Addendum-3_7-17-2023ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR City of Port Orchard, Washington MCCORMICK WOODS WELL 11 SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THIS ADDENDUM IS HEREBY MADE A PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO THE SAME EXTENT AS THOUGH IT WERE ORIGINALLY INCLUDED THEREIN. BIDDERS MUST ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ALL ADDENDA ON THE BID PROPOSAL FORM. BID PROPOSALS THAT FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE ALL ADDENDA MAY BE CONSIDERED IRREGULAR AND MAY BE REJECTED. THE DATE AND TIME OF THE BID OPENING HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2023. ISSUED THIS 17TH DAY OF JULY 2023. CONSOR 600 University Street, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101 McCormick Woods Well 11 Site Improvement Project Addendum No. 3 ITEM NO. 1 — Bidders Questions "The scope of work and drawing C-2 reference decommissioning Wells 1 & 2 and converting Well 3 to a monitoring well. We need well logs for each well to determine abandonment plan & cost. Also, what is the scope to convert Well 3 to a monitoring well. This can be as complex as sealing in a smaller size casing/screen in the existing well or simply remove pump (if any) & have port access at well head." a. Well reports are attached. Well 3 conversion will consist of removal of the pump and installation of port access at the well head. 2. "We see a reference to Asbestos Removal and Abatement in the contract documents but we cannot find a Hazardous Materials Report, does this exist? If so, can you please post in an addendum." a. A Hazardous Materials Report does not exist for this project. Asbestos testing is anticipated to be a requirement for the demolition permit and is the responsibility of the Contractor. If Asbestos Removal and Abatement is required, this Work will be done as Force Account under the Minor Changes bid item. 3. 1.1 SCOPE calls for "a chemical feed skid with two chlorine feed pumps with capacities as shown below. The contractor shall also furnish and install a chemical feed pump for sodium fluoride with the capacity shown below." Sodium Hypochlorite: 3.2.B. calls for (4) hypo pumps: "Sodium Hypochlorite Pump Tag Numbers: WTR22MP_01, WTR22MP 02,WTR12MP 01, WTR12MP 02" Plan M1 indicates a hypochlorite duplex skid, but 1-4 indicates the skid is "existing" Q. Are you expecting a bid on (4) sodium hypochlorite pumps, (2) mounted on a duplex skid, and (2) spare pumps? Sodium Fluoride: 3.2.C. calls for (2) fluoride pumps: "Sodium Fluoride Pump Tag Numbers: WTR22MP_03, WTR12MP 03" Plan M1 indicates a fluoride pump (only), and 1-4 indicates a fluoride pump skid. However, section 46 33 14 described a "Self -Contained Fluoride Upflow Saturator and Feed System, complete with pump, tank, control panel, etc. Q. Are you expecting a bid on (2) sodium fluoride pumps, (1) mounted on a complete fluoride feed system (as described) and (1) spare pump?" a. Yes, provide four (4) sodium hypochlorite pumps (two spares), and two (2) sodium fluoride pumps (one spare). 4. "[46 30 00] What are the capacities and communication signals required for each metering pump?" a. Capacity shall be up to 18 gph at 25 psig. See Specifications 4 below. b. See Specifications 5 below for communication signals. 5. "46 33 13 2.9 Hydrogen In -Air Detector & Alarm — Described as "optional' in specs, but not show in plans. Part of bid scope?" a. Include the Hydrogen In -Air Detector & Alarm. See Specifications 2 below. 