11/21/2023 - Work Study - PacketJ .. IYuh , Mayor: Rob Putaansuu Administrative Official Councilmembers: MarkTrenary (Mayor Pro-Tempore) E/D & Tourism Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Transportation Committee KRCC-alt Shawn Cucciardi Finance Committee E/D & Tourism Committee Lodging Tax, Chair Fred Chang Economic Development & Tourism Committee Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Jay Rosa pepe Finance Committee, Land Use Committee KRCC, PSRC-alt, PSRCTranspol-alt, KRCC Transpol alt, KRCC Planpol-alt, John Clauson Finance Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Kitsap Public Health District-alt Cindy Lucarelli Festival of Chimes & Lights Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee, Chair Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Scott Diener Land Use Committee, Chair Transportation Committee Department Directors: Nicholas Bond, AICP Development Director Denis Ryan Public Works Director Tim Drury Municipal Court Judge Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Matt Brown Police Chief Brandy Wallace, MIMIC, CPRO City Clerk Meeting Location: Council Chambers, V Floor 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 Contact us: (360) 876-4407 cityhall@portorchardwa.gov City of Port Orchard Council Work Study Session November 21, 2023 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, the City Council is conducting its public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Members of the public may view and provide public comment during the meeting in person at City Hall, via the online platform zoom (link below), or via telephone (number below). The public may also view the meeting live on the City's YouTube channel. Remote access Zoom Webinar ID: https://us02web.zoom.us/J/86893784016 Webinar ID: 868 9378 4016 Zoom Call -In: 1 253 215 8782 Guiding Principles • Are we raising the bar? • Are we honoring the past, but not living in the past? • Are we building connections with outside partners? • Is the decision -making process positively impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion? CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 1. 2023-2025 Legislative Agenda (Wiess) Page 2 Estimated Time: 15 minutes 2. Stormwater Level of Service and Rates (Ryan/J. Brown) Page 4 Estimated Time: 30 minutes 3. 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Bond) Page 11 Estimated Time: 15 minutes 4. An Ordinance Amending POMC 20.132 -Temporary Signs (Bond) Page 36 Estimated Time: 30 minutes S. Update to Fee Schedules for Community Development and Public Works (Bond) Page 52 Estimated Time: 20 minutes Good of the Order Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned Meeting materials are available on the City's website: www.portorchardwa.aov or by contacting the City Clerk's Office, 360.876.4407 The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disab�itdfClWaact the City Clerk's office should you need special accommodations. ORCHARD= CITY OF PORT ORCHARD 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o) 876-4407 • Fax: (36o) 895-9029 ci , ht all0portorchardwa.gov www.portorchardwa.gov 2024 Legislative Priorities Port Orchard Community Event Center Back to Agenda The City received $1.2 million in the 2021 Capital budget to begin work on the Port Orchard Community Event Center. This master -planned project will feature an indoor events space, space for the Kitsap Library, new headquarters for Kitsap Bank, opportunities for residential/mixed use development, and a flexible community plaza allowing for outdoor concerts, events, and other community gatherings centered around a revitalized waterfront, in addition to parking and pedestrian improvements. With this state investment, competitive grant funding, private and local match, the City has made significant headway on the project, which is well into the design phase. The City anticipates completing design, planning, and pre -construction by the end of 2024 and will seek state investment for construction in the 2025 Legislative Session. Bay Street Sea Level Rise — Resilience Funding The City is working to mitigate the impacts of sea -level rise in downtown Port Orchard. With existing infrastructure, sea -level rise could prevent access to existing businesses, the waterfront, and inhibit pedestrian and automobile mobility through one of the City's main thoroughfares. The City has received federal funding for design and partial construction to raise Bay Street, utilities, and adjacent businesses, which runs East-West along the City waterfront, to ensure public access is maintained. The City is likely to seek state funding for the remainder of construction costs for this project in the 2025 Legislative Session, when design is complete. Vehicular Pursuits The City supports revision of the state vehicular pursuits statute to ensure cities can address rising public safety concerns in their jurisdictions, including clarifying that officers are able to pursue wrong -way drivers, and adding vehicular theft to the list of crimes for which an officer may pursue. Police Training Academy and BLEA The City appreciates recent state investment towards addressing shortages of public safety personnel in local jurisdictions. The City asks the Legislature to continue funding additional regional Law Enforcement Training Academies, such as what was funded in Vancouver, Skagit County, and Pasco in the 2023 Legislative Session, and asks for continued investment in additional Basic Law Enforcement Academy Classes to reduce the shortage of law enforcement officers statewide. Funding for Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Blake Implementation Cities are beginning to experience increased public safety costs associated with implementing Senate Bill 5536, responding to the State v. Blake decision, enacted in the 2023 Legislative Session and effective August 2023. The City of Port Orchard joins other cities in requesting the State adequately fund increased costs passed down to cities, including costs of ramping up substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, funding for therapeutic and other alternative courts, and costs associated with additional simple possession caseload in municipal courts. 3 of 144 2023-2025 Legislative Priorities City of Port Orchard Ff 2 Agenda Foster Pilot Program The City of Port Orchard was chosen by the state for a water resource mitigation pilot project to address municipal water supply challenges after the Foster decision. The City has invested over $1 million in City funds for this pilot project, which to -date has not resulted in Ecology -approved water supply. The Foster Legislative Task Force published recommendations to the Legislature prior to the 2023 Legislative Session, but the Legislature did not advance any policy related to municipal water rights. The Legislature must adopt solutions providing municipalities a path to sustainable water permitting and usage, as required to accommodate growth under the Growth Management Act, and if necessary, provide a pathway for approval of the City's mitigated water supply project. Sedgwick Roundabouts at SR-16/SR-160 Intersections Though the Legislature made significant investments in the Move Ahead Washington package, much of this funding did not address ongoing transportation needs for local governments, including maintenance and preservation, fish passage, and projects improving highway safety and congestion relief. Sedgwick Road (State Route 160) and State Route 16, traverse the City and serve as both regional and local thoroughfares. To mitigate congestion along these state routes, the City proposes two compact roundabouts at the SR-16 and SR-160 interchanges. Prior to current inflation rates, the project was estimated to cost $6 million. The City has funded temporary improvements to these intersections to provide short-term relief; however, the City requires additional investment to complete long-term improvements. Port Orchard asks the State to look for opportunities to fund this important project. The City of Port Orchard supports the Association of Washington Cities' legislative agenda. 4 of 144 Issue Title City of Port Orchard Back to Agenda Work Study Session Executive Summary Stormwater Level of Service and Rates Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Time Required: 30 minutes Attendees: Jacki Brown and Denis Ryan Action Requested at this Meeting: Issue: Previously the City retained Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. to assist in the development of the City of Port Orchard Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan, a draft of this plan was presented to the City Council on September 12, 2023. The comprehensive plan is designed to address the evolving needs of the city in managing stormwater and protecting watersheds. The plan introduces a three -tiered approach to service levels, highlighting the key components of each level to guide decision -making and resource allocation. The Comprehensive Plan identifies three distinct levels of service. Level 1: Represents activities needed to meet 2019 — 2024 NPDES Permit requirements, potential future permit requirements, and essential program activities. Level 2: Includes everything in Level 1 and several additional improvements to expand public education and stewardship opportunities, implement the new Asset Management Program, and increase staffing to more thoroughly inspect construction projects and private stormwater facilities to improve environmental protection. Level 3: Includes everything in Levels 1 and 2 and represents staffing and funding to move towards achieving the City's goals. This level of service would result in the greatest benefits for the community and the environment, but would have the highest cost. Level 3 includes expanding public involvement and environmental monitoring activities. Recommendations: Staff recommends that Council adopt the City of Port Orchard Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan and adopt a revised rate structure and Capital Facility 5 of 144 Charge (CFC) at Level of Service 2. The proposed rate structure aims +„ f„„A +ho onhnnrod stormwater management services. The new structure is essential tc Back to Agenda d workload associated with public education, stewardship initiatives, asset management, and expanded inspection activities. The CFC charge is designed to ensure that development is contributing to the required infrastructure improvements and future system assets for new customers as the city experiences growth. Attachments: Presentation 6 of 144 Back to Agenda 0 CHARD OF Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan 7 of 144 Levels of Service Back to Agenda Level 1 Represents activities needed to meet 2019 - 2024 NPDES Permit requirements, potential future permit requirements, and essential program activities. Level 2 Includes everything in Level 1 and several additional improvements to expand public education and stewardship opportunities, implement the new Asset Management Program, and increase staffing to more thoroughly inspect construction projects and private stormwater facilities to improve environmental protection. Level 3 Includes everything in Levels 1 and 2 and represents staffing and funding to move towards achieving the City's goals. This level of service would result in the greatest benefits for the community and the environment, but would have the highest cost. Level 3 includes expanding public involvement and environmental monitoring activities. 8 of 144 Stormwater Rates by Level of Service Level of Service Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 current 14.00 14.00 14.00 2024 16.94 18.34 20.37 Back to Agenda Billing Rate 2029' 2026 20.50 24.80 24.03 31.47 29.64 41.12 2027 25.55 32.42 44.42 2028 26.31 33.39 45.75 9 of 144 Capital Facilities Charge by Level of Service Level of Service Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Back to Agenda Capital Facilities Charge Option A Option 6 (High Growth) $2,469 $3,087 $3,914 $1,657 $2,071 $2,627 Option 6 is a "what if" scenario based on continued high growth. 10 of 144 Back to Agenda Staff recommendation Level of Service 2 (Option A) In order to be proactive rather than reactive in our Stormwater Management Program and ensuing practices and to ensure that development is contributing to the required infrastructure improvements, staff recommends Level of Service 2. 11 of 144 Issue Title Meeting Date Time Required: Attendees City of Port Orchard Work Study Session Executive Summary 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments November 21, 2023 15 minutes Jim Fisk Action Requested at this Meeting: Back to Agenda Issue: The proposed 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments relate to the City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Capital Facilities Element (CFE). These amendments are essential to ensuring that the City's long-term planning remains responsive to the community's evolving needs. The Comprehensive Plan amendments under consideration are permitted through exceptions provided in Port Orchard Municipal Code 20.04.020, which allow for revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and associated documents through the City's budget process. After a duly -noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendments as presented on October 3, 2023. As of the date of this report, no public comments have been received. The TIP serves as a critical component of the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. It is designed to advance transportation infrastructure projects that align with the Comprehensive Plan's goals, specifically those related to traffic flow, safety, and sustainable development. The CFE is another integral part of the Comprehensive Plan, focusing on the City's physical development. It outlines the strategic acquisition, construction, and maintenance of public facilities to support the City's growth while maintaining a high quality of life for its residents. Summary of Proposed TIP Amendments: The City of Port Orchard initiated these amendments to the 2022-2041 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in conjunction with the City budget adoption process. The amendments are summarized as follows: 1. TIP 1.18 Tremont Phase 2 and 3: This project was moved from the outer years into the 6-year TIP due to the City receiving grant funding (no match) for study and design. 2. TIP 1.2 BSPP Segments 6 toll CN: The program year for CN was delayed to 2024 due to design and permitting issues. 12 of 144 3. TIP 1.4 Old Clifton/ Anderson Hill Intersection: The project schedule %AIar mnrlifiPrl aivina it IPSS priority compared to other funded projects. Back to Agenda 4. TIP 1.8 and 1.9 Bethel Phase 1: Due to the City passing a sales tax measure, the project schedule has been accelerated. 5. TIP 1.13 Lippert Sidewalk Retrofit and Road Repair: This project was completed and has been removed from the TIP. 6. TIP 1.14 Sidney Road Sidewalk: The project received a grant, and funding sections have been updated accordingly. 7. TIP 1.16 SR166/ Bay Street Reconstruction: Grants were received for this project, resulting in updated funding allocations. 8. TIP 1.17 Street Lighting Improvements: This project received a grant for some of the programmed work. The schedule was updated to program awarded dollars in the near term and other work at future dates eligible for additional grant funding. 