FW_-EXTERNAL-FW_-SR166_Bay-Street-Reconstruction-RFQ-UDBEFrom: Chris Hammer To: Jenine Floyd; CityClerk Mailbox Cc: Heidi Draper Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] FW: SR166/Bay Street Reconstruction RFQ - UDBE Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 11:18:37 AM Attachments: imaae001.ona Jenine, Received a clarification regarding the advertisement. Please post a PDF of this e-mail as a reference on the bids and proposal page. Many thanks, Chris From: Archer -Parsons, Andrea <ArcherA@wsdot.wa.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2023 10:33 AM To: Chris Hammer <kchammer@portorchardwa.gov> Cc: Adams, Marlisa K. <AdamsMK@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] FW: SR166/Bay Street Reconstruction RFQ- UDBE Hi Chris, The goal is supposed to be a DBE Goal and it should be an evaluation under item #5 for DBE participation. Andrea From: Chris Hammer <kchammer(@portorchardwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2023 9:29 AM To: Archer -Parsons, Andrea <ArcherA(@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Adams, Marlisa K. <AdamsMK(@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL] FW: SR166/Bay Street Reconstruction RFQ- UDBE WARNING: This email originated from outside of WSDOT. Please use caution with links and attachments. Andrea and/or Marlisa, Please refer to the question below. Looks like I made an error using "UDBE" and it should be "DBE". Please verify. Many thanks, Chris From: Karen Lee <karen.lee(@kpff.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 4:32 PM To: Chris Hammer <kchammerlfportorchardwa. og_v> Subject: SR166/Bay Street Reconstruction RFQ- UDBE You don't often get email from karen.lee(5)kpff.com. Learn why this is important Hi Chris, We have a question regarding the SR166/Bay Street Reconstruction RFQ. Under the Scope of Work section, it states The UDBE goal for the Consultant Agreement is 16%. Under Evaluation Criteria #5, it says Approach to meet the DBE or SBE goal (10 points). Is the City of Port Orchard Public Works looking for the goal to be 16% UDBE or 16% DBE or SBE? Please see link below about UDBE: https://wsdot.wa.gov/sites/d efa u It/fi I es/2021-10/UDBE-M i norityContracti ng_pdf Thanks, Karen Karen Lee, CPSM (She/Her/Hers) Marketing Proposal Manager M 206.288.9789 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101