PO Marina PS - Addendum 1CONTRACT ADDENDUM NO. 1 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 Date Advertised: June 9, 2023 Date of Addendum Issue: June 28, 2023 Date of Opening: July 18, 2023 Notice to all Plan Holders: This Addendum No. 1, containing the following revisions, additions, deletions, and/ or clarifications is hereby made a part of the Plans and Contract Provisions (Contract Documents) for the above named project. It shall be attached to the Contract Provisions and shall be taken into consideration by the Bidders in submitting their bids. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of the Addendum No. 1 in the space provided on the Proposal/ Construction Contract form. Failure to do so may subject the Bidder to disqualification of the bidders submittal. CLARIFICATIONS a. Pacific Power Group requested that their MTU generator, and Generac requested that their generator be added to the list of approved generator manufacturers. These requests are denied, due to the City's existing inventory of spare parts for the approved generators. b. The project is subject to American Iron and Steel (AIS) requirements, as outlined in the Washington State Department of Ecology Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Specifications Insert. The Certification of Materials Origins form is to be used to certify compliance with the AIS requirements. The project is not subject to Build America, Buy America (BABA). c. The requirements for the "elevated benches" above fan F401 and louver L110 are stated in Note 7 of the fan schedule located on Drawing No. A105. The elevated benches shall be constructed of powder coated steel. d. The structural notes on Drawing No. S601 pertain only to the work associated with the platform and the associated work as designed by KPFF. The structural notes on Drawing No. S701 pertain to the rest of the project. e. The emergency storage pump discharge piping may be constructed of 3" ductile iron pipe or 4" ductile iron pipe. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS a. The first sentence of the Advertisement for Bids CURRENTLY READS: Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk for the City of Port Orchard, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 until 2:00 PM on duly 11, 202-3, for construction of the Marina Pump Station Improvements, Public Works Project No. 2023-013. IS REVISED TO READ: Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk for the City of Port Orchard, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 until 2:00 PM on July 18, 2023, for construction of the Marina Pump Station Improvements, Public Works Project No. 2023-013. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS b. The first sentence of the Notice to Prospective Bidders CURRENTLY READS: In accordance with Section 1-02.4(1) of the Standard Specifications, it is the City of Port Orchard's policy that questions concerning the project during the bidding process be submitted in written form. Please submit any questions that are pertinent to bidding the contract, and that are not answered by information contained in the Contract Documents, to the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department via email at , Attention: Tony Lang, Public Works Director. IS REVISED TO READ: In accordance with Section 1-02.4(1) of the Standard Specifications, it is the City of Port Orchard's policy that questions concerning the project during the bidding process be submitted in written form. Please submit any questions that are pertinent to bidding the contract, and that are not answered by information contained in the Contract Documents, to the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department via email at publicworks@portorchardwa.gov, Attention: Tony Lang, Public Works Director. SCHEDULE OF CONTRACT PRICES a. Replace the Schedule of Contract Prices in its' entirety. See attached revised Schedule of Contract Prices. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. Remove GENERAL CONDITION 2.4 "Contract Documents": Gnnflinting nrnVisinns e rvmthe first ontiGRed shall have preGedenso• SigRed Addenda rat 2 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS a. Remove DIVISION 1.43.20 Warranty, first and second paragraphs: ardlditiGnal requirements, The GE)Rtra Gter shall warrant all werk anld nredi Gts for a nerierd of ene /9 \ dear below. The date of nrejert arrentanre is rdefineld as the date the final payment is ��vv�. The ccracccprarrcc�T�crrrTca-crr�rr�.�ruc�cr r�rmurpa�rrrcnrr�� cent try the GGRtrarter from the QWRer b. Add DIVISION 15.22.04 Stainless Steel Pipe and Fittings to the contract: 15.22.04 Stainless Steel Pipe and Fittings Working Pressure 0-100 psi 101 - 200 psi Part 1 - General Related Sections Division 5.05 Common Work for Metals Design Requirements Welding shall withstand the hydrostatic testing pressure as stated in Division 1.81.40 without leakage. The pipe wall thickness shall be as required by Division 1.81.40 and the following table. Pipe Wall Thickness (inches) Nominal Pipe Diameter 1" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 24" 30" 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.25 0.31 90) 90) 00) 00) 40) 80) 50) 00) 80) 80) 80) 0 20) 0.13 0.15 0.21 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 3 (z) 4 (z) 6 (z) 7 (z) 0 (z) 2 (z) 5 (z) 5 (2) 5 5 5 5 5 (1) Per Schedule 10s; (2) Per Schedule 40s; Part 2 - Products Materials All stainless -steel pipe and fittings shown on the Plans in direct bury applications shall meet ASTM A312, Type 316L, Welded. All heat tints and chromium depleted layers caused by welding shall be removed by pickling prior to on -site delivery. 