9. TIP 1.19 SR160/ Sedgwick Phase 2a: This project was added to acquire right of way for a future RAB that is needed to support development along the corridor. Description of Capital Facilities Element Amendment: In addition to the TIP amendments, a new amendment is proposed for the Capital Facilities Element related to property acquisition. This amendment involves the allocation of $4 million for the acquisition of property intended for future City of Port Orchard facilities. The purpose of this amendment is to allow the City of Port Orchard to proactively acquire properties within its corporate limits for future development of essential public facilities. This strategic approach will support the city's long-term planning and development goals to accommodate the City's anticipated growth and service needs, as outlined in the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. Alternatives: Approve the amendments as presented, provide additional amendments to staff, or do not approve the proposed amendments. Recommendations: The City Council should discuss the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments and provide feedback to staff. Attachments: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Transportation Improvement Program and Capital Facilities Element 13 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Chapter 9. Capital Facilities 9.1. Introduction This Capital Facilities Element of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan provides information about the City's existing public facilities, and the need for future facilities to address the requirements of a growing population. The Capital Facilities Element, in conjunction with the City's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Capital Improvements Program (CIP), provide guidance for the City to achieve its goals of providing the appropriate public facilities and desirable levels of public services to its residents and businesses. Capital Facilities Vision Provide outstanding community facilities that serve the needs of a growing and changing city. Maintain existing community facilities and develop additional facilities to address the city'sgrowth and evolving needs. New facilities should address multiple objectives, such as creating new open space and enhancing neighborhood Ensuring that public facilities are available when growth occurs is critical to the quality of life for Port Orchard's residents. The implementation of the Capital Facilities Element and related plans will help realize the community's vision for outstanding community facilities, as well as the vision and goals of the Land Use Element. This Element also functions in coordination with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities, Parks and Transportation elements and functional system plans for water, wastewater and stormwater. These are discussed in more detail in Section 9.3. character, even as they serve basic The state requires the City to demonstrate that all functional requirements. capital facilities serving its population have been considered and that planning is done in a coordinated and comprehensive fashion. The Public Facilities and Services Goal of the Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that the level of service ("LOS") of public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use, without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards ("the concurrency requirement"). Kitsap County's Countywide Planning Policies also require the City to ensure that its growth plans are consistent with the CIP and that adequate public facilities and services are or will be available to serve the City's population allocation through the planning period. If limited funding or other circumstances would prevent the city from providing adequate facilities and services, the Growth Management Act requires the city to re-evaluate the Land Use Element and make sure that capital facilities plans and land use plans are consistent. The City of Port Orchard owns and manages a variety of capital facilities, including roads, parks, utility systems, police facilities, and administrative buildings. In addition to the facilities owned and managed by the City, there are publicly -owned capital facilities managed by other entities which meet some of Port Orchard's capital facility needs. These include, but are not limited to, schools, library, sewage treatment, and public transit. Privately owned utilities (electrical, natural gas, and telecommunications) conduct their own planning processes and maintain their own system plans. The City influences private system Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 28UNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021JF;T 14 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities planning through its authority to regulate land uses and its obligation t Back to Agenda in a Comprehensive Plan. The City uses its capital facilities and functional plans, with guidance from the Comprehensive Plan, to make planning and budgetary decisions about the need and timing for construction of new facilities, improvements to existing facilities, the levels of service provided by those facilities, and how to fund and maintain these needs. Planning decisions should also address the evolving and adaptive role of technology in the provision of capital facilities. The complete list of capital facility improvements planned in the next seven years is provided in the City's Capital Improvements Program (CIP), which is described in Section 9.3. The CIP and the functional plans provide a complete facility inventory, as well as needs, projected costs, and funding sources. 9.2. Inventory and Identified Needs 9.2.1 Administration and Service Facilities Facility Location Size (sq ft) City Hall (includes Police Station and Municipal Court) 216 Prospect Street 28,370 Public Works Shop 1535 Vivian Court 6,000 South Shed 2051 Sidney Avenue 3,811 Active Club 1026 Tacoma Avenue 7,500 Police Shooting Range 1278 Lloyd Parkway N/A Library 87 Sidney Avenue 8,586 Community Development Department Building 720 Prospect Street 2,925 Property Acquisition for City Various Administration Offices and Public and City Employee Parking Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 20211july 2MNovember 2023 15 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities The City's Capital Facilities Plan provides a detailed description and analysis I Back to Agenda ital facilities, as summarized below: v City Hall The primary municipal building is the City Hall, which �^ �nyl was built in 1999. It contains all of the City'sNn— ,0 A on f _111111-I low> - departments and staff, except for the Public Works uiaE ! IA - crew. The UP established the level of service for administrative space (including police and courts) at --- 2,408 sq ft per 1,000 residents. The state's Office of Financial Management estimated the City's 2015 population at 9,950. The City's 2036 target population allocation is 20,558. City Hall also requires some maintenance and improvements, as identified in the CFP. In 2016, the City contracted with Rice Fergus Miller, Inc to prepare a facilities space analysis for the City Hall. This analysis, which has been included in Appendix B of the City's Comprehensive Plan (Plans Adopted by Reference), found that the Port Orchard City Hall's net usable area was approximately 64% of the area provided in the city halls for Gig Harbor and Poulsbo, which are smaller cities. The analysis recommended that approximately 10,592 gross square feet be added to City Hall through 2025, based on the City's projected population growth, in order to maintain and improve work space and customer service. Parking should also be provided for an expansion. The Police Department currently occupies approximately 5,500 sq ft on the ground floor of City Hall. The Police Department has indicated that it requires approximately 10,000-15,000 additional square feet of office space with 3,000-5,000 sq ft of storage to meet its needs for the next 20 years. The City should review options for providing the additional space needed to maintain an appropriate level of police services. Public Works — Shop and South Shed The Public Works shop houses this department's foreman and crew and a majority of the City's maintenance vehicles and equipment. The shop has sufficient capacity to support staff throughout the capital facilities planning period. There is a current level of service for enclosed maintenance facilities of 833 sq ft per 1,000 residents. However, there is not enough covered parking for City vehicles and equipment, and the City has identified the need for a second four -bay carport to cover and protect City vehicles and equipment from the elements. The south shed is anticipated to continue being used as a storage facility and staging area through the planning period. No construction, remodeling or expansion need is anticipated. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan in 29a-3November 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ****,'z 16 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Active Club Back to Agenda The Active Club is the only community recreational building owned by the City. It provides space for a number of recreational, sports and civic organizations to conduct activities. Police Shooting Range The police shooting range provides a convenient and safe location for officers to train and practice with firearms. Library The library building is owned by the City and houses the local branch of the Kitsap Public Library. 9.2.2 Parks and Recreational Facilities The City has a number of parks and recreational facilities, listed below. Current Parks Facilities Park Name Size Facilities Van Zee 8.3 Acres Picnic Areas and shelters, trails, two baseball diamonds, playground, sports field, lighted tennis courts, horseshoe court, restroom Clayton Park 1.4 Acres Picnic tables, playground, sports field, basketball court, picnic shelter Givens Field 6.7 Acres 2 Baseball Diamonds (under lease, not available for public use), lighted tennis courts, lighted horseshoe courts, restrooms, picnic area, playground, Active Club Lundberg Park 4.8 Acres Not open to the public, no facilities Paul Powers, Jr. 3.75 Acres Field, playground, basketball court Park Boat Ramp 0.3 Acres Municipal boat ramp, restroom, parking DeKalb 4.1 Acres 169 feet of pier, 359 feet of floats, picnic tables Pedestrian Pier Etta Turner Park 0.6 Acres Gazebo, benches, view of Sinclair Inlet, trail connection McCormick 28.6 Acres Trails, restrooms Village Park Seattle Ave 1.88 Acres Trail connection Waterway *tidelands Property included Waterfront Park 1.9 Acres Sidewalks, picnic table, bench, viewing platform Westbay N/A Trail connection, beach access Easements Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ****, 20211july 17 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Bethel South 5.3 Acres Not open to the public, no facilities; a portion plz Back to Agenda Property construction of dog park In addition to the properties in the above table, which are owned and operated by the City, Port Orchard residents also have a number of non -City parks and private facilities that are available for public recreational use. The City's Parks Plan provides a comparison of current recreational facilities and services within the City against the recommended levels of service used by the state's Interagency Council for Outdoor Recreation and by Kitsap County. This comparison is used to establish the LOS for recreational needs of the City's existing and future population. City -owned, non -City publicly owned, and private recreational facilities are all considered by the City when determining levels of service. In general, the City has adequate park and recreational facilities to serve the population during the planning period, with existing deficits in bike paths, boat launches and pedestrian trails, and projected deficits in community and neighborhood parks. Additional information on the City's parks and more detailed planning strategies can be found in the City's Parks Plan and in the Parks Element of this Comprehensive Plan. 9.2.3 Utilities and Transportation The City owns, maintains and manages its water system and wastewater collection system. It is also responsible for City roads and other aspects of the City's transportation system. More information on these facilities is provided in the City's functional plans and other Elements of the Comprehensive Plan (Utilities, Transportation). Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ****, 20211july 18 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities 9.3. Planning and Policy Connections A complete list of capital facility improvements planned in the next seven years is included in the city's Capital Improvements Program (CIP), which is described in this section. The CIP and the functional plans listed in the following table identify facility inventories, needs, projected costs, and funding sources. Capital improvement recommendations are drawn primarily from functional plans specific to each capital facility or City department. Utilities such as water, sewer, and stormwater have specific requirements according to state and federal law. Each City department forecasts needed improvements for at least a twenty-year. Each plan contains an inventory of the system and a forecast of system demand and capacity based on population and regulatory mandates. The functional plans identify capital investments required to meet future demand and to replace or maintain existing facilities for continued service. The plans also define the customer service level for each facility provide and system -specific operating policies. Back to Agenda The CIP uses many revenue sources to fund the capital improvement projects identified in the plan, including sales tax, business and occupation tax, utility rates, state revenues, bonds, and grants. Impact feesl and other specific revenues allowed under the Growth Management Act also offer potential funding sources. Coordinating City Functional Plans and Capital Improvements Program Capital Improvements Program Funding: plan updated biennially. This is the city's seven-year financing and implementation plan in which needed capital improvements to the city's public facilities and infrastructure are identified and prioritized. Water System Plan Functional Plan: updated on a 6-10 year cycle, as This plan provides a basis for capital improvement needed. planning for six years and forecasts anticipated needs to a 20-year planning horizon. Wastewater System Plan Functional Plan: updated on a 6-10 year cycle, as This plan addresses aging infrastructure, system needed. expansion to accommodate development, revised policies and practices, data, finances, revised growth forecasting, and recommended improvements. Storm and Surface Water System Plan Functional Plan: updated on a 6-10 year cycle, as This plan establishes the city's storm and surface water needed. policy. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 20211oF;T 19 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Parks Plan Functional Plan: updated on baCK to Agenda This plan is the primary tool to guide the long-term needed. growth and development of Bellevue's parks and open space system. The core of the plan is a set of 20-year capital project recommendations, which are reviewed and updated approximately every six years. Transportation Plan Functional Plan: updated every two years. This six -year plan indicates needs for maintenance and improvement of the City's transportation network. 