650 - Ordinance - Jones AdditionORDINANCE NO. 650 ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF PORT ORCHARD. WHEREAS, Alonzo N. Jones and Etta B. Jones, his wife, Art Ore - Judos and Marion Orejudos, his wife, and the Port Orchard Church of The Nazarene, owners of all of the real property hereinafter described, have petitioned the Council of the Town of Port Orchard that the said territory be annexed to and become a part of the Town of Port Orchard; and WHEREAS, the town council did fix Monday, May 12, 1958, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. for hearing on said petition and the Clerk of the Town of Port Orchard did give due notice of the said hearing in the manner pro- vided by law; and WHEREAS, the town council, in a regulary scheduled meeting on the 12th cly of May, 1958, did hold a hearing on the said petition and unani- mously approved the same; NOW, THEREFORE, be it, and it hereby is ordained by the Council of the Towm of Port Orchard as follows: Section 1. That the following described territory contiguous to the Town of Port Orchard, be and the same hereby is, annexed to the Town of Port Orchard and from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be and become a part of the Town of Port Orchard, subject to all the laws and Ordinances thereof, the said territory being more particularly described as follows: Parcel A:That portion of the NW`-.1 of the SE4f Sec. 35, Twp, 24 N., R. 1 E., W.M., described as follows: Beg. at a pt, on the N. line of said NW4 of the SE4, said pt. being the corner of the existing fence on the E. margin of Sidney Road; thence running E. along the existing fence on the N. line of said NW-1 of the SE! a distance of 387.5 ft, to the true pt, of beg.; th. S. at right angles 104 ft.; th. W. parallel to the N. line 242.2 ft.; th. S. at ri ht angles 72 ft.; th. W. parallel to the N. line of said NW of the SE-1 to the E. line of Sidney Road; th. South- westerly along the E. line of SidneyRoad to its inter- section with the W. line of said NWof the SE4f th. S. along said W. line to a pt. 815 ft. N. of the SW corner of said subdivision; th. E. to a pt. on the E. line of said N-Ni of the SE4 815 ft. N. of the SE corner of said sub- division; th. N. along said E. lirB to the NE corner there- of; th. W. along the N. line of said NW of the SEA to the pt. of beg. ALSO that portion of the NE4 of the SW*, Sec, 35, Twp. 24N., R. 1 1� „ W.M., lying E. of Sidney Road and N. of a line 815 ft. N. of the SE corner of said NE-1 of the SW47 Kitsap County, Washington. Parcel B: (a) That portion of the NW4 of the SE-.1 of sec. 35, Twp. 24 N., R. 1 E., W.M., described as follows: Beg, at the NE corner of the S4 of said Subdivision; th. N. 485 ft.; th. W. 1320 ft., more or less, to the W. line of said sub- division; th. S. 485 ft.; th. E. 1320 ft., more or less, to the pt, of beg.; EXCEPT the W. 110 ft. thereof (measured along the S. line of said premises), lying southerly of the easterly prolongation of a line which is drawn 16 ft. north- easterly of and parallel with the southwesterly line of par- cel (b). F/_ (b) That portion of the NE* of the SW. of Sec. 35, twp. 24 N., R. 1 E., W.M., described as follows: Beg, at a pt. 607.3 ft. S. of the NE corner of said subdivision; th. N. 89050158" W. to the E. margin of Sidney Road as now established; th. northeasterly along said road 121 ft, to the true pt. of beg.; th. southeasterly to a point on the E. line of said subdivision which is 591.3 ft, S. of the NE corner of said subdivision; th. N. to a pt, 485 ft. N of the NE corner of the S4 of said subdivision; th. W. to the E. line of Sidney Road; th, southwesterly along said road to the true pt. of beg. (c) A right of way for ingress and egress over a strip of land 16 ft. wide as measured parallel to and dis- tance 16 ft. southwesterly of the S. line of the land described insaid parcel (b). (d) A right of way for ingress and egress over and across the northeasterly 16 ft. of the following described premises: beg. at the NW corner of the Sj of the NWJ of the SE-1 said Sec., twp, and range; th. E. 110 ft.; th. N. to a pt. of intersection with the easterly prolongation of a line which is drawn parallel to and distant 16 ft. northeasterly of the southwesterly line of the land des- cribed in parcel (b); th. northwesterly along said pro- lon longed line to the W. line of said NWJ of the SEJ; thence satherly along said W. line to the pt, of beg., Kitsap County, Washington, Parcel C: That portion of the NW4 of the SEJ of Sec. 35, Twp,, 24 N., R. 1 E., W.M., described as follows: beg. at the pt, of intersection of the N. line of said NW4 of SEJ with the E. margin of the Sidney Road and running thence south- westerly along