016-23 - Ordinance - Planning CommissionDocuSign Envelope ID: 1736A03F-CA9E-4BF4-87D5-FBC512300C49 ORDINANCE NO.016-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING REVISIONS TO PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE (POMC) 2.20 TO PROVIDE UPDATED GUIDANCE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO CARRY OUT THEIR DUTIES; AMENDING POMC SECTIONS 2.20.010, 2.20.020, 2.20.030, 2.20.050 AND 2.20.080 TO MAKE HOUSEKEEPING CHANGES, AMENDING 2.20.080 TO UPDATE QUORUM REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING REMOTE PARTICIPATION, ADDING NEW SECTION POMC 2.20.025 TO OUTLINE REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES FOR COMMISSION MEETINGS, ADDING NEW SECTION POMC 2.20.035 REGARDING ATTENDANCE TO ADDRESS REMOTE PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES, AND NEW SECTION POMC 2.20.065 REGARDING RECORDS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CORRECTIONS, AND PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend POMC Chapter 2.20 (Planning Commission) in order to provide updated guidance to the Planning Commission to carry out their duties, including amending or adopting procedures to address remote participation by Planning Commission Members; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 2023, the City's SEPA official issued a determination of non - significance for the proposed adoption of revisions POMC 2.20, and there have been no appeals; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2023, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed adoption of revisions to POMC 2.20, and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed ordinance to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after careful consideration of the recommendation from the Planning Commission, all public comment, and the Ordinance, finds that this Ordinance is consistent with Chapter 35.63 RCW, and that the amendments herein are in the best interests of the residents of the City and further advance the public health, safety and welfare; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council adopts all of the "Whereas" sections of this ordinance as findings in support of this ordinance. SECTION 2. Section 2.20.010 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to DocuSign Envelope ID: 1736A03F-CA9E-4BF4-87D5-FBC512300C49 Ordinance No. 016-23 Page 2 of 6 read as follows: 2.20.010 Planning Csommission created. Pursuant to Chapter 35.63 RCW, there is created a Ceity Pplanning Csommission, which shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mmayor and confirmed by the Ceity Csouncil; six shall be residents of the Ceity and one may be a nonresident of the Ceity except the Mmayor and Ceity Ceouncil may, by council resolution, temporarily extend the term of a Planning Ceommissioner who, during their,",�k Ar her term, moves out of the Ceity, to provide for continuity of specific projects or planning processes. SECTION 3. Section 2.20.020 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.20.020 Planning Csommission positions, terms, and term ending dates. (1) Planning Ceommissioner terms shall be four years in length. There shall be seven P-planning Ceommissioner positions to be known as Position 1, Position 2, Position 3, Position 4, Position 5, Position 6, and Position 7, respectively. The current term expiration for each of the respective Pialanning Csommission positions as of the date of the ordinance codified in this chapter is as follows: Position Term Expiration Position 1 December 31, 2020 Position 2 December 31, 2020 Position 3 December 31, 2021 Position 4 December 31, 2022 Position 5 December 31, 2023 Position 6 December 31, 2023 Position 7 December 31, 2023 (2) Upon expiration of the terms of each position as provided in subsection (1) of this section, reappointments or successors shall be appointed by the Mayor for tl4ea term of four years each. When an appointment by the M4:Rayor is to fill an open position prior to the end of the term, then the person so appointed shall serve out the term of the position into which th_ evHave he er She has been appointed. SECTION 4. A new Section 2.20.025 is hereby added to the Port Orchard Municipal Code to read as follows: 2.20.025 Conduct of meetipfs. The fol lowing standards shall a pply to Planning Commission m eetin s: DocuSign Envelope ID: 1736A03F-CA9E-4BF4-87D5-FBC512300C49 Ordinance No. 016-23 Page 3 of 6 (1) Planning Commission meetin s will be held consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act Chapter 42.30 RCW and the Public Records Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. (2) The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules_ of Order Newly Revised shall -govern the Planning; Commission in all cases to which they are applicable and in whi h they are not inconsistent with any sl2ecial rules of order the Plannin Commission ma adopt. (3) PI a n n i ng Commission mggttg5mst have a p h y§J=cag location fQLtbg pubIic to attend, however members of the Planning Commission may attend the meetin remotely. The means of remote access shall allow real-time verbal communication. (4) A Planning Commission -quorum shall be required for passage of any matter before the Planning? Commission. (5) The minutes of the meeti ng sh a II reflect the ayes and na ys cast on a p arts I a r measure as well as the vote of each member present. (6) Whenever a tie vote occurs, such a vote shall be considered no decision concluded. In such a case the Chairperson shall call for a new motion r heaLinp no new motion and cletermininp—the matter under consideration cannot be resolved during the current meeting, shall announce and direct the matter to be carried over to the next Planning Commission agenda, at which time it shall be