9.4. Future Needs A key feature of the capital facilities planning process is asset management, which continually monitors the condition of existing facilities and infrastructure, identifies the levels of maintenance needed, and determines when facilities need to be replaced. The city's capital facilities policies ensure that the city plans in advance for maintenance and infrastructure replacement to maintain levels of service. These policies also tie capital facilities planning to land use, making sure that assumptions about future growth are consistent. The City of Port Orchard owns, operates, and maintains over $3.5 billion of infrastructure to provide drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater and surface water services to its residents and businesses. Continued investment in this infrastructure is necessary for continued delivery of utility services that are critical for human health and safety, economic development, as well as supporting a sustainable, healthy environment. Capital facility investment helps to ensure that the City can continue to deliver the high quality municipal utility services customers expect. The City of Port Orchard has a rapidly growing population. To provide adequate capital facilities, the City is working to address substandard infrastructure and comply with new regulations. While there are unique challenges to specific capital facility services, several issues apply broadly to Port Orchard: Accommodating Increased Demand. Increased demand will require investment for building and maintaining facilities for services like water, wastewater, stormwater, parks, fire, police, transportation, and municipal buildings. Non -city providers, such as school districts, libraries and solid waste processors, will also experience increased demand for services and will need to plan for new or improved facilities. Aging Infrastructure. Some of Port Orchard's capital facilities are aging or inadequate for current service needs, and will require repairs and replacement over the next twenty years. The costs of replacing utility infrastructure and roads are substantial and take years for planning and implementation. Likewise, facilities such as parks and municipal buildings require ongoing maintenance, improvements, or replacement. City departments maintain plans and strategies for funding and building necessary improvements, which are scheduled and assigned funding in the city's seven-year CIP. Compliance with New Laws and Regulations. Changing state and federal mandates governing capital facilities systems require the city to monitor and review its systems to ensure compliance. For Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 220211oA:T 20 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities example, compliance with the city's National Pollutant Discharge Elim Back to Agenda pal Stormwater Permit (NPDES), a Federal Clean Water Act mandate that affects programs citywide, will have significant long-term impacts on the way the city does business, on city expenses, and on private development costs. In February 2010, stormwater regulations were significantly expanded under the NPDES Phase II permit. These new regulations, along with associated stormwater requirements that must be incorporated into City code by 2017, places significant additional requirements on the City's planning and regulatory functions. The City of Port Orchard benefits from its proximity to centers for recreation, open space, and sports fields outside City Limits and/or held by other agencies or groups, such as the South Kitsap School District and Kitsap County. Creating and strengthening regional partnerships will enable Port Orchard and its partners to provide greater facilities and opportunities than would be possible alone. The City of Port Orchard is already working with Kitsap County and other nearby jurisdiction to create and expand a regional water trail including shoreline access with launch points, rest areas, parking facilities. 9.5. Goals and Policies Goal I. Provide an efficient distribution and mixture of public facilities, including parks, parking areas, non -motorized transportation connections, and other facilities and services. Policy CF-1 The City should explore opportunities for acquisition of surface parking areas within the downtown core to serve the general public and municipal purposes. Policy CF-2 The City should consider development of multi -use facilities that can serve more than one public need. The City should coordinate with other jurisdictions and agencies that also provide public facilities, such as Kitsap County, Kitsap Transit and the Port of Bremerton, to encourage cooperative planning of future facilities and reduce redundancy. The City should also explore opportunities for public/private partnerships and funding sources that could provide a mix of public facilities and other uses such as commercial and residential within the same development, where appropriate. Policy CF-3 Encourage public awareness and consider public input when considering the need for and proposed locations of new public facilities. Develop public facilities according to the specific needs, locations and levels of service identified in the City's functional plans and capital improvements program. Policy CF-4 Encourage thejoint use of utility corridors for open space and non -motorized pathways and trails, provided that such joint use is consistent with limitations prescribed by applicable law and prudent utility practice. Policy CF-5 Encourage private property owners and developers to donate public trail access and parcels for park development in areas identified for future municipal parks and trail connections. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021JF;T 21 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Goal 2. The City shall establish minimum levels of ser.viAgenda urban services (i.e. fire, police, garbage disposal, parks, library, and other appropriate services). Policy CF-6 It is the City's intent that adequate school facilities be provided for the community. Individual school levels of service should be maintained as adopted and funded by the South Kitsap School District School Board. Goal 3. Ensure that infrastructure, facilities, and services are adequate to serve new projects at the time buildings are available for occupancy and use, without decreasing service levels below locally established minimum standards. Policy CF-7 Require that urban level facilities and services are provided prior to or concurrent with development. These services include, but are not limited to, transportation infrastructure, parks, potable water supply, sewage disposal, stormwater and surface water management, and solid waste management. Policy CF-8 Facilitate adequate planning for services and facilities by coordinating with utility providers on annual updates of population, employment and development projections. Policy CF-9 Regularly monitor and update LOS standards for public facilities to reflect community preferences for quality of service delivery. Policy CF-10 Encourage providers to improve accessibility to public services by making information available, convenient and complete. Policy CF-11 Maintain an inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities. Policy CF-12 The City should acquire property sufficient to provide capital facility services at established levels of service, according to the identified deficiencies and future needs for such services as provided in the City's functional plans. Goal 4. Ensure that the provision of capital facilities meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. • Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ****,'�;y 29a�November 2023 22 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Policy CF-13 Provide public facilities and services conveniently and el Back to Agenda e community and do not unduly affect any one group of people or geographic area by the siting or expansion of essential public facilities. Policy CF-14 Ensure that the provision of capital facilities is environmentally sensitive, safe and reliable, aesthetically compatible with surrounding land uses, and economical to consumers. Policy CF-15 Ensure that new growth and development pay a fair, proportionate share of the cost of new facilities needed to serve such growth and development. Policy CF-16 Direct growth within the community where adequate public facilities exist or can be efficiently provided. Policy CF-17 Seek to reduce the per unit cost of public facilities and services by encouraging urban intensity development within the City and adjacent Urban Growth Areas. Policy CF-18 Coordinate the construction of public facility improvements such as utility and road improvements to help minimize project costs. Policy CF-19 Ensure the efficient and equitable siting of capital facilities through cooperative and coordinated planning. Policy CF-20 Coordinate and cooperate with other jurisdictions in the implementation of multijurisdictional utility facility expansions and improvements. Policy CF-21 Provide meaningful opportunities for community involvement in the planning of capital facilities. Goal 5: Support provision of adequate, timely and efficient fire protection and emergency medical service within the City. Policy CF-22 Coordinate with South Kitsap Fire and Rescue on planning for the location of new fire stations to ensure that they are dispersed throughout the City and located near areas of high population concentration. Policy CF-23 Encourage consolidation of duplicate services between Fire Districts to use resources more effectively. Goal 6: Reduce crime risks within the City. Policy CF-24 Design and locate capital facility improvements to optimize public safety through increased visibility at joint use facilities (e.g., streets, public buildings, etc.) Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021 JF;T 23 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Back to Agenda Policy CF-25 Ensure that there are enough commissioned officers and support staff to support the established LOS in the City. Goal 7. Coordinate land use and school district capital facilities planning. Policy CF-26 Recognize that schools provide a unifying social and physical amenity that are key foci for successful neighborhoods. Encourage elementary schools to be located in or near neighborhood centers and middle schools, junior high schools and senior high schools to be located near community centers. Policy CF-27 Coordinate with the South Kitsap School District to develop strategies to ensure that students are not forced to attend a school outside their neighborhood. Policy CF-28 Coordinate with the South Kitsap School District to develop strategies to provide and enhance safe multi -modal access to the schools. Policy CF-29 Review and update school impact fees at least every 4 years. Policy CF-30 Explore opportunities to develop joint use facilities with the South Kitsap School District, such as recreational and community center facilities. Goal 8: Develop and maintain adequate and convenient parks, recreation, and open space areas and facilities for all age groups to serve both the existing and future population of Port Orchard and surrounding areas. Policy CF-31 Preserve open space considered scenic in value by a. enhancing and expanding park facilities. b. discouraging obstructions of scenic views. Policy CF-32 Increase the size and number of parks and open spaces by: a. establishing partnerships with other agencies to jointly utilize public facilities. b. promoting through public and private investments, the acquisition of open space facilities and assuring proper maintenance thereof. c. providing for public input when developing plans for public parks. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021 JF;T 24 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities d. providing for a mixture of active and passive Back to Agenda residential and commercial areas with consideration of nearby public facilities. e. providing input on development plans for public parks within Port Orchard's Urban Growth Boundary. Policy CF-33 Monitor and maintain the LOS for park facilities as established in the City's comprehensive Parks Plan. Policy CF-34 The Active Club should continue to be maintained and improved. Policy CF-35 Reevaluate the City's established park impact fee at least every four years to ensure that the fee is appropriate based on the City's LOS for parks acquisition, improvement and maintenance. Policy CF-36 Correct LOS deficiencies in park facilities through capital improvements. Policy CF-37 Collaborate with Kitsap Countyto explore formation of a Municipal Parks District to help fund and develop community and neighborhood scale parks throughout the city and the Urban Growth Area. Policy CF-38 Develop neighborhood parks adjacent to school sites whenever possible in order to promote facility sharing. Facilities on the neighborhood park site should supplement uses that the school does not provide such as trails, open space, picnic areas, playground equipment, and multi -purpose paved sport courts. Policy CF-39 Encourage implementation of the County's Greenways Plan that outlines a citywide system of trails that will serve park, recreation, and open space needs. Link a system of trails between neighborhoods and parks, school sites, and other public property. Utilize public lands and existing rights -of -way for trail purposes whenever feasible. Policy CF-40 Place interpretive signs along trails to encourage community, historical, and environmental awareness and place distance markers along the trail for walkers and runners. Policy CF-41 The City should maximize the use of state and federal grants for future parks improvements whenever possible. Policy CF-42 Create new parks in recently annexed areas or update existing parks within newly annexed portions of the City. Policy CF-43 In conjunction with partners, develop the South Kitsap Community Events Center as a recreational and civic amenities hub for Port Orchard and the South Kitsap region. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021 JF;T 25 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Back to Agenda Goal 9. Ensure that an adequate water supply is available to support the level of population growth and land development projected within the City. Policy CF-44 Maintain drinking water quality in accordance with State and Federal standards to ensure the quality of drinking water delivered to customers of the water system. Policy CF-45 Provide high quality domestic and fire protection service to all areas within the retail service area. Policy CF-46 Utilize City -owned and operated sources of supply to maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness of the water system. Policy CF-47 Maintain water system facilities to ensure a high level of service is provided to all customers and maximize the life of facilities to protect the investment of ratepayers. Policy CF-48 Construct new facilities as required to serve the existing and future populations of the established water service area and South Kitsap Urban Growth Area. Policy CF-49 Interconnect the City's main water system with the independent facilities serving the City's 580 and 660 Pressure Zones (McCormick Woods System). This will allow for combining the two existing systems under one water system identification number. Policy CF-50 Implement and maintain water use efficiency and conservation programs to discourage water waste, promote the prudent use of water resources and support protection of habitat and the environment. Policy CF-51 Work with neighboring water utilities, participate in regional water planning efforts to establish common goals of uniform water system standards and facilitate coordination of efforts toward the adequate provision of water service throughout the region. Policy CF-52 Conduct water system operations in a manner that insures high quality service in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations, at the lowest reasonable cost. Policy CF-53 Encourage land uses and programs that promote water conservation. Policy CF-54 Revise water service boundaries in cases where the designated water service provider cannot provide timely or reasonable service. Policy CF-55 Ensure that land uses permitted in aquifer recharge areas do not lead to contamination of water resources. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021 JF;T 26 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Back to Agenda Policy CF-56 Encourage new developments adjacent to properties with private wells or existing septic systems to connect to the City's water system or, if not feasible, ensure that adverse impacts to existing wells or septic systems from new development is avoided or mitigated. Goal 10. Provide safe, reliable and timely sewer service to consumers at a fair and reasonable price. Policy CF-57 Coordinate construction of sewage improvements with other utilities The City shall require all new development to connect to public sewer and water systems, unless physically or financially infeasible. Goal 11. Ensure that all utility infrastructure expansion provides an adequate level of public service to support new development consistent with the City's policies, criteria, and standards. In addition, utility expansion should also be consistent with current land use plans and development regulations of the State of Washington, Kitsap County, and appropriate local planning agencies. Policy CF-58 Utilize best construction methods and practices and innovative techniques in the design and construction of utilities. Policy CF-59 Whenever possible, utility construction should be scheduled to minimize disruption of access to area residences and businesses. Policy CF-60 Schedule utility construction activities to avoid sensitive times in the lifecycle offish and wildlife, such as spawning, nesting, and migration. Goal 12. Minimize development related impacts to existing hydrologic conditions and functions, and strive to correct current deficiencies resulting from past development practices such as sto rmwate r- related flooding. Policy CF-61 Identify areas within and adjacent to the City and its UGA which are highly sensitive to changes in hydrologic conditions and functions. Within these highly sensitive areas, establish standards that provide for near zero change in hydraulic and hydrologic function on a property, such as no net increase in the peak flow or volume of runoff or erosion products leaving a site post- development. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021 JF;T 27 of 144 Chapter 9: Capital Facilities Policy CF-62 Ensure development regulations adequately prevent nE Back to Agenda increasing flooding and minimize the possibility of damage from flooding events. Policy CF-63 Encourage Low Impact Development (LID) strategies for stormwater management through incentives and flexibility in application of regulatory requirements. Policy CF-64 Utilize new inventories of flood hazard -prone properties in the decision making process to prioritize stormwater system improvements. Policy CF-65 Coordinate the basin planning process with the community planning process to address surface water runoff and flooding issues. Policy CF-66 Integrate public regional stormwater detention and retention facilities into the natural environment. Policy CF-67 Recognize that regional facilities can provide aesthetics, recreation, and fish and wildlife habitat in a community park -like or open space setting. Policy CF-68 Implement planned activities and continue current activities in the 2014 Stormwater Management Plan. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 2MNovember 2023 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: ***, 2021july 28 of 144 City of Port Orchard Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2024-2029 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Proj# Road Name Total Federal State (TIF Begin Termini Project Total Est. SnPnr Prinr to Filture Phase Funding Fund Fund Proj#) Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Cost Back to Agenda lditures 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Start Year Status Phase Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Capital Projects 1.1 Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW Phase PO Shoreline: Add 14-ft Multi -Modal (bikes & pedestrians) Sidney Ave. Foot 1.2 2,280,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 S ROW STP(U) 1,923,590 0 300,212 waterfront pathway & cantilevered retaining wall Ferry to Annapolis 3,000,000 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 P ROW 0 581,000 following historic Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian Foot Ferry N/A bridge across Black Jack Creek. 1.2 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction (S#1, S#6-11) The CN phase for the 14-ft Multi -Modal (bike & ped) 1.2 1,115,000 650,000 465,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 S CN waterfront pathway/cantilevered retailing wall 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2024 S CN following the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. N/A Inrli irioc Cco tR Ari Roariu r)nr Pron 1.3 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway West Port Orchard Blvd Situational study and Bay St: Ft Ferry 1.5 566,474 0 2023 490,000 0 76,474 to Tremont 0 566,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 P PL N/A 1.4 Old Clifton/ Anderson Hill Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Rd / Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified Anderson Hill Rd. 0 258,000 0 0 258,000 0 258,000 0 0 2027 S PE 0 258,000 in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and Intersection 1,738,000 0 0 1,738,000 0 0 0 1,738,000 0 2028 P CN Grant? 1,213,000 525,000 TIF 1.4 partially funded by Bayside Mit Funds. 1.5 Old Clifton Rd Non -Motorized Improvements Old Clifton Road: Rodway Improvements identified in the McCormick Campus PKWY to 0.75 450,000 150,000 0 450,000 0 450,000 0 0 0 2026 P PE 0 450,000 Urban Village Trans Plan. Design and Construction. Anderson Hill Rd. 2,000,000 2,700,000 2027 P CN STP(U), TIB/CS TIF 1.5, 2.07 Seperated pathway and shoulder facilities. RCO 1.7 Bethel/Sedgwick Phase 5a - Bethel/Lincoln RAB Bethel/Lincoln/Lunb Safety and capacity improvements to intersection and erg/ Mitchell 0 3,674,000 326,000 474,000 2021 S PE 800,000 reconfiguration of approaches. 0 0 3,200,000 3200000 2022 S CN HSP 1,500,000 TIB UAP 1,100,000 700,000 TIF 2.04e 1.8 Bethel/ Sedgwick Cooridor Phase la - Blueberry RAB Bethel Road: blueberry Phase la. Bethel/ Blueberry RAB 60% PE in 2022 0 3,341,000 0 250,000 285,000 160,000 125,000 2022 S PE 0 0 535,000 and start ROW for Phase la/b. Intersection 268,000 134,000 134,000 2024 S ROW 0 268,000 2,788,000 2788000 2026 P CN TIB/ 0 2,788,000 UAP/CS IF 2.04a I I I et e e gwrc orrr or ase - a mon erry Bethel Road: Salmonberry intersection Phase 1b. Bethel/ Salmonberry RAB Round and roadway segment design from Blueberry to Salmonberry. 60% PE in 2022. 0 11,467,000 0 375,000 891,000 497,000 394,000 2023 P PE 0 0 1,272,000 3,206,000 1,603,000 1,603,000 0 2024 P ROW 0 3,206,000 7,370,000 7,370,000 2026 P CN TIB/UAP/ 0 7,370,000 rlF 2.04a CS 1.10 Val lair Ct Connector Bethel Road / Road extension and intersection improvements Walmart Drive 0.25 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 2027 P PE & ROW 0 0 1,000,000 previously included in the Bethel Road Corridor ROW Intersection 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 2028 P CN 0 TIB 0 1,000,000 TIF 1.7 & Construction project. 1.11 Sidney Road SW Design - 60% Sedgwick Rd. to Berry Lake Rd. Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs to 0.95 500,000 500,000 2027 0 0 500,000 be widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) including 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 P PL TIB bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater TIF 2.05 system improvements. (COMPLETE STREET). 9/15/2023 PQr4f Aft U:\A1_Long Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01 -Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor City of Port Orchard Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2024-2029 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Proj# Road Name Total (TIF Begin Termini Project Total Est. SnPnr Prior to Future Federal State Phase Funding Fund Fund vroyr) Project Title/Project Description tna iermmi Length Cost Back Iditures 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Start Year Status Phase Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 1.12 Sedgwick Road West Study - 30% Design SR16 to Sidney Rd. Establish alignments and cross sections. Develop mitigation alternatives and identify right-of-way 300,000 0 0 300,000 300,000 2023 P Study BuildAm 300,000 TIF needs for roadway and identify potential sites to accommodate stormwater run off and mitigation for TIF 2.02,2.03 filling wetlands. Include stormwater element for 1.13 Lippert Sidewalk Retrofit and Pavement Repair Sidney Rd. S. to ADA ramp and driveway retrofits, sidewalk reparis, Pottery 0.95 35,000 0 35,000 0 2021 S PE 35,000 pavement repairs, stormwater retrofit. In house des 778,000 0 2022 S CN CDBP 244,000 544,000 with consulted survey & basemap N/A 788,000 1.14 Sidney Road Sidewalk Sidney Glen Elementary Sidewalk Address gap in sidewalk along school frontage 0.95 1,895,000 0 0 0 235,000 2023 P PE 173,000 62,000 1,660,000 2024 P CN SRTS 1,222,000 438,000 TIF 2.05 1.15 Pottery Avenue Non Motorized Improvements SR16 to Lippert Dr. Address sidewalk gap from Sunset to Clay near Tremont. Road diet and road widening to provide 0.95 840,000 0 35,000 0 2022 P PE 35,000 150,000 2022 P 150,000 bikeable shoulders and sidewalk improvements. 655,000 655,000 2024 S CN TIB CS 644,000 0 Safety enhancement at Pottery Lippert Intersection TIF 2.14 and School Crossing. 1.16 SR166/ Bay Street Reconstruction SR166 from Geiger to Frederick Raise street to address sea level rise and improve to current standard in accordance with redevelopment plans. Amount shown does not include water and 3,891,000 200,000 0 1,135,000 1,135,000 0 0 2022 P PE CDS 1,000,000 135,000 2,649,000 2,649,000 2026 P CN KRCC 2,000,000 649,000 sewer utility improvments. N/A City wide corridors, 1.17 Street Lighting Improvements highest priority locatoins Currently funded work includePottery, Sidney Rd. Future applications to be submitted for Tremont 1,100,000 0 0 100,000 0 100 2023 P PE HSIP 0 0 210,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 2024 P CN HSIP 210,000 0 N/A 1.18 Tremont Phase 2 and 3 Port Orchard Blvd to Sidney Ave. Non motorized connectivity study and design of elements for future ROW and/or CN application 732,000 0 0 732,000 732,000 2023 P PE Ped Bike 732,000 0 P ROW 0 2.12 & 2.30 1.19 SR160/Sedgewick Phase 2a New Intersection New Round About mid way between SR16 and Bethel Rd. Needed to support development on the corridor. City to compelte 60% DN and ROW acquisition for two 1,550,000 0 0 600,000 600,000 2027 P PE BuildAm 600,000 950,000 950,000 2028 P ROW BuildAm 950,000 TIF lane RAB that will be innitially constructed as one 2.046 Total Capital 44biU4/4 L4bb000 1U4CP54/4 JJU/buuu 6J51000 4bbb10U 1bW/0U0 E55ES000 Sbk5C000 1500000 1UIJB!IUU LSISUUU LbbZ/bub Maintenance Projects Total 2,023 Future Exp 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 1.51 Annual Pavement Maintenance Includes patching, crack -sealing, striping, and other 666,000 53,000 56,500 556,500 56,500 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 On going S CN 556,500 activities 1.52 * Annual Sidewalk & ADA Upgrade Program 9/15/2023 Pailg-,06tft U:\A1_Long Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01 -Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor Proj# Road Name (TIF Begin Termini Proj#) End Termini Project Title/Project Description Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps as identified in the program 1.53 ** Annual Pavement Management System Paving Projects Pavement replacement projects as identified in the pavement management system program City of Port Orchard Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2024-2029 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Total Federal State Project Total Est. SnPnr Prinr to Filture Phase Funding Fund Fund Length Cost Back to Agenda iditures 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Start Year Status Phase Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 976,000 30,000 30,000 7UJ,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 0 On going S CN 900,000 2,935,000 300,000 535,000 2,100,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 On going 5 CN 1.55 Overlay Pavement preparation and overlay. Tremont: PO Tremont Str./ Lund 1.2 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 Blvd. to Bridge, Old Clifton: SR16 to City Limits, Old Ave./ Old Clifton Rd. Clifton Anderson Hill to McCormick Woods Dr. Total Maintenance Projects 5,577,000 391,000 629,500 4,556,500 586,500 630,000 1,630,000 630,000 630,000 450,000 * Per 2016 ADA transition plan: $180,000 annually over 20 years to comply on arterial streets. ** Per 2016 Pavement Management Analysis Report: $1.45 million annually to maintain network condition (PCI of 70), $500k to keep network PCI above 65 after 5 years. 2025 P PE,CN KRCC 865,000 865,000 2,100,000 135,000 9/15/2023 F;J' tft U:\A1_Long Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01 -Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2030-2043 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Phase Priority Begin Termini Project Start Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Back to Agenda Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Capital Projects 2.01 Sidney Avenue (North of SR 16) Tremont Street to 1 3,750,000 3,750,000 0 2029 P PE/RW STP(U) 0 0 3,750,000 The design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition Fireweed 6,750,000 6,750,000 0 2031 P CN STP(U) 0 0 6,750,000 and construction for this project with bike lanes, storm drainage and sidewalks. (COMPLETE TIF 2.01 STREET) 2.02A Sedgwick Road West - Design, Permitting & ROW SR 16 Interchange to 0.4 462,428 462,428 0 2029 P PE STP(U) 400,000 0 62,428 The design, permitting and right-of-way Sidney Avenue 693,642 693,642 0 2030 P RW STP(U) 600,000 0 93,642 acquisition phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) TIF 2.02 2.02B Sedgwick Road West - Construction SR 16 Interchange to 0.4 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2031 P CN STP(U) 3,000,000 0 468,208 The construction phase for this widening project Sidney Rd. with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) TIF 2.02 2.04A.2 Ramsey Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Salmonberry Road 0.5 2,500,000 0 21500,000 2029 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.04A Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 2 - Design, Sedgwick Road: SR-16 2.0413 ROW and Construction interchange to Bethel 1,110,000 1,110,000 0 2030 P PE 0 0 1,110,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 0.7 2,802,000 2,802,000 0 2031 P RW 0 0 2,802,000 second phase of the street improvements per the 12,757,000 12,757,000 0 2032 P CN 12,725,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04E Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 3 - Design, Bethel Road: Blueberry 2.04C ROW and Construction to Sedgwick 422,000 422,000 0 2032 P PE 0 0 422,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 0.25 541,000 541,000 0 2033 P RW 0 0 541,000 third phase of the street improvements per the 4,859,000 4,859,000 0 2034 P CN 4,859,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04C Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 4 - Design, Bethel Road: Lund to 2.04D ROW and Construction Salmonberry 616,000 0 616,000 2034 P PE 0 0 616,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 0.5 1,041,000 0 1,041,000 2035 P RW 0 0 1,041,000 fourth phase of the street improvements per the 7,087,000 0 7,087,000 2036 P CN 7,087,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04D Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 5 - Design, Bethel Road: Mile Hill 2.04E ROW and Construction Drive to Lund 720,000 0 720,000 2036 P PE 0 0 720,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 1.1 1,532,000 0 1,532,000 2037 P RW 0 0 1,532,000 fifth phase of the street improvements per the 8,283,000 0 8,283,000 2038 P CN 8,283,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04E 9/15/2023 PQg)0ftg Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01- Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2030-2043 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Phase Priority Begin Termini Project Start Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Back to Agenda Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 2.05 Sidney Road SW Widening Sidney Road _... Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it SR 16 Overpass to 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2028 P PE 0 0 500,000 needs to be widened to three lanes (additional Sedgwick Road 5,761,850 5,761,850 0 2029 P CN STP(U) 3,600,000 TIB 1,600,000 561,850 TWTL) including bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.05 (COMPLETE STREET). 2.06 Pottery Avenue Widening Pottery Avenue: Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Tremont Place to 0.22 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 2029 P ALL 0 0 1,600,000 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. Melcher Street TIF 2.06 2.07 Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Pedestrian Improvements Old Clifton Road: Design and construction of shoulder widening, Anderson Hill to 1.35 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 2028 P CN 0 0 2,000,000 street lighting, watermain extension and grade- Westerly City Limits seperated Pedestrian Path as identified in the TIF 2.07 McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. 2.08 O. Clifton Rd & McC. Woods Dr. Intersection Old Clifton Rd/ Design and construction of intersecion McCormick Woods Dr. 0 250,000 0 250,000 2032 P PE 0 0 250,000 (roundabout) improvements including street Intersection 750,000 0 750,000 2033 P CN 0 0 750,000 lighting, as identified in the McCormick Urban TIF 2.08 Village Trans Plan. 2.09 Melcher Street Widening Melcher Street West is currently a narrow two- Melcher Street: 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 750,000 lane road. The reconstruction would widen the Pottery Avenue to road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, Sherman Avenue sidewalks and a stormwater system. TIF 2.09 2.10 Fireweed Road Widening Fireweed is currently a narrow two lane road. The Fireweed Road: 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2035 P ALL 0 0 750,000 reconstruction would widen the road to allow for Sidney Avenue to safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a South Flower Avenue TIF 2.10 stormwater system. 2.11 Sherman Avenue Widening Sherman Avenue: Sherman Avenue is currently a narrow two-lane Fireweed Road to 0.35 525,000 0 525,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 750,000 road. The reconstruction would widen the road to Terminus at SR 16 allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. TIF 2.12 2.12 Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 2) Port Orchard Blvd. Construct roundabouts at Tremont Street/PO Blvd. Tremont Street to 1.1 and Bay Street (SR166)/PO Blvd. and curb, gutter, Ba Street SR166 Y ( ) 809,250 0 809,250 2033 P PE STP(U) 700,000 0 109,250 bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, storm 520,231 0 520,231 2035 P RW STP(U) 450,000 0 70,231 drainage and Schedule 74 Undergrounding. 7,225,434 0 7,225,434 2037 P CN STP(U) 6,250,000 0 975,434 TIF 2.13 2.13 Pottery Avenue Widening Tremont to SR16 Pottery Avenue Pottery is currently a two-lane road, it needs to be Tremont Street 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2030 P PE STP(U) 432,500 67,500 widened to a four -lane road, with sidewalks, SR 16 Overpass traffic calming and upgrades to the stormwater 750,000 750,000 0 2031 P RW STP(U) 648,750 101,250 TIF 2.14 system. 2,950,000 2,950,000 0 2033 P CN STP(U) 2,292,250 0 657,750 9/15/2023 PQ)Ag Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01- Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2030-2043 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Phase Priority Begin Termini Project Start Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Back to Agenda Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 2.14 Old Clifton Berry Lake Road Intersection - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intersection Improvement by Kitsap County 2.15 Blueberry Road Widening Geiger Road to Bethel Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Road 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2036 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.16 2.16 Geiger Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Blueberry Road 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2034 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.17 2.17 Salmonberry Road Widening Ramsey Road to Bethel Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Road 0.15 225,000 0 225,000 2028 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.18 2.18 Piperberry Way Extention Geiger Road to Ramsey Provide an extetion of Piperberry from Ramsey to Road 0.25 575,000 0 575,000 2034 P ALL 0 0 0 Geiger and a new street connection to the proposed round about on Sedgwick. TIF 2.19 2.19 Old Clifton & Feilgly Intersection Feigly intersection Complete streets improvemets indentified in the 0 2,800,000 0 21800,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 McCormicks Urban Village Transportation Plan. Continuation of 1.5A TIF 2.21 2.20 Bay Street Pathway - West Tremont to Footferry Continuation of project following study in 1.8 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 2.21 Walmart to Salmonberry Connector Salmonberry Complete roadway connnection 0 800,000 0 800,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 TIF 2.04A 2.22 Downtown Bay Street Study Port Orchard Blvd to Study main street in downtown port orchard for Mile Hill Dr intersection 0 1,000,000 0 11000,000 2033 P ALL 0 0 0 complete streets with bikelanes and streetscape with Bay Street. for pedestrians and storefronts. Study to address traffic cirulcation and raising streets for seal level rise and assocated stormwater and other utility imnrnvpmantc 2.23 Bay Street Improvements Port Orchard Blvd to Complete Street and utlitiy improvements. Refer Mile Hill Dr intersection 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 to Study. with Bay Street. 2.24 Bay St. & Port Orchard Blvd Intersection Bay Street at Port 9/15/2023 P%*hli&g Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01- Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2030-2043 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Phase Priority Begin Termini Project Start Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description Back to Agenda Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Single Lane Round About to address safety and Orchard Buli _ _,_ _0,000 0 3,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 capacity. Bay Street Pathway crossing. Assumed creek is not impacted by project/ no major mitigation. 2.25 Bay St. & Kitsap Street Intersection Improvement Bay Street at Kitsap Re -align Kitsap intersection to addres safety and Street 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 capacity. Cline to end at Kitsap. Relocate flag pole. Signalized Intersection? 2.26 Bay St. & Mitchell and Wetzil Bay Street at Mitchell Reconfigure intersections to address safety and Avenue and Guy Wetzil 0 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 capacity. Rd. 2.27 Sidney Avenue Improvements Prospect St. to the Sidewalk and streetscape improvements. Waterfront 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Developer Imrpovements? 2.28 Harrison Avenue Improvements Bay Street to the Sidewalk and streetscape improvements. Signal Waterfront 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 replacement? Developer Project? 2.28 Fredrickson Ave Impr. Cline St. to Sidney Ave. Convert to two way street with angled parking. 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Provide sidewalk and streetscape impr. 2.29 New Waterfront Street Cline Street to Harrson Sidewalk and streetscape improvements. "Shared Avenue 0 2,500,000 0 21500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Street" concept. Developer Improvement? Port Orchard Blvd. to 2.30 Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 3) Sidney Ave. Center median, bike lane, sidewalk, and 0 5,000,000 0 51000,000 2041 P ALL STP(U) 0 FIB, Ped Biki 0 0 streetscape improvements on Tremont and Sidney. Round about at the Tremont/ Sidney intersection for non -motorized safety. Total Tier 2 Capital Projects 86,986,043 52,377,128 34,608,915 51,327,500 1,600,000 29,801,543 9/15/2023 PQg Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01- Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2030-2043 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Phase Priority Begin Termini Project Start Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Back to Agenda Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Maintenance Project 2.51 Cline Avenue Repairs Replace sidewalk and parking strip. Cline Avenue: 0.13 200,000 0 0 P ALL 200,000 Kitsap Street to Dwight Street Total Tier 2 Maintenance Projects 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 9/15/2023 PQg Range Projects\2023\02 - Plans\LR23-PLAN-03 - 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments\01- Working Folder\2022-2041 TIP.8_14_2023.draftsincolor Issue Title City of Port Orchard Back to Agenda Work Study Session Executive Summary An Ordinance Amending POMC 20.132 —Temporary Signs Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Time Required: 30 minutes Attendees: Jim Fisk, AICP Action Requested at this Meeting: Issue: The City's current sign regulations allow temporary signage, as defined in Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.132.290, to be placed within public right-of-way outside of the roadway provided the temporary signage placement is consistent with the regulations of POMC 20.132.270. Due to the increasing numbers of temporary signs seen in the ROW in recent years and the related safety concerns, the City Council asked the Planning Commission to review, study, and make a recommendation concerning temporary signs. After significant review and discussion, on October 3, 2023, the Planning Commission held public hearing on the proposed amendments to POMC 20.132 related to temporary signs in public right-of-way. Comments were not received on the proposed amendment. The proposed Ordinance identifies corridors where temporary signs may be placed provided the temporary sign meets certain location criteria. These corridors include: (i) Tremont Street (ii) Lund Ave (iii) SR-160 (iv) Sedgwick Street West (v) Sidney Road Southwest (vi) Pottery Avenue (vii) Sidney Avenue (viii) Old Clifton Road (ix) Mile Hill Road (x) Bethel Avenue (xi) Glenwood Road (xii) Hull Avenue (xiii) Bay Street West of Kitsap Street. In addition, there are other proposed criteria for the placement of temporary signs. 37 of 144 1. Temporary signs may only be placed when an adjacent sidewalk or oth-r narlactriin firility is present. It is unsafe for people to be walking in the roadway or sh Back to Agenda !ir vehicle in these locations for signs to be placed. 2. Temporary signs must be located at least 50 feet from an intersection and cannot be placed adjacent to public property. The Planning Commission's recommendation is attached to this staff report. Since the Planning Commission made its recommendation, staff has suggested three additional revisions. 1. Staff has realized that the setback as proposed is difficult to enforce and that the requirement is hard to visually communicate through mapping. In formulating a staff recommendation for a 50-foot setback to the Planning Commission, staff intended for measurements to be made from the intersecting streets curb line. However, no mapping data exists for the city's curb lines which makes communicating the locations where signs are and are not allowed using maps difficult. The City has centerline data for its roads, but the centerline is often 20-50 feet from the curb line of an intersecting street (depending on the street). In order to be able to produce maps illustrating where temporary signs are allowed, staff recommends that temporary sign setbacks be a minimum distance of 100 feet from intersections measured from centerline intersections in the revised Ordinance. This measurement is more in -line with the intent of improving safety at intersections and provides the ability to effectively communicate the areas to the public. 2. Additionally, enforcement of the Ordinance requires in -field measurements and the need for Code Enforcement officers to accurately determine the location of the temporary sign related to an intersection. While the process above allows the locations to be effectively communicated to the public, it does not provide a safe mechanism for enforcement as Code Enforcement officers would need to determine the distance from the intersection by standing within a travel lane. For this reason, staff also included an in -field measurement from the point of a curb return to a point 50 feet from the intersection. This method allows staff to make a determination in the field without creating unnecessary risk. 3. Staff also recognizes the increased use of fully autonomous and semi -autonomous vehicle technology and the potential danger that could arise from temporary signs in the right-of-way interfering with a vehicle's ability to safely navigate our roadways. Staff included a measure from travel lane edge stripes or where edge stripes do not exist, the edge of pavement, of at least 10 feet to account for autonomous and semi -autonomous vehicle safety. These additional edits do not significantly differ from the Planning Commission's recommendation, but do add additional regulation for safety, implementation, and effective public communication. Alternatives: Approve the Planning Commission Recommendation as presented, Approve the Staff Recommendation based on the Planning Commission Recommendation, Do not approve changes to the Temporary Sign Code Recommendations: Council should discuss the alternatives and the draft ordinance and instruct staff of their preference for consideration on November 28, 2023. If necessary, an additional public hearing can be scheduled. Attachments: Planning Commission Recommended Ordinance, Staff Recommended Ordinance (based on the PC Recommendation) 38 of 144 Back to Agenda ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT CODE WITH REGARD TO THE CITY SIGN CODE AND TEMPORARY SIGNS; AMENDING SECTION 20.132.270 OF THE PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CORRECTIONS, AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is within the City's police power to regulate City rights -of -way and other public spaces; and WHEREAS, a 2015 decision of the United States Supreme Court (Reed v. Town of Gilbert) necessitated a review of the City's sign regulations; and WHEREAS, the Reed decision ruled that, in most instances, local government sign regulations must be "content neutral"; and WHEREAS, on June 27, 2017, the City Council adopted Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.132, Ord. 024-17, containing the City of Port Orchard's development standards for permanent and temporary signage; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development documented the location and amount of temporary signs in seven study areas between November 