025-23 - Global Security & Communication, Inc. - ContractWA License Na.: GLOBASC030LR, OR License No,: CCB 69705
3212 Main
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 693-1900
This Rider supplements the Agreement between the parties for alarm/security services and governs Subscriber's
relationship with Alarm.com. This Rider is for services and products furnished by Alarm.com, including the following:
Only services selected are Included:
larm.com Interactive Security
❑Alarm.com Video Monitoring
❑Standard Storage
❑Additional Storage
❑Alarm.com Access
❑Lights ❑_ocks []Remote Contra ❑Automation & Tnggers
❑Energy Management
❑-tome Automation
❑Seamless Integration
❑Smart Device Apps
Annexed hereto and made a part hereof are terms required by Alarm.com. By accepting Alarm.com products and
services you accept these terms. The Alarm.com terms are applicable to, and they govern your relationship with,
Alarm.com. Your relationship with GLOBAL SECURITY & COMMUNICATION, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "GSC" or
"ALARM COMPANY") is governed by your contract with GSC.
Read Alarm.com's terms annexed hereto carefully. By execution of this Rider you agree to the terms set forth in
"Alarm.com Terms".
eubac Ws 99nalure
WA Ul N¢ GLOBACCIXKKR, OR License me, CCB P9705
3212 Main
Vancouver, WA 98883
Cup 1212912022
SumoweaNeme:C$TY OF PORT ORCHARD- CITY OF PORT ORCHARD- Telephone blo: f350J 895-3158
"Main: BW whad at Pon OmneM WA 0886 Cell Phone No:
I. GLOBAL SECUR W S COMMLMICATCM. INC. (hmimber Meuea b as "GSC- Or'AIFAM COMPANY-) alreu b ad. insual and metal at
Subefteses gemlcea, and Signal amrm b buy, an Overnb smunk "w mmblbp W the equipment and momma d dtt d In the shoetree
SclaJrle a Equlpmmt and Som( s.
Redemption flum.00 p pmtlma data repo b bran
Tare. $W.48 EtlM dale end m be BUWMtbly x pW
Teal: S104598
Colas Peymanl: Srtm
8alarmdue upan uxsgblkn IXl2ltlltlbn: $100800
l nrMed
❑Rme Bubvber aFemers ❑pes Cad fiinieNmekaNSmbPmeff❑
(SeeFormed $tll¢Jule IXEgrllprrenl am Serylobe.)
1 at Ile rglbn provide b Subsvlber Me onsime b M
C.SFRVICESA CHARGES: Just�rlhg shapes are billed In Wappllu vall rj& plus M, Bble lsaMcl oft mutual:
4Mmmiy ✓ p a b Mnually aemi.AnnuYly Annuelty
❑ Pt TO sum a.$� plus W peyeb6 In advance bribe momentum and po9mmrdng of the mmmunkWn sMlmre and ammutiWal
desires U npamN hen the dean prnel H ml elreedy imINIM.
Q (II) The aim 0 Ill, AR per month Our Me rtmNming of the Small Sy far Me Rol of the a3me t cprsnardnA on Me first on Of the
month rise w¢eo3ng Me dale Mreor, and anuarirg porous Moral At prym um being due on Pe Put a Me mono.
Q (b) g4gL�CE ISbllte out l or III
Iselrll Subscriber mmn In row GSC an a old cat bask H thi auemenl pyspers la sM on a Per aril bads, SuMnb mum my
YWaamy Initial here for par me Wran WA l-
❑Ie"OrthemmhmandSeYWingftmiaaalnaalpripmesbeinglMsuma$ per mamarmleronsinkegreem.m.
mmm.mtua the irk a.y allbmpmn raM ammeMing Ilre aisle raise, m paymmtt bang dx on the Him[ who. mmM.
