035-20 - Katy Isaksen & Associates - Contract Amendment 1Here you go!
Jacki Brown, Utility Manager
360-876-4991 X 129
From: Katy Isaksen <katy@kisaksenassociates.com>
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 10:08 AM
To: Jacki Brown <jbrown@cityofportorchard.us>
Subject: RE: Sewer CFC contract
Good Morning Jacki,
Yes, I agree to extend the contract end date for three (3) months with no change in terms or conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you,
From: Jacki Brown <jbrown@cityofportorchard.us <mailto:jbrown@cityofportorchard.us> >
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 10:00 AM
To: Katy Isaksen <katy@kisaksenassociates.com <mailto:katy@kisaksenassociates.com> >
Subject: Sewer CFC contract
Good Morning Katy,
It was brought to my attention that the contract for your review of our sewer CFCs will expire at the end of this month. I have checked with our City Clerk and she feels that a simple
email from you agreeing to extend the contract under the same provisions will suffice. The COVID-19 issues have caused us to be slower than normal in getting the information to you,
not only for the sewer CFCs but the Water System Plan information, as well. We are now actively working on getting the water system information to you.
Could you please reply to this email agreeing to extend the contract for three additional months under the same terms and conditions? I will get your reply routed as necessary.
Jacki Brown, Utility Manager
360-876-4991 X 129