10/17/2023 - Work Study - Additional Docs-Budget844 Q=R-C ARD �..� Mid -Biennial Budget Review Schedule SEPTEMBER • Departments provided Budget Status Report • Finance Director reviews Budget Status Report with Mayor • Departments are consulted on possible modifications to the budget • Potential Department Director interview on modifications • October 17, 2023 Council Finance Committee initial review of Status Report • October 17, 2023 Work Study Session Mid -Biennial Review modification recommendations and Public Hearing • October 24, 2023 Presentation on Revenue Sources leading to setting of 2024 Property Tax Levy Collection • October 24, 2023 Public Hearing setting 2024 Property Tax Levy Collection • October 24,2023 Public Hearing on modifications to the Biennial Budget shall be advertised at least once and shall be held no later than the first Monday in December and may be continued from time to time. • At such hearing, the Council may consider a proposed Ordinance to carry out any modification, subject to the other provisions on RCW 35.34. 0 Finance Director records modifications to the Biennial Budget Highlights of the 2023-2024 Mid -Biennial Review Mayor's. Proposed Budget Adjustments Finance Committee's Proposed added Butt Adjustments Governmental- Operational Funds Fund 001-Current Expense: $2,025,900 • Dangerous Abatement (2023)-CO 052-23 $40,000 • Derelict Vessel Abatement 2023 & 2024 $100,000 • Plan Review and Building Inspections $391,000 • Housing Action Plan $44,000 • Catch Up ER&R Payment for Replacement $675,900 • Council/Mayor Request -Additional funding Chimes and Lights. $5,000 • Mayor Request (Housing Kitsap) $45,000 • Mayor Request 720 Key Card & other Facilities $15,000 • Mayor Request KEDA Increase $10,000 • IT Grant-Cybersecurity $37,000 • IT -Fleet Telematics $15,000 • Full Employment Investigations (new employees) $25,000 • Basic Law Enforcement Academy $25,000 • Inclusion Commission Budget - Supplies $1,000 • Inclusion Commission Budget - Services $2,000 • Inclusion Commission Employee Survey $10,000 • Facilities Services (Library HVAC repair) $10,000 • City Hall Upgrades (urinals and water bottle fill stations) $25,000 Fund 002-City Street Fund: $701,000 • Catch Up ER&R Payments for Replacements $525,000 • Radar Feedback Signs (Transportation Committee request) $40,000 • Repair Bay Street Ped Path at Rockwell Park (seawall issue) $20,000 • Addition to the Fleet: Street Truck $66,000 • Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-General $50,000 *Multi Funds-AWC Insurance $30,000 *New Request are bolded for reference 1 Highlights of the 2023-2024 Mid -Biennial Review Governmental— Special and Debt Funds Fund 109-Real Estate Excise Tax: $401,590 • City Hall Debt (Partial) Pre -funding $102,590 • Tremont REET 2-Debt Prefunding $299,000 Fund 206-Governmental Debt Service: • Add: City Hall Principle (REET 1) • Add: City Hall Interest (REET 1) $697,410 $238,950 $458,460 Governmental- Capital Construction Funds Fund 302-Capital Construction: $2,019,300 • Capital Projects Salary & Benefits $19,300 • Office Building & Parking Due Diligence $50,000 • Office Building & Parking Purchase $1,950,000 Fund 304-Street Capital Construction: • Capital Projects Salary & Benefits • Contracts: Blueberry & Salmonberry • Goldenrod Street Lighting • TIP 1.14 Safe Routes Sidney Non Motorized- Design • TIP 1.18 Tremont Phase 2/3 • TIP 1.19 SB 160 2A Design • TIP 1.16 SR166 Design -Street *New Request are bolded for reference $2,330,890 $11,390 $97,000 $7,500 $235,000 $732,000 $600,000 $ 648,000 2 Highlights of the 2023-2024 Mid -Biennial Review i Enterprise Operational and Capital Funds Fund 411-Water Operations: $1,423,250 • Well 7 Chlorination System--0074-23 TMG Services $95,000 • PSE-Additional expenses (2023 & 2024) $140,000 • Capital Project Salary & Benefits $25,000 • Catch Up ER&R Payment for Replacement $65,000 • Water - Source Supplies $50,000 • Water - Distribution Supplies (dechlorinates