❑ (d)ALARMSnNALWRIFICATON: SuNar Wage abpayWCmemmm$ par month M the lam N MIS Nr ffit IfSI Obw
Ix4 cam Slump VM6ceW as a mature to be ora hea, orN Plerm Sark small Is membiil W lax. OSC aid ceYpmtM mmrd emom ¢Mil v
Nw dam signal by ebclmlc bMpMle camunkelwvl, NMo Whirl or sW older ssalbdin ryalnn dens] appropriate W GSC or as reoulrad dy local
lure and only armed aam mmidom shall be mmmmkal¢a ro polke or fire essw mat
$ Hit mom Mind
59ec1mmole avicess/vbaosetukea to E¢uMtled'.
RBmMnA. Osylw L.IC ind SMW Remote Vida MONIonn9 forum Slrebmwe usno Del
ea Clique Monitored Upon PPPlm'TTmAnchor Only Overmaster; managed ale deft ❑Claud Smite Gain StaagarndReMF9
Pomnu heeu By Brhbsv'iiovl�p+dPo Cau in Sub[vlbara Smen Plain 11 Sell-M¢nIWNq ❑Other( lotto:)'.
❑ (g ACCESS CONTROL ADMINMT mON SERNCE6: Subeamer agrees to No WC Me arm of it per month for Pe term w the
mpmamnL 0 0 SRemaeameaamde CMbol PAmnbllnon ae Sm Depmaiaea.
mm�Miahmbn Dn4Ee Adankmlbn o Deb sromea o Del eacMup
❑ (B) GUARD RESp E:Srnmer agrees to pay GBC He sum of (house paymern meMMt 5 pa rranm for We tam a His MRma lm
$ plus us PeyNe pa guars repass).
—I (b) S 4ONI7ORING: Subsomer agrees In Pay GSC Me sum Of per momma for the term of FM ug(eemenl, for set momarnA
lRNees. SaNNnnlmerno Ie pmvldeo by the pa ywendon Hhe huma@bpnela from Sarin rbMm all ryvun to SuewAnrs Imamat or regular wm,srod
daub¢. UN Sub nber has W%Wd Can" Shetim Nbou 1B. migmes Irom Smumpors mcaddy ayakm will not to Imnfa d by end no signals will be
msbrtd by my prabuioml mnbal sacks.
S. TEM OF AGREEMENT. RENEWAL; TbelnmWW,mmemmlandlbemaemrbda'u . -"
Page I Of 4
Io Imk e¢W[
coverage if any. Except as set forth in Iq s agreement, GSC makes no express warranties as n any rind'.ter w nalsrever, including, wilout limitation, the
condition of the equipment, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose. G5C does not represent nor war -rant that the security system may not be
compromised or circumvented, of that the system Or prevent a iy lass by burglary, hold-up, or otherwise; o- that Ile system will in all cases provide the
protection for which it is installed. GSC expressly it sdaims any mp'ied warranties, including implied wetranlies of merchantability or filirm for a particular
purpose. The warranty does not cover ar y damage to material or cq ri prneN caused by accident, misuse, attempted or urhauthodZed repair service, modification,
or improper installation by anyone olher than GSC. GSC shall not be liable for consequential damages. Subscriber acknowledges that any affirmation of fad or
promise made by GSC Shan not be deemed to c cats an express warranty unless included in ihls agreement in wailing; mat Subscriber is not relying on GSC's
skill or judgment in select rig ar hunhishirng a lay ate•- sullabla for any particular purpose and that there are no warranties which extend beyond (hose on the Taco of
this agreement, and Inal GSC lies offered additional and more sophisticated equipment for an addtional charge vbieh Subscriber has declined. Subscribers
exclusive remedy for GSC's breach of this agreement or nepdgenee to any degree under this agreement is to require GSC to repair or replace, at GSCs option,
any equipment which Is non -operational. This Limited Warranty is independent of and In addition to service contracted under paragraph 4{b){It) of this
agreement This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also rave other fights wNCh vary from State to stale, It required by low, GSC wilt
procure all permits required by local law and will provide cc titicale of workman's Compensation priortd starting work.
