City so as to ensure the public are being adequately served; now, therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Port Orchard City Council approves the attached 1.0 FTE position and stated duties, and salary scale presented in Exhibit A, and authorizes the Mayor or his designee to develop and implement a complete job description for a new full time Civil Engineer II position without further action by the Council. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 10th day of March, 2020. Page 35 of 108 Ordinance No. ___ Page 2 of 2 Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: SPONSOR: Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk John Clauson, Councilmember APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charlotte Archer, City Attorney PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: Page 36 of 108 Job Summary and Salary Scale: Civil Engineer II PAGE 1 OF 1 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD EXHIBIT A Job Summary and Salary Scale Job Title: Civil Engineer II FLSA: Exempt Civil Service: Exempt Department: Public Works Department Reports To: Public Works Director The Civil Engineer II shall report to and serve under the direction of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and coordinate with the Assistant City Engineer. Attendance at evening or weekend meetings or other off-duty events may be required. May also be called back to work before or after regularly scheduled work hours or on scheduled days off. The Civil Engineer II is a senior professional position. In addition to performing the duties of an Engineer 1 position, the individual fulfilling the role of the Civil Engineer II position is a licensed Professional Engineer with the experience needed to competently oversee and approve engineering designs and other work prepared under their supervision. The Civil Engineer II position is responsible for approving development permits, civil engineering designs, and stormwater and traffic studies and reports in their areas of expertise. The Civil Engineer II position will also fill the role of project manager, including construction administration duties, for larger and complex capital projects under the supervision of the Assistant City Engineer and/or Public Works Director. Salary Scale Civil Engineer II 3/10/2020 After 5 yrs. 46.64 After 4 yrs. 45.50 After 3 yrs. 44.39 After 2 yrs 43.31 After 1 yr. 42.25 After 6 mos. 41.22 First 6 mos. 40.21 Page 37 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 38 of 108 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7C Meeting Date: March 10, 2020 Subject: Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Prepared by: Mark Dorsey, P.E. Contract No. 019-20 with Arken, Inc. for Public Work Director the 2020 Library Leak Repair Atty Routing No.: N/A Atty Review Date: N/A Summary: On January 14, 2020, the Port Orchard City Council approved Contract No. C019-20 with Arken, Inc. for the containment, air quality mitigation and repair of one (1) leaking area identified within the Port Orchard Library. Upon further investigation by the contractor, it has been determined that three (3) out of the four (4) roof drainage scuppers in those sections of the library also have leak damage to their respective surrounding areas. This degree of unforeseen damage is outside the original scope provided by Arken, Inc. Staff would like to retain the continued services for containment and air quality filtration whilst updated repair options are considered. Tonight’s action is for the approval of Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. C019-20 with Arken, Inc. in the amount of $14,068.85 to retain the existing containment and air filtration system through May 12, 2020. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. C019-20 with Arken, Inc. in the amount of 14,068.85. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Motion for Consideration: I move to authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 019-20 with Arken, Inc. in the amount of $14,068.85. Fiscal Impact: Budget amendment may be required. Alternatives: None Attachments: Arken, Inc. Change Order No. 1 and Current and Revised Arken Quotes. Page 39 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 40 of 108 U:\Staff Reports\2020\20200310\7C 02 Change Order 1-C019-20-Arken-Library Leak.doc Page 1 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Authorization for Change Order No. 1 Date: March 4, 2020 Contractor: Arken, Inc. Project: Library Leak/Damage Repair 417 99th St E Contract / Job # C019-20 Tacoma, WA 98445 Amount Sales Tax Total Date Appvd by Original Contract $9,919.88 $892.79 $10,812.67 14-Jan-20 COUNCIL Change Order 1 $12,907.20 $1,161.65 $14,068.85 10-Mar-20 COUNCIL Total Contract $22,827.08 $2,054.44 $24,881.52 Contract History I have reviewed the Change Order information above and certify that to the best of my knowledge descriptions and costs are true and accurate. Contractor Approval Signature Public Works Director/City Engineer MARK R. DORSEY, P.E. Printed Name & Title Printed Name Approved: Mayor Attest: City Clerk Council Approval Date This Change Order Authorizes a change of scope of services and requests additional funds. As the investigation uncovered additional areas of concern that need to be addressed and the repairs are more extensive, we are changing the scope of the contract to be for services related to the investigative work, containment, and air quality filtration. Additional money is needed to do so and will retain the existing containment and air filtration through May 12, 2020. Change Orders that do not exceed 10%, with a maximum of $50,000, of either legally authorized budget limit or contract amount established by City Council can be approved by the Public Works Director. Change Orders that do not exceed 10%, with a maximum of $100,000, of either legally authorized budget limit or contract amount established by City Council are to be approved by the Mayor. Change Orders over $100,000 or exceed a total of 10% require Council Action. Page 41 of 108 U:\Staff Reports\2020\20200310\7C 02 Change Order 1-C019-20-Arken-Library Leak.doc Page 1 Details of Change Order 1 Decrease of original scope -$1,919.67 -$172.77 -$2,092.44 Additional Services for new scope $14,826.87 $1,334.42 $16,161.29 Net Change Order 1 $12,907.20 $1,161.65 $14,068.85 Page 42 of 108 1 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH Client: Port Orchard Public Library Property: 87 Sydney Ave Port Orchard, WA 98366 Operator: ANDREW Estimator: Aymee Dunn Business: (253) 333-5141 Business: 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 Type of Estimate: Water Damage Date Entered: 12/26/2019 Date Assigned: 12/23/2019 Price List: WASE8X_NOV19 Labor Efficiency: Restoration/Service/Remodel Estimate: ARKEN-LIBRARY File Number: 1250-A The following estimate is for mitigation & remediation completed in the children's section of the library due to drainage issue with exterior fittings. Please note cost will be adjusted accordingly once actual work ensues. Please feel free to give our office a call with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time, Aymee Dunn adunn@arkenco.com 253-797-6447 Page 43 of 108 2 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH ARKEN-LIBRARY 3/4/2020 Page: 2 ARKEN-LIBRARY General DESCRIPTION QTY REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL Service call - during business hours 1.00 EA 0.00 173.34 15.60 188.94 Equipment setup, take down, and 12.00 HR 0.00 60.01 64.81 784.93 monitoring (hourly charge) Cargo van and equipment - per day 7.00 EA 0.00 97.46 61.40 743.62 Tandem axle dump trailer - per load - 1.00 EA 349.45 0.00 31.45 380.90 including dump fees Totals: General 173.26 2,098.39 Children's Section DESCRIPTION QTY REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL Containment Barrier/Airlock/Decon. 500.00 SF 0.00 0.83 37.35 452.35 Chamber Temporary Wall Setup per month- 24 x 1.00 MO 0.00 3,400.00 306.00 3,706.00 16 Investigative Demolition-4.00 HR 0.00 87.50 31.50 381.50 Supervisory/Admin- per hour Demolition Technician - per hour 4.00 HR 0.00 77.52 27.91 337.99 Dehumidifier (per 24 hour period) - 1.00 MO 0.00 900.00 81.00 981.00 XLarge - No monitoring Negative air fan/Air scrubber (24 hr 1.00 MO 0.00 700.00 63.00 763.00 period) - No monit. The above charges are for 1 dehumidifier & 1 air scrubber 90 days. Totals: Children's Section 546.76 6,621.84 Line Item Totals: ARKEN-LIBRARY 720.02 8,720.23 Page 44 of 108 3 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH ARKEN-LIBRARY 3/4/2020 Page: 3 Summary Line Item Total 8,000.21 Sales Tax 720.02 Replacement Cost Value $8,720.23 Net Claim $8,720.23 Aymee Dunn Page 45 of 108 1 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH Client: Port Orchard Public Library Property: 87 Sydney Ave Port Orchard, WA 98366 Operator: ANDREW Estimator: Aymee Dunn Business: (253) 333-5141 Business: 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 Type of Estimate: Water Damage Date Entered: 12/26/2019 Date Assigned: 12/23/2019 Price List: WASE8X_NOV19 Labor Efficiency: Restoration/Service/Remodel Estimate: ARKEN-LIBRARY-1 File Number: 1250-A The following estimate/change order is for mitigation & remediation needed in the meeting area & small office of the library due to drainage issues with exterior fittings. Please note cost will be adjusted accordingly once actual work ensues. Please feel free to give our office a call with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time, Aymee Dunn adunn@arkenco.com 253-797-6447 Page 46 of 108 2 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH ARKEN-LIBRARY-1 3/4/2020 Page: 2 ARKEN-LIBRARY-1 General DESCRIPTION QTY REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL Equipment setup, take down, and 16.00 HR 0.00 60.01 86.41 1,046.57 monitoring (hourly charge) Cargo van and equipment - per day 10.00 EA 0.00 97.46 87.71 1,062.31 Tandem axle dump trailer - per load - 1.00 EA 349.45 0.00 31.45 380.90 including dump fees Temporary Wall Setup per month - 26 2.00 MO 0.00 2,100.00 378.00 4,578.00 x 10 Totals: General 583.57 7,067.78 Meeting Room DESCRIPTION QTY REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL Containment Barrier/Airlock/Decon. 500.00 SF 0.00 0.83 37.35 452.35 Chamber Dehumidifier (per 24 hour period) - 2.00 MO 0.00 900.00 162.00 1,962.00 XLarge - No monitoring Negative air fan/Air scrubber (24 hr 2.00 MO 0.00 700.00 126.00 1,526.00 period) - No monit. The above charges are for 1 dehumidifier & 1 air scrubber 60 days. Investigative Demolition-4.00 HR 0.00 87.50 31.50 381.50 Supervisory/Admin- per hour Demolition Technician - per hour 4.00 HR 0.00 77.52 27.91 337.99 Totals: Meeting Room 384.76 4,659.84 Office DESCRIPTION QTY REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL Containment Barrier/Airlock/Decon. 