3 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 Above -ground stainless steel piping and fittings shall meet ASTM A778 and A774 respectively, welded. ASTM A312 is also acceptable. Piping systems shall be pickled after welding and prior to on -site delivery. Fittings shall be beveled plain - end for welding, mechanical joint connection, or flange as shown on the Plans. Part 3 - Execution Installation Welding of pipe shall be per ASME Welding Code. Passivate field welds per Division 5.05. c. Add DIVISION 15.23.02 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe and Fittings to the contract: 15.23.02 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (hdpe) PIPE AND FITTINGS Part 1 - General This specification covers the material (pipe and fittings), joining methods and general installation practice for high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) piping systems for water and wastewater piping as indicated on the Plans. Submittals The Contractor shall list a minimum of three successful projects in which butt fusion welding of HDPE pipe was constructed and installed under their supervision with the HDPE submittal. Provide training certificates for personnel performing pipe fusion. Fusion shall be completed by someone trained by the Welding Equipment manufacturer for Butt fusion and electrofusion. Details of fittings and specials such as elbows, tees, outlets, connections, test bulkheads, nozzles or other special items where shown on the Plans. The Supplier of the material shall submit, through the Contractor, a Certificate of Compliance that the HDPE pipe and fittings furnished for this project are FM approved materials that meet or exceed the standards set forth in this specification. The Contractor shall submit these certificates to the Engineer and have them reviewed prior to ordering materials. Part 2 - Products Materials Pipe supplied under this specification shall have a minimum inside diameter of 30 inches. The Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) shall be 17. Pipe and fittings shall have a pressure rating meeting Division 1.81.40. HDPE pipe, fittings and fusion equipment shall be provided by one supplier. Supplier shall be ISCO Industries, Inc or approved equal. All material shall be manufactured from a PE 4710 resin listed with the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) as TR-4. The resin material shall meet the specifications of ASTM D 3350 with a minimum cell classification of 445474C. HDPE pipe and fittings shall contain no recycled compounds except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from the same raw material. HDPE products shall be homogeneous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, voids, or other injurious defects. 4 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 The polyethylene compound shall be suitably protected against degradation by ultraviolet light by means of carbon black of not less than 2-percent. The manufacture of the HDPE resin shall certify the cell classification indicated. Pipe sizes 3-inches and larger shall have a manufacturing standard of ASTM F 714, while pipe smaller than 3-inches shall be manufactured to the dimensional requirements listed in ASTM D 3035. Dimensions and tolerances shall be as specified in AWWA C901 (3-inch and smaller) or AWWA C906 (4-inch to 63-inch). HDPE Fittings Fittings made of HDPE as called out on the Plans shall be made from the same materials as the pipe and welded and constructed as described in this section. Fittings shall meet the working and hydrostatic testing pressures as listed in Division 1.81.40. Molded fittings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D 3261 Pipeline Locating Materials Detectable Marker Tape- Plastic marker tape shall be 5 Mil minimum thickness with a solid aluminum core of 0.35 Mil minimum thickness and a minimum width of 2-inches. The background of the tape shall be colored based on pipe service with black lettering continuously printed. Marker tape shall have a minimum 35 lbs. per inch tensile strength. The installation of the tape shall be at 18 inches below finish grade. Tracer Wire- All HDPE pipe 4-inch and greater shall be installed with an extra high -strength, copper clad steel tracer wire including 45 Mil HDPE jacket that has a minimum average break load of at least 1,150 lbs. The jacket shall be colored based on pipe service, with blue for potable water or green for sewer. Tracer wire gauge shall be 12 AWG, 10 AWG, or 8 AWG depending upon application and installation procedure. This wire shall be continuous and brought up in the valve boxes at the ends of each line segment with splices made only by methods per the equipment manufacturer's recommendation. All miscellaneous splicing components shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor. Part 3 - Execution Shipping and Handling HDPE pipe shall be packaged in a manner designed to deliver the pipe to the project neatly, intact, and without physical damage. The transportation carrier shall use the appropriate method and intermittent checks to verify the pipe is properly supported, stacked and restrained during transport such that the pipe is not nicked, gouged, or physically damaged. HDPE pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking shall be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of the pipe shall be done in such a manner that the pipe is not allowed to drag over sharp objects. Contractor shall not damage it by chokers or lifting equipment. 