for flushing) $12,000 • Water Operations Debt Pre -funding $761,250 • Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-General $200,000 • Stabilization Policy Contributions —Water $100,000 Fund 413-Water Capital: $732,450 • Capital Project Salary & Benefits $25,000 • WCIP#23-390 Zone Low Pressure (Removed) ($637,000) • Water Main Replacement(2023)-Sroufe $250,000 • Well No. 7 Preconstruction Design $500,000 • Pottery Ave -Water $100,000 • Water CFC Debt Pre -funding $494,450 Fund 414-Water Debt Service: $337,970 • Increase: McCormick Reservoir Agreement Payments $260,000 • Add: 390-Zone Low Pressure Loan (2023) $700 • Add: Melcher Pump Station Rebuild (2023) $1,500 • Add: 390-Zone Low Pressure Loan (2024)--Early Payoff $14,000 • Add:'Melcher Pump Station Rebuild (2024) $1,500 • Add: City Hall Principle (Water) $20,650 • Add: City Hall Interest (Water) $39,620 Fund 424-Storm Debt Service: $43,050 • Add: City Hall Principle (Storm) $14,750 Add: City Hall Interest (Storm) $28,300 *New Request are bolded for reference 3 Highlights of the 2023-2024 Mid -Biennial Review Enterprise Operational and Capital Funds Fund 431-Sewer Operations: $1,146,750 Catch Up ER&R Payments for Replacements $439,000 • Sewer - Lift Station Supplies $25,000 • Sewer Operations Debt Pre -funding $282,750 • Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-General $300,000 • Stabilization Policy Contributions —Sewer $100,000 Fund 433-Sewer Capital: $1,902,000 • Capital Project Salary & Benefits $6,000 • Pottery Ave -Sewer $500,000 • Bay Street Lift Station Design -Grant $150,000 • Bay Street Lift Station Design -Loan $850,000 • SCIP #SB Ruby Creek increase to get to 100% Design $352,000 • Bay Street Lift Station Debt Pre -Funding $44,000 Fund 434-Sewer Debt Service: • Add: Sewer Lift Stations (2023 & 2024) • Add: City Hall Principle (Sewer) • Add: City Hall Interest (Sewer) ERR Operational and Capital Purchases Fund 500— ERR: Operations: • Fuel & Insurance Additions to the Fleet: • Police Department • Police Department Public Works Admin Vehicle Public Works Street Truck Public Works Water Truck(2) *New Request are bolded for reference $63,870 $3,600 $20,650 $39,620 $352,500 $17,500 $64,000 $78,000 $45,000 $66,000 $82,000 4 Highlights of the 2023-2024 Mid -Biennial Review Personnel Requests Personnel Requests- 0 Plans Examiner/Building Inspector $1,262,630 $148,000 • Add: Police Officer $173,300 • Add: Deputy Police Chief $232,000 • Remove: Civil Engineer 1 ($155,300) • Add: Program Coordinator/Inspector $155,300 • Add: PW-Personnel $148,900 ■ Add: PW-Personnel $148,900 • Add: PW-Personnel $148,900 • Add:'PW-Office Assistant I $115,230 • Add: Permit Tech $129,400 • Add: Permit Center (Parttime) Add'I Hrs $18,000 • Salary and Benefit Cost Updates/Projections $250,000 Personnel Request: Fund Total • 001: $815,930 • 411: $446,700 Reauest Not Funded • General Fund Working Capital Policy: Working toward 25% • bay Street Set Aside for Construction • Storm Working Capital Policy: Working toward 25% • Storm Stabilization Contribution • Storm Prefunding Debt Obligations (Tremont & City Hall) • PW Vehicle • 3rd-Police Officer & Vehicle *New Request are bolded for reference 5 023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended kB�iennialBudget Ord. Biennial Budget 018-23Adjustments Beginning Fund Balance 71,128,012 $ - $ 71,128,012 Revenue $ 153,799,788 $ 15,087,474 $ 168,887,262 Expense $ 147,913,041 $ 18,684,550 $ 166,597,591 Ending Fund Balance $ 77,014,759 $ (3,597,076) $ 73,417,683 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended • • • • • Biennial Budget Adjustments Biennial Budget Total Revenue $ 224,927,800 $ 15,087,474 $ 240,015,274 Total Expense $ 224,927,800 $ 15,087,474 $ 240,015,274 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 002 - City Street Fund Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,771,168 $ - $ 2,771,168 Revenue $ 5,610,532 $ 596,543 $ 6,207,075 Expense $ 6,148,192 $ 688,120 $ 