250.00 SF 0.00 0.83 18.68 226.18 Chamber Dehumidifier (per 24 hour period) - 2.00 MO 0.00 900.00 162.00 1,962.00 XLarge - No monitoring Negative air fan/Air scrubber (24 hr 2.00 MO 0.00 700.00 126.00 1,526.00 period) - No monit. The above charges are for 1 dehumidifier & 1 air scrubber 60 days. Investigative Demolition-4.00 HR 0.00 87.50 31.50 381.50 Supervisory/Admin- per hour Page 47 of 108 3 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH ARKEN-LIBRARY-1 3/4/2020 Page: 3 CONTINUED - Office DESCRIPTION QTY REMOVE REPLACE TOTALTAX Demolition Technician - per hour 4.00 HR 0.00 77.52 27.91 337.99 Totals: Office 366.09 4,433.67 Line Item Totals: ARKEN-LIBRARY-1 1,334.42 16,161.29 Page 48 of 108 4 Arken 417 99th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 WA LIC #ARKENI*826LH ARKEN-LIBRARY-1 3/4/2020 Page: 4 Summary Line Item Total 14,826.87 Sales Tax 1,334.42 Replacement Cost Value $16,161.29 Net Claim $16,161.29 Aymee Dunn Page 49 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 50 of 108 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7D Meeting Date: March 10, 2020 Subject: Approval of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Prepared by: Nicholas Bond, AICP Amendment Agenda DCD Director Atty Routing No.: N/A Atty Review Date: N/A Issue: Pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan amendment regulations in Port Orchard Municipal Code Section (POMC) 20.04, the Community Development Director has compiled a recommended Comprehensive Plan amendment docket, based on a preliminary evaluation of the need, urgency, and appropriateness of the suggested amendments, as well as the staff and budget availability to accommodate the public review process. For 2020, all comprehensive plan amendment applications were required to be completed and submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 pm on January 31st, 2020, in order to be considered during this year’s amendment process. The Department initiated applications for one set of text amendments and one set of map amendments, consistent with POMC 20.04.050(1). A text amendment application was received from Geiger Road LLC, and a map amendment application was received from Errol Dow. The Director recommends that the City-initiated amendments and the Geiger Road LLC text amendment be included on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan agenda: Text Amendments – City Initiated • Land Use Element. The City proposes to replace the existing Table 1 of the Land Use Element in the Comprehensive Plan with an expanded table that addresses the range of possible maximum densities that are likely to develop in each zone, and the anticipated development density in each zone for purposes of informing the County’s Buildable Lands Report. • Utilities Element. The Sewer System Capital Improvement Plan list (Table 7-2 of the Utilities Element) and the Water System Capital Improvement Plan list (Table 7-2 of the Utilities Element) have been updated. • Transportation Element. The existing Street Standard Classification Map in the Transportation Element will be replaced by an updated map, consistent with the most recent street standards as adopted by the City’s Public Works Department. • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Each year, the City is required by law to adopt an update to its 6-Year TIP. The update for 2020 will extend 6-year funded projects on the TIP to 2021- 2026. The 6-Year TIP is not part of the Comprehensive Plan, but is adopted into the Plan by reference in Appendix B to the Comprehensive Plan. • Appendix B (Plans Adopted by Reference). Appendix B of the Comprehensive Plan provides a list of related planning and policy documents that are adopted into the Plan by reference. The updates to the TIP (both 6-year and 20-year) have been updated in Appendix B. Page 51 of 108 Staff Report 7D Page 2 of 3 Map Amendments – City Initiated ln 2O17, the City adopted all-new zoning classifications that replaced those previously shown on the adopted City Zoning Map. When preparing the new Zoning Map, the City also made corresponding changes on the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Map for underlying parcels; however, DCD staff have noted that the land use designation of some parcels was not changed and they did not receive the correct land use designation to correspond with their new zoning. To resolve this inconsistency between the City’s Land Use and Zoning Maps, staff have proposed a number of Land Use Map changes which will make the zoning and land use designations of these parcels consistent. (Although the City is the applicant for these revisions, all property owners will be notified of the amendment application.) Text Amendment – Geiger Road LLC The proposed text amendment to policy in the Centers section of the Land Use Element, and the accompanying illustration, would increase the size of the Sedgwick Bethel Countywide Center from 141 acres to 161 acres, with the addition of 20 acres to the southern boundary of the center, south of Geiger Rd. The boundary currently bisects two 20-acre parcels owned by Geiger Road LLC so that only the north half of these properties is included in the center. The addition of the southern half of these properties would allow the entirety of Geiger Road LLC’s future multifamily project (Glenmore Apartments, 320 units) to be included in the center. The Director recommends that the Errol Dow map amendment not be included on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan agenda: Map Amendment – Errol Dow The proposed map amendment would change the land use designation of three lots fronting Old Clifton Road from High Density Residential (HDR) to Low Density Residential (LDR), with a corresponding zoning change from R4 to R1. Six additional, nearby lots would be redesignated from Urban Industrial (UI) to LDR, with a corresponding zoning change from LI to R1. The Director finds that the proposed redesignations would create a patchwork of “spot zoned” low-density residential lots intermingled with industrial lots, which would create the potential for incompatible uses and development impacts, and which does not support the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The Director therefore recommends that Council does not include the Dow amendment on the 2020 agenda. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council vote to approve the 2020 Comprehensive Plan amendment agenda pursuant to POMC 20.04.060, as presented, including the City-initiated text and map amendment, and the Geiger Road LLC amendment. Motion for consideration: “I move to approve the 2020 Comprehensive Plan amendment agenda pursuant to POMC 20.04.060, as presented.” Fiscal Impact: This proposal is not expected to impact the city’s budget. Page 52 of 108 Staff Report 7D Page 3 of 3 Alternatives: Revise the proposed 2020 Comprehensive Plan agenda; or, do not consider any Comprehensive Plan amendments in 2020. Attachments: Comp Plan Docket, City Text Amendment, City Map Amendment, Geiger Road LLC Amendment and Errol Dow Amendment. Page 53 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 54 of 108 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update – Preliminary Agenda Pursuant to Port Orchard Municipal Code Section (POMC) 20.04.050, the City’s Community Development Director has initiated the process for the 2020 annual amendments to the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. The City received applications for four amendments prior to the January 31, 2020 deadline. In compliance with POMC 20.04.060(3), the Director is required to compile and maintain for public review a recommended final comprehensive plan amendment agenda. The Director is recommending that three of the four submitted amendments be considered in 2020. The Director has based the agenda recommendations on a preliminary evaluation of the need, urgency, and appropriateness of the suggested comprehensive plan amendments, as well as the staff and budget availability to accommodate the public review process. The following preliminary agenda is provided for the 2020 update to the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan: Comprehensive Plan Amendments for Consideration in 2020: City-Initiated Text Amendments • Land Use Element. Table 1 of the Land Use Element in the Comprehensive Plan will be replaced with an expanded table that addresses the range of possible maximum densities that are likely to develop in each zone, and the anticipated development density in each zone. • Utilities Element. The Sewer System Capital Improvement Plan list (Table 7-2 of the Utilities Element) and the Water System Capital Improvement Plan list (Table 7-2 of the Utilities Element) have been updated. • Transportation Element. The existing Street Standard Classification Map in the Transportation Element will be replaced by an updated map, consistent with the most recent street standards as adopted by the City’s Public Works Department. • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The updated 2020 TIP will extend 6-year funded transportation projects on the TIP to 2021-2026. • Appendix B (Plans Adopted by Reference). The updates to the TIP (both 6-year and 20-year) have been updated in Appendix B. City-Initiated Map Amendments City staff have noted that the zoning classifications of a number of parcels are inconsistent with their land use designations on the City’s Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff have therefore proposed a number of land use designation changes which will make the zoning and land use designations of these parcels consistent. Geiger Road LLC Text Amendment The proposed text amendment to policy in the Centers section of the Land Use Element, and the accompanying illustration, would increase the size of the Sedgwick Bethel Countywide Center from 141 acres to 161 acres, with the addition of 20 acres to the southern boundary of the center, south of Geiger Rd. The boundary currently bisects two 20-acre parcels owned by Geiger Road LLC so that only the north half of these properties is included in the center. The addition of the southern half of these properties Page 55 of 108 2 would allow the entirety of Geiger Road LLC’s future multifamily project (Glenmore Apartments, 320 units) to be included in the center. Review Process: The final comprehensive plan amendment