06/13/2023 - Regular - Additional Docs-Fire Levy Slide 2SKFR Levy Request What is the Mission of the SKFR Fire Suppression- Putting out fires- Stats indicate you had about 58 last year EMS Response- Stabilize Patient and offer ambulance service- Stats indicate this is 68% of business CARES Program- Cost of program versus return versus mission? Chief is still looking for money? Anything that makes money Calls Approximately 11,000 year or 2 calls per hour every day for 11 stations 58 Fire calls last year is about 1 fire a week for 11 stations 11,000 – 58 (fires) leaves 10,942 calls left 68% of 10,942 means that EMS had 7,440 calls/responses. This is 20 people transported to the hospital a day. Each trip to a hospital puts your unit out of service We have ambulance companies to do this. 7440 + 58 = 7498 Fire or EMS calls What were the other 3502 calls for? Are they so important that we need 5 more stations and 30 + new employees? 1