6,836,312 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,233,508 $ (91,577) $ 2,141,931 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 003 - Stabilization Fund Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 $ - $ 2,740,960 Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,740,960 Revenue $ 180,040 $ - $ 180,040 Expense $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund Balance $ 2,921,000 $ - $ 2,921,000 Page 1 2023-2024 Current Fund: 103 - Criminal Justice Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 647,725 $ - $ 647,725 Revenue $ 775,075 $ - $ 775,075 Expense $ 1,125,000 $ 142,000 $ 1,267,000 Ending Fund Balance $ 297,800 $ (142,000) $ 155,800 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 104 - Special Investigative Unit Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 98,895 $ - $ 98,895 Revenue $ 81005 $ - $ 8,005 Expense $ 8,000 $ - $ 8,000 Ending Fund Balance $ 98,900 $ - $ 98,900 2023-2024 Current Fund: 107 -Community Events Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 321,780 $ - $ 321,780 Revenue $ 227,420 $ - $ 227,420 Expense $ 227,400 $ - $ 227,400 Ending Fund Balance $ 321,800 $ - $ 321,800 2023-2024 Current Fund: 108 -Paths &Trails Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 13,784 $ - $ 13,784 Revenue $ 2,016 $ - $ 2,016 Expense $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund Balance $ 15,800 $ - $ 15,800 2023-2024 Current Fund: 109 - Real Estate Excise Tax Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 4,182,707 $ - $ 4,182,707 Revenue $ 1,600,093 $ 1,600,000 $ 3,200,093 Expense $ 4,014,485 $ 1,099,000 $ 5,113,485 Ending Fund Balance $ 1,768,315 $ 501,000 $ 2,269,315 Page 2 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 111- Impact Mitigation Fee Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,304,555 $ - $ 5,304,555 Revenue $ 10,877,245 $ - $ 10,877,245 Expense $ 5,474,500 $ 673,390 $ 6,147,890 Ending Fund Balance $ 10,707,300 $ (673,390) $ 10,033,910 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 206 - Bond Redemption Fund Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - Revenue $ 598,400 $ 11099,000 $ 1,697,400 Expense $ 598,400 $ 697,410 $ 1,295,810 Ending Fund Balance $ - $ 401,590 $ 401,590 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 304 - Street Capital Projects Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,299,051 $ - $ 2,299,051 Revenue $ 12,580,949 $ 2,552,405 $ 15,133,354 Expense $ 12,228,820 $ 2,330,890 $ 14,559,710 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,651,180 $ 221,515 $ 2,872,695 Page 3 2023-2024 Current Fund: 412 - Water Stabilization Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 966,406 $ - $ 966,406 Revenue $ 94 $ 100,000 $ 1001094 Expense $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund Balance $ 966,500 $ 100,000 $ 1,066,500 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 413 -Water Capital Biennial Budget Ord. 018=23 Adjustments Biennial Budget Beginning Fund Balance $ 7,558,941 $ - $ 7,558,941 Revenue $ 14,861,859 $ 138,000 $ 14,999,859 Expense $ 11,424,000 $ 1,007,900 $ 12,431,900 Ending Fund Balance $ 10,996,800 $ (869,900) $ 10,126,900 2023-2024 Current Fund: 414 - Water Debt Service Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ $ - $ - Revenue $ 1,502,600 $ 1,593,670 $ 3,096,270 Expense $ 1,502,600 $ 337,970 $ 1,840,570 Ending Fund Balance $ - $ 1,255,700 $ 1,255,700 Page 4 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 421- Storm Drainage Utility Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,410,718 $ - $ 1,410,718 Revenue $ 3,490,182 $ - $ 3,490,182 Expense $ 4,505,504 $ 75,070 $ 4,580,574 Ending Fund Balance $ 395,396 $ (75,070) $ 320,326 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 422 - Storm Drainage Stabilization Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 542,966 $ - $ 542,966 Revenue $ 34 $ - $ 34 Expense $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund Balance $ 543,000 1 $ - $ 543,000 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 423 -Storm Drainage Capital Facil Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 593,137 $ - $ 593,137 Revenue $ 300,063 $ - $ 300,063 Expense $ 800,000 $ - $ 800,000 Ending Fund Balance $ 93,200 $ - $ 93,200 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 424 - Storm Drainage Debt Service Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - Revenue $ 355,300 $ 43,050 $ 398,350 Expense $ 355,300 $ 43,050 $ 398,350 Ending Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 431- Sewer Operating Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,908,675 $ $ 5,908,675 Revenue $ 11,397,425 $ - $ 11,397,425 Expense $ 11,109,664 $ 953,270 $ 12,062,934 Ending Fund Balance $ 6,196,436 1 $ (953,270) $ 5,243,166 Page 5 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 432 - Sewer Stabilization Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,446,270 $ - $ 1,446,270 Revenue $ 30 $ 100,000 $ 1001030 Expense $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund Balance $ 1,446,300 $ 100,000 $ 1,546,300 2023-2024 Current Fund: 433 -Sewer Capital Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,782,756 $ - $ 5,782,756 Revenue $ 23,668,444 $ 1,006,000 $ 24,674,444 Expense $ 15,001,900 $ 1,902,000 $ 16,903,900 Ending Fund Balance $ 14,449,300 $ (896,000) $ 13,553,300 2023-2024 Current Fund: 434 - Sewer Debt Service Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Adjustments Biennial Budget 018-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 558,878 $ - $ 558,878 Revenue $ 977,622 $ 390,620 $ 1,368,242 Expense $ 427,600 $ 63,870 $ 4911470 Ending Fund Balance $ 1,108,900 $ 326,750 $ 1,435,650 2023-2024 Current Fund: 500 -Equipment Rental and Revolving Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended 018-23 Adjustments Biennial Budget Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,990,082 $ - $ 3,990,082 Revenue $ 3,179,318 $ 2,070,900 $ 5,250,218 Expense $ 4,866,300 $ 366,000 $ 5,232,300 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,303,100 $ 1,704,900 $ 4,008,000 2023-2024 Current Fund: 632 -Wastewater Treatment Facil Fee Biennial Budget Ord. 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended 018-23 Adjustments Biennial Budget Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,282,855 $ - $ 5,282,855 Revenue $ 5,052,045 $ - $ 5,052,045 Expense $ 2,252,000 $ - $ 2,252,000 Ending Fund Balance $ 8,082,900 $ - $ 8,082,900 Page 6 Highlights of the 2023-2024 Mid -Biennial Review Finance Committee's Proposed added Budget Adjustments Fund 001-Current Expense: • Increase Sales Tax Revenue $300,000 • Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-General $300,000 Fund 107-Community Events: • Increase 2024 allotments $25,000 • Increase Ending 2024 Restricted for CEC $35,000 Fund 109-Real Estate Excise Tax: • Increase REET 2023 revenue to $1.8 million (REET 1 &2) $200,000 • Increase Pre -fund debt REET 1 for City Hall $100,000 Fund 111-Impact Fee Fund: • Increase transfers from Park Impact Fee to Fund 302-Plaza Design $650,000 • Increase transfers from Park Impact Fee to Fund 302-Plaza Design $650,000 Fund 206-Bond Redemption Fund: • Increase Pre -fund debt REET 1 for City Hall Fund 302-Captial Construction • Increase transfers in for Plaza design • Plaza Design Contract Amendment: 30%-100% $100,000 $650,000 $650,000 12024 Biennial BudgetCleanup To Existing Payroll Clewup Cleanup Payroll Budget to Match Actual Expenses Review Approved 209,690 209,690 - Y 148,000 Y 9,000 Y Multi _ Plans Examiner/Building Inspector II -Additional FTE General Capital Project Salary & Benefits: City Hall Maintenance Capital Construction Capital Construction Street Construction Street Construction Capital Project Salary & Benefits: MW Splashpad Capital Project Salary &_Benefits: TIP1.3 Baystwest; TIP1.8/1.9; TIP 1.13 LIP Capital Project Salary & Benefits: TIP 1.1 BSPP ROW 10,300 Y 5,000 Y _390 6,000 Y Capital Project Salary & Benefits: TIP 1.2 BSPP IMP; TIP 1.16 STREET Capital Project Salary & Benefits: Sroufe Well 11 Capital Project Salary & Benefits: Sewer Lift Station Controls Capital Project Salary & Benefits: McCormick Sewer Lift Station p2 Y Street Construction 25,000 Y Water Capital Sewer Capital 5,000 Y 1,000 Y Sewer Capital Contracts '..