agenda shall be determined by the City Council no later than April 30, 2020. When the final agenda is approved, a public notice and comment period will be provided in compliance with the Type V (legislative) permit process requirements in POMC 20.22.070 and 20.25.040. A public hearing will also be held per POMC 20.22.070(2), and a notice of the hearing will be issued in compliance with POMC 20.25.050. The Planning Commission shall make its recommendations regarding the proposed comprehensive plan amendments to the City Council no later than June 30, 2020. The City Council shall make a final decision on each proposed amendment by December 15, 2020. A summary of each amendment application, including maps for the site-specific amendments, are available for review on the City’s website at: https://www.cityofportorchard.us/2020-city-comp-plan- amendments/ Comments or questions regarding the 2020 update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan should be sent to the City of Port Orchard, Community Development Department, 720 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366, planning@cityofportorchard.us. Page 56 of 108 2020 City-Sponsored Map Amendments – Narrative In 2017, the City adopted new zoning classifications that replaced those previously shown on the adopted City Zoning Map. When preparing the new Zoning Map, the City also took the opportunity to make corresponding changes on the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map for certain properties, which more closely corresponded to the revised zoning, existing and adjacent development, intended land uses and site conditions (including the presence of critical areas). City staff noted that during this update of both the Zoning Map and the Land Use Map, the land use designation of some parcels was overlooked, and they did not receive the correct land use designation to correspond with their new zoning, and as such the Comp Plan/Zoning maps are inconsistent. To resolve these errors, staff have proposed a number of Land Use Map changes which will make the zoning and land use designations of these parcels consistent. Although the City is the applicant for these revisions, all property owners will be notified of the amendment application. No development is proposed or associated with these map amendments. Page 57 of 108 ATTACHMENT A 2020 City-Sponsored Comp Plan/Zoning Cleanup Amendment List of Affected Properties No. Name/Use Parcel No. Address Zoning* Current Comp Plan* Proposed Comp Plan* 1 1 Christian Life Center 4526-000-012-0102 1780 SE Lincoln Ave CI LDR PCS « 362401-3-015-2002 « « « « « 362401-3-042-2009 « « « « « 362401-3-043-2008 « « « « « 362401-3-044-2007 « « « « 2 SK Blvd Detention Pond 342401-4-079-2005 466 South Kitsap Blvd PF GB PCS 3 Bethany Lutheran Church 4038-001-004-0101 151 Tremont St CI MDR PCS 4 Forest Park Convenience Mart 4054-007-019-0001 500 South St NMU MDR C 5 St. Gabriel Catholic Church 362401-2-041-2002 1150 Mitchell Ave CI HDR PCS 6 Armory Building 362401-1-014-2007 1950 SE Mile Hill Dr PF C PCS 7 City Property (vacant) 252401-3-045-2009 N/A CI HDR PCS Page 58 of 108 ATTACHMENT A 2020 City-Sponsored Comp Plan/Zoning Cleanup Amendment List of Affected Properties No. Name/Use Parcel No. Address Zoning* Current Comp Plan* Proposed Comp Plan* 2 8 Mitchell Park 252401-3-035-2001 N/A PR HDR PCS 9 United Methodist Church 4650-015-011-0000 711 Kitsap St CI MDR CI “ 4650-015-012-0009 “ “ “ “ “ 4650-015-013-0008 “ “ “ “ “ 4650-015-014-0007 “ “ “ “ 10 Port Warehouse Property 4055-010-001-0301 551 Bay St PF C PCS 11 Waterfront Park 4028-001-011-0005 N/A PR C PCS “ 4028-001-001-0007 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-016-001-0003 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-016-004-0000 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-015-002-0004 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-015-001-0005 1001 Bay St “ “ “ “ 4053-015-002-0004 N/A “ “ “ “ 4053-015-003-0003 “ “ “ “ Page 59 of 108 ATTACHMENT A 2020 City-Sponsored Comp Plan/Zoning Cleanup Amendment List of Affected Properties No. Name/Use Parcel No. Address Zoning* Current Comp Plan* Proposed Comp Plan* 3 11 Waterfront Park (contd) 4053-014-008-0008 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-015-005-0001 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-015-006-0000 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-015-007-0009 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-015-010-0004 “ “ “ “ “ 4053-016-007-0007 “ “ “ “ 12 Rockwell Park 4063-001-001-0201 1101 Bay St PR C PCS 13 Laureen Walton (SFR) 352401-2-037-2009 240 Melcher St W GB/R2 MDR GB/MDR 14 Kitsap County General 262401-4-024-2001 715 Sidney Ave NMU MDR C “ 4064-000-001-0004 717 Sidney Ave “ “ “ 15 Christine Stansberry (SFR) 242601-4-023-2002 812 Ada St NMU MDR C Page 60 of 108 ATTACHMENT A 2020 City-Sponsored Comp Plan/Zoning Cleanup Amendment List of Affected Properties No. Name/Use Parcel No. Address Zoning* Current Comp Plan* Proposed Comp Plan* 4 16 Shahbaz & Elizabeth Naftchi 4064-000-002-0003 719 Sidney Ave NMU MDR C (SFR) “ 262401-4-026-2009 807 Sidney Ave NMU MDR C 17 Hillside Professional Bldg 4650-001-011-0109 569 Division St R2 MDR C/BPMU Zoning Page 61 of 108 5 * Legend: C = Commercial NMU = Neighborhood Mixed Use PF = Public Facilities CI = Civic & Institutional MDR = Medium Density Residential PR = Parks & Recreation GB = Greenbelt PCS = Public & Community Services R2 = Residential 2 Page 62 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 362401-3-044-2007 TaxPayer: CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER INC Site Address: 2915 MITCHELL RD SE No. 1 - Christian Life Center Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 63 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 342401-4-079-2005 TaxPayer: SOUTH KITSAP BLVD DET POND Site Address: 446 SOUTH KITSAP BLVD No. 2 - SK Blvd Detention Pond Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 64 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4038-001-004-0101 TaxPayer: BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Site Address: 151 TREMONT ST W No. 3 - Bethany Lutheran Church Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 400 feetMap Scale: Page 65 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4054-007-019-0001 TaxPayer: ALI KHALID ABDULWALI Site Address: 500 SOUTH ST No. 4 - Forest Park Convenience Mart Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 100 feetMap Scale: Page 66 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 362401-2-041-2002 TaxPayer: CORP OF CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP Site Address: 1150 MITCHELL AVE No. 5 - St. Gabriel Catholic Church Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 67 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 362401-1-014-2007 TaxPayer: STATE AGENCY LANDS Site Address: MULTIPLE ADDRESSES ON FILE No. 6 - Armory Building Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 68 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 252401-3-045-2009 TaxPayer: CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Site Address: NO ADDRESS FOUND No. 7 - City Property Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 69 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 252401-3-035-2001 TaxPayer: MITCHELL PARK Site Address: NO ADDRESS FOUND No. 8 - Mitchell Park Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 60 feetMap Scale: Page 70 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4650-015-014-0007 TaxPayer: UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF Site Address: NO ADDRESS FOUND No. 9 - United Methodist Church Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 100 feetMap Scale: Page 71 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4055-010-001-0301 TaxPayer: PORT OF BREMERTON Site Address: 551 BAY ST No. 10 - Port Warehouse Property Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 72 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4053-015-008-0008 TaxPayer: PORT OF BREMERTON Site Address: NO ADDRESS FOUND No. 11 - Waterfront Park Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 400 feetMap Scale: Page 73 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4063-001-001-0201 TaxPayer: CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Site Address: 1101 BAY ST No. 12 - Rockwell Park Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 74 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 352401-2-037-2009 TaxPayer: WALTON LAUREEN E Site Address: 240 MELCHER ST W No. 12 - Laureen Walton Property Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 200 feetMap Scale: Page 75 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4064-000-001-0004 TaxPayer: KITSAP COUNTY GENERAL Site Address: 717 SIDNEY AVE No. 14 - Kitsap County General Store Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 100 feetMap Scale: Page 76 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 262401-4-023-2002 TaxPayer: STANSBERRY CHRISTINE Site Address: 812 ADA ST No. 15 - Christine Stansberry Property Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 100 feetMap Scale: Page 77 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4064-000-002-0003 TaxPayer: NAFTCHI SHAHBAZ & ELIZABETH Site Address: 719 SIDNEY AVE No. 16 - Shahbaz/Naftchi Property Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 100 feetMap Scale: Page 78 of 108 Comments January 6, 2020Printed Parcel No: 4650-001-011-0109 TaxPayer: PORT ORCHARD DEV LLC Site Address: 569 DIVISION ST No. 17 - Hillside Professional Building Kitsap Co. Parcel Search Application** This map is not a substitue for field survey **1 inch = 100 feetMap Scale: Page 79 of 108 2020 City-Sponsored Text Amendments – Narrative With the 2020 Comprehensive Plan amendments, the City proposes the following amendments to text portions of the Plan: • Land Use Element. The City proposes to replace the existing Table 1 of the Land Use Element in the Comprehensive Plan with an expanded table that addresses the range of possible maximum densities that are likely to develop in each zone, and the anticipated development density in each zone for purposes of informing the County’s Buildable Lands Report. This additional information will be used for the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update and subsequent updates. • Utilities Element. City staff have gained supplementary information on the sewer facilities required to adequately serve the Sidney/Sedgwick area (formerly known as the Joint Planning Area or JPA), and have identified additional necessary sewer projects. These are