scheduled for further consideration; or, the Chairperson may forward the request to,the City Council with no recommendation accompanied by the minutes of the request. SECTION 5. Section 2.20.030 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.20.030 Powers and duties. The Pplanning Cc-ommission shall have all of the powers and perform each and all of the duties specified by Chapter 35.63 RCW, together with any other duties or authority which may hereafter be conferred upon them by laws of the state of Washington, the performance of such duties and the exercise of such authority to be subject to each and all the limitations expressed in Chapter 35.63 RCW. SECTION 6. A new Section 2.20.035 is hereby added to the Port Orchard Municipal Code to read as follows: 2.20.035 Attendance. Planning Commis inners shall attend Planning Commission meetings in the physical I cation where the meeting is held. Planning ommi sioners may attend meetings remotely if necessary. If the Chair is unable to be present in the physical location where the meeting is held the Vice Chair, if physically present,shall chair the meetin . If neither the Chair nor Vice Chair are resent another o mi ssioner who is h sicall present, shall chair the meeting. Such selection shall be as voted qn=ky the membershi DocuSign Envelope ID: 1736A03F-CA9E-4BF4-87D5-FBC512300C49 Ordinance No. 016-23 Page 4 of 6 SECTION 7. Section 2.20.040 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.20.040 Recommendations to City Csouncil. The Ceity Ceouncil may refer to the Pplanning Ceommission for its recommendation and report, any ordinance, resolution, or other proposal relating to any of the matters and subjects referred to in Chapter 35.63 RCW, and the Planning Ceommission shall promptly report to the Ci�eouncil thereon, making such recommendations and giving such counsel as it may deem proper. SECTION 8. Section 2.20.060 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.20.060 Meetings of Planning Ceommission — Records. The Planning Ceommission shall elect its own Cehairperson and create and fill such other offices as it may determine it requires. In general, the Planning Ceommission shall hold a regular meeting once per month; however, during any month, the Cc -hair of the Planning Ccommission or the Ceity's Department of Community Development planning D'director may determine that there are no review items requiring the Pialanning Ceommission to hold a regular meeting and conduct business during that month; or, that there are review items requiring the Pplanning Ceommission to hold a regular meeting and conduct business more often than once during that month. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall be noticed in accordance with Chapter 42.30 RCW. SECTION 9. A new Section POMC 2.20.065 is hereby added to the Port Orchard Municipal Code to read as follows: 2.20.065 Recordkee in . The City hall provide a recording of all Planning Commission meetinju by electronic means. The City shall furnish a copy of a record ing of any meeting upon written request of any interested party. The party requesting the copy of the recording must bear the costs of producing a copy of the recording. The Plannin Commission will also keep a written record of its meetinjzs. resolutions, transactions findings, and conclusions. That record shall be a ,public record. SECTION 10. Section 2.20.070 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.20.070 Quorum. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1736A03F-CA9E-4BF4-87D5-FBC512300C49 Ordinance No. 016-23 Page 5 of 6 .(I) A simple majority Pour- er,n., b of the Pplanning Ceommission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action taken by a majority of those present at any regular meeting of the Pplanning Ceommission shall be deemed and taken as the action of the Plannin&commission. 2 Plannin ig Commissioners atten d i nig meetin Rs remotel will —co--u ra in the uorum. In the case of a meeting being interrupted by the loss of a auorum during the taking of ublic comments or testimony.,testimoMy., the Planning Commission may continue to accept and record all the public comments that are offered but may not take any action_ on that agenda item nor may continue to another agenda item, other than to adjourn. 3 When a quorum doea not exist at_-a-regul-arly scheduled oEspecial meetin a -mem of the Planning Com m ission ma announce to all present that an u li hearings are continued to a time date and location certain, thereby avoiding the need to re -advertise such public hearings. SECTION 11. Section 2.20.080 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.20.080 Annual report to City Ccouncil. The P-planning Ceommission, at or before its first regular meeting in February of each year, shall make a full report in writing to the Ceity Ceouncil of its transactions and expenditures, if any, for the preceding year, with such general recommendations as to matters covered by its prescribed duties and authority as may to it seem proper. SECTION 12. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 13. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. SECTION 14. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTION 15. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 13th day of June 2023. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1736A03F-CA9E-4BF4-87D5-FBC512300C49 Ordinance No. 016-23 ATTEST: DocuSigned by: r 6VAJAJ� UQLVt, ) �AsIqA Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: DocuSigned by: sbg204b7... - Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney PUBLISHED: June 16, 2023 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 21, 2023 DocuSigned by: �b PlM"G 4VUSWA, Robert Putaansuu, Mayor SPONSOR: i Jay Ro pe, ❑uncil mbar Page 6 of 6