6. "46 33 13 3.3 Warranty — Electrolyzer Cells warranted for 1 year, not 2. Okay to provide 2 additional cells in lieu of 2 year warranty?" a. See Specifications 6 below. McCormick Woods Well 11 Site Improvement Project Addendum No. 3 Page 2 of 4 7. "46 33 13 2.6.B.1 Ultrasonic level transmitter control — We have found ultrasonic doesn't work well with hypo. Okay to provide radar level indicator?" a. Radar level indicator is acceptable, see Specifications 3 below. 8. "Will the bid be postponed to allow time to get the information on the tanks? Size? Hatches? Vents?" a. Per Addendum 2, the bid has been extended to July 20t". It will not be extended further. 9. "The water heater piping is not shown on any drawings, please confirm routing." a. The water heater will connect to the Emergency Eye Wash & Showers with 3/4" copper piping. 10. "Chemical system piping is not shown. Please provide schematic." a. See attached revision to M-3. 11. "Generator pad thickness is not shown." a. Contractor's attention is directed to Detail 8/S-6. 12. "The discharge of the booster pumps appears to be 250Ib flanges. Is the rest of the piping 250l b?" a. The booster pump flanges are 150 # RF ANSI flanges. See Specifications 1 below. 13. "What material is the 2" pipe shown in Section B on M-2?" a. Ductile iron. 14. 1-4 Booster pump schematic shows different size pipe and valves than what is shown on M-1, please advise which one is correct." a. M-1 has the correct pipe sizes and valves. 15. "Existing PS concrete pad thickness, existing generator pad thickness?." a. Existing pad thicknesses are unknown. 16. "Plan sheet C-4 shows various locations where we tie into the existing lines. I do not see what depths we should expect these lines to be at. Please provide assumed i.e. for tie in points on C04." a. Depths are unknown but anticipated to be less than 5-feet deep. 17. "Just received Addendum #2, Regarding that Hazardous Material Report, PCI will plan to include costs to perform the report, but for bidding purposes, as there is no information available, we will assume that there is no hazardous materials present. If the report comes back identifying hazards not identified in the bid set of plans/specs, it would be addressed under a change of conditions. If there are any current hazards known, please identify them in the bidding documents and we will include costs as applicable." a. A Hazardous Materials Report does not exist for this project. Asbestos testing is anticipated to be a requirement for the demolition permit and is the responsibility of the Contractor. If Asbestos Removal and Abatement is required, this Work will be done as Force Account under the Minor Changes bid item ITEM NO. 2 — Specifications 1. REPLACE the Suction Flange Rating and Discharge Flange Rating in Section 2.1.E of 43 21 10 Vertical Turbine Pumps with the following: 150 # RF ANSI McCormick Woods Well 11 Site Improvement Project Addendum No. 3 Page 3 of 4 2. MODIFY Section 2.9 of 46 33 13 On -Site Electrolytic Hypochlorite Generation System as follows: HYDROGEN -IN -AIR DETECTOR & ALARM (Optional) D. LED readout of gas concentration in percent and a 4-20 mA proportional output signal shall also be available and connected to the SCADA system. 3. MODIFY Section of 46 33 13 On -Site Electrolytic Hypochlorite Generation System as follows: Ultrasonic level transmitter control or radar level control with 4-20 mA output for start -stop operation of the system; FM and CSA Intrinsically safe; Wetted material shall be suitable for 1.0% hypochlorite solution. 4. MODIFY Section 3.2 of 46 33 00 Chlorine Feed Pumps as follows: Maximum design discharge pressure 25 psig 5. REPLACE Section 2.5 of 46 33 00 Chlorine Feed Pumps with the following: A. Provide a remote status indication of "pump running" with an isolated contact closure, rated for 5 amperes at 120-volt ac. B. Provide a percent of speed with 4- to 20-mA d-c output corresponding to 0% to 100% speed for remote indication of metering pump pump. 6. REPLACE Section 3.3.B of 46 33 13 with the following: Electrolyzer(s) shall be warranted for 24 months from date of start-up or warranted for 12 months from date of start-up and provided with two (2) additional cells. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 3 McCormick Woods Well 11 Site Improvement Project Addendum No. 3 Page 4 of 4 File Original and First Copy with Department of Ecology Second Copy Owner's Copy WATER 1.3 WELL REPOR12im — Third Copy — Dnller's Copy 1 �� n STATE OF WASHWG}TON L (1) OWNER: Name..... McCormick Land Co. 2201 3rd Ave. S tlS 2i Address E1 OQ _ (2) LOCATION OF WELL: County Kit8ap _ —..........5,.. *sec 9........ T R 1S.W.M. 4) Hearing and distance from section or subdivision -corner_.___ . _N„ ___ DEPARTMENT OF F('OWGY _ (3) PROPOSED USE: Domestic V Industrial ❑ Municipal ❑ frrigatlon ❑ Test Well ❑ Other ❑ (4) TYPE OF WORK- l'w Per's number of well 1 (if rnrrre than one) .... .... ....................... New well //pj Method: Dug ❑ Bored ❑ Deepened ❑ Cable I Driven ❑ Reconditioned ❑ Rotary ❑ Jetted ❑ (5) DIMEN$IO((N�S: Diameter of well 1 inches. ...!.ryry. 7. Drilled.............. ft. Depth of completed well......... 3.................ft. (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Casing installed:..... Diam. from t...2..... ft. to ..230.. ft. Threaded ............... Diam. from ft. to .- ...... ...... ft. Welded Diam- from ft. to ................ ft. Perforations: Yea ❑ No t4 Type of perforator used ................. . .... . .. .... ....... ......... ......................... SIZE of perforations .............................. in. by In. ........ ..... .... perforations from ... _... ft. to ......... ft. perforations from .......... ft. to ....._...__..... ft. ........................ perforations from _ _.. _ ....... ft. to ..................... Screens: Yes)6 No Cl Manufacturer's Name ... JQhO.Q n.......... _ .................... TypeWaterk..S n�w a. ..-.... _... M del No .......... mar DiaaQ.,�.s Slot siz;Q.- . Q from U.7.... ft. t� 3..-.-. ft. DiarniQ..".PS Slot siz15.r-2.0 from 2.60-At. ta281...... it. Gravel packed: yes ❑ Not] Size of gravel; ... ...... .... . ......... . Gravel placed from .............. ........... ft. to ............................ ft. Surface Seal: Yes l/ No ❑ To what depth? ........ 2. 0.......... ft. Material used in seal .....Bent.anite...... . ... ......... Did any strata contain unusable water? Yes Cl No ❑ Type of water?.. _ ...................... ... Depth of strata.............................. Method of sealing strata off . .._........................................................... (7) PUMP: Manufacturer's Name ................. ..... ..... ............................. Type: . . . ................. -.... .................. .......................... H.P ........................ (8) WATER LEVELS: Land -surface elevation 420 q above mean sea level.... r� pp).�.ft. Static level 1.25.a.rt.................ft. below top of well Date. 5..�"T.�.R'F.... Artesian pressure . ......... . ........ ...... lbs. per square Inch Date .......................... ..... Artesian water is controlled by ...... .......................... ...................... (Cap. valve, etc.) (9) WELL TESTS: owered beldown ow statictwWr levA6bf %on was a ump lest made? Yes] No ❑ If yes, by whom? &...H.fable. Yield; Pr%" gal./min. with _7-„ft. drawdown after hrs. Recovery data (time taken as zero when pump turned off) (water level measured from well top to water level) 0Time Water Level ime Water Level Time Water Level I..............198.-- -- ... Q........12s....60........