the E. margin of said road 121.5 ft. to the true pt. of beg.; th. E. parallel to the fence on the N. line of said NWJ of SEJ, a distance of 208 ft,; th, S. at right angles 60 ft.; th, westerly and parallel to the N. line 241.7 ft.; more or ]sss, to the E. margin of the Sidney Road, thence northeasterly along the margin of said road to the true pt, of beg., Kitsap County, Washington. Section 25 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect Immediately upon publication thereof. PASSED unanimously by the Council of the Town of Port Orchard meeting in regular session on the 9th day of June, 1958, ATTEST: Guy L. Wetzel, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: DUDEEY N. 777,711M, 'Town Attorney TOWN OF PORT ORCHARD RAY B. HALL, Mayor Parcel A: Tbat portion of the NWI of the SE-4, See, 35s Twp, 24N.0 R, 1E., W. M.9 described as follows$ Beg, at a pto on the N. line of said NWI of the SE4, said pt, being the corner of the existing fence on the E. Margin of Sidney Road: thence running E. along the existing fence on the N. line of said NW of the SEI a distance of 367.5 ft. to the true pt. cf beg.; th. S. at right angles 104 ft; the We parallel to the N, line 242,2 ft,; the S. at right angles 72 ft,; th, W, parallel to the N. line of said NINJ of the SEJ to the E. line of Sidney Road; th, Southwesterly d.ong the E. line of Sidney Road to its intersection with the W, line of said MV of the SE-'-; the S. along said W. line to a. pt. 815 ft, N, of the SW corner of said subdivision; th. E, to a pt, on the E. line of said MA of the SEA 815 ft. N, of the SE corner of said subdivision; th, V, Along said E, line to the CIE corner thereof; the W. along the V, line of said NINJ of the SEJ to the pt, of beg. ALSO that portion of the NE' of the 5919 Sec. 359 Twp. 24N,0 R. 1 E. W.M.* lying E. of Sidney Road and N. of a line 815 ft, N. of the BE corner of said NE. of the SE49 Kitsap County, Washington. Parcel B: (A) That portion of the YN of the BE' of Sec, 35, Twp. 24 N., R, 1 E,, W.M., described as follows: Beg, at the NE corner of the Si of sa:ld Subdivision; th. N. 485 ft.; th. W, 1320 ft, # more or lesat to the We line of said subdivision; th. S. 485 ft.; the E. 1320 ft.# more or less, to the pt. of beg.; EXCEPT the W. 110 ft. thereof (Measurered along the S. line of said premises), lying southerly of the easterly prolongation of a line which is drawn 16 ft. northeasterly of and parallel with the south.. westerly line of parcel (b). That portion of this NEi of the SA of Sec. 359 Twp. 24N.0 R. 1 E.v W,M., described as follows Beg, at a pt, 607.3 ft. S. of the NE corner of said subdivision the N, 89,5015811 An, to the E. margin of Sidney Road as now established; the northeasterly along said road 121 ft. to the true pt. of beg.; th. southeasterly to a point on the E. line of said subdivision which is 591.3 ft, S. of the NE corner of said subdiv. ision; th. We to a pt, 485 ft, N, of the NE corner of the S,j of said sub- division; the W. to the E. line of Sidney Road; th. southwesterly along said road to the true pt. of beg. (c). A right of way for ingress and egress over a strip of lend 16 ft. wide as measured parallel to and distance 16 ft, southwesterly of the S. line of the land described in said parcel (b). (d). A right of way for ingress and egress over and across the northeast. erly 16 ft. of the following described premises; Beg, at the NN Corner of the Si of the NEVI- of the SE1-, said Sec„ Twp, and range; th, E, 1101 ; th. N. to a pt. of intersection with the easterly prolongation of a line ,.hich is drawn parallel to and distant 16 ft, northeasterly of the south. westerly line of the land described in parcel (b); th. northwesterly along said prolonged line to the W. line of said N':t� of the S.My; thence southerly along said 14. line to the pt, of beg., Kitsap County, Washing. ton. Parcel C: That portion of the NWI of the Sid of See. 35 Twp. 24 No$ R. 1 E•s W,M*g described as follows= Beg6 at the pt, of intersection of the N. line of said NW4 of SEg with the E. Margin of the Sidney Road and running thence southwesterly along the E. margin of said road 121.5 to the true pt, of beg.; th. E. parallel to the fence on the No line of said N1.11 of SEJ, a distance of 208 ft,; the S. at right angles 60 ft,; the westerly and parallel to the N, line 241.7 ft.; more or less, to the E. margin of the Sidney Road# thence northeasterly along the margin of said road to the true pt, of beg., Kitsap County, Washington. CXoVTdIP of ,'ECT/ON" I 1 _ 1. mz' h � e ��G15Tf�R�� 3 268 BURWELL ST. BREMERTON, WASH. /Yl'y4- SE¢ M�� syo `YrNG ,4�PE,q OF �S'ECT/ON .9S- T2•prN-R/E.1li �I/. TD LeE .4/YNE.Y�'L7 4f?Oi�/•4i1/G'E /1/O. %y 'o C. lwaz L �.P LAn/L7 Sli,PyEyDR