5 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 Fused segments of pipe shall be handled to avoid damage to the pipe. When lifting fused sections of pipe, chains, or cable type chokers must be avoided. Nylon slings are preferred. Spreader bars are recommended when lifting long fused sections. Care must be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. All pipe and fittings shall be subjected to visual inspection at time of delivery and before they are installed or lowered into the trench to be laid. Defective, damaged, or unsound pipe will be rejected. Cuts, punctures, or gouges that penetrate or reduce the wall thickness by 10-percent or more are not acceptable and must be removed and discarded. Fusion Equipment Requirements Butt fusion equipment must be in satisfactory working order and the hydraulic system must be leak free. Heater plates shall be free from scrapes, gouges, and have a consistent clean coated surface. The pressure gage and thermometer should be checked for accuracy. When requested by the owner, records showing a maintenance service/inspection within 6 months prior to use for this project shall be provided. Rental Butt Fusion Equipment must be maintained by a McElroy Authorized Service and Repair Center with at least one McElroy Certified Master Mechanic on staff and inspected within 6 months prior to arrival at jobsite will be provided. Electrofusion Processors shall be maintained and calibrated per manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. Construction Sections of HDPE pipe shall be joined above -ground on the job site into a continuous length by the thermal butt fusion -welding method in strict accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. Socket fusion, extrusion welding or hot gas welding shall not be used. No pipe or fittings shall be joined by thermal butt fusion by any Contractor unless they are adequately trained and qualified in the techniques involved. Thermal butt fusion welding shall be 100 percent efficient offering joint weld strength equal to or greater than the strength of the pipe. Flanges, unions, grooved -couplers, and transition fittings may be used to mechanically connect HDPE pipe without butt fusion. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. Cut and remove each internal bead after fusing and cooling using a tool specifically made for this purpose and approved by the Owner. Field Quality Control The Contractor shall lay the HDPE pipe on the existing ground surface in a manner that will not damage, degrade, crack, scratch, or deform the pipe in any manner. The Contractor shall provide adequate protection to the pipe during installation to prevent damage from tensile or other forces. Maintain the integrity of the pipe, existing utilities, and adjoining properties during installation. d. DIVISION 16.21.4 Circuit Breaker Service Disconnect Switch CURRENTLY READS: Materials The switch shall be pad -lockable in both the OFF or ON position. 6 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 The enclosure shall be NEMA nY Stainless Stool rated unless noted otherwise on the Plans. The enclosure shall have interlocking cover to prevent opening door when switch is closed. The interlock shall include a defeating scheme. The enclosure shall be pad -lockable. Circuit breakers shall be molded case thermal -magnetic type and meet molded case circuit breaker specifications covered in Division 16.55.16. IS REVISED TO READ: Materials The switch shall be pad -lockable in both the OFF or ON position. The enclosure shall be NEMA 1 rated unless noted otherwise on the Plans. The enclosure shall have interlocking cover to prevent opening door when switch is closed. The interlock shall include a defeating scheme. The enclosure shall be pad - lockable. Circuit breakers shall be molded case thermal -magnetic type and meet molded case circuit breaker specifications covered in Division 16.55.16. e. DIVISION 16.95.1 Common Work for Testing CURRENTLY READS: Arc Flash Study, Protection Device Coordination, and Short Circuit Analysis Provide the services of a recognized independent testing laboratory or coordination analysis consultant for the proper system coordination of the protective devices furnished on this project. Submit the name and the qualifications of the laboratory or consultant for review by the Engineer; qualifications must include professional registration of proposed personnel as electrical engineers. The protective device on the line side closest to the fault or abnormal conditions shall isolate