04/14/2023 - Retreat - MinutesORCHARD City of Port Orchard: City Council Strategic Planning Session Summary April 14, 2023 1 9:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. I Port Orchard City Hall Purpose: The 2023 strategic planning session will focus on prioritizing budget amendments for the 2022-2023 budget. Welcome Sophie Glass, facilitator, welcomed the City Council and Mayor Putaansuu to their 2023 strategic planning session. Below is a list of City Council members in attendance: • Shawn Cucciardi • Cindy Lucarelli • Jay Rosapepe • • Scott Diener • • John Clauson Presentation by the Mayor Fred Chang Mark Trenary (Mayor Pro-Tem) Mayor Rob Putaansuu provided updates on the recent accomplishments and current activities within the City, as described below: • State of the City: Port Orchard's 2022 accomplishments and current work efforts. See Attachment A. • Capital Projects: status of and funding for Port Orchard's capital projects. See Attachment B. • Sales Tax Collections: information regarding sales tax collection within Port Orchard. See Attachment C. • Guiding Principles Placard: a draft design of the placard with guiding principles for the Council Chambers. See Attachment D. • Permanent Supportive Housing Plans: draft architectural drawings of the 22 Riverstone house. See Attachment E. Midyear Review: Brainstorm Mayor Putaansuu reviewed the capital projects and personnel requests as part of the midyear review. See Attachment F. The Council discussed these requests and prioritized the results, as described in the section below. Capital Projects High Priority • Fully fund street paving • Reserve and set aside funds for the 2025/2026 Bay Street Construction Project • Orchard Street Plaza Design - $140K from park impact fees — Fund when available ORCHARD • Givens Sports Court - RCO grant & Rotary funded — Cost overruns funded by city • Key Card Project - $11 K Department of Community Development proceed now - $44K for City Hall include in remodel project • LEED Commissioning Consultant - $6.7K now & $46.7K during construction • Elements of 2nd Sidney Force Main — Find funding as needed Mid -Priority • N/A Low Priority • Public Works Shop Expansion • Fire District Property Purchase As a policy directive, the City Council emphasized the importance of finishing capital projects underway before initiating new efforts. Personnel Requests High priority • Assistant Planner to Environmental Planner — Proceed now • GIS Specialist to GIS Coordinator — Part of Salary Survey • HR Specialist to HR Analyst - Part of Salary Survey • Senior Planner to Principal Planner - Part of Salary Survey Mid -Priority • HART Coordinator — Develop job description and salary range as part of Salary Survey Low -Priority • Police Department Office Manager - Develop job description and salary range as part of Salary Survey • Public Works Office Assistant • Accounting Position • Police Officers • Public Information Consultant Contract Discussion of Community Needs The City Council held a discussion regarding the high-level needs within the community, and some associated projects or policies to meet those needs. 2 1284 ORCHARD High -Level Needs Associated Pro Improve transportation (including traffic) • Sedgwick Roundabouts • Signal improvements Dedicated taxes for transportation (e.g. transportation benefit district) Bike and pedestrian investments Infrastructure for water and utilities • Avoid burdensome rate increases Provide sufficient housing • Support subsidized housing Support for vulnerable populations • Mile Hill Shelter annexation • Site for safe parking • Site for tent cities • Also recognize the limits of the City's role as a social service provider Improve parks • Consider recreational facilities Enhance customer service • Make it easy for residents and businesses to get what they need from the City Improve safety • Address crime Wrap Up and Adjourn Mayor Putaansuu thanked the City Council for their excellent work. Councilmembers expressed appreciation for the collegial and supportive environment on the Council. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40 PM. ATTACHMENT A ORCHARD Law Enforcement • Conducted a survey and heard that Law Enforcement & Crime reduction should be our highest priority. • Hired 6 new officers • Created a 5t" Sergeant position to provide more oversite and supervision • Launched the police departments first independent social media site. • Identified, purchased & launched a body -worn camera program. • Supported the Marine Patrol unit to remove 35 derelict vessels from Sinclair inlet. • Two additional police officers added in the 2023 budget. . 'o �9 Comprehensive Planning Completed our Comprehensive Park Plan & updated our Park Impact Fee Completed our water rate study changing to a consumption model Grants & Awards $1 million Federal Appropriation for Bay Street Design $2.2 million KRCC award for Bay Street reconstruction $500,000 State grant for shoreline restoration related to the Community Center Project $650,000 TIB grant for the Pottery pedestrian improvements at Cedar Heights Middle School $1.4 million Safe Routes to Schools award for Sidney Road at Sidney Glenn Elementary School $700,000 TIB award for the design of Tremont Phases II & III • $400,000 for pavement overlay of Old Clifton Rd Local Transportation Funding 0 1/101" sales tax measure passed for the design and construction of Bethel Rd Phase More than $1.3 million in funding for road preservation and maintenance 2023-2024 Budget CAPITAL NEW HIRES PAVING STREET/TRANSPORTATIN PRESERVATION Capital Construction Funds Budgeted for 2023-2024f""-'$41 million Capital Projects Parks & Facilities Capital Projects Transportation Capital Projects Water Capital Projects Storm Drainage Capital Projects Sewer Capital Projects Total Capital Projects n W1 0 2 5 � Funded � $2,1781400 $1213851700 $1013681700 $112001000 $1418321900 $40,965,700 Capital Highlights • $18 million Marina Pump Station Project • $3 million for the Bethel/Lincoln & Mitchel/Lincoln Round-Abouts • $7 million City Hall reskin and weatherization • $4 million Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Phase II • $8.7 million Well #11 Construction • $2 million new water treatment system Well #7 • $650,000 modernization of sewer lift station controls • $500,000 Melcher water pumpstation rebuild • $500,000 new water pumpstation Sidney South Area Personnel Adjustments in 2023-2024 Public Works: Dept. of Community Development: Dept. of Community Development: Police: 1 FTE - Engineering 1 1 FTE - Code Enforcement 0.5 FTE - Office Assistant 2 FTE - Patrol Officers 2023-2024 Transportation Maintenance, Operations, Preservation Fund 002 $6.235 million Including -Pavement Preservation: Including -Lund Bridge Maintenance Including -Sidewalks, Traffic Control: $1.352 million+ $338k+ $210k+ C)o Major Projects in Design Phase Bethel Phase Bay Street Reconstruction related to sea level rise Port Orchard Community Events Center Shoreline Restoration related to the Community Center Sewer improvements for Ruby Creek Sub Area II L r on w v 91 I . I 1 111, 1111 . i !I. !I I I �, ,a!'!��. �i�� ICI I III I� 1 � �� 'i 0 In ---,m u in �M.r I I r7. 0,1W. I A 0 OPTION S _ •-� f � — 75' SHOREUNE SETBACK SEWER LrtESErrClVL Ej o TYP .% BUILDING FOOTPRINT �a 1 A.. A ep,Lrwos. PER j � L�v+OsCnPE TRANS ON e PPD. PEA RECIA CAL Fe;r� + rrr-- PV6;6. it WWI rd J., IN moo, 1A ,WMK- A 1111IRW 7W AjLALdL-LL;iL2a �q, 4M . Shoreline Improvements i Overview waterfront gfornenocle retaining wall FIXTURE PORT ORCHARD COMMUNITY EVENTS CENTER 20x40 tent outline railing with lighting building occess 71 •' PORT OkCHARD BOAt LAU14 ' i I Givens Park Sport Court Remodel #22-1588 Dev CONCEPTUAL Givens Park 1015 Tacoma Ave Port Orchard, WA 98366 0 50 100 ft Mayor Rob Putaansuu, President of the Association of Washington Cities. Executive Board Puget Sound Regional Council. Finance Director Noah Crocker, President of the Washington Public Treasures Association & Chair of the Association of Washington Cites Retro Advisory Committee. Planning Director Nick Bond, PSRC Regional Staff Committee City Clerk Brandy Wallace, AWC- RMSA Operating Committee HR Director Debbie Lund, AWC Employee Benefits Advisory Committee Police Chief Matt Brown, Chair, WASPC Professional Services Committee, Chair, Kitsap