-. and/or Increased Amendment No. 2-SCJ-CO83-22 Bethel Phase 1- Blueberry/Salmonberry De Dangerous Abatement (2023)7CO 052-23 Derelict Vessel Abatement (2023) _ Derelict Vessel Abatement (2024) Plan Review and Building Inspections--Bearu (2023) Plan Review and Building Inspections (2023) West Coast C094-21-Amendm Plan Review and Building Inspections (2023) Safe Built 937,000 97,000 40,000 75,000 937,000 Y Street Construction Y General Y General 25,000 J Y General 140,000 Y Y General 190,000 General 102,000 Y General General Code Pros -Credit Well 7 Clorniation System--0074-23 TMG Services _ (41,000) 95,000 80,000 Y Y Water PSE-Additional expenses (2023) PSE-Additional expenses (2024) AWC Insurance Increase Y Water 60,000 Y Water 30,000 Y Multi .Hoi.Winu Action Plan 40i)D: y General ER&R Cleanup Fuel Cost Increase Insurance Cost Increase Catch Up ER&R Payments for Replacements Catch Up ER&R Payments for Replacements Catch Up. ER&R Payments for Replacements Catch Up ER&R Payments for Replacements 11 10,000 1,722,400 Y ER&R ER&R 7,500 675,900 525,000 439,000 65,000 Y Y _General Street Sewer Water Y Y Y Debt Payment Cleanup Increase: McCormick Reservoir Agreement Aly-ents Add: 390-Zone Low Pressure Loan (2023) Add: Melcher Pump Station Rebuild (2023) 1,142,31DO 260,000 700 1,500 1,142,300 Y Water Debt Service Y Y Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Add: Sewer Lift Stations,(2023) Add: 390-Zone Low Pressure Loan (2024)--Early Payoff Add: Melcher Pump Station Rebuild (2024) 1,800 Y Sewer Debt Service 14,000 Y Water Debt Service 1,500 1,800 238,950 458,460 Y Water Debt Service_ Sewer Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Add: Sewer Lift Stations (2024) Y Add: City Hall Prinici le (REET 1). Add: City Hall Interest (REET 1) rAdd: Hall Principle (Water) Hall Interest (Water) Hall Prinicple (Sewer) Hall Interest (Sewer) Hall Principle jStorm) Add: CitM Hall Interest.(Storm) Total Y Y 20,650 39,620 Y Water Debt Service Y Water Debt Service 20,650 Y Sewer Debt Service Sewer Debt Service Storm Debt Service Storm Debt Service 39,620 Y 14,750 28,300 4,011,390 Y Y 4,011,390 Page 1 Council/Mayor Request -Additional funding Chimes and Lights. Mayor Request (Salary Survey) Mayor Request (Housing Kitsap) Mayor Request 720 Key Card & other Facilities Mayor Request KEDA Increase IT Grant-CyberSecurity IT -Fleet Telematics Full Employment Investigations (new employees) Basic Law Enforcement Academy Inclusion Commission Budget - Supplies Inclusion Commission Budget - Services Inclusion Commission fmployee'Survey Water- Source Supplies Sewer - Lift Station Supplies Water - Distribution Supplies (dechlorinators for flushing) Facilities Services (Library. HVAC repair) City Hall Upgrades (urinals and water bottle fill stations) Golderrod Street Lighting (Transportation Committee request Radar Feedback Signs (Transportation Committee request) RepeirBa `Street Ped Path at Rockwell Park (seawall issue) Addition to the Fleet: Street Truck 5,000 Y 250,000 Y 45,000 Y 15,000 Y 10,000 Y III 37,000 Y 15,000 Y 25,000 Y 25,000 Y 1,000 Y 2,000 Y 10,000 Y 50,000 Y Y 25,000 12,000 Y 10,000 y 25,000 Y 7,500 Y Y 40,000 20,000 Y 66,000 General General General General General General General General General General General Water Sewer Water General General Street Construction Street Street Street Page 2 12024 Biennial Review New Requests Amount Mayor Fund(s) Finance Approved . Capital. 