14, DELAY ihf DELIVERY 1INSTALLATION 1 RISK OF LOSS OF MATERIAL: GSC shall not he liable for any damage or loss sustained by Subscriber
as a result of delay in delivery and/or installation of equipment, eghlpmerl failure, or for interruption oT service due to electric laiktre, strikes, walk -outs, war, acts
of God. Or other causes, Including GSC's negligence or failure to perfnrrTh --]Fly obligation. Tine estimalm date work is to be substantially completed is not a
definite completion dale and lime Is not of the essence. In the event the work is delayed through no faun of GSC, GSC shall hose such additional time for
performance as may be reasonably necessary under" dfbUmBtancgs. Subscriber agrees to pay GSC Ire Burn of 51,000 per day for each business day the
work is re -scheduled or delayed by Subsc4bor or others engaged by Su betAber Through no fault of GSC on less than 24 hour notice to GSC. If insieltetlon is
delayed for more than one year from dale hereof by Subscriber or other contractors engaged by Subscriber and th*Ugh no fault of CSC, StibWnbar agrees to
pay w additional 5% of the conlrad Purchdsc ?iIce upon installation- Subscriber assumes all risk of loss of material once delivered to the Job site. Should GSC
be required by eAsting or hereanerenacted law to perform any service or furnish any material not specifically covered by the terms of this agreement Subsedber
agrees to pay GSC for such service or material.
15, TESTING OF SECURITY SYSTEM; Security System, once installed, is in the exduNve possession and control Of Ire 8 Ubscribef, and I I is 5uhscribers
sole responsiblly to test the aperatlon at the Socurity System and to notify GSC if His in need of repair. Servrca. d provided, is pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 7.
16. CARE AND SERVICE OF SECURITY SYSTEM: Subscriber agrees not to tamper with, remove or otherWse Interfere with the Security System which
shall remain in the same location as installed. All repairs, mplaCemant or alteration of the security syslam made by reason of alteration to Subscril premises.
or caused by unauthorized intrusion, lightning ar electrical surge, or caused by any means other than normal usage, Wear and tear, shall be made at the cost of
the Subscriber. BatteFles, electrical surges, lightning damago, snfmare upgrades and repairs. cormir lcalron devises that are no longer Supported by
cnmmunlealion palhways, obsolete components and components exceeding manufacturer's useful life, are not included in warranty or service under paragraph
4lb] III) and vdl be repaired or replaced al Subscribers expense No apparatus or device shall be attached to or wtlnecl with the security system as origindly
installed without GSC's written consent,
17, ALTERATION OF PREMISES FOR INSTALLATION. GSC Is authorized to make preparations such as drilling hales, driving halls, making
attaehrnernts or doing any other thing necessary in GSC's sole discregan for the installation and service of the security system, and GSC shall not be respon,%i e
for any condition creased thereby as a result of such installation, service, or removal of the security system, and Subscriber represents lhat the owner of the
premises, d other than Subscriber, autharixes the installation of the sautfrity system under the terms of this agreement.
18. SUBSCRIBER'S DUTY TO SUPPLY ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE SERVICE: Subscriber agrees to fumish, at $ubwAbees expense, all 110 Volt AC
power, electrical outlet, ARC Type circuit breaker and dedicated receptacle, Internet connection, highspeed broadband cable or DSL and IP Address, telephone
hook-ups, RJ31x Block or equivalent, as deemed necessary by G5C.
19, LIEN LAW: GSC or any subcontractor engaged by GSC to perform the work or furnish material vdh0 is not paid may rave a claim against purchaser
or the owner of the premises it cthrr than the purchaser which may he enforced against the property In acCordarlco with the applicable lien laws.