County Law Enforcement Executive Group, Executive Board, Kitsap Critical Incident Response Team, Executive Board, Kitsap Law & Justice Council. Public Works Director Tony Lang, Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Quest ions ? ATTACHMENT B LORC_HA_R�D Capital Projects Council Retre 04 14.2023 Note: This is not a financially constrained plan. This is intended to illustrate the project estimates and potential funding sources. Community Events Center: Project Update Estimated Costs Category Miscellaneous Property Purchase Expense Budget $5,000 $2,5082073 RFM Contract (Design) $2,760,688 Construction $221826, 239 Total Estimated $ 28,100,000 Expense Actuals $3, 997 $2,508,073 $1,293,577 RI $ 3, 805, 647 Remaining $1,003 $1, 467,111 $22, 826, 239 $ 24, 294, 3 5 3 r,q k.-a n s Source of Funds Cate ,o Budge Actuals Remaining Wic Facility District $123000,000 $1,976,199 $10,023,801 ;ity Funds (Fund 001) $1 293,901 $618,167 $675,734 Late Grant $1,211,280 $1,211,280 $- Pubf is Facility District Anticipated S6,546,000 S- $13,594,819 Library Antici ❑ted $3, 542, 410 $- $3, 542, 410 City Anticipated (Park f mpac t Fees) $3, 542, 410 $- $3, 542, 410 Total Estimated I $ 28,100, 000 1 $ 3, 80 5, 646 1 $ 24, 294, 3 54 Fiscal Period 2024 2023* 2022 Bud et $ 2,105, 500 $ 2,574,300 $ 40,000 Actuals 8212642 362,607 2021 $ 40, 000 $ 248,244 2020 $ 40 000 $ 172,268 2019 $ 40,000 $ 77,045 2018 $ 83,421 $ 887399 2017 $ 811979 $ 81, 979 2016 $ 38,000 $ 241,687 2015 $ 8,000 $ 42,985 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway- $10.042 million: Project is completing the ROW Phase to acquire and then complete the construction of the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway (Segment 1,6- 11). liiiiiii��ili� � ' - • - - _ ROW -Consulting Services $813,200 $573,200 $240,000 Approved ROW -Purchase $3,229,000 $3,110,000 $119,000 Remaining ROW Purchases —Est. $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 Construction $5,000,000 $0 $5,000,000 Total $10,042, 200 $ 3, 683, 200 $6, 359, 000 PopulationSales Tax Collections Summary of Budget to 2022 Actuals 2023 2024 Biennial Budget Actual 5,340,000 6,565.0001 6,895,000 13,460,000 7,783,763 1,914,119 1 - 1,914,119 Over/Under $ 2,443,763 1 $ (4,650,881) $ (6,895,000) $ (11,545,881) Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial January $ 543,145 February 626,678 March 524,545 April 548,118 May 665,944 June 682,922 July 668,890 August 742,304 September 707,709 October 693,521 November 730,655 December 649.332 $ 656,711 684,990 572,419 1 $ 656,711 $ 684,990 $ 572,419 $ - $ - $ $ $ $ - $ - $ $ - Total 5 7.783,763 $ 1,914.119 $ $ 17914,119 Percentage of Biennial Budget Received 14% Actuals Year over Year % Change Change $ 113,566 20.91% $ 58,312 9.30% $ 47,874 9.13% $ 219,751 12.97% Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Collections Summary of Budget to Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial Budget $ 1,808,000 $ 800,000 $ 800,000 $ 1,600,000 Actual 1,945,903 377,088 - $ 377,088 Over/Under $ 137,903 1 $ (422.912) $ (800,000) $ (1,222,912) 5 AR °.:. Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial January $ 82,213 February 166,226 March 204,469 April 126,410 May 151,824 June 190,761 July 249,922 August 172,743 September 181,406 October 151,035 November 121,635 December 147,258 $ 81,265 137,211 158,612 $ 81,265 $ 137,211 $ 158,612 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ $ - Total $ 1,945,903 $ 377,088 $ - $ 377,088 Percentage of Biennial Budget Received 24% Actuals Year over Year % Change Change $ (948) -1.15% $ (29,015) -17.46% $ (45,857) -22.43% $ (75,9211 -1 fi.74 Budget 2023 estimated Budget vs Actual % based on Syr avg (Over/Under) Over/Under $ 491,484 $ 165,226 33.6% $ 591,156 $ 93,834 15.9% $ 456,559 $ 115,860 25.4% $ 439,218 #VALUE! $ 543,259 #VALUE! $ 539,409 #VALUE! $ 582,239 #VALUE! $ 611,427 #VALUE! $ 587,557 #VALUE! $ 577,620 #VALUE! $ 600,359 #VALUE! $ 544.712 #VALUE! E$ 6.565.000 $ 374,920 24.36% Budget 2023 estimated Budget vs Actual % based on 5yr avg (Over/Under) Over/Under $ 40,204 $ 41,062 102.1% $ 61,301 $ 75,910 123.8% $ 67,397 $ 91,215 135.3% $ 59,145 #VALUE! $ 54,140 #VALUE! $ 69,833 #VALUE! $ 115,834 #VALUE! $ 66,740 #VALUE! $ 77,911 #VALUE! $ 64,260 #VALUE! $ 47,001 #VALUE! $ 76.232 #VALUE! $ 800,000 1 $ 208.187 ° GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Mayor and City Councilmembers worked to develop the following four guiding questions to help assess priorities: • Are we raising the bar? • Are we honoring the past, but not living in the past? • Are we building connections with outside partners? • Is the decision -making process positively impacting diversity, equity and inclusion? 