6,280,000 6,280,000 Facilities Office Building & Parking Due Diligence 50,000 Y Office Building & Parking Purchase 1,950,000 Y Capital Construction Capital Construction Transportation TIP 1.14 Safe Routes Sidney Non Motorized- Design TIP 1.18 Tremont Phase 2/3 TIP 1.19 SB 160 2A Design TIP 1.16 SR166 Design -Street 235,000 732,000 600,000 648,000 Y Y Y Y Street Construction Street Construction Street Construction Street Construction Water WCIP#23-390 Zone Low Pressure (Removed) _(637,000) 250,000 500,000 100,000 Y Y Y Water Capital Water Main Replacement(2023)-Sroufe Well No. 7 Preconstruction Design Pottery Ave -Water Water Capital Water Capital Water Capital Y Sewer Pottery Ave -Sewer Bay Street Lift Station Design -Grant Bay Street Lift Station Design -Loan SCIP #SB Ruby Creek increase to lint to 100% Design 500,000 150,000 Y Sewer Capital Y Sewer Capital 850,000 352,000 Y Sewer Capital Y Sewer Capital Page 3 New Requests Amount Mayor Fund(s) Finance Approved Debt Pre -Funding 2,197,340 1,984,040 Facilities City Hall- (Partial Funded)-REET 1 102,590 Y REET Transportation Tremont -REET 2 299,000 Y REET Water Well No. 13 Well No. 13 _ 113,000 337,800 38,250 Y Water Y Water Capital _ Water Water Capital Well No. 11-Pre-Construction Y Well No. 11-Pre-Construction Well No. 11-Construction Well No. 11-Construction Melcher Pump Station Rehab Melcher Pump Station Rehab Well No. 7 City Hall 12,750 409,050 136,400 22,800 7,500 105,000 73,150 Y Y Y Water Water Capital Water Y Y Y Y Water Capital Water Water Sewer Pottery Lift Station Sewer Lift Station Bay Street Lift Station _ Bay Street Lift Station City Hall 30,000 47,600 132,000 44,000 73,150 Y Sewer Y Sewer Y Sewer Y Y Sewer Capital Sewer Storm Drainage City Hall Storm Drainage Improvements -Tremont Policy Targets- Working Capital & Stabilization Working Capital Policy moving toward_25%-General Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-Street Working Capital Policy. Moving toward 25%-Water 52,300 N Storm Storm General 161,000 1,190,000 300,000 50,000 200,000 40,000 300,000 N 750,000 N Y Street Y N Y Water Storm Sewer _ Water Storm Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-Storm Working Capital Policy moving toward 25%-Sewer Stabilization Policy Contributions -Water Stabilization Policy Contributions -Storm Stabilization Policy Contributions -Sewer 100,000 100,000 100,000 Y N Y 9,709,540 Sewer Page 4 Add: Police Officer Add: Police Officer Add: Administrative Services Manager Add: Deputy Chief FTE Add: Public Works Personnel _ Add: Public Works Personnel Add: Public Works Personnel Add: Office Assistant 1 Remove: Civil Engineer 1 Add: Program Coordinator/Inspector Add: Permit Tech- Add: Permit Center Assistant additional 8 hours Remove: Parking Enforcement remove PT FTE Add: Parking Enforcement -Full Time 173,300 173,300 155,900 232,000 148,900 148,900 y N N y y General General General General Water y Water Water 148,900 115,230 (155,300) 155,300 129,400 y y y General Multi Multi General _ General General _ General _ y y y N N 18,000 (40,700) 120,100 Addition to the Fleet: Police Vehicle Addition to the Fleet: Police Vehicle Addition to the Fleet: Police Vehicle Addition to the Fleet: PW Admin Vehicle 000 64,000 269,000 y Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Criminal Justice To ER&R 64,000 78,000 N ER&R y y y ER&R 45,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 General ER&R ER&R Addition to the Fleet: Water Truck Addition to the Fleet: Water Truck Addition to the Fleet: Water Truck Water Water y ER&R ER&R _ N Water Page 5 - 2024 Transfers Capital Transfer in for City Hall Maintence, Splash Pad TIP 1.16 SR166 (Design -Street) Transfer Biennial Amount2023 902,621,690 19,300 (352,000) 62,000 Review MayorFund Approved Y Y • ut General General Fund In _Capital Construction. Street Construction Street Construction_ TIP 1.14 Safe Routes Sidney Non Motorized- Design.