the problem portion of the system and minimize damage in that portion. The rest of the system shall be maintained in normal service. The coordination shall be in conformance with the recommendations of latest IEEE Standard 242. Provide an Arc Flash Hazard Study for the electrical distribution system shown on the Plans. The intent of the Arc Flash Hazard Study is to determine hazards that exist at each major piece of electrical equipment shown on the one -line diagrams. This includes switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, motor control centers, generators, transfer switches, and transformers. The study will include creation of Arc Flash Hazard Warning Labels listing all items as required in NFPA 70E-2019. These labels serve as a guide to assist technicians and others in the selection of proper Personal Protective Equipment when working around exposed and energized conductors. The electrical contractor will install the labels. The arc flash hazard study shall consider all operating scenarios during normal conditions alternate operations, emergency power conditions, and any other operations, which could result in maximum arc flash hazard. The label shall list the maximum incidental energy calculated and the scenario number and description on the label. Submit the analysis that shall include arc flash, impedance, and short circuit calculations, list of any assumptions made and the analysis, the recommended settings of the protective devices, and the system time/current characteristic curves. The submittal shall be completed and submitted in conjunction with the circuit breaker submittal to allow time for review and re -submittal, if necessary, before the implementation of final settings and adjustments by the testing laboratory. 7 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 IS REVISED TO READ: Arc Flash Study, Protection Device Coordination, and Short Circuit Analysis Provide the services of a recognized independent testing laboratory or coordination analysis consultant for the proper system coordination of the protective devices furnished on this project. Submit the name and the qualifications of the laboratory or consultant for review by the Engineer; qualifications must include professional registration of proposed personnel as electrical engineers. The protective device on the line side closest to the fault or abnormal conditions shall isolate the problem portion of the system and minimize damage in that portion. The rest of the system shall be maintained in normal service. The coordination shall be in conformance with the recommendations of latest IEEE Standard 242. Provide an Arc Flash Hazard Study for the electrical distribution system shown on the Plans. The intent of the Arc Flash Hazard Study is to determine hazards that exist at each major piece of electrical equipment shown on the one -line diagrams. This includes switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, motor control centers, generators, transfer switches, and transformers. The study will include creation of Arc Flash Hazard Warning Labels listing all items as required in NFPA 70E-2021. These labels serve as a guide to assist technicians and others in the selection of proper Personal Protective Equipment when working around exposed and energized conductors. The electrical contractor will install the labels. The arc flash hazard study shall consider all operating scenarios during normal conditions alternate operations, emergency power conditions, and any other operations, which could result in maximum arc flash hazard. The label shall list the maximum incidental energy calculated and the scenario number and description on the label. Submit the analysis that shall include arc flash, impedance, and short circuit calculations, list of any assumptions made and the analysis, the recommended settings of the protective devices, and the system time/current characteristic curves. The submittal shall be completed and submitted in conjunction with the circuit breaker submittal to allow time for review and re -submittal, if necessary, before the implementation of final settings and adjustments by the testing laboratory. f. DIVISION 18, Bid Item 20 — Structural — Wetwell Rehabilitation CURRENTLY READS: Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for cleaning, debris removal, repairing, and topcoat in the wetwell as show on the Plans and detailed in the contract specifications including, but not limited to: pressure washing interior of wetwell; removing loose concrete from wetwell walls; cleaning up to five (5) locations exposed rebar, including removing rust and build up to expose steel; and rehabbing wetwell walls with cementitious grout. Topcoat of concrete is explicitly not covered under this bid item. Additional rehabilitation work in the wetwell, if necessary, will be paid under Minor Change. Payment shall be lump sum. Measurement for payment shall be determined based on the percentage of total work completed at the time of request. 