identified as Projects 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D, and are intended to replace project 5 in the Sewer System Capital Improvement Plan list (Table 7-2 of the Utilities Element). The City Public Works Department is also in the process of updating the Water Comprehensive Plan. In anticipation of that plan’s adoption, staff has prepared a Water System Capital Improvement Plan list which updates Table 7-2 of the Utilities Element. • Transportation Element. The existing Street Standard Classification Map in the Transportation Element will be replaced by an updated map, consistent with the most recent street standards as adopted by the City’s Public Works Department. • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Each year, the City is required by law to adopt an update to its 6-Year TIP. The update for 2020 will extend 6-year funded projects on the TIP to 2021-2026. The 6-Year TIP is not part of the Comprehensive Plan, but is adopted into the Plan by reference (see below). • Appendix B (Plans Adopted by Reference). Appendix B of the Comprehensive Plan provides a list of related planning and policy documents that are adopted into the Plan by reference. The updates to the TIP (both 6-year and 20-year) have been updated on Appendix B. Page 80 of 108 Land Use Designations Uses Uses Open Space / Conservation Protection of critical areas, habitat management areas, greenbelts and designated open space to allow low density residential development. Low Density Residential Single-family detached housing Medium Density Residential Single-family detached and attached housing, apartment buildings High Density Residential Single Family Attached Housing, Apartment Buildings Public and Community Spaces Government services, utilities, parks, schools and related community facilities Commercial Retail, office, mixed-use commercial/residential, and professional services Urban Industrial Manufacturing and assembly, bulk storage and warehousing, transfer and trucking services. Land Use Designations Uses Uses Corresponding Zoning Range of Possible Maximum Residential Densities Anticipated Residential Development Density for Buildable Lands Purposes. Greenbelt Protection of critical areas, habitat management areas, greenbelts and designated open space to allow low density residential development.Greenbelt (GB).5 dwelling units per net acre Low Density Residential Single-family detached housing Residential 1 (R1)7.26-9.8 7 Units Per Acre Medium Density Residential Single-family detached and attached housing, apartment buildings Residential 1 (R1) Residential 2 (R2) Residential 3 (R3) Residential 6 (R6) 7.9-9.8 9.8-21.7 9.8-26 9.8-17.4 7 Units Per Acre 10 Units Per Acre 16 Units Per Acre 8 Units Per Acre High Density Residential Single Family Attached Housing, Apartment Buildings Residential 4 (R4), Residential 5 (R5)9.8-44 24 Units Per Acre Civic and Open Space Government services, utilities, parks, schools and related community facilities Civic and Institutional (CI) Parks and Recreation (PR) Public Facilities (PF) NA NA NA NA NA NA Commercial Retail, office, mixed-use commercial/residential, and professional services Residential Mixed Use (RMU) Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU) Business Professional Mixed Use (BPMU) Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) Gateway Mixed Use (GMU) Commercial Corridor (CC) Commercial Heavy (CH) Industrial Flex (IF) 8-54 9.8-54 14.5-45 17-26 0-44 0-54 0-44 NA 0-45 16 Units Per Acre 16 Units Per Acre 8 Units Per Acre 16 Units Per Acre 24 Units Per Acre 20 Units Per Acre 4 Units Per Acre NA 4 Units Per Acre Urban Industrial Manufacturing and assembly, bulk storage and warehousing, transfer and trucking services. Light Industrial (LI) Heavy Industrial (HI) NA NA NA NA 1This is non-binding except as it relates to assumptions for future growth in the Kitsap County Buildable Lands analysis. Existing Table 1 Proposed Table 1 2020 REVISION TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT, TABLE ONE (LAND USE DESIGNATIONS) Page 81 of 108 Project Description Cost Estimate Financing 1 Marina Pump Station 6,000,000 connection charges/rates 2 Bay Street Pump Station 1,300,000 connection charges/rates 3 McCormick Pump Station 2 3,200,000 connection charges 4 Eagle Crest Generator Set 300,000 rates 5 Albertson's Pump Station Upgrade 5A Bravo Terrace Lift Station and Force Main 5,000,000 connection charges 5B South Sidney Lift Station 1,500,000 connection charges 5C North Sidney Lift Station 1,500,000 connection charges 5D Sidney 2nd Force Main 1,537,500 connection charges 6 McCormick Woods Pump Station 3 1,000,000 developer Total CIP 21,337,500 *Update of Table 7-1 of the City Comprehensive Plan City of Port Orchard Sewer System Capital Improvement Plan Page 82 of 108 1/28/2020 Project Description Cost Estimate Financing 1 580 Zone Storage 1,000,000 developer 2A Well 13 Development & Treatment 2B Maple Street T & D Main 2C 390 to 260 Zone PRVs 3 Well 11 Development & Treatment 6,000,000 connection charges 4 580 ZoneTransmission & Distribution Main 945,000 developer 5 390 Zone Storage 3,000,000 connection charges/rates 6 Telemetry Upgrades 100,000 connection charges/rates 7 390 to 580 Zone Booster Station (Old Clifton)525,000 connection charges/rates 8 390 to 580 Zone Transmission Main (Old Clifton)1,325,000 conn. charge/rates 9 Well 12 Development & Treatment 6,000,000 connection charges 10 Melcher Pump Station Upgrade 500,000 rates 11 PRV Improvements per Hydraulic Model 350,000 connection charges/rates 12 390 to 580 Zone Booster Station (Glenwood)525,000 developer 13 390 to 580 Zone Transmission Main (Glenwood)2,750,000 developer 14 580 to 660 Zone Booster Station 500,000 developer 15 660 Zone Storage 1,000,000 developer 16 Well 7 Treatment/Pump Station Upgrades 500,000 rates 17 Main Replacements per Hydraulic Model 2,000,000 rates 18 Feasibility Study for Consolidation and Fluoridation 50,000 rates 19 Risk and Resiliency Study for AWIA 50,000 rates 20 Annual Main Replacement Program 500,000 rates 21 Annual Valve Replacement Program 80,000 rates 22 Annual Hydrant Replacement Program 50,000 rates 23 Foster Pilot Mitigation Projects 1,000,000 connection charges/rates 24 390 Reservoir Booster Station 600,000 connection charges 25 Well 10 Rehab, Activation, and Water Main 3,092,000 connection charges Total CIP 38,442,000 *Update of Table 7-2 of the City Comprehensive Plan 6,000,000 connection charges/rates City of Port Orchard Water System Capital Improvement Plan Page 83 of 108 OLD CLIFTONSALMONBERRYMITCHELLRETSILLINCOLNOLNEYLUNDGLENWOODPORT ORCHARDSEDGWICKMILE HILLSEDGWICKLUNDJACKSONBETHELMILE HILLSIDNEYTREMONTPOTTERYBAYBAYSEDGWICKB E T H E L Port Orchard City LimitsPrincipal Arterial APrincipal Arterial BMinor Arterial A Minor Arterial B Minor Arterial CCollector ACollector BMcCormick WoodsLocal ASee Sedgwick and Bethel Corridor Study 0MilesCity of Port Orchard Street StandardStreet Standard Classification±BETHELBAYBEACH0.751.5LEGENDPage 84 of 108 City of Port Orchard Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2020-2025 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost Spent Prior to 2019 2019 Future Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds 1.1 0.67 9,300,000 7,000,000 2,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 S CN STP(U)2,980,000 6,300,000 Widen Tremont from two travel lanes to four travel lanes with; median, sidewalks, bike lanes, street lighting, Schedule 74 Undergrounding, (2) roundabouts and stormwater improvements. 10,000,000 7,000,000 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 P CN TIB,LP 10,000,000 1.2 1.2 2,220,000 1,140,000 0 1,080,000 540,000 540,000 0 0 0 0 2013 S ROW STP(U)1,923,590 0 300,212 575,000 75,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 2018 P ROW 0 581,000 1.3 0.75 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 400,000 400,000 0 0 0 2021 P PE 0 0 800,000 1.4 0 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 S PE 0 0 200,000 2,150,000 0 0 2,150,000 0 1,075,000 1,075,000 0 0 0 2020 P CN 0 TIB 1,625,000 525,000 1.5A 0.75 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 125,000 125,000 0 0 0 2021 P PE 0 0 250,000 1.5B 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 2021 P PE 0 0 200,000 1.5C 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 2021 P PE 0 0 200,000 1.6 1.2 650,000 530,000 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 S CN 0 0 530,000 120,000 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 2021 S CN 0 Other 3,000,000 0 1.7 0.25 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 2022 P PE & ROW 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 2023 P CN 0 0 1,000,000 1.8 1.5 566,474 0 0 566,474 0 0 566,474 0 0 0 2022 P PL 490,000 0 76,474 Total Capital Projects 32,111,474 15,870,000 5,495,000 10,746,474 790,000 4,290,000 4,666,474 1,000,000 0 0 5,393,590 15,155,000 11,552,686 Maintenance Projects Future Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1.10 Includes patching, crack-sealing , striping, and other activities 510,000 0 0 510,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 2020 S CN 510,000 1.11 * Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps as identified in the program 810,000 0 0 810,000 90,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 0 2020 S CN 810,000 1.12 ** Pavement replacement projects as identified in the pavement management system program 2,180,000 0 0 2,180,000 180,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 2020 S CN 2,180,000 1.13 Pavement resurfacing to complete the surfacing of Tremont from SR-16 to the eastern city limits Tremont St: Port Orchard Blvd to Lund bridge 0.5 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 2021 P PE,CN 500,000 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 380,000 1,280,000 780,000 780,000 780,000 0 0 0 4,000,000 *Per 2016 ADA transition plan: $180,000 annually over 20 years to comply on arterial streets. **Per 2016 Pavement Management Analysis Report: $1.45 million annually to maintain network condition (PCI of 70), $500k to keep network PCI above 65 after 5 years. Annual Pavement Maintenance Annual Sidewalk & ADA Upgrade Program Annual Pavement Management System Paving Projects Tremont Overlay Total Maintenance Projects Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway West Port Orchard Blvd and Bay St: Tremont to Foot Ferry Situational study Old Clifton Rd Design - Feigley Intersection - 60%Old Clifton Road / Feigley IntersectionIntersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Design to 60% level. Old Clifton Rd - Campus Parkway Intersection - 60%Old Clifton Road / Campus Parkway Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Design to 60% level. Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction The CN phase for the 14-ft Multi-Modal (bike & ped) waterfront pathway/cantilevered retailing wall following the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. Includes Seg #3 Ad Ready Doc Prep. Vallair Ct Connector Bethel Road / Walmart Drive Intersection Road extension and intersection improvements previously included in the Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Construction project. Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Rd Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Road / Anderson Hill Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and partially funded by Bayside Mit Funds. Old Clifton Rd Design - 60%Old Clifton Road: Feigley to McCormick Woods Drive Rodway Improvements identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Design to 60% level. Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 1 - Design Bethel Road: Salmonberry to Blueberry. Ramsey Road: Salmonberry to Sedgwick Design of the first phase of the street improvements on Bethel Road per the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). Includes improvements to Ramsey Road for detour. Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Tremont St Widen./SR16 - Port Orchard Blvd. CN Phase Tremont Street: SR16 to Port Orchard Blvd. Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW Phase PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry Add 14-ft Multi-Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfront pathway & cantilevered retaining wall following historic Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian bridge across Black Jack Creek. 11/7/2019 Page 1 of 1 W:\ENGINEERING\STREET\TIP\2019 STIP\2020-2039 TIP NMBPage 85 of 108 City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2026‐2039 TIER 2 (Unconstrained)PriorityNumberRoad NameBegin TerminiEnd TerminiTotal ProjectLength Total Est. Cost2026‐2031 2032‐2039Phase Start YearFunding StatusPhaseFederal Fund Code Federal FundsState Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds2.0113,750,000  3,750,000 02026 PPE/RWSTP(U) 0  0  0  3,750,000 The design, permitting, right‐of‐way acquisition and construction for this project with bike lanes, storm drainage and sidewalks. (COMPLETE STREET)6,750,000  6,750,000  0 2028 P CN STP(U) 0  0  0  6,750,000 2.020.4462,428  462,428 02026 PPESTP(U) 400,000  0  0  62,428 The design, permitting and right‐of‐way acquisition phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.)693,642  693,642  0 2028 P RW STP(U) 600,000  0  0  93,642 2.030.43,468,208  3,468,208  0  2028 PCN STP(U) 3,000,000  0  0  468,208 The construction phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.)2.04A0.752,056,000 2,056,000 0 2026 P RW 0 0 0 2,056,0009,124,000 9,124,000 0 2027 P CN  0 9,124,000 0 02.04B1,110,000 1,110,000 0 2027 P PE 0 0 0 1,110,0000.72,802,000 2,802,000 0 2028 P RW 0 0 0 2,802,00012,757,000 12,757,000 0 2029 P CN  0 12,757,000 0 02.04C422,000 422,000 0 2028 P PE 0 0 0 422,0000.25541,000 541,000 0 2029 P RW 0 0 0 541,0004,859,000 4,859,000 0 2030 P CN  0 4,859,000 0 02.04D616,000 0 616,000 2032 P PE 0 0 0 616,0000.51,041,000 0 1,041,000 2033 P RW 0 0 0 1,041,0007,087,000 0 7,087,000 2034 P CN  0 7,087,000 0 02.04E720,000 0 720,000 2035 P PE 0 0 0 720,0001.11,532,000 0 1,532,000 2036 P RW 0 0 0 1,532,0008,283,000 0 8,283,000 2037 P CN  0 8,283,000 0 0Project Title/Project DescriptionCapital ProjectsSidney Avenue (North of SR 16 Overpass)Tremont Street to FireweedSedgwick Road West ‐ Design, Permitting & ROWSR 16 Interchange to Sidney AvenueBethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 5 ‐                       Design, ROW and ConstructionBethel Road:  Mile Hill Drive to LundDesign, ROW acquisition and construction of the fifth phase of the street improvements per the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018).Sedgwick Road West ‐ ConstructionSR 16 Interchange to Sidney AvenueBethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 1 ‐                       ROW and ConstructionBethel Road: Salmonberry to Blueberry. Ramsey Road: Salmonberry to SedgwickROW acquisition and construction of the first phase of the street improvements per the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). Includes improvements to Ramsey Road for detour.Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 2 ‐                       Design, ROW and ConstructionSedgwick Road: SR‐16 interchange to BethelDesign, ROW acquisition and construction of the second phase of the street improvements per the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018).Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 3 ‐                       Design, ROW and ConstructionBethel Road:  Blueberry to SedgwickDesign, ROW acquisition and construction of the third phase of the street improvements per the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018).Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 4 ‐                       Design, ROW and ConstructionBethel Road:  Lund to SalmonberryDesign, ROW acquisition and construction of the fourth phase of the street improvements per the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018).10/24/2019Page 1 of 3U:\ENGINEERING\STREET\TIP\2019 STIP\2020‐2039 TIPPage 86 of 108 City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2026‐2039 TIER 2 (Unconstrained)PriorityNumberRoad NameBegin TerminiEnd TerminiTotal ProjectLength Total Est. Cost2026‐2031 2032‐2039Phase Start YearFunding StatusPhaseFederal Fund Code Federal FundsState Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local FundsProject Title/Project Description2.050.95500,000 500,0000 2027 P PE 000 500,0005,761,850 5,761,850 0 2028 P CN  STP(U) 3,600,000 TIB 0 1,600,000 561,8502.06Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.22 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 2029 P ALL000 1,600,0002.07Design and construction of shoulder widening, street lighting, watermain extension and grade‐seperated Pedestrian Path as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan.2.11 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 2031 P ALL000 2,000,0002.080250,000 0250,000 2032 P PE 000 250,000750,0000750,000 2033 P CN 000 750,0002.09Melcher Street West is currently a narrow two‐lane road.  The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system.Melcher Street:Pottery Avenue toSherman Avenue0.4 600,0000600,000 2032 P ALL000 750,0002.10Fireweed is currently a narrow two lane road.  The reconstruction would widen the road to allow for safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Fireweed Road:Sidney Avenue toSouth Flower Avenue0.25 375,0000375,000 2035 P ALL000 750,0002.11Complete Street improvements within city limits, associated with SKIA access from SW Lake Flora Road.Sedgwick West:                 SR‐16 to Glenwood0.77 15,000,000 0 15,000,000 2037 P ALL000 15,000,0002.12Sherman Avenue is currently a narrow two‐lane road.  The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. 0.35 525,0000525,000 2032 P ALL000 750,0002.131.1809,2500809,250 2033 P PE  STP(U) 700,00000 109,250520,2310520,231 2035 P RW  STP(U) 450,00000 70,2317,225,434 0 7,225,434 2037 P CN STP(U) 6,250,00000 975,4342.140.95 500,000 500,0000 2026 P PE  STP(U) 432,50067,500750,000 750,0000 2027 P RW  STP(U) 648,750101,2502,950,000 2,950,000 0 2028 P CN STP(U) 2,292,25000 657,750Melcher Street WideningSidney Road SW WideningSidney Road SW:           SR 16 Overpass toSedgwick RoadSidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs to be widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) including bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system improvements. (COMPLETE STREET).Pottery Avenue WideningPottery Avenue:Tremont Place toMelcher StreetOld Clifton Rd Shoulder & Pedestrian ImprovementsOld Clifton Road:SR 16 Overpass to Westerly City LimitsOld Clifton Rd & McCormick Woods Drive IntersectionOld Clifton Rd/McCormick Woods Dr.IntersectionDesign and construction of intersecion (roundabout) improvements including street lighting, as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Fireweed Road WideningSedgwick Road West to GlenwoodSherman Avenue WideningSherman Avenue:Fireweed Road toTerminus at SR 16Tremont St Widening ‐ Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 2)Port Orchard Blvd.Tremont Street toBay Street (SR166)Construct roundabouts at Tremont Street/PO Blvd. and Bay Street (SR166)/PO Blvd. and curb, gutter, bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage and Schedule 74 Undergrounding. Pottery Avenue Widening Tremont to SR16Pottery AvenueTremont StreetSR 16 OverpassPottery is currently a two‐lane road, it needs to be widened to a four‐lane road, with sidewalks, traffic calming and upgrades to the stormwater system.10/24/2019Page 2 of 3U:\ENGINEERING\STREET\TIP\2019 STIP\2020‐2039 TIPPage 87 of 108 City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2026‐2039 TIER 2 (Unconstrained)PriorityNumberRoad NameBegin TerminiEnd TerminiTotal ProjectLength Total Est. Cost2026‐2031 2032‐2039Phase Start YearFunding StatusPhaseFederal Fund Code Federal FundsState Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local FundsProject Title/Project Description2.150000 0 000Intersection Improvement by Kitsap CountyWiden road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.5 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2034 P ALL 0 0 0 02.16Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 02.17Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 02.18Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.15 225,000 0 225,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 02.19Contruct road north of and parallel to Sedgwick Road with two travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2034 P ALL 0 0 0 0112,266,043 62,857,128 49,408,915 18,373,50042,110,000 1,600,000 46,857,5432.200.13200,00000P ALL200,000200,00000000 200,000Ramsey Road WideningSedgwick Road to Salmonberry RoadOld Clifton Berry Lake Road IntersectionCline Avenue:Kitsap Street toDwight StreetBlueberry Road WideningGeiger Road to Bethel RoadGeiger Road WideningSedgwick Road to Blueberry RoadSalmonberry Road WideningRamsey Road to Bethel RoadTotal Tier 2 Maintenance ProjectsNew Collector Geiger Road to Ramsey RoadTotal Tier 2 Capital ProjectsMaintenance ProjectCline Avenue RepairsReplace sidewalk and parking strip.10/24/2019Page 3 of 3U:\ENGINEERING\STREET\TIP\2019 STIP\2020‐2039 TIPPage 