11/19/2019 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Counci Meet ng M nutes Work Study Sess on eet ng of November L9,2OL9 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CAIL Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Cou nci lmember Cucciard i Councilmember Diener Cou ncilmember Lucarelli Cou ncilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, Community Development Director Bond, Finance Director Crocker, Operations Manager Lang, City Attorney Cates, City Clerk Rinearson and Office Assistant ll Whisenant were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Chimes and Lights Event and Marque Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby explained the concerns regarding the electrical issue and safety concerns on the marQU€, and the precautionary measures taken to prevent a hazardous situation. Also stated that the title of the item may have been better named as,'Morquee Electricol Circuits'. Finance Director Crocker introduced Operational Manger, Tony Lang, in the audience to discuss City's concerns and public safety. Action was taken to eliminate the immediate concerns by cutting the power to the marquee, after the Fire Marshal was notified by a citizen of the electrical concerns. Operation Manager Lang joined the table to discuss the holiday lights and how they receive power, which is against fire and building code. The code violations were identified, and an interim solution was explained, with the understanding to address the overall concerns for a permanent solution to be discussed next year. Minutes of November L9, 2OL9 Page 2 of 4 Councilmembers and staff discussed the options for solution, the POBSA's icicle !ight replacement, and timeframe of possible solutions. MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to authorize staff to make the necessary fixes for the tree lighting concerns, as well as purchase and install the appropriate lights for the icicle lighting issue to fix as expeditiously as possible up to S10,000. The motion carried. 2. Parks Plan Update - Scope of Work and Consultant Contract Community Development Director Bond stated the City has selected a consultant, Beckwith Consulting Group, to update the City's Park Plan and discussed the next steps. Councilmembers and staff discussed coordinating the community center with the parks plan and recommended some revisions. Council Direction: Staff to bring forward at next council meeting. 3. SMP Public Participation Plan, Schedule and Work Plan Community Development Director Bond informed that a grant was approved by the Department of Ecology to partially fund an update to the Shoreline Master Program. The grant requires development of a public participation plan, a tentative schedule, and a work plan, to be adopted by resolution by the City Council. Planning Commission has reviewed the plan and the other required items and are ready for Council's approval. Council Direction: Staff was directed to bring forward at next council meeting. 4. Title 20 Housekeeping Amendments Community Development Director Bond highlighted the amendments to Title 20 and reviewed with council. Also, stated that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Title 20 housekeeping amendments and recommended that City Council approve the amendments. Counci! Direction: Staff to bring forward at next council meeting. 5. POMC 9.30 - Amend ng Deadline for Abatement Order Appeals Community Development Director Bond discussed transferring responsibility on nuisance appeals to the hearing officer, instead of the Council. Minutes of November L9, 2Ot9 Page 3 of 4 Councilmembers and staff discussed if there was concern with possible conflict another judge would fill in. Counci! Direction: Staff to bring forward at next council meeting 6. McCormick Communities LLC - Amendment to 2OO7 Reimbursement Agreement for Utility System mprovements Community Development Director Bond discussed moratorium on McCormick Woods and moving forward with provisions to resolve the issue through the proposed amendment. This amendment will result in the construction of a new reservoir serving the 580 zone, as well as the transmission main needed to connect that reservoir to developments in the 580 zone. The proposed improvements will also allow for the separation of the Port Orchard and Bremerton Water Systems. The three agreements have been negotiated, (1) between Bremerton and McCormick Communities for improvements to the Bremerton Water System, (2) between Port Orchard and Bremerton concerning shared water facilities (approved LLhZlLgl, and (3) between Port Orchard and McCormick Communities. Councilmembers and staff discussed the separate documents provided, additional minor revisions, previous agreements, and public review of agreements. Council D rection: Staff to bring forward at next counci! meeting. 7. Local Road Safety Plan-street Safety Grant Public Works Director Dorsey summarized the overall framework with the different plans and systems (i.e. ADA transition plan, pavement management system, ADHOC committee). Expressed utilizing the current sidewalk funding so the City can start working on projects that will help in the long run to apply for other funding. Councilmembers and staff discussed funding sources and the safety plan. Counc I D rection: Staff will move forward with pursing grants. 8. Vacation of City Right-of-Way Process Public Works Director Dorsey explained past practice concerns with recently expressed change in the process and emphasized that it is important to look at unopened right of way and potential public access easement. Minutes of November 19, 2OI9 Page 4 of 4 City CIerk Rinearson discussed the past practice for vacating City right of way and previous updates leading to the current process. Councilmembers and staff discussed impact to adjacent property owners and how the process would be preferred in the future. Council Direction: Staff was to proceed with the street vacation as originally presented by the Petitioner. 9. Vacate City Right-of-Way:245L Sidney Avenue City Clerk Rinearson and Public Works Director discussed the proposed vacation ofthe city right of way. Public Works Director Dorsey explained the multiple requests for the specifically asked survey. Councilmembers and staff explaaned that there is no opposition to the request, but a surveyed drawing is needed in order to move forward. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. OTHER DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby expressed need to enter into an agreement or have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Port Orchard Bay Street Association (POBSA) regarding their current responsibilities, access to City infrastructure, and involvement to downtown properties. Staff and council discussed responsibilities, potential liabilities, and necessary improvements to the marquee. Councilmember Lucarelli announced that all the trees, with the Tree Decorating Contest, have sold. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. n R arson,MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaan u, Mayor