20. INDEMNITY 1 WAIVER OF SUBROGATION RIGHTS I ASSIGNMENTS: Subscriber agrees to indemnify arts hnlC harmless GSC, is employees,
agents and subcopiractors, from and against all claims, Iawsulls, including those brought by third -padres or by Subscriber, Including reasonable atiomeys' fees
and losses, asserted against and alleged to be caused by GSC's performance, neglgence or failure to perform any obligation under this agreement. Parties
agree that lhera are no third -pail beneficiaries of this agreement, Substd4er ort its behalf and any insurance carrierwalves any right of subrogation Subscriber's
Insurance carrier may otharwise havA sgalnst GSC or GSc's subcontractors arising out of this agreement or the relation of the parties hereto. Subscriber shalt
not be petmitled th assign this agreement without written consent of GSC. 'GSC shall have the right to assign this agreement and shall be rellavod of any
Obligations herein upon such assignment.
21. ENCULPATORY CLAUSE: GSC and Subscriber agree that GSC is not an insurer and no insurance average is offered herein. The fire alarm,
security system, equipment, and GSC's services are designed to detect and reduce certain risks of loss, though GSC does not guarantee [-,.at no loss or damage
will occur- GSc is moil assuming liability, land, therefore, shall not be liable to Subscriber or any other third pady for any loss, economic or non-econdml, in
contract or tort. Bala corruption or inability 10 retrieve data. personal injury or property damage sustained by Subscriber as a result of equipment failure, hI attain
armf, burglary, Ih5fl, hold-up. Fro, smoke, waler w any other cause whatsoavar. mganitess of whelhe r or not surJl Ions or damage waycaused by or cbNributed
to by GSC's negllgent perrcnnanoe to arty degpm in furtherance Of this agreement, any eMfa contractual orlegal duty, skid products hahllity, or negggarrt failure
lie perform any obligation purswril to Mfrs agreement or any olhpr Ie:gal duly. In the event of any lags or lnjury to any person or property, Subscriber agrees to
look exclusively to Subscriber's insurer to recoverdamages. Subscriber raleasos GSC from any clams for contribution, indemnity ar subrogatlon
22. INSURANCE I ALLOCATION OF RiSK: Subscriber shall maintain a policy of pubic Itablltty, casualty, ore, Ihert, and property damage under which
Subscrber Is named as insured and GSC Is named as additional Insured and which shall cover any loss or damage GSC's services are Intended to detect to one
hundred percent of the insurable value or potential risk. The parties Intend 1hal the Subsriber assume all potential risk and damage Ihat may arise by reason of
failure of the rtquipmenl. systern or GSC's serwlces. GSC shal not be responsible for any portion of any loss or damage which is recovered or recoverable by
Subscriber From insurance covering such loss or damage or for such loss dr damage against tAhiclh Subscriber is Indemnified or Insured. Subscriber and all those
claiming rights under Subscriber walve all rights agailat GSG and its subcontraclars for loss or damages caused by perils hnierided to be detected by GSC's
services or covered by Insurance lobe obtained by Subscriber, except such rights as Subscriber or others may have to the proceeds of Insurance.
23. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: SubsWt%( agrees tnat should there arise any liability on the pan of PSG as a result of GI39s negligent performance to
any degree or negligent failure to perform Any of GSC's obligations pursuant to this agreement or any other legal duty, equlpmenl failure, human error, or s[dd
products liability, that GSC's liabifrty.shall be limited to the sum a $250.00 or 6 times the aggregate of monthly payments for services being provided at time of
loss, whether economic or non -economic, in contract or turf. whichever is grealer If Subscriber wishes to Increase GSC's amount of limitation of liability.
