01/24/2023 - Regular - Additional Docs-211 Countsg WA Choose data to display 2-1-1 counts IaTSAP WA CUSTOM DATE Top service requests oleo 1, 2022 TO Dec 31, 2022 TOP REQUEST CATEGORIES Display as:* PERCENT 0 COUNT Housing & Shelter 00 17.3% Food 0 10.8% Utilities 0 7.9% Healthcare & COVID-19 1 24.7% Mental Health &Addictions 00 2.3% Employment & Income 00 3.6% Clothing & Household 00 3.0% Child Care & Parenting 00 <1% Government & Legal °Yo 8.6% Transportation Assistance 00 2.2% Education 0 <1% Disaster 00 Otrer00 17.6% Total for top requests °o 100% Requests by County Housing & Shelter i lCitsap, WA View By: 0 ZIP Code (0) County ZIP Code - Requests - Adult Population - - In poverty - unemployed - < h.s. diploma - rental housing State rate: - State rate: - State rate: - State rate: - + ' V it Hover to show details r i - f 8uc harn' --1 Wid re5s Ed Dods PAt ff ho zlme satheA" 11, ge " Seattle �r Hlgh 7 Intermediate 17f71C vas on Low ona! . I �_ No Requests 'est LeafletlOOpenstreetMepcontributors TOTAL REQUESTS FORYOUR FILTERS 8,817 4M4% Wathlnw 16% of TOP HOUSING & SHELTER REQUESTS UN 416 requests Home repair/ maintenance 00 5.2% were unmet Low-cost housing °a, 27.4% Mortgage assistance 0 CCl% 38% Move -In assistance 04 6.2% 17% Rent assistance 011 26.1 % 17% Sherbana 00 23.3% 25% Other housing & shelter 04 10.8% 24% Directory assistance 04 0% 0% 0 = No requests made Requeets Not Available = Data not collected >100 AND > 50% Some requests are only computed at the category level TOP 10: Highest rates of requests for Housing & Shelter by County Rank County Rank County 1 Snohomish, WA 6 Benton, WA 2 Pierce, WA 7 Clark, WA 3 King, WA 8 Franldin, WA 4 Yakima, WA 9 Asotin, WA 5 Spokane, WA 10 Thurston, WA Request by time Housing & Shelter requests in the last year and pfkor year