8 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 IS REVISED TO READ: Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for cleaning, debris removal, repairing, and topcoat in the wetwell as show on the Plans and detailed in the contract specifications including, but not limited to: pressure washing interior of wetwell; removing loose concrete from wetwell walls; cleaning and repairing up to five (5) locations of exposed rebar up to four (4) square feet each, including removing rust and build up to expose steel; and rehabbing wetwell walls with cementitious grout. Topcoat of concrete is explicitly not covered under this bid item. Additional rehabilitation work in the wetwell, if necessary, will be paid under Minor Change. Payment shall be lump sum. Measurement for payment shall be determined based on the percentage of total work completed at the time of request. CONTRACT PLANS a. Detail 311 on DWG No. S704/ Sheet Number 77 — Revise the note calling out the spool as follows: "NEW SCH 316 SSTL SPOOL, FLxFL WITH THRUST COLLAR". This sheet is not being reissued. b. Add the detail for below for Concrete Repair to the contract plans: REMOVE DAMAGED CONCRETE. LENGTH AND WIDTH OF REMOVED AREA SHALL EXTEND 12' BEYOND OBSERVABLE CONCRETFJSTFEL DETERIORATION- CHIP SIDES TO NEAR VERTICAL (DO NOT FEATHER EDGES). PROVIDE SURFACE PREPARATION AND TESTING AS REQUIRED FOR REPAIR MORTAPJCONCRETE. PROVIDE CLEARANCE AROUND REBAR PER ICRI 310.1R,1' MINIMUM - CLEAN AND PREPARE REBAR NOTES: 1. EXTENTS OF REMOVAL TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER BASED ON FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND TEST RESULTS. 2- SUBSTRATE ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MATERIAL MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. 3- REPAIR MORTARJOONCRETE, RESURFACING MORTAR, AND PROTECTIVE COATINGLINING MUST BE COMPATIBLE AND INSTALLED BY A MANUFACTURER -CERTIFIED APPLICATOR. RESURFACING MORTAR, PER SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, PREPARE SURFACE AS REQUIRED. BULK REPAIR MORTARICONCRETE PER SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION • PREPARE SURFACE AS REQUIRED. PROTECTIVE COATING SYSTEM PER rY SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, PREPARE SURFACE AS REQUIRED PER COATING MANUFACTURER. CONCRETE REPAIR DETAIL NOT TO 5CA1 E 9 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 c. Replace the following sheets in their entirety with the revised sheets included as an attachment to this addendum: 1. DWG No. S102, Pump Station, Valve Vault, & Emergency Storage Wall Plans 2. DWG No. S104, Multi -Use Facility Floor and Emergency Storage Access Plans 3. DWG No. S105, Multi -Use Facility Access Plan 4. DWG No. E023, Electrical Schedules 3 5. DWG No. E024, RTU - Panel Layout 6. DWG No. E025, RTU - Power and Communications Diagram ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT Date: 6/28/2023 Tony Lang Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS 1. Schedule of Contract Prices 2. DWG No. S102, Pump Station, Valve Vault, & Emergency Storage Wall Plans 3. DWG No. S104, Multi -Use Facility Floor and Emergency Storage Access Plans 4. DWG No. S105, Multi -Use Facility Access Plan 5. DWG No. E023, Electrical Schedules 3 6. DWG No. E024, RTU - Panel Layout 7. DWG No. E025, RTU - Power and Communications Diagram 10 ADDENDUM NO. 1 June 28, 2023 Marina Pump Station Improvements Project No. PW2023-013 SCHEDULE OF CONTRACT PRICES MARINA PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PROJECT NO. PW2023-013 NOTE: Unit prices for all items and the total amount bid must be shown. The Project must be bid in its entirety, including all bid items as specifically listed in the Proposal, in order to be considered a responsive bid. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount named for any items, the unit price typed or printed and entered in ink shall prevail. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to award all work bid according to the lowest qualified responsive bid tendered, available funds, and as it best serves the interest of the Contracting Agency. All work awarded will be made to the same Contractor/bidder. Item No. Estimated SP / STD Description of Item / Total Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Amount in Words Base Bid 1 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Mobilization, Demobilization, LS $ $ Site Preparation, and Cleanup (10% Max of Total) (Total Amount in Words) 2 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Type B Progress Schedule LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 3 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Trench Safety and Shoring LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 4 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Dewatering LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 5 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Temporary Bypass Pumping LS $ $ System (Total Amount in Words) 6 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Temporary Erosion and LS $ $ Sedimentation Control (Total Amount in Words) Rev 1129118 by SEC City ofPort Orchard Marina Pump Station Improvements, Permit #PW23-011, PW23-012, Project #PW2023-013 LD-16S SRFProject No. WQC-2019-PoOrPW-00025 Contract Documents Schedule of Contract Prices Z:AProjectsVDataAP0A118-116ASDBVAddendum 1 ASchedule of Contract Prices.docx 10684935.1— 366922 — 0009 Item No. Estimated SP / STD Description of Item / Total Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Amount in Words 7 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Earthwork LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 8 400 CY DIV. 18 Unscheduled Excavation CY $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 9 225 LF DIV. 18 12-inch Water Main LF $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 10 235 LF DIV. 18 8-inch Water Main LF $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 11 30 LF DIV. 18 6-inch Water Main LF $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 12 7 EA DIV. 18 12-inch Gate Valves EA $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 13 1 EA DIV. 18 8-inch Gate Valves EA $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 14 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Site Work, Site Utilities, and LS $ $ Sewer Force Mains (Total Amount in Words) 15 1,220 SF DIV. 18 Concrete Sidewalk including SF $ $ Curb (Total Amount in Words) Rev 1129118 by SEC City ofPort Orchard Marina Pump Station Improvements, Permit #PW23-011, PW23-012, Project #PW2023-013 SRFProject No. WQC-2019-PoOrPW-00025 Contract Documents Z:AProjectsVDataAP0A118-116ASDBVAddendum 1 ASchedule of Contract Prices.docx 10684935.1— 366922 — 0009 LD-17S Schedule of Contract Prices Item No. Estimated SP / STD Description of Item / Total Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Amount in Words 16 100 CY DIV. 18 Concrete Plaza and Walkway CY $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 17 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Landscaping and Restoration LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 18 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Structural — Below -Grade LS $ $ Emergency Storage Structure (Total Amount in Words) 19 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Structural — Pump Station LS $ $ and Wetwell Improvements (Total Amount in Words) 20 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Structural — Wetwell LS $ $ Rehabilitation (Total Amount in Words) 21 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Structural — Above -Grade LS $ $ Multi -Use Facility (Total Amount in Words) 22 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Structural — Valve Vault LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 23 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Structural - Generator LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 24 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Mechanical — Emergency LS $ $ Storage (Total Amount in Words) Rev 1129118 by SEC City ofPort Orchard Marina Pump Station Improvements, Permit #PW23-011, PW23-012, Project #PW2023-013 SRFProject No. WQC-2019-PoOrPW-00025 Contract Documents Z:AProjectsVDataAP0A118-116ASDBVAddendum 1 ASchedule of Contract Prices.docx 10684935.1— 366922 — 0009 LD-18S Schedule of Contract Prices Item No. Estimated SP / STD Description of Item / Total Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Amount in Words 25 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Mechanical — Pump Station LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 26 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Mechanical — Above -Grade LS $ $ Multi -Use Facility (Total Amount in Words) 27 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Mechanical —Valve Vault LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 28 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Heating, Ventilation, and Air LS $ $ Conditioning (Total Amount in Words) 29 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Existing Facility Demolition LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 30 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Control Structure Retrofit LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 31 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Electrical LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 32 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Automatic Control LS $ $ (Total Amount in Words) 33 Lump Sum DIV. 18 Record Drawings and 0&M LS $ $ 5,000 Manuals $ Five Thousand Dollars (Total Amount in Words) Rev 1129118 by SEC City ofPort Orchard Marina Pump Station Improvements, Permit #PW23-011, PW23-012, Project #PW2023-013 LD-19S SRFProject No. WQC-2019-PoOrPW-00025 Contract Documents Schedule of Contract Prices Z:AProjectsVDataAP0A118-116ASDBVAddendum 1 ASchedule of Contract Prices.docx 10684935.1— 366922 — 0009 Item No. Estimated SP / STD Description of Item / Total Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Amount in Words 34 Force Account Total Base Bid DIV. 18 Minor Change DOL $ $ 100,000 $ One Hundred Thousand Dollars (Total Amount in Words) Tax 9.3% S TOTAL BID $ SALES TAX Retailing/Retail Sales Tax Rule WAC 458-20-170: Washington State Retail sales tax added as percent (%) in addition to contract bid price; sales tax shown as separate line item. Rev 1129118 by SEC City ofPort Orchard Marina Pump Station Improvements, Permit #PW23-011, PW23-012, Project #PW2023-013 SRFProject No. WQC-2019-PoOrPW-00025 Contract Documents Z:AProjectsVDataAP0A118-116ASDBVAddendum 1 ASchedule of Contract Prices.docx 10684935.1— 366922 — 0009 LD-20S Schedule of Contract Prices