2022 and August 2023; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development documented the location and amount of temporary signs in seven study areas through reliance on historical street -view photography between October 2012 and August 2022 WHEREAS, the amount of temporary signs in the study areas has significantly increased in the five-year period following the adoption of Ord. 024-17; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development analyzed Port Orchard Police reported crash data for the five-year period previous to the adoption of Ord. 024-17 and the five-year period following the adoption of Ord. 024-17; and WHEREAS, the Port Orchard Police reported crash data for the five-year period following the adoption of Ord. 024-17 shows an increase in reported crash frequency within five of the seven study areas; and WHEREAS, based on the data, a nexus exists between an increase in the frequency of reported crashes and the location of temporary signage; and 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 39 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 2 of 7 Back to Agenda WHEREAS, POMC 20.132.270, does not currently make adequate provision for safety related to the location of temporary signs; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend POMC Section 20.132.270 to amend location standards for temporary signs; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2023, the City's SEPA official issued a determination of nonsignificance for the proposed amendment, which was published and provided to the public in accordance with POMC 20.160.190 and WAC 197-11-510, and there have been no appeals; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance was submitted to the Department of Commerce for 15-day expedited review September 27, 2023 which was granted by Commerce and the requisite time has now passed to allow this ordinance to be adopted; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 2023, the City issued a Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed amendment to POMC 20.132.270, which was published and provided to the public in accordance with POMC 20.25.050; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the substance of this Ordinance on October 3, 2023, and recommended adoption by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after careful consideration of the recommendation from the Planning Commission, all public comment, and the Ordinance, finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, and that the amendments herein are in the best interests of the residents of the City and further advance the public health, safety, and welfare; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Port Orchard Municipal Code, Section 20.132.270 is hereby amended to read as follows: 20.132.270 Temporary signs. (1) No Permit Required. A temporary sign does not require a sign permit but shall comply with the fellewiRg standards-- set forth in this section. (2) Removal. Temporary signs shall be removed if the sign is in need of repair, is worn, dilapidated or creates a public nuisance. Any temporary sign in the right-of-way that is dilapidated or a nuisance shall be removed by the person responsible for placement of the sign. 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 40 of 144 Ordinance No. Pa>?e 3 of 7 Back to Agenda Temporary signs on public property or within a public right of way that do not comply with this chapter will be removed by city personnel. Those removed signs which are not dilapidated or nuisance signs will be stored by the City for up to 7 calendar days for retrieval. (3) Materials. See POMC 20.132.100, Sign materials, and the definition of "temporary sign" in POMC 20.132.290, Definitions. (4) City Property (Excluding City Right -of -Way). Temporary signs on city -owned property (excluding city right-of-way) are allowed only in conjunction with an approved special event permit. (5) C#y Public Right -of -Way Requirements. (a) Location. Temporary signs are prohibited from being placed within roundabouts: medians: shoulders: travel lanes: and areas of the public right-of-way that are not accessible by a sidewalk or pedestrian walking path. Signs shall not be located within 50 feet of an intersection. Signs shall not be located in rights -of -way adjacent to (on the same side of the street as) city facilities or parks, or any other government -owned facilities and properties. Placement shall only be allowed along the following corridors in locations that otherwise comply with this section: nllei.y d- enl„ h +,.,eeR the r p rty line and the h-,,.I, Af +hp r„-,rg (I) Tremont Street (ii) Lund Ave (iii) SR-160 (iv) Sedwick Street West (v) Sidney Road Southwest (vi) Pottery Avenue (vii) Sidney Avenue (viii) Old Clifton Road (ix) Mile Hill Road (x) Bethel Avenue (xi) Glenwood Road (xii) Hull Avenue xiii) Bay Street West of Kitsap Street. (b) Approval of Abutting Owner. Approval of the abutting owner is recommended. 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 41 of 144 Ordinance No. Pafze 4 of 7 Back to Agenda (c) Type. Signs on stakes that can be manually pushed or hammered into the ground are allowed. All other signs are prohibited, unless specifically allowed by a street use permit. (d) Size and Height. Limited to four square feet ems, and three feet in height. (fe) Other Signs. The city may allow permanent or oversize signs in city rights -of - way with a street use permit. f) Safety. All temporary signs shall be placed in a manner that is safe for all users of the public right-of-way. Temporary signs shall not block access to structures, parked cars. block vehicular sight distance views at corners, intersections, driveways, or block pedestrian walking paths. No temporary sign shall mimic, or be attached to, governmental signs or power op les. (6) Residential Zones. Temporary signs may be placed on rip vate property residentially zoned in accordance with the requirements of this section and the following: (a) Window Signs. Limited to no more than one temporary window sign per residential unit, not to exceed four square feet. (b) Freestanding Signs (Includes Post -Mounted, Stake and Portable Signs). (i) Single -Family Zones. Each temporary freestanding sign shall not exceed four square feet in size and five feet in height, if the sign is mounted on the ground, and not to exceed three feet in height if the sign is stake -mounted or portable. No more than 32 square feet of temporary freestanding signage may be located on any one site. (ii) Multifamily Zones. Each temporary freestanding sign shall not exceed six square feet in size and five feet in height if the sign is post -mounted on the ground, and not to exceed three feet in height if the sign is stake -mounted or portable. No more than 32 square feet of temporary freestanding signage may be located on any one site. (iii) Developments. One post -mounted sign of up to eight feet in height and 32 square feet shall be allowed on -site in association with a residential subdivision, during the period of active site development and construction. Such sign may not be permanently installed, and shall be removed upon completion of construction of all homes in the associated subdivision. If site development or construction ceases or is suspended for a period of more 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 42 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 5 of 7 Back to Agenda than 180 days, the sign shall be removed until construction or development resumes. (c) Surface -Mounted Signs. Limited to sites two acres or larger: (i) Size. The total amount of temporary signage on a site, whether in one sign or multiple signs, must equal no more than 32 square feet. (ii) Location. Must be flatly affixed to walls below the fascia or parapet line, or flatly affixed to on -site fences either facing or abutting the street, or facing inward to the subject site. Signs shall not be attached or tethered to other site improvements. (7) Nonresidential Zones. Temporary signs are allowed on nonresidentially zoned property in accordance with the requirements of this section and the following: (a) Window Signs. Limited to 25 percent of the window area, subject to the window sign requirements of POMC 20.132.280, Window signs. (b) Freestanding Signs (Including Post -Mounted, Stake and Portable Signs). One sign per street frontage meeting the following conditions: Size/height: limited to four square feet and five feet in height if the temporary sign is mounted on the ground,,and not te- exEeed- three feet ;n height ;f the tempeFaFy sigR as peFta-ble. (c) Surface -Mounted Signs. (i) Size. The total amount of temporary signage on a site, whether in one sign or multiple signs, must equal no more than 30 square feet. (ii) Location. Must be flatly affixed to walls below the fascia or parapet line, or flatly affixed to on -site fences either facing the abutting street, or facing inward to the subject site. Signs shall not be attached or tethered to other site improvements. (8) Temporary Signs on Large Properties, Residential or Nonresidentially Zoned Properties. The following temporary signs may be placed on any site at least two acres in size, in accordance with the requirements of this section and the following: (a) Type. Any type. (b) Number/Size/Height. One sign per street frontage. Not to exceed 32 square feet and up to eight feet above ground level. 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 43 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 6 of 7 Back to Agenda (c) Exclusivity. The sign allowed under this subsection is in lieu of and shall not be displayed with or be in addition to other temporary signs allowed by this section. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. SECTION 4. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this day of 2023. rila1*11 Robert Putaansuu, Mayor SPONSOR: Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk , Councilmember APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 44 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 7 of 7 Back to Agenda 10743209.1 - 366922 - 0021 45 of 144 Back to Agenda ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT CODE WITH REGARD TO THE CITY SIGN CODE AND TEMPORARY SIGNS; AMENDING SECTION 20.132.270 OF THE PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CORRECTIONS, AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is within the City's police power to regulate City rights -of -way and other public spaces; and WHEREAS, a 2015 decision of the United States Supreme Court (Reed v. Town of Gilbert) necessitated a review of the City's sign regulations; and WHEREAS, the Reed decision ruled that, in most instances, local government sign regulations must be "content neutral"; and WHEREAS, on June 27, 2017, the City Council adopted Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.132, Ord. 024-17, containing the City of Port Orchard's development standards for permanent and temporary signage; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development documented the location and amount of temporary signs in seven study areas between November 2022 and August 2023; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development documented the location and amount of temporary signs in seven study areas through reliance on historical street -view photography between October 2012 and August 2022 WHEREAS, the amount of temporary signs in the study areas has significantly increased in the five-year period following the adoption of Ord. 024-17; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development analyzed Port Orchard Police reported crash data for the five-year period previous to the adoption of Ord. 024-17 and the five-year period following the adoption of Ord. 024-17; and WHEREAS, the Port Orchard Police reported crash data for the five-year period following the adoption of Ord. 024-17 shows an increase in reported crash frequency within five of the seven study areas; and WHEREAS, based on the data, a nexus exists between an increase in the frequency of reported crashes and the location of temporary signage; and 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 46 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 2 of 7 Back to Agenda WHEREAS, new fully autonomous and semi -autonomous vehicle technologies exist that utilize cameras, radar, and lidar to allow a vehicle to automatically steer, accelerate, and brake without driver intervention and temporary signs placed too close to travel lane may interfere with these systems and other emerging vehicle technology; and WHEREAS, POMC 20.132.270, does not currently make adequate provision for safety related to the location of temporary signs; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend POMC Section 20.132.270 to amend location standards for temporary signs; and WHEREAS, on September 28, 2023, the City's SEPA official issued a determination of nonsignificance for the proposed amendment, which was published and provided to the public in accordance with POMC 20.160.190 and WAC 197-11-510, and there have been no appeals; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance was submitted to the Department of Commerce for 15-day expedited review September 28, 2023 which was granted by Commerce and the requisite time has now passed to allow this ordinance to be adopted; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 2023, the City issued a Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed amendment to POMC 20.132.270, which was published and provided to the public in accordance with POMC 20.25.050; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the substance of this Ordinance on October 3, 2023, and recommended adoption by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after careful consideration of the recommendation from the Planning Commission, all public comment, and the Ordinance, finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, and that the amendments herein are in the best interests of the residents of the City and further advance the public health, safety, and welfare; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Port Orchard Municipal Code, Section 20.132.270 is hereby amended to read as follows: 20.132.270 Temporary signs. (1) No Permit Required. A temporary sign does not require a sign permit but shall 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 47 of 144 Ordinance No. Page3of7 Back to Agenda comply with the feting standards= set forth in this section. (2) Removal. Temporary signs shall be removed if the sign is in need of repair, is worn, dilapidated, or creates a public nuisance. Any temporary sign in the right-of-way that is dilapidated or a nuisance shall be removed by the person responsible for placement of the sign. Temporary signs on public property or within a public right of way that do not comply with this chapter will be removed by city personnel. Those removed signs which are not dilapidated or nuisance signs will be stored by the City for up to 7 calendar days for retrieval. (3) Materials. See POMC 20.132.100, Sign materials, and the definition of "temporary sign" in POMC 20.132.290, Definitions. (4) City Property (Excluding City Right -of -Way). Temporary signs on city -owned property (excluding city right-of-way) are allowed only in conjunction with an approved special event permit. (5) Public Right -of -Way Requirements. 