(202. TIP 1.19 SB 160 2A Design (2024) Transfer in for TIP1.3 Bay St West; TIP1.8/1.9; TIP 1.13 Ul ___ Y Impact Fee Impact Fee 600,000 Y Street Construction Street Construction Water Capital Sewer Capital 11,390 Y Impact Fee Water Transfer in for Sroufe Water Main, Well 11 Sewer Lift Station Controls Project (2023) McCormick Sewer Lift Station #2 (2023) Water Main Replacement(2024) Office Building Parking Due Diligence/Purchase Facilities 25,000 Y 5,000 1,Q0.0 Y Y Water Water Sewer Capital Water Capital 250,000 Y Water General 2,000,000 Y Capital Construction City Hall (2024)- REET 1 City Hall (2024)- Water 697,410 60,270 43,050 Y Y Y y Y REET Water Storm Sewer REET Debt Service Water Debt Service Storm Debt Service Sewer Debt Service City Hall (2024)- Storm City Hall (2024)- Sewer City Hall- (Partial Pre-Funded)-REET 1 60,270 102,590 Debt Service Transportation Tremont -(Pre-Funded) REET 2 299,000 Y REET Debt Service Water Melcher Pump Station (2023) Melcher Pump Station (2024) McCormick Reservoir Agreement (2023) McCormick Reservoir Agreement (2024). 1,125 1,125 130,000 y Water Water Water Capital Water Capital Water Capital. Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Y Y 130,000 Y 390 Zone Low Pressure (2023) 700 Y 390 Zone Low Pressure (2024) 14,000 375 375 113,000 337,800 38,250 _ 12,750 Y Y_ Y Y _ Y Water Capital Water Capital Water Capital Water Water Capital _Water Water Capital Water Water Capital Water Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Melcher Pump Station (2023) Melcher Pump Station (2024) Well No. 13 (Pre -Funded) Well No, 13 (Pre -Funded) Well No. 11-Pre-Construction (Pre -Funded) Well No. 11-Pre-Construction (Pre -Funded) _ Well No. 11-Construction (Pre -Funded) Y Y_ _ Y Y Water Debt Service 409,050 136,400 Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service Water Debt Service . Well No. 11-Construction (Pre -Funded) Melcher Pum#,Station Rehab.JPPC_Funded) 22,800 7,500 105,000 73,150 Y Y Y _ Y Melcher Pump Station Rehab (Pre -Funded) Well No. 7 (Pre -Funded) City Hall (Pre -Funded) Water Capital Water Water Page 6 Page 7 TIP 1.14 Safe Routes Sidney Non Motorized- Design Grant TIP 1.18 Tremont Phase 2/3 Grant _ TIP 1.16 SR166 (Design -Street) PSRC Grant WCIP#23-390 Zone Low Pressure (Removed) Loan Well No. 7 Preconstruction Design Loan Bay Street Lift Station Design Grant Bay Street Lift Station Design Loan 173,000 732,000 Y Street Construction Y Street Construction 1,000,000 Y Y Street Construction Water Capital (637,000) 500,000 150,000 850,000 Y Water Capital Y Y Sewer Capital Sewer Capital CyberSecurity IT Grant 37,000 Y General Derelict Vessels 2023 98,000 Y General Derelict Vessels 2024 47,000 Y General Court Public Defender Grant _ 15,000 Y General Housing Action Plan Grant 75,000 Y General Community Event Center- KRL, PFD 34,680 Y General Reductions Admissions Tax (12,193) Y Y _ General General Police Services -Remove SRO Revenues 2023 (50,000) Police Services -Remove SRO Revenues 2024 (40,000) Y _ General Protective Inspections -Fire _ fj17,500) . (15,000) Y Y General General Zoning & Subdivision Fees Plan Checking Fees -Fire (15,000) Y _ General Adult Probation Service Fees (35,000) Y General Traffic Infraction Penalties Civil Parking Infraction Penalities _ Criminal Conviction Fee -Traffic Parking -Reduce Parking Revenue 2023 Parking- Remove Parking Revenue 2024 (13,600) (15,000) Y General General Y (10,000) Y General General (30,000) (7-9,000) Y Y � General Page 8 Additions Property Tax 2024 Utility Tax Gas Gambling -Tax Building Permit Revenue Plan Checking Fees Investment Interest Contributions & Donations Opiod Settlement Property Tax 2024 TBD Sales Tax Investment Interest REET 1 2023 REET 1 2024 REET 2 2023 REET 2 2024 HE-Dev Agreement-Design--Res.098-23 Contract #080-23 HE-Deve Agreement-Construction--Res.098-23 Contract # New Connection Fees & Materials Penalties ent Interest i 162,886 Y Y Y General General 110,000 35,000 530,000 300,000 415,513 25,000 25,000 99,543 441,201 General Y General General Y Y General Y General Y General Y Street Y Street 55,799 Y Street 400,000 Y REET 400,000 Y_ REET 400,000 _ Y REET REET 400,000 Y 96,231 Y Street Construction Street Construction 229,784 Y _ 