26' 4040LS I I " GARAGE p - 25'-0" i cV 2668 — p f w HAI I m O ai N M 5068— Cl v BEDROOM #1 7-403E1 o 13'-11" X 9'-6" j P 5' z cV p 7in ti C1 I LLLE- 14'-5 5116" - - 11'-b 11/16" 26 PRELIMINARY PLAN ENTRY LEVEL FOR STUDY ONLY 'N KEENAN DESIGN, INC. PROPOSED PLAN PAGE HOUSING KITSAP sa58CHICOWAY NW 598 SFLOT 22 RIVERSTONE pp (� BREM 0-"0-0 WA 98312 5 8 ❑ �] F 360-040-0813 l�lY bkeenan1563(cDgmail_com OF FOUR 28' o 12'-10" 4' (V 4040LS J I 1123W1230L W3018 W2430L N 1 4DB42 $ F3 m I ci LL _ m I f m m G a v �� �W a m U3 N I cc ~ p LL m f o O N KITCHEN LIVING w 2 10'-4" X 14'-9" 16'-8" X 14'-3" F ID a; Z vw t j m wa _ w t (V N V7 in m PANTRY o O 2'-11 •• X 3'-8" N C 5068- 2668 I ' CLOSET U P: BATH #1 9'-5" X 2'-1" p - _ 10•_5•• X 4•_11•• � O in G SB362132 4DB1521 I r I I ! i r ao e i 2040SH 10'-11 1 /8" 3'-4 7518,--'r 15-8 1 /4" — 28' SECOND LEVEL PROPOSED PLAN PAGE KEENAN DESIGN, INC. 5458 CHICO WAY NW HOUSING KITSAP 598 SF BREMERTON, WA 98312 360-440-0813 LOT 22 RIVERSTONE 588 QQ U (� �l F 2 '��� bkeenan156312gmaiLcom lr: 14�4 n DFFDUR 1 N � � 0 v O v OFFICE 30, — — — —262668— n a-zHAsL o" N 4868 N m LAUNDRY NZ 13'-8 1 /2" — — — 9'-10 112" 30' — SECOND LEVEL BEDROOM #3 6fl68� CLOSET 5•-7" X 2'A" KEENAN DESIGN, INC. + HOUSING KITSAP PROPOSED PLAN PAGE l 5458 CHICO WAY NW �� MERTON, WA 98312 ��j,' BRE360-440-0813 �y �, LOT 22 RIVERSTONE 598 SF 588 SF 3 l bkeenan15h300pail_com 9RR U= IA.gA CF OFFOUR KEENAN DESIGN, INC. 5458 CHICO WAY NW BREMERTON, WA 98312 360-"0-0813 bkeenan 1563ro)gmail.com HOUSING KITSAP LOT22 RIVERSTONE PROPOSED PLAN 598 SF 588 SF PAGE 4 OF FOUR ATTACHMENT E Mayor's Budget — Mid -Year Review Highlights Mid -Year Review • Court Security — Not needed at this time. • City Hall Construction Funding (Spring 2023) — Currently out to bid. • Orchard Street Plaza Design — Consultant selection underway. • Public Works Shop Expansion — In house design is the first step. • SR166/Bay Street Construction — 2025/2026 Budget. Set money aside at mid -year? • Well #7 - Preconstruction loan pending - $7M total project cost • Water System Pipe Survey — Federally mandated lead service line survey. Staff time only. • Bay Street Lift Station — Pursuing grants and loans for preconstruction. • Fire District Property Purchase at McCormick Village Park — Property has little value. • Givens Sport Courts (RCO Grant -City Match) Rotary working to fund. • Elements of 2"d Sidney Force Main - Related to Pottery complete Street. • Key Card Entry 720 and additional Facilities — DCD $11K — City Hall $44K • LEED Certification for Community Center $229,800 — Contract Already Approved • LEED Commissioning Consultant $6.7K now - $46.7K during construction Personnel Requests • Police Officers — Chief believes the Office Manager is a bigger need. • Community Health Navigator— Redefine position similar to HART Coordinator. • Permit Center Overlap — 60 days of overlap for a retirement. • Public Works Office Assistant — Additional coverage provided by interns during the summer. • Accounting Position — Position needs to be better defined. • HR Specialist Promotion to HR Analysist — Promotion warranted. • Police Department Office Manager • Senior Planner Promotion to Principal Planner • Assistant Planner to Environmental Planner • GIS Specialist/Development Review to GIS Coordinator/Public Works Inspector. — Salary Survey • Public Information Consultant Contract —Additional funding may be needed. • Public Events Coordinator — After we open the Community Center 2027? • Safety Coordinator — Request from HR to reduce L&I claims & exposure — 2025/2026 • City Administrator — 2025/2026