88 of 108 Appendix B: Plans Adopted by Reference Appendix B-1 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: PLAN OR DOCUMENT South Kitsap School District 2014-2019 Capital Facilities Plan West Sound Utility District / Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility 2009 Capital Facilities Plan West Sound Utility District 2007 Sewer Plan West Sound Utility District 2013 Water Plan Kitsap County 2003 South Kitsap UGA/ULID#6 Sub-Area Plan & EIS Kitsap County 2012 Port Orchard/South Kitsap Sub-Area Plan 2016 Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan 10-Year Update City of Port Orchard 1987 Blackjack Creek Comprehensive Management Plan City of Port Orchard 1994 Ross Creek Comprehensive Management Plan City of Port Orchard 2005 Economic Development Plan City of Port Orchard 2010 McCormick Village Park Plan City of Port Orchard 2012 Shoreline Master Program City of Port Orchard 2013 Public Art Program City of Port Orchard 2014 – 2020 Capital Facilities Plan City of Port Orchard 2015 Water System Plan City of Port Orchard 2015 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Update City of Port Orchard 2016 Transportation Plan Update City of Port Orchard 2016 Comprehensive Parks Plan City of Port Orchard 2016 Transportation Impact Fee Project List City of Port Orchard 2020-2025/2026-2039 2021-2026/2027-2040 – 6 Year/20 Year Transportation Improvement Plan City of Port Orchard Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan and Appendices A-F Page 89 of 108 leJiiw;cL ?ua"^tt- (16t'ls lz-': )/ The proposed text amendment would increase the.€etheltund Countywide Center area from \41,, il!)l('sg7ss" to "1ilf acres". The current southern boundary of this Center bisects (does not , [l'\ \ '" rorrJHr\o',fffiit."lft*"Sff. 20 acre parcels. The proposed addition of the southern half (two 10 ff:}H#ffi Hiffi#?r:ffi T#l q / L ", Project Narrative RECEIVED PERMIT CENTER JAN 3 1 2020 CIW OF PORT ORCHARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !% acre sections, total of 20 additional acres) of our future multi family project to be included within purple line in the drawing below shows the current boundary and the change in text f rom ".L*+' lq I acres" to "1.?{acres" would allow the boundary to follow our parcel lines, which is shown in (16 z_fu /zc> oranse oewdf..l lL'\'{ 1 LU2O-CPA TEXT-O'. Page 90 of 108 Crrv or Ponr Oncnano Permit Center Office located at 72o Prospect Street Mailing address: z16 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98966 (g6o) 8Z+-SSS3 . permitcenter@cityofportorchard.us TtECEIVEL PERMIT CENTER iAN 3 1 2020 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD COMMUNIW DEVELOPMENT GOMPREHENSME PI-AT{ AMENDMENT FEES:$1,87s.00 $500.00 $10.00 $300.00 $+o.zo $250.00 Comp Plan Map Amendment: (with or without Rezone) Comp Plan Text Amendment: Technology fee: SEPA Review: Public Notice sign fee" (each): Fire District Review fee: Total Due with Submittal: Received by: Receipt #: Fite #: _LU2O-CPA TEXT-o! $ 760.00 *Public Nolrbe sign fee only required for Map Amendment INCOMPLETE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This proposed amendment is for Comprehensive Plan section 5.1 b TYPE OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AiiENDMENT: {checkthe boxthat appties) d fot a Comprehensive Ptan Text Amend menl: (Complete information betow) Provide a brief description of your proposal:In the second to last sentence,change r!lli-+€+€€:' to tt 134_icre.,str. l\{ 6..ds \ta\ z.c"<.s l'4 EI For a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment: (se/ecf) tr with Rezone E without Rezone ( Co mpl ete i nfo rmation be low) General location of property and/or address: Location: Section(s Township Range Current Zoning Proposed Zoning: Current Comp Plan Designation:Proposed Comp Plan Designation: Proposed Use of the Property: Submittal requirements are listed on page 2. 1 Form 0O2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application (3/09118) Page 91 of 108 Fi,e#LUaO-CPA TEXT-otr [LULI V LL/ PERMIT CENTER. SUBi'ITTAL REQUIREMENTS JAN 3 1 2O2O This application shall include the following, unless specifically waived by DCD: CIT, OF 'ORT ORCHARD(Check the box for each item included with this application) COMMUNIT' DEVELO'MENTtr THE MASTER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM with originalsignature(s). One Master covers all applications that are included with this submiftal. No additional copias are required. tr SEVEN copies of the completed Comprehensive Plan Amendment application form: This includes the original plus six (6) copies. n SEVEN copies of the letter sent by DCD after the Pre-Application meeting, if there was one. tr SEVEN copies of a project narrative with a detailed explanation of why the proposed text or map amendment is necessary andlor desirable for the community, and how, if a map amendment, the proposed use fits in with the uses permitted in the surrounding zone. The narrative must include a statement addressing the decision criteria listed in POMC 20.04.U0(2), as applicable to either a text or map amendment. tr A SEPA Checklist Submittal: (use Form 012 for complete submittal requirements.) tr A SEPA Checklist Supplemental Sheet D Submittal'. (use Form 013 for complete submiftal requirements). tr ONE Electronic copy of all submitted docurnents, in high resolution Adobe PDF format, including the items listed below, as applicable. The decision criteria statement for either a text amendment or a map amendment must be in Microsoft Word format. lf application is for a Map Amendment, also include: D SEVEN plan sets total: THREE sets: 18" x 24" or larger, and FOUR sets: 1 1" x 17', with north arrow and map scale, showing:tr Existing natural features, including critical areas and buffers.tr Existing and proposed grades.tr Existing and proposed uses and improvements, including utilities, easements, structures, ac@ss and parking. n SEVEN copies of a vicinity map, 8 /2" x 1'l'or larger, with site clearly marked, shown in relation to the nearest major streets, roads and watenarays in the area, and identifying the zoning of the sunounding property. n SEVEN copies of complete legal description of the property, including tax parcel number(s). D SEVEN copies of a list of other permits that are or may be required for development of the property (issued by the City or by other government agencies), insofar as they are known to the applicant. tr To verify water and sewer availability and transportation capacity, submit one of the following options: (Check the box that applies to your project and include the documentation with this submiftal) D 1. Capacity Reservation Certificate (CRC) application for Water, Sewer and Transportation. Use CRC Application form for submittal requirements. D 2. Water and/or Sewer availability letters issued by the appropriate Utility District, or Building Clearance Approval from the Health District and # 1. above for Transportation. Other documentation may be required in addition to what is listed above. Form 0O2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application l3.ftsl!.E) 2 Page 92 of 108 RECEIVED PERMIT CENTFR JAN g | 20?0 , .3i,il.R[i?sL,$3Bt iR, MASTER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM For Title 20 permit types. Check the boxes on page 2tor all permits applied for at this time. CrrvoF PoRT Oncrrann Permit Center AN INCOMPLETE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 1. PROJECT INFORMATION: Project Name: Glenmora Apartments Parcel Size:43.9 Acres Site Address/ Loeation:5074 Geiger Rd, Port Orchard, WA 98367 rax Parcel Number(s):112301-1-023-20-06, 4800-000-024-01-05, & 4800-000-025-00-05 Existing Use of Property:! acant Lancl Project Description / Scope of Work: 320+l- unit garden-style apartment complex. List any permits or decisions previously obtained for this prolect:None ls your project served by public water and/or pubtic sanitary sewer systems? Ey"" E ruo lf yes: Sewer Provider:City of Port Orchard Water Provider:Citv of Port Orch rd lf no: Kitsap Public Health District approval documentation must be submitted with this application. Is the project within the floodplain?[Yes Z tto ts the project within 200'of the shoreline?[Yes E tlo Zoning Designation: R4 I Overtay District Designation: - These surface waterbodies are on or adjacent to the property: (check allthat appty) flsaltwater ECreek fleond flWeflano fiNone Does the project include new construction within 200' of a geologically hazardous area? [Yes Z tto Was there a Pre-Application meeting with Staff for this projectZ fl wo [Yes: date 2. WATER. SEWER. AND TRANSPORTATION CAPACITY VERIFICATION. Check the box below that applies: n Concurrency is not required. This permit type is exempt per POMC 20.180.004(1)(a - t). List the code reference lefter (a - t) and the permit type: An application for a Capacity Reservation Certificate (CRC) for water, sewer and transportation is included with this submission. A previously issued and unexpired city-issued CRC for Water, Sewer, and Transportation is included with this submission. (Provide two copies.) n A combination of documents which in total verifies and/or is an application for water, sewer, and transportation capacity is included with this submission: (Check all document types that apply.) ECitV document(s) Efro, other Utility District(s) Efro, the Health District n Demolition of an existing building or termination of previous use was within the last five years. There is no net impact increase by the proposed new structure or land use on city's water, sewer, or road facilities. (A copy of the Demolition permit or prior use records are required.) Master Permit Application Form (10/18/19)Page 1 of 3 LU2O-CPA TEXT-OI. ffi tr n Page 93 of 108 fl Final Plat Land Use I Planning: fl Accessory Dwelling Unit flshoreline (check all that apply): fl Adm inistrative I nterpretation fl finat Plat, Alteration fl Substantial Development, Hearing I einOing Site Plan, Preliminary fl finat Plat, Vacation n Substantial Development, Admin. fl AinOing Site Plan, Alteration of Prelim. I Non-conforming Use IConditional Use Permit, Hearing I SinOing Site Plan, Final IPreliminary Plat IConditional Use Permit, Admin. fl ainOing Site Plan, Alteration of Final fl Preliminary Plat, Minor Modifications flVariance, Hearing I AinOing Site Plan, Vacation of Final I Preliminary Plat, Major Modifications fl Sfrort Plat, Preliminary fl Boundary Line Adjustment fl Pre-submittal Design Review ftSnort Plat, Alteration to preliminary fl Comprehensive Plan Map Amend. I Rezone flSnort Plat, Final