LODGING TAX APPLICATION-Port Orchard Bay Street Association-Tourism and Marketing-09.25.2023LODGING TAX APPLICATION (RCW 67.28.1816)
For Budget Year:
Available Funding Amount:
Application Deadline: September 25, 2023, by 4:00
Applicants may consist of convention and visitors’ bureaus, destination marking organizations, nonprofits,
including main street organizations, lodging associates, or chambers of commerce, and additionally the cities
or towns themselves.
Please read carefully and include all information. Omitting requested information could result in having your application
denied. Keep your answers clear, concise, and to the point of the question. Do not include presentation materials,
as these materials are more appropriate to be used as part of your oral presentation. Do not include brochures
or information not related to your project or request.
Submit completed signed application to the City Clerk’s office by the application deadline listed at the top of this
application. Applications will not be accepted if received after the application deadline.
Applicant Info
1. Applicant Information
Organization Name*
Port Orchard Bay Street Association
Street Address *
Street Address
Bay Street and Sidney Avenue
Address Line 2
Port Orchard
Postal/Zip Code
United States
Mailing Address (if different from street address)
Street Address
PO Box 8581
Address Line 2
Port Orchard
Postal/Zip Code
United States
Type of Organization:*
Nonprofit Government Agency Other
Funding Requested for (choose one):*
Marketing and Operations of Events Tourism Marketing
Are you a first-time participant?*
2. Applicant Contact Information
Christine Stansbery
Position / Title*
Board Member
Phone *
Email Address*
Event / Project Details
3. Overall Event or Project Detail
Project Name*
Tourism Marketing
Amount of funding requested*
Total Overall Event or Project Amount*
A. Describe your overall event or project.*
This request is for tourism marketing that is not event specific. Our marketing campaigns stress “Spend Your Day On The Bay” and encourage day trips and
overnight excursions to downtown Port Orchard, without being event or merchant specific. We produce a walking map of downtown Port Orchard that is
provided to visitors and is distributed at events, in visitor booths, and by our partners at the Chamber of Commerce, Visit Kitsap Peninsula, Fathoms O’Fun,
Port of Bremerton, etc. and distributed to the cruise line that is regularly docking at the Port of Bremerton. The Port Orchard Bay Street Association (POBSA)
maintains its own website and Facebook pages both boosts and shares posts to other Facebook groups and pages on a regular basis. In addition, POBSA
advertises in out of the area publications such as The Country Register, Art Access, Antique Shopping, on other websites like Experience Washington and
Destination Washington and Macaroni Kid Kitsap. We utilize digital advertising through Sound Publishing that is not event specific but targets out of the area
travelers to come to Port Orchard. In addition, we utilize email marketing to encourage visitors to downtown Port Orchard during times when no events are
taking place. We will also be printing a rack card for use with the cruise ships.
B. Describe how your overall event or project will provide a community economic benefit.*
Our tourism marketing campaigns target visitors from out of the area to visit Port Orchard for a day trip or overnight trip, to eat at the restaurants, shop in
the stores, and enjoy the friendly and eclectic mix that makes up our city. Tourism is a valuable asset for the City of Port Orchard and POBSA and paves the
way for positive change and economic development. Existing businesses grow their service offerings, improve services, and discover new offerings while new
businesses emerge to add to the community. The local community and the local government work together to allocate resources that not only enhance the
visitor experience but also improve residents daily lives. A thriving local economy provides opportunities for residents to live happier, more comfortable lives.
All these activities benefit the local economy, create jobs, help develop infrastructure, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between visitors and local
citizens. Bringing tourists and other visitors to downtown helps ensure that the community economy is healthy, and encourages local citizens to participate
in downtown activities, which increases the cohesiveness of the community.
C. Please describe how you will measure the impact your overall event or project will have on tourism or projected increase in
tourism. Please be specific and provide examples.*
Because this is primarily print ads or internet connected advertising, we will use statistics provided by the publishers and Google analytics to track what the
possible reach of our advertising could be. We will utilize the data points collected from visitors, such as zip codes. We request information from the local
hotels and B&Bs and the marina regarding numbers of visitors. We track usage of the website, Facebook pages and other social media to indicate the reach
of our advertising. We use Sound Publishing’s digital advertising reporting capabilities to provide location as well. We also request information from other
partners such as the Chamber, Fathoms O’Fun, Port of Bremerton, etc. to share data. We are planning a trial of an online application that will help to track
demographics of people responding to our website and social media.
Please upload any additional paperwork, if needed.