Subscriber may, as a matter of right, at any finte, by entering into a supplemental agreement, obtain a higher limit by paying an annual payment consonant with
GSC's increased liability. This shall not be construed as insurance coverage,
24. LEGAL ACTT ON: The parties agree that due to the nahne of the services to the provided by GSC, the payments to be Trlade by the Subscriber for the
term of The services part of this agreement form an Integral part of GSC's anucpated profits; that In the event of Subscribers defeull it would bo difficult if not
impossible to fix GSC's actual damages. Therefore, In the .evens Subscriber defaults in any payment -or charges to be paid to GSC. Subscriber shall be
immediately Gable for any unpaid Installation and invoiced charges plus 80% Of life balance of all payments for the enlire term of Ills agreement as liquidated
damages and GSG shall be permitled to lermrnate all pis services, including but not limited to ierminaltag monitoring service, under this agreement and to
remotely re-pi-Wa m or delete any programming wllhoul relieving Subscriber or any obligalon herein.
If GSC prevails in arry'Itigallon or arhltration bemv n the parties, Subscriber shall pay GSC's legal lees. In any action commenced by GSC against
Subscriber, Subsdber shall nol be permilted to Inlerposa any counterclaim. The parties agree that they may bring claims against the other only In their Individual
ropaclty and not as a class action plaintlp or class a0cn mombvr m any purported class or ropresantativa proceeding Subject to Subecribers right to bring any
claim against GSC for up to $1.0W in small daims court having jurisdiction, any dispute between the pall les of art sing out of Ihfs agreement, Including Issas of
arbilrobllity, shall, at the option of any party, be detemtined by arbitration before a single arbitrator amrinlstered by Arbitration Services Inc, under ils Arbilrafion
Rules at wwvv ArbdralionUrviceslnc.com, except that no punitive damages may be awarded. The arbitrator is authorized to conduct proceedings by telephhone,
Video or by submission of papers. Senvice of process or papers in any legal proceeding or arbitration between the pares may be made by First -Class Mail
delivered by the U.5. Postal Service addressed to Ire pa-ty's address in Ihls agreement or another address provided by The paTty In writing to the party making
service. Subscriber submits to the jurisdiction and laws of y Jashingtort and agrees that any Iltigatibn or arbitration between the parties must be commenced and
maintained in the COunly, Where GSC's principal place of business Is Mated. The parties Wah a trial by jury m any action between them tinier.s prohibiter{ by law.
Arty ijr-6-1 by Subscriber against GSC must be commenced within acre year of lint accrual of the cause of action or shalt be barred. All aelldrus or prooeedngs
against GSC most be based on the proWslons of this agreement. Any other action that Subscriber may have or bring against GSC in respect to other services
rendered In connection Mlh this agreement shall be, deemed to have merged in and be restricted to the terns and conditions of this agreement, and this conseril
to arbelrale shall survive the termination of (his agreement.
2a, ESC'S RIGHT TO SUBCONTRACT SPECIAL SERVICES, Subscriber agrees that GSC isauthanzed and permitted to subcontract any servioes lobe
provided by GSC to third parties who may be independent of GSC, and plat GSG shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by Subscriber by reason of
fire, then, burglary or any olher cause whal9oover caused by the nagtfgenco of Ihlyd parties Subscriber appolnls GSC to ail as SubscribWr agent with respect
to such third partial, except that GSC shall not obllgale Subscriber to make any payments to such third parties. SuttseribeF acknowledges Thal thls agreement,
and particularly those paragraphs relating to GSC's disclaimer of warranties, exemption from liability, oven for its negligence, limitation of iiability and
IndemnlficallGri, Inure+ to Iha benefit of and ere applicable to any a sslgneas, subcontradors, manufaeturam, vendors and oenlrar station of GSG.
Page 3 014
26. MOLD, OBSTACLES AND HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS- Subscriber ahan nbhry GSC in wnhng or any une selosed, concealed Or f ,olden coneit ohs rn
any area where Installation is planned, and Subscriber shah be responsible for removal of such conditions In the even( GSC dlseovers the presence of
suspected usbas" or other hazardous material, GSC sham slop all work immediately and noldy, Subscriber Il shall be Subscriber's W* obligation to remove
such condilims ham the premises, and d the work is decayed due to the discovery or suspected asbestos or other hazardous material or conditions then an
exlerlsc ri of lane to perfomm the W+ Fk 15AMI oe allowed end Subscriber agrees to compensate GSC for any addoicinal expenses caused by Irie delay but nor less
Irian $1DDO.00 per day unlll work can resume Ir GSG, In Its sole drsC elydn, delermrnes that conlinuing the wok poses a ask to GSG or ils employees or agents.