------............................. lmin .108..5......90......125..5..2- ............................... 10..........125...-95 64 Date of test ...—'+.`........... Bailer test ............... gal /min. with. _ .ft, drawdown after .... .... .......... hrs. Artesian flow .................. 48 81 W- a-........g.p.m. Date ..................................... ...... Temperature of water .s a chemical analysis made? Yes ❑ No ❑ (10) WELL LOG:113-01-9C ST REGION Formation: Describe by color, character, size of material and structure, and show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the material in each stratum penetrated, with at least one entry for each chanae of formation. — MATERIAL TO Gray_ sand, -gravel .and- -clay-Bro>n-Band-�e[ith 3458 iaome. Browngr>�Ye1 64 . Brown Band and -gravel- -. _.-- _4 - 82Brown mad- _with gravel- an"ecas9ional r_]>av layers _ silt and clay with __$ goBrown fine sand -9_ 99 Grayn1gX with !soma Silt Brovm Hand and clay with mom 114- gravel -12 F- BrDxn_f ina__tc�_Med- Rand name Yery fine-aand Orange —brown Gray -brown aiI t and very _1 15�.9_ fine sand with same pea __15-q __166- clay —.- - 66 --168_ Brown. -sand—and gravel --------- Brow-n-ziLty sand-with--same--- grayeI_-- - - ..----.. . 168- - lfl3_ Brown. eand__and--gravel ILI_tC sting withrlay -rich— Band an$ - __-- 198- _210 .-.210 - .-229�_ Brown si�sand 8 ae_-$rave Brown -sand -and gravel-.- .- ---- Brown . Sand with--some-gravel _ --229 - 236 - 23 j- .. 260 Br-amm sand ---__. _ _ _ _ -- - 334- iray--- Brawn iIty -a _ginri--------- ;ray-ra'ay- ---- -- --348 — - -a- 368 Br -own silty s&nd some gravel 46 4 -479- ;ray_ s-ilt__ work started ....... Yebt..... 23- 9_84. Compieted... May .....8.}........, 1e.-8.4 WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. NAME ......- Nichols on_..Drill.ing... C.ompany.. (Person firm or corporation) (Type or print) P.O. Box 123 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Address...... ....................................................................................................... 6��'jf [Signed]---- _-- 4(W Dril-.le.r) ............................. License No .............. Q520......... .- . DateA ug._ 30 a..... , 1s..8.4 (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ECr 050-1-20 File Original and First Cnpy with licaLiun No Department or Ecoiogy WATER WELL REPORT Second Copy — Owner's Copy �3 Third Copy — Driller's Copy STATE OF WASHINGTON / --­_... -- - - -----.. Tel i(1) OWNER: Name....M.4'.Cox,'I1 ick. Land....Ce.o............................... Add ......... 22.01... rd..A.Va... .. . FttlL,A - Q(2) LOCATION OF WELL: county KltSap...................... ........... . '....5: ..... 1,4 See. .9 T`I1'.I� Bearing and distance from section or subdivlslon corner (3) PROPOSED USE: Domestic Industrial ❑ Municipal ❑ �j Irrigation ❑ Test Well ❑ Other ❑ � (4) TYPE OF WORK: n '-wr.er's umber of well one).... ........... i (if iri a than .. .2..... New well Method: Dug ❑ Bored ❑ r— Deepened ❑ Cable ❑ Driven ❑ 0 Reconditioned ❑ Rotary ❑ Jetted ❑ (5) DIMENSIQNS: Diameter of well _ ..12.......... inches. Drilled ...'l..lb...... ..-.....ft. Depth of completed well .....21.............ft. (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: r� Casing installed:...12...... Diam. from ..+2..... ft. to1.7.Q-3 ft. Threadcd� Diam. from ft. to ............... ft. Welded .. Diam. from _ _ ...... ft. to ............... ft. Perforations: Yes ❑ No Type of perforator used... _ ......._ ................ _........... ...... ............. SIZE of perforations ........ ............. in. by .._.......................... in. perforations from ...... ..._....... ft. to ................... ft. ...................... perforations from .......... ....... ft. to ................... .. ft. ............. perforations from ..... _....... .... ft. to ...................... ft. Screens: Yes / No p Manufacturer's Name . ...... J.ohns.on, ._.......................................... TyPe..�.z$...�termar$..."�' F$........ Mod L No........_ ................... Diam.`.... -- Slot size .G?.0 ... from 1 8 ft. to 211]..•- ft. Diam. Slot size . ....... from ............ ft. to ............. ft. Gravel packed: Yes �61NV Size of toraj�,el . 4x8 Gravel placed from ... ... Surface seal: Yes 0 No p �o wh#Y dept�7 1.8 ............ ft. Material used in seal.. ...Den ..Onl.'�� ..c.e.ment...... Did any strata contain unusable water? Yes ❑ No ❑ Type of water? . ..... ................. Depth of strata..._ ........................ Method of sealing strata off ... ............ . ............. (7) PUMP: a`facturer'ey NeBerkeley _ ................ r......... ti................Typeupmers-Ae............._ . H.P......�1„/...... (8) WATER LEVELS Land -surface elevation 1, 20 L r� above mean sea level. '7 1 {, Static level ... 1�11 s..f ... .... it. below lop of well Date ..8..-.0.-..8+t.. Artesian pressure ............ ....... ...... _lbs. per square inch Date _....... ................ ,... . Artesian water to controlled by.............'dli.....v'a"i..............._......... (Cap. valve, etc.) (9) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water�lave "son lowered below static level Ii V �l Was a pump test made? Yes 0 No ❑ If yes• by whom?& . Noble .. Yield: 39? gal./min. with 31D down after hrs. Recovery da (time m well top as zerowatethen pump turned off) (water level Time Wat r Lev¢t Time Water Level Time Water Level o... 15.. 7.......10 0 127..,.. 8-... lmin 125,1..... 1478 126.E 7.. .... .lo.......12.9...5...... I .... ... ......... .... -..... r� jam ................ Date of test .. ...8-6-{ -,uT Bailer test gal./min. with .. ..ft. drawdown after ...... -- .hrs. Artesian flow....... .... .... ... g.P.m. ate.. .... _ ...... . Temperature of water B. YWas a chemical analysis made? Yes ❑ No ❑ (10) WELL LOG: 3-01-9C NO eCOLOGY Formation: Describe by color, character size of material and strut d show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the material in each stratum penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. MATERIAL FROM TO Gray-snad, .-gravel amd _clay . brown aft 2 ' $rows �a31d-�— _ 5�—�-� -� $rowm_�and and gravel_- ___ -. -- - 62- 82 Brown md, sand—wi-th and a a ' o a clay -layers BBrown .82 89 clay,gomafine sand _ _ --103- ra 13- 10 9_ d a - arave l 12.4 O fine pa.i_�4I- — —--- gravelbe 9m­l­4-5' - ��� 15a Ora —ge - o aye Gray_silt.-with and — twi o a-1aa"rs-___ — __ 166- Orane- o ----- andilt Abundant--- 169-'.. --__ - -�6� . 170- Brown-.Aa-pid._and-gravel 183- Brown _ilty sand i some gravel -- ---- - - - .183-I--1.97 Brov-nn --aand A-nd--gavel-- - - -- --- - - -siy sand alte atint1x-lt rn And. gray11_­1ayera-_ - - - - -- _1-97 I 210_ BroKIL-fl1�t�LSaDd -�Qm� --- gx' --- 210� _ 216. Work started....Ma.7.....o l......... 18...`..1. Compieted.... A.!lgs......7...1..., 18......... WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. NAME ..... Nicholson . Drilling ... Company .. ............ (Pe.reon, firm, or corporation) (Type or print) Address ... F,-.0..... B.o=... 1.23...Rort.... Orchard, ... WA .... 9.8-366 (Signed].......................... --- -40. . .... Il Driller) License No..........Q 2.Q............. .... Date.. Aug ...... 30........ , 19..84 Ecr a5D-1-2a (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) lv' File OrlaLna1 and First Copy with the Dl doa of Water Resources Sarond Copy — Owner's Copy Third Copy — Driller's Copy WATER WELL REPORT STATZ OF WA6UMMON Application Permit No. ... O Q J u PrA (1) OWNER: Name.A7CC.0 4yr_.,.