52,100 Y Water 32,500 Y Water 113,000 Y Water Page 9 Operation & Maintenance -Police Operation & Maintenance-DCD Operation & Maintenance -Parks Operation & Maintenance -Facilities Operation & Maintenance -Streets Operation & Maintenance -Water Operation & Maintenance -Storm Operation & Maintenance -Sewer Replacement Payment -Planning Replacement Payment -Building Replacement Payment -Engineering Replacement Payment -Parks Replacement Payment -Facilities Replacement Payment -Police Replacement Payment -Water Replacement Payment -Sewer Addition to the Fleet: Street Truck Addition to the Fleet: Police Vehicle Addition to the Fleet: Police Vehicle Addition to the Fleet: PW Admin Vehicle Addition to the Fleet: Water Truck Addition to the Fleet: Water Truck 11,160 Y SOS Y 2,130 Y General General General General Street Water _ Storm ER&R ER&R ER&R 2,035 Y 8,600 Y ER&R ER&R 1,730 Y ER&R 2,420 Y ER&R 2,420 Y 62,800 Y 45,100 Y 21,000 Y Sewer ER&R General General _ General _ General General General ER&R ER&R ER&R 43,000 Y 212,000 Y 292,000 Y ER&R ER&R ER&R 525,000 Y Street ER&R 65,000 Y Water ER&R 439,000 Y 66,000 Y 64,000 Y 78,000 Y 45,000 Y 41,000 Y 41,000 Y Sewer ER&R ER&R Street Criminal Justice Criminal Justice General Water Water ER&R ER&R ER&R ER&R ER&R Page 10 T.Q9 CCapital Proj e Current 2023-2024 Bud Proposed Adj*ustme As of 10/ 17/2 Finance Departmen Capital Construction Funds 7023-2024 1 GRAND TOTAL: $50.691,820 $577868272 � Fund 302: Capital Construction: $13,261,400 $1592619400 P Fund 304: Street Capital Construction: $12, 228, 820 $14, 540, 820 Fund 413 : Water Capital Construction: $10, 368, 700 $101581, 600 1 Fund 423: Storm Drainage Capital: $800,000 $8001000 o- Fund 433: Sewer Capital Construction: $14,8327900 $16,684,900 Fund 302 Capital Construction Community Events Center Design Work City Hall Remodel Completion McCormick Splash Pad Construction Completion PW Shop Charging Station Improvements*(45%) Property Purchase (Storm) Park Givens Park Office Building Et Parking 302-Total Expenses $1, 214, 600 $10, 432, 900 $870,000 $67, 500 $300,000 $3267400 $2, 000, 000 $151261, 400 C, Fund 304 Street Capital Construction TIP 1.1 Bay Street Pathway ROW Completion $1,352,285 TIP 1.13 Lippert -Sidewalk Improvements Project Completion* $255,000 TIP 1.14 Safe Routes to School Design $235 000 TIP 1.15 Pottery Design Et Construction Completion $745,000 TIP 1.16 SR166 -Street Design Work* TIP 1.18 Tremont Phase 2/3 Design TIP 1.19 SB 160 2A Design TIP 1.2 Bay Street Pathway DesignBtConstruction Completion TIP 1.3 Bay Street Situational Study -Project Completion TIP 1.5A Old Clifton Road Design Work TIP 1.7 Bethel Lincoln Design Ft Construction Completion TIP 1.8 Ft 1.9 Salmon Et Blueberry Design Work Highway Safety Street Light Improvements On Call Surveying 304-Total Expenses $1,315,000 $732,000 $600,000 $5,000,000 $567,000 $150, 000 $2,552,400 $722,134 $220, 000 $95,000 $14, 540, 820 Fund 413 Water Capital Construction WCIP#3 Well #11-Design Et Construction Completion $8,616,700 WCIP#10 Melcher Booster Completion $501,000 WCIP#17 Well #7 Preconstruction Design $500,000 WCIP#23 390 Zone Low Pressure Completion $650y900 WCIP#23 390 Zone Low Pressure Completion ($637 000) WCIP#19a Water Main- SR166Bay Water Design $100,000 WCIP#19 Water Main Replacement-Sroufe Completion $500,000 WCIP#19 Water Main Replacement-Annual-FY24 $250,000 Water -Pottery Ave $100,000 413-Total Expenses $10, 581, 600 Fund 423 Storm Capital Storm Property Purchase Annual Capital Contribution (2-years) 423-Total Expenses $600YOOO $200YOOO $800 .9 000 Fund 433 Sewer Capital Construction SCIP#1 Marina Project Completion $13,351,900 SCIP#SB South Sidney(Ruby Creek) Design Work 100% $703,000 SCIP#7 Sewer Main Replacement -SR 166 Bay Sewer Design $130,000 C090-21 Sewer Controls Annual Capital Contribution -FY24 SCIP# SD Pottery Ave -Sewer SCIP#2 Bay Street Lift Station -Design 433-Total Expenses $800,000 $200,000 $ 500, 000 $1, 000, 000 $16, 684, 900