GSC may elect to lermntale the agreemenT on 3 day notice To Subacnber and Subscriber shall cornpBnsale GSC for all servm6es rendered and malerial provided
to date of termination. GSC shalt be entdled 10 reMOVe 911 its e0upment and unlnslalled equipment and material from the jab site Under no Circumstances shall
GSC m hable la Subscriber for any damage caused by mold or hazardous conditions or remedtatlon Ihersol
27. N094-BOUCITATIION: Subscriber agrees that Il .ill not tOLCll for employment fOr Itself_ or any other entity, or employ. In eny capaoly. any otnployee
of GSC eswgned by GSC fo perlorm any service for or on behall of Subscriber lot a period or two years after GSC has oump4etad ptovrdfflg service to
Subscriber In the everil of Subscriber's violation of this provlsIort. rn edddlon to inluncbve relief, GSC shall recover from Subscriber an amount equal to such
employee's salary based on the average three months preceding employee's termmaimn of employmerul with OSC, times twelve, togeun r with GSC's counsel
and export wtness tees
20. FALSE ALARMS 1 PERMIT PEES: Subscriber k5 responsible for elf ocean permlls and fees, agrees to file Ivr and maintain any permits requred by
applicable law and indernntfy or relmourse GSC for any rifles relating to permits or rarse alarms GSC shall have na clabiluy for permit fees, false alarms, false
affirm fines. the manner in which poice or fire delpanmenl responds, or the refusal of the police or fire Oepanmsnl to respond in the event of lanninetion of
Police or fire depanmenl response INS agWrileht shall nevertheless remain in full force and Subscriber shall rernarri Irable W all payments prc%ride i Tor herein
29, SECURITY INTEREST J COLLATERAL: To secure Subscriber's obllgattons undef this agreement Subscriber grants GSC a secunly interest in the
security equlpmeal walalled by GSC and GSC is authonxed to file s financing statement
30, CRE13IT INVESTIGATI Subscriber And any guarantor aulhonta GSC to tonducl credit Invesligalrone. from time On lime to detemine Subscribers
and guarantor'S Credit worthiness
", FULL AGREEMENT I SEY@RABILITY: This agreement alorvj with the Schedule of Equipment and Services constitutes the full understanding of the
parties and may nor bri amended, inodlfied or canCaied, except In wnung sigrvad by both pare3. except GSC's requirements regarding items of proteccton
prgvlded for in lrns agreement imposed by Aulhority Having Jurisdretlon Subscriber acknowledges and represents (het SUbseribef has not relied On dilly
represattalion, assertion, guarantee. Warranty. colteterac agreement Or other assuranc0. except those set font, m this Agreement Subscriber hereby waives ail
nols and remedies, at law of In eqully, arising, or which may anse. as The result of Subscriber's rairance on such representation. asSenlon, guarantee, warranty,
collateral agreerrlenl or other assurance To The etlent Its; agrefrrnem is iKonsisterlf with any other document or agreement, whether executed prig to,
cancurrenlly Width or subsequent to This agreement the terms of this agreemem shall govern Tras agreemenl shall run concurreolly wilh and shall rid lemtlnalei
or supersede any exetumg agreement txtween The pares unless speCi ied herein Should any provision of this agreement De deemed void, the remaining Paris
shall he arllorcc able
By Fka"o— Mayor
51gr.ai rL 5r"mitter 51yua7_rc Lr Anlrr3420d Of9cer Tille ul Parson Signing
Rob Pulaansuu
Pnnl mlow ni $i�sr�iher
Subscriber agrees to have Nis credrl card avornairalty
charged for plc charges under this agreement
91 -6001487
Tor Ip or EN
Sul>��ntn�r a+gran�r�erhullnri.+�u pn�xm
� ,f��MUL_
ftmmsam �
What Type of billing invoice would you like to roceive?