% XCK fV..5.... !`t. R.....C�4lddresa....-�/.1111c oiq.Ni K....//.V Z: W ...ktq ..... (2) LOCATION OF WELL: County.......!.rs../11�......................................................................— VIE..?: Nw..s� Sec..-.-'/..... T2.5.N.. R.1E..W.M. distance from section or subdivision corner (3) PROPOSED USE: Domestic Industrial ❑ Municipal ❑ irrigation Well ❑ Other ❑ (4) TYPE OF WORK: Oi more tumber of well VE1, L New well Method: Dug [3Bored ❑ Deepened -19 Cable Driven ❑ Recondlttaned ❑ Rotary ❑ Jetted ❑ (5) DIMENSIONS: Diameter of well ......... 12..pp...pp.. trachea. DdUed.....Z.2.� _........ ft. Depth of completed weu.......ft3�l.a. ft. (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: p Casing installed:..--�2...." Di.m. from . .� _ ft. to .-1..7z, ft. Threaded ❑ .................. Dlam. from ..............L. ft. to ........ Welded .................. Dim. from ................ ft. to .._...-_._.. ft. Perforations: Yea ❑ NO Type of perforator used ........................................ .................. _...... ......... ..... ... 817.3 of perforations ................................ 1n. by ............... _............ in. _....._..-_...._.. perforations from ........................ ft. to ............... _....... ft. ....... I -------- _--- _ perforations from .......I ................ ft. to ......._.... ..._ it. ........ perforations Roan ........ .......... _.... ft. to _... ....... ......... ft. Sheens: YUX No ❑ T 3"nufacturer's Name.._......al..�ff ssd�.._.._......_.._ .._............ ....................... Model No.-.....--......_.......... Diem.112...P,F Blot size ..1.Q..Q from .1.7.,�... ft. to - !t. Diam......... _..... slot Size ............... from .......... _... ft. to Gravel packed: Yea ❑ No jX size at gravel: .--------...._............ (travel placed from .................................... ft. to ...._ ................... ..... ..... ft. SUrfaee seal: Year No ❑ To what depth? _...... /A6._.— ft. Ketw1al used in seal.....-..L~ NT......�fiE?fl-T.._._.._......_._--- Did any strata contain unusable water? Yes ❑ No1' Type of water? .................... _.......... .... Depth Of Strata ......... ........ Method of sealing strata off .... _....................................................—._..._.... r� (7) PUMP: Manutactular's Nune................................................- ........_...._.. Type: .... _....... ._... ................. ............ .. ............__._.. HB_.._.._..._......_ (S) WATER LEVELS: Land -surface elevation UU1p t above mean See level.... Z._. Static level ..........� 3 'r ...........f. below top of well Date.... - Arteden pressure................................tbs. per square inch Date ................... Artesian water is controlled by .. .............. .. - .—.._..... (Cap. valve. ate.) (9) WELL TESTS: Drawddattiate r level is halo �QD .KxoA.i Was ■ pump teat made? Yea No ❑ U yes, by whom? ......� -./�r_ f ja4. Yield: OR gal./ntln. wi� /3.r ft. drawdown after_ hrs. (10) WELL LOG: Formation: Describe by color, character size of material and structure, and show thickness of aqu(iiera and the kind and nature of the material in each stratum penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. ✓. 4:VWMARM l - • Em • Recmery data from well t P as cam when pump turned of[) (water level Time Water Level Time Water Level Time Water Label ar.ys.:....................Z,-.15.......................................... ....-- ...I.. Y �. �. .�......... I..36.,. y.................... ........................ 3....... ..J,V...5—.140....... .� :..`�........................................... Data of test ............ Ma- f (.7..p3.................... Bailer test ................... Sal.lmin. with .................... ft. drawdown after .................... bra. Artesian flow ........................ e ..........................g.pm.. . Date.................................................--- Temperature of water.....B.�Yas a chemical analysis made? Yes No ❑ ?-40gq ri,4 L (USE AAV1 IOAit ��/� 8l Work dart.d....11 ....g................I 15._ ... Completed......? ..- ...............11919.59 WELL DRIIALER'S STATEMENT: This well was driller; tinder my jurisdiction and this report is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. NAME....... /7 Rrn ._..40..1N.... .....................• (Person, firm, or corporation) (Type or print) Address- .. 0 4 2 OD ?,3 3 72-- [Signed]--- -.. kAz... ........................................ - (Well Driller) License No.-IC07.-1.......................... Date.--- ............. l9-. 41TS IF NECESSARY) 4010. 3 B. P. No. 73M—(Rev. 9-66)-2-6"M. 4616. U a� Ln 0 cYi N 0 O U w Q rn - Q 0 M N 0 N \ Ti N 0 Q m 00 N 0 N / a) a� / Q N c a� E C a) E Q a� L fu U L O L 0 a 0 am fM 00 N / 0 N U 0 L Q 4-JI > aj / rB M-2 ao N F ------- — FROM CLEARW ELL 1/2" SCH 80 PVC SAMPLING LINE, CONTRACTOR TO FIELD ROUTE TO SAMPLING STATION 3' N 28 N 22 WATER SAMPLING STATION, SEE DIET 6, SHT M-6 BACKWASH FLOW METER (MANUFACTURER PROVIDED) E �-3N PUMP DISCONNECT PANEL A M-2 3'-0" N SAMPLING LOCATION, SEE C DIET 1, SHT M-4 �M_2 32 28 36 '—C 1 t I —7'-0" — —I 7 G M-3 10'-11" NOTES: f� 1. SEE EQUIPMENT LIST AND NOTE REFERENCES ON SHT M-2. 2. 1" POTABLE WATER LINE, CONTRACTOR TO FIELD ROUTE TO EMERGENCY EYEWASH & SHOWER STATION, SEE SHT P-1 3 7/17/2023 PBC Addendum 3 - added chemical feed lines NO. DATE BY REVISION :J 38 CONCRETE PEDESTALS, SEE STRUCTURAL (TYP) I SEE SHT M-2 FOR rEQUIPMENT CALLOUTS 5-411 I L E&IC CONTROLS ROOM WELL PUMP VFD CONTROL PANEL 28 PUMP &TREATMENT ROOM 3'-0" In (P) 2" DEEP MOLDED FIBERGLASS WALKING 28 24 20 28 GRATE, SEE DIET 5 & 6, SHT M-4 28 _�j.�����L � I I— o FUTURE FILTER SKID it VL 12'-10" 6" 12'-10" SEE SHT M-2 FOR EQUIPMENT CALLOUTS 15'-10" 35 I BACKWASH WATER TO ON -SITE MANHOLE, SEE SHEET C-4 & DIET 1, SHT C-10 NOTICE CLB �ZCT Ctj� WAS'�j,� 0 1 1 V2 DESIGNED�V J LC r4 W P' DRAWN IF THIS BAR DOES , NOT MEASURE 1" THEN DRAWING IS EKS 46;3. 4 •G1b��EGISTER�9lZS4� CHECKED ssIGNAL NOT TO SCALE ECG 2t f Zoz� 20 PLAN SCALE: 3/8" = V-0" At COnSOr O RCHARD J-- 17 I I I 25 I,I II II I,I II II I,I II II I,I II II I,I II — _ WALL PENETRATION 7 FOR FUTURE CHEMICAL TUBING 17 FUTURE SIMPLEX Mn04 METERING PUMP SKID 20 p �d M 28 00 20 7 WATER EATE F M-3 WATER SOFTENER NOTE: SEE EQUIPMENT LIST AND NOTE REFERENCES ON SHT M-2 STORAGE ROOM 3/8" CHEMICAL FEED LINE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD ROUTE TO RISER 13 METAL SHELVING 500L FLUORIDE SATURATOR FLUORIDATION ROOM SPACE FOR STORAGE L FUTURE Mn04 TANK HEPA FILTRATION UNIT I SPACE FOR PALLET NaOCI DUPLEX EMERGENCY METERING EYEWASH & PUMP SKID SHOWER (TYP) 3/8" CHEMICAL FEED LINE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD U E TO RISER 3/8" Chemical Feed Line — Contractor to Field Route to Meter Pump Skid HYPCHLORITE STORAGE TANK CITY OF PORT ORCHARD MCCORMICK WOODS - WELL NO. 11 SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BRINE TANK NaOCI GENERATOR CONTROL & PLUMBING 3/8" Chemical Feed Line Contractor to Field Route to Hypochlorite Storage Tank OI HEAT PUMP UNIT AND PAD 0� 0 aQ � d a� z Qa � W =z O 3/8" Chemical Feed Line Contractor to Field Route to NaOCI Generator Control SHEET PUMP STATION MECHANICAL PLAN M-1 PROJECT NO.: 20-2839.01 SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: APRIL 2023 37 Of 69