flComprehensivePlanTextAmend. flSeee ISnort Plat, Alteration of Final I Conditional Use Permit I Shoreline Exemption ISnort Plat, Vacation of Final flCriticat Areas Review flSign (Land use regutations)flTemporary Use Permit fl Oesign Review Board Project Review fl Sign, Master Sign Plan flTemporary Use Permit Extension fl Development Agreement E sign Variance E Vrri"n"", Administrative I Statement of Restrictions IVariance, Hearing Public Works: ECapacity Reservation Certificate flnighfot-Way Permit fltree Cutting Permit (Minor LDAP) EUnO Disturbing Activity Permit, Major Estormwater Drainage permit ilVariation from Engineering Standards ElanO Disturbing Activity Permit, Minor Estreet Use Permit EW"t", and/or Sewer Connection fl Commercial, New building / Addition fl Demolition fl Residential Plumbing fl Commercial, Alteration / Repairs E Manufactured Home E Residential Mechanical fl Commercial Tenant lmprovement fl fr,lutti-tamity (3 units or more)IRe-roof ICommercial Plumbing flResidential, New ff Sign (Construction of) I Residential, Addition i Alteration ISiOing, Windows and/or Doors flfire Sprinkler IFireworks Display flstandpipe System I Commercial Mechanical Fire Code: flFire Alarm IFireworks Sales fiTemporary Tent / Membrane Structure ftfire Suppression System IHign Pite Storage fifanf lnstall i Decommission ress Requesl Development Permit Plan Checklist UOesign Standards Departure Request ERoaO Name Request ilother: (lrs9 Master Permit Application Form (10/18/19)Page 2 of 3 3. PERMIT TYPES. Check all types that you are applying for at this time. Building: Other: Page 94 of 108 4. CONTACT INFORMATION. Use additional sheefs if needed to list more contacts. Applicant (Company and contact name)Geiger Road LLC Relationship to the PropertyrflOwner IAuthorized agent Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip).4280 SE Mile Hill Dr Suite 200, Port Orcha rd, wA 98366 360 710-4353 E-mai!:Lskvinsland@gmail.com Property Owner (if different than Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip) Phone:E-mail: Engineer (Company and contact name)i Mailing Address (strcet, city, state,zp): Phone: E-mail: Note: Both the Surveyor and the Engineer must be listed for plats. Surveyor (Company and contact Mailing Address (street, city, state, Contractor:Contact Name: Phone:E-mail: Contractor's Mailing Address: Contractor's License/Registration #;Expiration Date: city Business License:IYes Itto (Appty online at: bls.dor.wa.gov) Revenue Tax# (UBl) I certify that the contracto(s) (general or specialty) who will perform any of the services for which this Washington, Department of Labor & lndustries, in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW (law of 1963) permit is issued, is registered with the State of under certificate number. Applicant initial here Authgrized Aqgnt Siqnature: The Authorized Agent, either the Propefi Owner or the Applicant as listed above, is the primary contact for all project-related questions and conespondence. The Permit Center will email or call the Authorized Agent with requests and/or information about the application. The Authorized Agent is responsible for communicating information to all parties involved with the application. lt is the responsibility of the Authorized Agent to ensure their contact information is accurate and that their email account accepts email from the Permit Center. I affirm that all answers, statements, and information submitted with this application are correct to the best of my knowledge. OWNERoTAGENT: DATE: r' PRINT NAME: Prooertv Owner Sionature (select one): The legal owner of the property is submitting this application, acting as the AgenUContact for this Prolect. Sign and date below. The legal owner of the property authorizes the Applicant to act on his/her behalf as the AgenUContact for this Project. Sign and date below, or submit a separate signed and dated authorization letter with this application. By signing this application and applying for apprcvals under Port Orchard Municipal Code Titte 20, the property owner hereby permits free access fo the to the to agencies with juisdiction consideing the proposal for the period of time extending from action. OWNER: pRtNT NAME: Lars Kvinsland il Master Permit Application Form (10/18/19) the time of Page 3 of 3 Phone: E+nail: D^rE.u28t2020 Page 95 of 108 Complohensive Plan Char€€ ADDENDUM B The land is not at all compatible with the surrounding land but would be if zoned +A- RI 11/19/19,5:17 PM For the properties adioining SW Old Clifton Rd, Pt Orchard, I would like this high density residential changad - "W"O"p,77sidential. I would like the corresponding zoning be changed from R4 to R+ * , (/ For my 6 baCk pfoperties (other side of part time creek, northwest of SW Old Clitton Rd.), I woutd tike the comprehensive plan changed from urban industrial to,meCiurftdensity rgqidential. lwould likethe corresponding zoning changed ,rom light industrial tog?. R\, j?ru{ Pleas€ reierence Chapter 20.04, Comprehensive plan Amenbmlnts (2c), (i), (ii) and (iii): ln reference to the land adjoining sw old clifton Rd., I've had the above land listed 'for sale'since it was rezoned during the summerol2018. lreceived just one enquiry and it was for R2. The problem is that lhe land area which determines the number ol residential units that can be built is not large enough to substantiate the installation of a 1200 foot, 12 inch diameter water pipe lrom the City o, Pt Orchard. The cost would be well over $'130,000 and in addition a booster pump and holding tank would be upwards of another $175,000. The maximum number of units that could be put on my land is gO or less and to pencil out, one would need a least 90 units. ln addition, the opPosite side of SW Old Clifton Bd appears to be used as one residence per parcel. I would be more compatible with the neighborhood il my property was changed to low residential. Another possible, upcoming problem is that I have a class 3 Jish stream on my property. lt wouh be lar easier and saler to storm water mitigate this with 3 homes along my property instead of 30 apartments. Line oi sight could also be problematic to ingress and egress SW Old Clifton Bd. There has been a substantial increase in tratfic over the past few years so safety would definitely decrease with an increase of residents entering and exiting my property. r( "^if?IfL ;;y,";*:!,wpefrvrEFEdEEnBEn JAN 2 12020 c8ilil,?,f,fr ,"Blrof, BBffii,LU2O.CPA MAP-01 Page '1 of '1 ln reference to my back properties: these properties have basically one 30 loot easement road which cannot be used legally lor industrial property. Kitsap County has sent me a letter stating that I can not use this easement coming up from Anderson road with commercial vehicles because the land on both sides is rural residential. That means that I can only sell the property if it is residential. The Kitsap county assessors otfice has told me that they consider these properties in the same light as residential and have given me their lowest tax classif ication. The city of Pt Orchard has sent me a letter stating that I can use the road from SW Old Cliflon Rd on up to their water tower. This is not feasible. The cost to access my land, because I would have to bring the road up to county standards, would be over a million dollars. Reference letter trom Nick Bond, dated Aug 15, 2019. An engineer created an easement from my well up to the back of these 6 parcels of land. lf I use 3 hookups along Old Clifton, I would be left with 5 more to feed five of the 6 parcels. Errol Dow \C,/d Page 96 of 108 lttztzotg'Comp Plan Amendmcnt - Port Orchard Cr:v or PoRT Oncs*nn Permit Center Offirx kxaled at ?:ra f r$sfle{* Stroet Mailing address: 116 I,rosp{fi $r$eet Port 0rchard. lltA s8366 (360) 8?4-Si33 . COMPREHEN SI\IE PI.AT.I AMENDMEN? "^x,T*iL JAN 1 7 2020 ."lii,ii,i,TJ,?lSll!f, , FEES;Comp Plan Map Amendtnenlr (with or witbut Rezone) Comp Plan Text Amendment: Technologyfee: SEPA Review: Public Notise signlee' leach)'. Fire District Review fee: 61,875"00 $500"00 $10.00 $300.00 $40.& $250.00 Received by: Receipt*: File fr:LU2O-CPA MAP-o1 ?ctal Due with Srrbmiltal: I "Public Notbe sign lea anly re4uired far Msp Araerrd{nettl I'.ICOUTLETE APPLICATNN YHLL T{O? 8€ ACCEPTED. PLAITI tha baxthal ?lan Wlas)tr Amsndment:in{afinatiofitFcrText This proposed amendment is for Compreherwive Plan section: Provide a brief description of your proposal aandlor 0 General location ot Location: $ection{s}-Tcwnship Range Propo$ed ProposedCurrent Cornp Plan Current Zoning: ,, Propo$ed Use 0t the Submiltal requirements are listed an page 2. (( pe#nE?EJEfioren JAN 2 ' 202A "gililgfif;egl,HgEffiR, ?agt* 1 I 3 Fatfrm.z Cwr'tl'*rie frsfr ,lsadmen, -,,^.*.--.^ e-, --, --, ? Helpful 2t3 For a ComprehEnrive Plan t0amprere htont aton b€!aw) Rerone Ewithout Rozonohlap A6566*orfi fsererr,, Page 97 of 108 File #LU2O-CPA MAP-01 SUBMITTAL QUIREMENTS This application shall include the following, unless specilically waived by DCD: (Check the box for each item included with this application) tr THE MASTER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM with original signature(s). One Master covers all applications that are included with this submittal. No additional copies are required. tr SEVEN copies of the completed Comprehensive PIan Amendment applicatlon form: This includes the original plus six (6) copies. tr SEVEN copies of the letter sent by DCD after the Pre-Application meeting, if there was one. tr SEVEN copies of a project narrative with a detailed explanation of why the proposed text or map amendment is necessary and/or desirable for the community, and how, if a map amendment, the proposed use fits in with the uses permitted in the surrounding zone. The narrative must include a statement addressing the decision criteria listed in POMC 20.04.040(2), as applicable to either a text or maD amendment.)