Pryge 4 In d
WA Ucense No. GLOWC0301-R, OR Lresnse Mo : CCa 60745
3212 Main
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 693.1900
Describe Equipment (Model #):
1 Qotsys 7" Touchscreen Alarm panel. Alarm. -corn Cellular Module, Backup
Battery, 3. Power G poor Sensors (All Entry Doors), 1. Power G Motion
Detector (Main Entry). Signs & Slickers.
3 Power G Motion Detectors (One in each office)
1 Power G Outdoor Hom/ Strobe
Describe Services:
Global will be installing a new Oolsys Alarm system at the address above in port Orchard WA.
Global will install the Qolsys T touchscreen alarm panel with Alarrn.cpm Cellular communicator and Power
G Sensors listed below.
All monitoring signals will utilize an Alarm.com Cellular Radio and provide the following interactive
features: armingldisarming, user code control, 60-day event history, configurable text/email notificallons.
unexpected activity aterts, and sensor monitoring for up to 50 sensors. Remote interactive features can be
utilized via smart phone, tablet, or personal compuler wherever internet iz available.
Any additional equipment or labor hours not included on this proposatwill be billed at time and malerials
via change order.
Proposal included equipment listed below. Installation, programming. testing, training, permit and taxes.
Proposal pricing Is based on a 36 month monitoring agreement @ S47.95 per month. (Central Station
Dispatch. Alarrm.com Interactive Feeturesi
gy �r«aaw
�.�� •. il,n a $,Onalure by A, I ifo—d C f f i-r f N e — rnufl ba or n led h 61�%
Rob Putoansuu
P— N.M,
Smart I Connected I Protected
3212 Main Street
Vancouver, WA 9663
Venmuver(360) 693 1900
Toll Free (SOD) 4462400
Fax(360) 906.9692
wmv.glotaau secunty.com
Dealer Number Account Number Subscriber Name Premises Number
Zip Code
I Customer En
Attn: Accounts Payable
Port Orchard
Panel Type
I Panel Phone Number
On/Off Code
vamp 'I'elenlume Tvnc Name Ielevhnne Tvne
Matt Brown
Dan Schoonmaker
Andrew Brandon
Zone Description
Zone Description
Subscriber's Signatnrc
1 ler's Signature
3212 Mein Street
Van ver, WA 98663
(3W) 693-1900
Stage 1
Signing Certificate
Recipients: 1
Last Sent: Jan 4 2023 5:37PM
Alarm.com Rider
Rob Putaansuu - rputaansuu@portorchardwa.gov
Commercial Security Agreement
Rob Putaansuu - rputaansuu@portorchardwa.gov
Rob Putaansuu - rputaansuu@portarchardwa.gov
Rob Putaansuu - rputaansuu@portorchardwa.gov
Initials: RP
Equipment Schedule
Rob Putaansuu - rputaansuu@portorchardwa.gov
Schedule B
Rob Putaansuu - rputaansuu@portorchardwa.gov
Signed on 111012023 11:21,23 PM - UTC
GPS: 47.5402871062662 ,-122.639769066971
Signed on 1111 /2023 1:44:29 AM - UTC
GPS: 47.54028707461 ,-122.63978969608
Signed on 1 /1012023 11.22:49 PM - UTC
GPS: 47.5402755814726 ,-122,639789676728
Initialed on 1110/2023 11.22:33 PM - UTC
GPS; 47.5402755814726 ,-122.639789676728
Signed on 111112023 1.45.17 AM - UTC
GPS: 47.54028707461 ,-122.63978969608
Signed on 1111 /2023 1:47759 AM - UTC