2022 JLARC Reporting POBSA-tourism.xlsx 33.43KB
4. Overall Event or Project Budget Summary
A. Describe, and be specific, on what you would spend the requested lodging tax funds on.*
Maintain website, purchase print advertising in publications such as The Country Register, Art Access, Antique Shopping, Sound Publishing and other print
publications, electronic advertising through event calendars, Destination Washington website, Experience Washington print and website, Facebook boosts,
email lists, etc. and printing of the walking map of downtown Port Orchard and rack card to distribute to cruise line and other visitors.
B. Income Other Than Lodging Tax (from sponsorships, grants, donation and admission fees)
If you anticipate receiving partial funding for this activity from another source, please list the source(s) approximate amount, and status of funding.
Indicate the entry or admission fee if one will be charged.
Source*Amount*Confirmed or Projected?*
Sponsorships from membership for walking
$2,200.00 If projected, what is the anticipated receipt
Projected. April.
(This is auto calculated from above)
C. Other Expenses of Overall Event or Project (Only complete below boxes that are applicable to your overall event or project that you are seeking
funds for.)
Operations (postage, fuel, permit, etc.)Proposed City (LTAC) Funds Other Committed Funds Subtotals
Event Marketing Proposed City (LTAC) Funds Other Committed Funds Subtotals
Tourism Marketing Proposed City (LTAC) Funds Other Committed Funds Subtotals
$12,337.00 $12,337.00
Other Activities (Please explain below)Proposed City (LTAC) Funds Other Committed Funds Subtotals
Other Activities Explanation:
Proposed City (LTAC) Funds Subtotal Other Committed Funds Subtotal
$12,337.00 $0.00
*City Lodging Tax funds would represent what percentage of your overall budget?
Can you operate this project with reduced funding?*
Yes (If Yes, Please explain below)
Reducing funding will reduce the number and/or size of print advertisements or digital advertisements that we will run or will require that we eliminate
certain avenues of our tourism marketing
C. Other Financial Information
Does your overall event or project have provisions (or plans) for becoming less dependent on Lodging Tax funding? (Meaning does the
overall event or project have the ability to increase revenue by charging admission, increasing fees, etc.)*
No. This is generic advertising to encourage visitors to Port Orchard and there is no revenue or fees that can be charged, other than potential sponsorship of
the walking map by our members to receive a larger presence on the map.
If not, what are your challenges of generating new revenues:
This is primarily print advertising, Facebook boosts, digital advertising and websites. Other than limited sponsorships, there is no revenue, no admission, or
fees to charge.
5. Estimated Numbers of Increased Tourism
*If you received lodging tax funds last year, you must attach last year’s reporting*
Applicants applying for use of LTAC funds must provide estimates of how it will result in increases in the number of people traveling for business or
pleasure on a trip as required by RCW 67.28.1816
The applicant hereby certifies and confirms that it does not now nor will it during the performance of any contract resulting from this
proposal unlawfully discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, client, customer, or other person(s) by reason of
race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, or disability. That it will abide by all relevant local, state, and federal laws
and regulations. That it has read and understands the information contained in this application for funding and is in compliance with
the provisions thereof, and; that the individual signing below has the authority to certify to these provisions for the applicant
organization, and declares that he/she is an authorized official of the applicant organization, is authorized to make this application, is
authorized to commit the organization in financial matters, will assure that any funds received as a result of this application are used
for the purposes set forth herein, and verifies that all the information contained in this application is valid and true to the best of his/her
Overall Attendance:
Attendees who traveled 50 miles or
more to attend:
Of total, attendees who traveled
from another state or country:
Attendees who stayed overnight:
Paid accommodations:
Unpaid accommodations:
Paid Lodging nights:
Certified by:
Previous Next
Print Name *
Christine Stansbery
Board Member
JLARC Municipality Reporting - 2021 Port Orchard
DUE JANUARY 31, 2023
Activity Attendance Information
Projected Actual (Estimated)*Methodology (See description page)
Activity Name:Overall attendance:
240000 Structured Estimate
Organization Name:
Attendees who traveled:
50 miles or more:
**Activity Type (see glossary page):12000 Structured Estimate
Out of State or Country:N/A
3000 Structured Estimate
Activity Date:Notes:N/A
Start Date:End Date:
1/1/2022 12/31/2022 Attendees who stayed overnight:
In Paid accommodations:2000 Structured Estimate
Funds N/A
Requested:In Unpaid accommodations:1000 Structured Estimate
$10,700 N/A
Total Cost of Activity:Paid lodging nights:
$7,195 2000 Structured Estimate
Port Orchard Bay Street Association
Tourism Marketing
If lodging tax funds were used for an activity not expected to generate measurable attendance an expenditure related to facility upkeep, enter "N/A" (such as a general marketing
campaign or an expenditure related to facilities), enter "N/A".