/ X A SEPA Checklist Submittal: (use Fotm 012 for complete submittal requirements.) tr A SEPA Checklist Supplemental Sheet D Submittal: (use Fom 013 for complete submiftal requirements). tr ONE Electronic copy of all submitted documents, in high resolution Adobe PDF format, including the items listed below, as applicable. The decision criteria statement for either a text amendment or a map amendment must be in Microsoft Word format. lf application is for a Map Amendment, also include: ,K X SEVEN plan sets total: THREE sets: 18' x 24" or larger, and FOUR sets: 11" x 17" , with north arrow and map scale, showingtr Existing natural features, including critical areas and buffers.tr Existing and proposed grades. tr Existing and proposed uses and improvements, including utilities, easements, structures, access and parking. SEVEN copies of a vicinity map, Iy2" x 11" or larger, with site clearly marked, shown in relalion to the nearest major streets, roads and wateMays in the area, and identifying the zoning of the surrounding property. SEVEN copies of complete legal description of the property, including tax parcel number(s). SEVEN copies of a list of other permits that are or may be required for development of the property (issued by the City or by other government agencies), insofar as they are known to the applicant. To verify water and sewer availability and transportation capacity, submit one of the following options: (Check the box that applies to your project and include the documentation with this submiftal) tr 1. Capacity Reservation Certiflcate (CRC) application for Water, Sewer and Transportation. Use CRC Application form for submiftal requirements. 0 2. Water and/or Sewer availability letters issued by the appropriate Utility oistrict, or Building Clearance Approval from the Health District and # 1. above for Transportation. Olher documentation may be required in addition to whal is listed above Form 002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application (3/09/181 2 Page 98 of 108 LU2O-CPA MAP-01Ftle # OWNER: For a map amendment, select the appropriate statement: { t ,ttim that the property affected by this application is in my exclusive ownership. tr I affirm that the property affected by this application is not in my exclusive ownership. This application is submitted with the consent of all owners of the affected property. lF AN AGENT lS SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION ON YOUR BEHALF, complete this verif ication statement: As the record owner of the property listed above, I authorize as my Authorized Agent to submit this application on my behalf The a lication as leted is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Signature of Owner (be no rized)t f I ot ht /zozo Print Name of Owner STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KITSAP I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ec.aI Da^.1 is the person who appeared before me, and saad person acknowledged that (he/she) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. WTNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this ,AarY t)s day of c OTARY PUBLIC in and for the IV y apporn tment expiresM LISA STONE N otary Public State o,f Wa shington Lrcense N u mber 1 78648 My Commission Expires Ma 20, 2023 Form 002 Comprehenslve Pian Amendment Appllcatlon (3/09/18) Date ) ) ) SS 20&o State of Washington, residing at K+<^- ( ^^L 3 Page 99 of 108 Page 100 of 108 Page 101 of 108 Page 102 of 108 Page 103 of 108 Page 104 of 108 BKEMERTOIV-KITSAP COUNTY HEALTH DISTKICT V'ILLA A. FISHER, LtD., ItI.P.H., DIRECTOR 109 Ausrin Drive B rentenon, W' ashingt on 983 I 2 Enyironmental H ealth Divi si on QAO 478-5235 FAX 478-5298 April 12, 1991- I.{r. Errol Dow 10667 Fairview Boulevard S.W. Port Orchard, WA 98366 WATER AVATLABILITY LETTER FOR SHORT Pr,AT 5756, TO BE SEp.VED BY THE DOW WATER SYSTE}'I ID NO. 3999A5 Dear l{r. Dow: Per our conversation yesterday regarding the referenced subject, enclosed please find a form that must be completed and subnitted to this office for Short Plat 5756. A review of the water file for this water system indicates that the District approved the system for three connections, see enclosed. Before this office will approve any additional Building Site Applications, the system must be upgraded for additional connections. This office has the following comments regarding upgrades to the system: Documentation in the water file indieates that the well prrmp capacity is 25 g:pn under cllrrent conditions. Under the new sizing gruidelines, this is sufficient for five homes however, depending on the length of distribution line that must be installed to service any add.itional lots, a larger punp may be reguired. Pages 3,5, and 6 of the BIue l[orkbook must be completed by a certj-fied Kitsap County Water System Desigmer, Registered Santiarian or professional engineer licensed in the State of t$ashington and submitted to this office to deternine what upgrades will be required. A1so, a revised distribution system diagram must be sumbitted to indicate where existing water mains are located as well as the lengths, diameter of pipe and type of pipe of new water main. Do not complete any ugrades until this office approves the revi-sed pIans. If you have any guestions, ptr-ease contact this office. Sincerely, RECEIVED PERMr (.iii,rl_qR JAN 2 8 202a .3,1il,ffii931,ff3!i,H, Re l/ftlilt lteliss llaxfield,c Environmental Health Specialist Division of Environmental Hea1th Enclosures Page 105 of 108 6 s I A',t li ot, wAs tN(;t oN DtrPARTMEN T OF ECOLOCY CtsRTITICAI'I OT WATIR ITIGHT JAN 2 3 2020 CITY OF PORT UKLTiARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT r Ot rq\oo @to [-l surtace warcr lHt",,1:l,iiJlili,?[:Lt",,l:";9ffi":l]A?'",11,,'ii3i:";,',1,'" ,5:X"li"l$i'iiT:3i:f'irrer7, and [l Ground water jl";,"9*!f[.lif,?]::]lJli::,1,'l,j::1*..,1,:ll;il"j,r,.,..".,!3x,:*Hi,ii,p::i:lirrrs45, and PN IO RI TY DAI E _rr 2 APPLT Cn T rON Il!r,.1AE R l- CE NTI F ICATE NUM BE R I NAI!!E Errol S. Dow PENMII ITUMBE N anhnIss tsIB€E Tt 15503 Cedar Park Road. l68 lc llYl Ola11a lsrAIE)tzrP co0t) 98359Washlnston PUBLIC IIAIEN TO BE APPNOPRIATED TFISUIARY (,. IIT SL'NFACE WATENSI MAXIMUM CtI6IC TEET IEN SECONO rr^xlMUM (iAt|_ONS PEn N NUl[ 25 MAXIML'M ACNT.FTtT PEA YEAN 4t OUANTI]Y, IYFE OF USE,IENIOO OT USE Group dc.rmestlc supply - contlnuously 8 services LOCAIION OF DIVENSION/WI TI IDRAWAL AppFroxrMA rE Locn TroN oF llrvEtrSrorr wl lrlt)anwn L I,000 feet east and 1,000 feet souLh of tlre Nl,ll corner' Sectlon 3 LOCATEO WrrrrN TSMALL€Sr LEGAT SunOlVrSrONt NH Nl1Il C O UIJTY Kltsa RECORDEO PLATTED PNOIENIY I or (GrvE r.rAME or PLA I On n oDrTloN) l5IE BAN(iE, lt. On W.)tl/,MstCI tor.l 3 23 LEGNL DESCNIPTION OF PfIOPENIY ON WIIICII WNIEN IS TO BE USED Lots B, C R.lE., S'.ll and D of Short Plat 3616 wlthtn the Nt^IlNlJ1, Sec, 3, 1'.23N., , Kltsap County, Waslrirrgton. BB0L240 I t3 fltti4G5tfl16,t0 rCY 04G l' 2 (Bev 1-81)CI Il TIF ICATF RECEIVED PERMITCENTER . T his is lo cerlily that the herein named apDlicanl ltas ntade Drool lo llrc salislaction ol lhe Departmenl ol Ecology ol a right lo lha usa ol the public walers ol lhe Slale ol W asltinglon as lrct oiI dolined, and under a d specilically suhpct lo lhe ptovisiotls conlained in the Permit lssued by the Depatlmenl ol E cology, atrd llQl said righl lo lhe uso ol said walets has beon perleclad io accotdancs will, lhe /aws or lhe Sla lo ol Washitlgloo. and is heteby conlir ed by lhe Deparlorenl ol Ecology and enlercd ol rcco.d as shown. but is litnilod lo an antounl aclually betelicially used. so(,llcE Wel l . j ; irr ,rr}l li[Crfit] .r,(,fr "r IA{rt tr.- , '.ili'r'r' t,"'f.J]'_i"'':'t" {sE E n EVE n Sr.. S r r)E) Page 106 of 108 P(CISE TAX D(EMPT JAH r5 1ee2 KITSAP COUNTY TREASURER 734.79 FBET. RECEIVED EASEMBNT PERMITCENTER rOR DOMBSTIC WATERLINE AND WATEN SYSTDM APPUNTENANCBS FOR THE BBNETIT OF LOTS A & B JAN 2 3 2O2O oF KrTsAp coUNTY sHoBT suDDIVrsroN No. urflfry oF rolt-,.jr.iirri.r{D .COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT An easement for the installat,ion, operation, repair and maintenance of a domestic waterline, including pumpilg ancl-storage faciliLies and other water system appurtenances, for the benefit of Lots a a g of l(itsap county short subdivision No. 5756, over, under and across a strip of land 10 feet in widthr the side lines of which lie 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of section 3 ' Township 23 North, Eange I Bastl 1.l.M. , in Kitsap Cor:nty, Washington' described as folLot+s: Beginning at the nortlrwest Corner of saici Sectior:3: l.lrence Sorrth 2"24,53,' I{est, oro,ig* Lr,L ri""t .line of t,he Northrvest quarter of the Northwest quarter of saidl sectio, 3, a distance of 734,79 feet; thence south 67" L4,sg,,iu.]f-lt,ji-"-arn"" oi I8B.?9 feet to the westerlv most corner of Lot A of [it;"; Countv Short Subclivisio, No' 3616, as recorded under Kitsap County Auditor's File No' 84I1020145; thence continuing South O7"14,gg" B;;1, along the southerly boundary of said short subdivision' a distance of 43b ,ZI f.eet to fne soutierly most corner of said Lot A; thence North g0"3g'50 East, elong ltru """t"rry tine of saicl Lot A' a distance of 1g0.43 feet to the TRUE pOlnt or BB0INNING of said described cenl"erline; thence South Gb"3l'32" EaJ, poraff.l with the norbherly line of said Lot A, a distance of 99,L7 feel;- thence North 30"33'50" East a distance of 64.16 feet to a poilt which lies 5 feet soutlterly of, &s tneasured perpendicular to, the noriherly line of Lot' C of said Short' Subdivision No. 3616; ifi"r""'S"rift 04"57'00i' East, paralle1 with the northerlv Line of saicl Lot c, * ai"tance of 246.00 feet to the westerty right-of-way margin ofoldcliftonRoadancltheterminusofsaidclescribedcenterline; The side Lines of said strip shall be prolouged or shortenecl' as the.c&se may require, to intersect'blie easterly lirle of said Lot A and to terminate at gre ,r""iL"1y right-of-way margin of oId clifton Road; The above described easement ries entirery within Lot c of Kitsap county short Subdivision No. 3616 NOTE: TIIIS BASBMtrNT IS BBING RE_BBCOBDED TO CORRBCT AN ERBORONEOUS DISTANCB IN THE ORIGINAT EASBMENT RBCOBDED DECEMBER 6' I99I' UMJBR KITSAP COUNTT AUDITOR,S FrLE No. ettz0600gb. rur CALLED orsrallcr oF 674.7e FEBT, ALONG TllE gsJ.llNI..gI TI{EN0RTHWESTQUARTERoFTHBNoRTtIwESTQUARTERoFSECTI0N3,SI{0ULDHAVBBEEN STATE OF COUNTY OF On this {T /*day of u- Notary Public in and for t State of WITNESS MY HAND AND UFFICIAL SEAL THIS IiiISAP COL!i{T\J s7. il[ CASH FILEI,i-EIY: ENRuL DCII,I -lHl',| i5r !??h lti:l6 AH iiAFiti\i FLYiiiii liri[iTLii( ,:LEiiii : r:iLI'i'{FiE *= [F* #!r ?E{}:i E 5ilE&fr,*rrL- tl&:85 FEq f- i:3&& , 19?-E,before me, the undersigned, a , duly conmissioned atrd sl{orn, to ne known to be the Ls9& Errol S. Dow personallY aPPeared individual ( s )descr ibed in and who execu ted the within and foregoing insLrument,and acknowledged *at H{--signed the sante as ,1i*f tary ac/Jr 'b and deed, for the uses and Purposes therein mentioned,and on oath ree and volun stated that authorized to execute said instrument' ) )ss ) lir;;; i" g) "''_r:,',': DAY OF Notary Pu c i and f the StaLe of , res ng at-iq !,1 :tr'1 {..! _, ii:' - .,..1 .)o"''.-':'.. ,'' L.rrr,tltlrrrr, 1' ,L r i.' My commission exPires ,, 4 lr)iu L'r-n Page 107 of 108 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 108 of 108