9ei�the —R^�Teys+gfas (a) Location. Temporary signs are prohibited from being placed within roundabouts: medians: shoulders: travel lanes: and areas of the public right-of-way that are not accessible by a sidewalk or pedestrian walking path. Signs shall not be located within 50-100 feet of the roadway centerlines for an intersection or within 50 feet of the beginning or end of a curb radius at an intersection. Signs shall not be located in rights -of -way adjacent to on the same side of the street as) city facilities or parks, or any other government -owned facilities and properties. Signs shall not be located within 10 feet of a travel lane edge stripe (fog line) or where no travel lane edge stripe exists, within 10 feet of the pavement edge or face of curb. Placement shall onlv be allowed along the following corridors in locations that otherwise comply with this section: /ill.,,. ed eel„ h.,+,.,een the r erty lire and the bael- „f the nearest, euFb, eF wheFe ne curb exists, between the picepeicty line and the neaFest edge of pavement. Signs may net be placed en sidewall(s, dFiveways E)F E)theF paved aFeas designed fE)F 0) Tremont St {4 ii Tremont Street W (i+}(iii) SE Lund Ave 40 iv SR-160 v SE Sed wick Rd.S*r^�e4 NO SW Sedgwick Rd 4v4Lvii) Sidney Ave { 4 viii Sidney Read SW^bo 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 48 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 4 of 7 Back to Agenda {44 ix Pottery Ave�a�e kvi4 x) Sidney Ave+x e kv+4fxiL SW Old Clifton Read 4x4 xii SE Mile Hill DrAead xiii Bethel A*epA+eRd SE {x}(xiv) Bethel Ave {*4 xv Glenwood Read SW 044 xvi Hull Ave4 e {�c+i+} xvii Bav Sty West of Kitsap Sty. (b) Approval of Abutting Owner. Approval of the abutting owner is recommended. (c) Type. Signs on stakes that can be manually pushed or hammered into the ground are allowed. All other signs are prohibited, unless specifically allowed by a street use permit. (d) Size and Height. Limited to four square feet er face, and three feet in height. (fe) Other Signs. The city may allow permanent or oversize signs in city rights -of - way with a street use permit. f) Safety. All temporary signs shall be placed in a manner that is safe for all users of the public right-of-way. Temporary signs shall not block access to structures, parked cars. block vehicular sight distance views at corners, intersections, driveways, or block pedestrian walking paths. No temporary sign shall mimic, or be attached to, governmental signs or power op les. (6) Residential Zones. Temporary signs may be placed on rip vate property residentially zoned in accordance with the requirements of this section and the following: (a) Window Signs. Limited to no more than one temporary window sign per residential unit, not to exceed four square feet. (b) Freestanding Signs (Includes Post -Mounted, Stake and Portable Signs). (i) Single -Family Zones. Each temporary freestanding sign shall not exceed four square feet in size and five feet in height, if the sign is mounted on the ground, and not to exceed three feet in height if the sign is stake -mounted or portable. No more than 32 square 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 49 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 5 of 7 Back to Agenda feet of temporary freestanding signage may be located on any one site. (ii) Multifamily Zones. Each temporary freestanding sign shall not exceed six square feet in size and five feet in height if the sign is post -mounted on the ground, and not to exceed three feet in height if the sign is stake -mounted or portable. No more than 32 square feet of temporary freestanding signage may be located on any one site. (iii) Developments. One post -mounted sign of up to eight feet in height and 32 square feet shall be allowed on -site in association with a residential subdivision, during the period of active site development and construction. Such signs may not be permanently installed, and shall be removed upon completion of construction of all homes in the associated subdivision. If site development or construction ceases or is suspended for a period of more than 180 days, the sign shall be removed until construction or development resumes. (c) Surface -Mounted Signs. Limited to sites two acres or larger: (i) Size. The total amount of temporary signage on a site, whether in one sign or multiple signs, must equal no more than 32 square feet. (ii) Location. Must be flatly affixed to walls below the fascia or parapet line, or flatly affixed to on -site fences either facing or abutting the street, or facing inward to the subject site. Signs shall not be attached or tethered to other site improvements. (7) Nonresidential Zones. Temporary signs are allowed on nonresidentially zoned property in accordance with the requirements of this section and the following: (a) Window Signs. Limited to 25 percent of the window area, subject to the window sign requirements of POMC 20.132.280, Window signs. (b) Freestanding Signs (Including Post -Mounted, Stake and Portable Signs). One sign per street frontage meeting the following conditions: Size/height: limited to four square feet and five feet in height if the temporary sign is mounted on the ground, and Retts exEeed- three feet in height ;f the (c) Surface -Mounted Signs. (i) Size. The total amount of temporary signage on a site, whether in one sign or multiple signs, must equal no more than 30 square feet. (ii) Location. Must be flatly affixed to walls below the fascia or parapet 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 50 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 6 of 7 Back to Agenda line, or flatly affixed to on -site fences either facing the abutting street, or facing inward to the subject site. Signs shall not be attached or tethered to other site improvements. (8) Temporary Signs on Large Properties, Residential or Nonresidentially Zoned Properties. The following temporary signs may be placed on any site at least two acres in size, in accordance with the requirements of this section and the following: (a) Type. Any type. (b) Number/Size/Height. One sign per street frontage. Not to exceed 32 square feet and up to eight feet above ground level. (c) Exclusivity. The sign allowed under this subsection is in lieu of and shall not be displayed with or be in addition to other temporary signs allowed by this section. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. SECTION 4. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTION S. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this day of 2023. ATTEST: Robert Putaansuu, Mayor SPONSOR: 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 51 of 144 Ordinance No. Page 7 of 7 Back to Agenda Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk , Councilmember APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: 10743209.2 - 366922 - 0021 52 of 144 A00ff, I* `yam■�� v._ City of Port Orchard Work Study Session Executive Summary Back to Agenda Issue Title: Update to Fee Schedules for Community Development and Public Works. Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Time Required: 20 minutes Attendees: Nick Bond, Community Development Director Action Requested At This Meeting: Provide feedback to staff on proposed revisions to the City's Fee Resolution: Fee Schedules for Community Development and Public Works. Background: The fee schedules for Community Development and Public Works are periodically reviewed and updated to ensure the fees are consistent with services provided and to cover the cost of providing these services. Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.02.070 provides for permitting and administrative fees and policies to be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The last update to the fee resolution was April 2022. Issue: Many changes have occurred since the last fee schedule update, including high rates of inflation, a new interlocal agreement with Kitsap County for Fire Marshal services for fireworks display, the City's ongoing use of consultants for building plan review and inspection services, and changes to the ICC building valuation tables. The major changes in the proposed fee resolution include: • Adoption of the August 2023 ICC Building Valuation Table. Building permits are based on valuation, and this table reflects increased construction cost valuations and will result in an increase to building permit and plan review fees. The amount of increase to the cost to build a 2,000 square foot house would be $646.80. This additional revenue is needed to support recently approved employees being added to the building department and the City's increased use of consultants for plan review services. • Fees added for the review of multiple elevations when submitted with a Basic Plan review to reflect processing time. • Clarification of hourly rate charges for plan review by staff members when multiple revisions are submitted. • Clarification of inspection fee charged at hourly rate as indicated in the fees tables. • Adding the Fireworks Display fee to the Fire permit fee table. 53 of 144 • Updates to the City's refund policies. Back to Agenda • Establish rates for Fire Code permits. • Clarification of charges for 3rd party consultant review for building and fire code permits when using the hourly rate. • Fees added or increased to reflect processing time for code -related requirements. o Critical Areas Exemption Request increased from $75 to $135. o Land Use and Development Regulations Amendment added @ $500 (same as for Comp Plan Amendment). • Minimum charge for work without a Permit penalty increased from $65 to $75. • Fee added for published notifications ($300 each). • Clarification of payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. • Clarification of notary services. Alternatives: The City Council has this opportunity to suggest changes to the fees as proposed. Recommendation: City staff recommends that the City Council review and discuss the proposed fee resolution prior to this item being brought forward for consideration on November 28, 2023. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Attachments: Fee resolution; Changes to the fee schedules: redline and clean versions, Current fee schedules as adopted by Resolution 044-22. 54 of 144 Back to Agenda RESOLUTION NO. XXX-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REPEALING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 044-22 AND ESTABLISHING NEW FEE SCHEDULES FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is responsible for implementing land use regulations, planning and public works requirements, administering the building code, and other administrative duties; and WHEREAS, the City incurs administrative costs associated with the implementation of city regulations and policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted, through ordinance, regulations calling for the establishment of administrative fees to be set by resolution of the Council; and WHEREAS, the City's current Community Development and Public Works Departments administrative fees were adopted on April 26, 2022, with an effective date of May 1, 2022, as set forth in Resolution No. 044-22; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City of Port Orchard to periodically review and update the City's administrative fees to ensure the fees are consistent with the services provided and cover the public cost of providing these services so that the public is not subsidizing individual benefits derived from public services; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: Resolution No. 044-22 is hereby repealed in its entirety effective as of 11:59 pm on December 30, 2023. THAT: The rates, fees and charges charged by the Community Development and Public Works Departments for the specified services are here by adopted as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which is adopted by this reference. THAT: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage, but the fees set forth on Exhibit "A" shall be levied beginning at midnight, 12:00 a.m., January 01, 2024. THAT: Upon the approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make any necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, numbering, section/subsection numbers and any reference thereto. THAT: Provisions of this Resolution are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this Resolution or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Resolution, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. 55 of 144 Back to Agenda PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 28t" Day of November, 2023. ATTEST: Brandy Wallace, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor 56 of 144 Exhibit A to Resolution XXX-23 FEE SCHEDULES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLI1 Back to Agenda A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. Time of collection of fees. a. Fees shall be collected at the times specified in the City Code or this Fee Resolution. If not specified, the minimum fee shall be collected at the time of application submittal. No application will be deemed "counter complete" until the fee due with the application has been received by the City. b. For applications that are submitted online, the applicant can pay the fees electronically or may submit another form of payment in person or via U.S. Mail. The determination of whether a permit application is "counter complete" will be deferred for four business days following submittal of the online application submittal. If payment for the fees is not received by the City by the fourth business day, then the City will reject the application. In no case will the City take any steps to process an application until such time as the fees due with the application are received in full. c. The City may bill an applicant and require payment for accrued fees at any time in the permit review process. d. The final fees will be recalculated during review, and any additional amount due shall be collected prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation. e. At the time an application or permit is denied or canceled, the final fee shall be determined and collected. f. Any fee in excess of the final calculated fee shall be refunded pursuant to Refunds Table 25. g. All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to scheduling or performing final inspections. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. A project may require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive. When an applicant is required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit, separate fees are required for each permit. 3. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be the contractor's bid price, rounded up to the next whole dollar. For work not done by a contractor, the construction value shall include the price of materials, plus the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found materials, multiplied by two (2). Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. 4. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a "basic plan" review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city's standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be 57 of 144 approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each i Back to Agenda applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city's building code has been updated unless the plans have been re -reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. TABLE 1: Fee Calculations. Permit fees and Plan Review fees shall be determined by using the calculations found in Table 1. Valuations shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the August 2023 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and as otherwise set in Tables 2 and 3. Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, $501 to $2,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $2,001 to $25,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $25,001 to $50,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $50,001 to $100,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,001 to $500,000 $500,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each $1,000,001 and up additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Unfinished Basement (Group R-3) $23.50 Square foot Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $64.19 square foot Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 square foot 58 of 144 2 Back to Agenda TABLE 3: Miscellaneous Permit fees: Unit of Building Permit Type Amount Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $75 Each Fences over 6 feet in height $11.74 Per Linear Foot Garages or Carports, Multiple $64.19 square foot Per Linear Retaining walls $19.67 Foot Construction value (contract Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Apply Construction price or Removal Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Roof: Composition, Metal Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Wood Shake Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Torch Down Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Residential Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $75 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name change, or business ownership change, or property ownership change. $60 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park (Does not inclu e $150 Each porches, decks, or other added work covered under Back tv mquiiva the IRC) Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH park (Does not include porches, decks, or other added work covered under the IRC) $75 Each Reactivation fee, for permit expired for less than one 50% of original year, no plan changes permit fee Violator must obtain the required permit and pay double the permit fee, or a $75.00 minimum penalty if the Double the permit permit fee is Work without a permit — penalty; fee, or $75 less than minimum. $75.00. Construction value (contract Apply Construction or materials x Sign (when a building permit is required) Value to Table 1 2) Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Calculate Residential siding replacement: permit required construction when over 1000 sq. ft. or if any structural work is Apply Construction value at $70 required (POMC 20.200.014) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Commercial siding replacement Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 For each use Basic plan review, additional elevation(s) $225 each Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Windows or Doors Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Fire Code Permits Fire Code permit projects may be reviewed by a consultant under contract services, depending on city staff workload. Plan review fee submitted with the application may cover the consultant cost. TABLE 4: Fire Code Permit Fees: Fire Construction Amount Calculation 60 of 144 4 Fire Alarm, new Construction valL_0acK tv /Agunua (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Alarm, minor modifications to existing Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Sprinkler, new or major modification Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Sprinkler, modifications 20 heads or fewer Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Suppression System, Class 1 Hood and Duct Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Solar Panels: Solar energy/photovoltaic panel $235 each system roof mounted install per WAC 51-51-2300 Sec. M2302 Standpipe System Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Construction permits, other $75.00 An inspection fee at the hourly rate will apply when an inspection is required. Fire Operational Amount Calculation High Piled Storage Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure Permit required. No permit fee. Technology fee applies. Fire operational permits, other $75.00 An inspection fee at the hourly rate will apply when an inspection is required. Fireworks Display Permit Pass through from Kitsap County ILA Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Technology fee applies. 61 of 144 Plumbing Permit Fees Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 5 and 6. TABLE 5: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $9,80 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink $9.80 Each Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub with or without Shower, or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each 62 of 144 TABLE 6: lack to Agenda Residential and Multi -Family Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 7 and 8. TABLE 7: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air -Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Air -Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Type 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Type 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove only $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outlets) $10.65 Each Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) $10.65 Each Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) $10.65 Each Unit Heater, Suspended or Floor Mount $14.80 Each Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air Propane tank over 2000 gallons $10.65 Each $10.65 Each l33 OT 144 7 TABLE 8: Residential and Multi -Family Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Air conditioning, separate install from furnace $14.80 Each Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace — Electric, +/- AC, Heat Pump, ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Propane +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Gas pipe stub -out $10.65 Each Gas Water heater, Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Mini Split System, AC and/or Heat $14.80 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each 64 of 144 C. Planning and Land Use Fees Back to Agenda The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 9: Subdivisions Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,200 Short Subdivision, Final $700 Short Subdivision, Preliminary, or Alteration $600 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 10-20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,100 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $600 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment $300 Final Plat $1,100 + 50 Per Lot Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Binding Site Plan, Preliminary $1,200 Binding Site Plan, Preliminary, Alteration $500 Binding Site Plan, Final $700 Binding Site Plan, Final, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 10: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non -Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. 65 of 144 9 TABLE 11: Back to Agenda Shoreline Permits Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 12: Land Use Permits Conditional Use Permit $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $135 Critical Areas Exception $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Modification to Overlay District Boundaries $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance, Administrative $300 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee TABLE 13: Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per RCW 35.21.475 $75 Accessory Dwelling Units $75 $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an Administrative Interpretation (POMC Chapter administrative application shall be paid by 20.10) the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Nonconforming Use $150 $150 (100% is credited to a subsequent related land use application if filed within Pre -Application Meeting 12 months) 66 of 144 10 Back tv /Agunua Applied to the city's costs including city attorney fees regardless of whether a Development Agreements development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Land Use and Development Regulations Amendment (Text) $500 Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 $150 (up to 100% credited to a subsequent related permit application if filed within 12 Pre -Submittal Design Review months) Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500 Zoning Verification Letter $75 Signs Permits Signs may also require a building permit. See Section B.2 and Table 3. TABLE 14: Sign Permits A -Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Master Sign Plan Permit $300 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Sign Variance $300 D. Public Works Department Fees The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 1S: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the Minor Land Disturbing Activity same property (parcel Review and Permit (disturbances and/or address) in any 365 of less than 1,000 square feet) $50 day period. $100 base fee, plus $100 for the first acre of (Paid at the time of disturbance + $25 for each application submittal — additional acre of covers Land Disturbing Disturbance above 1 acre. Activity plan review costs). Area to be rounded up to Acres of disturbance should Land Disturbing Activity Permit the next higher acre. $100 be rounded up to the Plan Review 67 of 144 minimum fee. nearest acre. 11 $100 for the first acre of 6acK tv /Agenaa disturbance + $50 for each (Paid at time of permit additional acre of issuance — covers Land Disturbance above 1 acre. Disturbing inspection costs). Area to be rounded up to Acres of disturbance the next higher acre. $100 rounded up to the nearest Land Disturbing Activity Permit minimum fee. acre. $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $25 for each additional 3,000 square (Paid at the time of feet or fraction thereof of application submittal — hard surface to be covers hard surface and Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan constructed. $100 stormwater improvement Review minimum fee. plan review costs). $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $50 for each Stormwater Drainage additional 3,000 square Permit (Paid at time of feet or fraction thereof of permit issuance — covers hard surface to be hard surface and constructed. $100 stormwater inspection Stormwater Drainage Permit minimum fee. costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Tree cutting permit $50 The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit the latecomer agreement For uses which do not include the physical disturbance of the right -of - ROW Permit, Tier 1 $50 way. For activities which alter the appearance, or disturb the surface or sub -surface, or allow long term use of the ROW Permit, Tier 2 $230 right-of-way. Violator must obtain the required permit and pay double the permit fee or a $75.00 minimum penalty if Double the permit fee, or the permit fee is less than Work without a Permit — Penalty $75 minimum. $75.00. TABLE 16: Street Vacations 68 of 144 12 Street Vacation Petition Fee Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Deposit) TABLE 17: Back to Agenda I- $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 18: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 Concurrency (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B) for concurrency review as applicable. 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application is to be reviewed by the city or to be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When consultant review is required, the applicant shall pay the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. TABLE 19: Concurrency Review Type of Review A B Application Fee (also Review Performed by Consultant: the total review fee for A scope and fee shall be obtained from the applications reviewed Consultant after the application is received. in house by the City) Transportation $150 Either Tier 1 (limited review) or Tier 2 (full review) fixed fees listed in consultant fee schedule. For projects that do not fit the categories, the fee will be determined on PM peak hour trip generation, or as determined in a not -to -exceed task order. Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. 69 of 144 13 E. Hourly Rates. Back to Agenda A minimum of one hour shall be charged per staff member when using the hourly rates. Additional charges shall be by the quarter hour per staff member. Plan review fees shall apply to the third and any subsequent submittals when plans are revised prior to approval. The fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for all staff performing the review, or the full permit plan review fee, whichever is less. Plan review fees shall apply to revisions to plans or documents which were previously reviewed and approved. The fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for all staff performing the review, or the full permit plan review fee, whichever is less. When an inspection fee is designated in the fee tables as additional on a permit, the fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for reinspection, with a minimum of one hour. Additional charges shall be by the quarter hour per inspection. The hourly rates shall be used to calculate deductions to refunds. A Reinspection fee is charged at the hourly rate for reinspection after the same inspection fails for the second time. TABLE 20. Type Hourly Rate Notes Plan Review, Building/Fire $75 Plan Review, Planning - DCD $75 Plan Review, Engineering — Public Works $85 Administrative, Permit Center $60 Reinspection, Building/Fire $75 After two prior inspections for same work Reinspection, Public Works $75 After two prior inspections for same work Reinspection, Planning $75 After two prior inspections for same work Inspections outside of normal business Hourly rate x Minimum charge: 2 hours hours, Public Works 1.5 $75 Alternate methods and materials review, $75 Building F. Work by Outside Consultants: Building and Fire Codes. The jurisdiction may send permit applications to third -party consultants for plan review. The plan review fee paid as described in Section B covers the City's consultant cost, except for the following reviews: a. Third and subsequent submittals. The applicant shall pay the actual hourly costs as listed in table 21 for all 3rd and subsequent submittals. b. Projects with total valuation exceeding $10,000,000, or projects of a significant complexity that require outside review such as courthouses, schools, hospitals as determined by the Building Official. For projects as described in this subsection, the initial plan review fee shall be applied to the 3rd party consultant review fee. If that 70 of 144 14 fee is inadequate to fully pay the actual plan review fee then Back to Agenda billed for the additional cost as described in subsection 3 below. 2. The city may provide inspections by contracted services. Permit fees cover the consultant's inspection charges except for afterhours inspection. 3. The plan review fees and afterhours inspection fees as described in Sections 1 and 2 shall be billed at the rates provided in table 21. 4. The fees charged listed in table 21 shall are based on an hourly rate must be paid in full prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation, final inspection, or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, as applicable to the type of permit and when the work is performed. 5. When the hourly rate is used for consultants, the fee maybe rounded to the quarter hour. TABLE 21. Building and Fire Code: Consultant Services Hourly Rates. Types listed represent the most frequently used rates. Note that a Technician's time is often included with plan review, and will be reflected when billing at an hourly rate. Type Rate Notes Plan Review, 3rd and subsequent reviews $110 / hour Subject to current contract Plan Review, revisions to approved plans $110 / hour Subject to current contract Fire Code Plan Review: Reviewer $110 / hour Subject to current contract Technician $85 / hour Subject to current contract Inspections, outside of normal business hours $120 / hour Subject to current contract G. Work by Outside Consultants: Other Services. The applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. 1. Special Reports Review. a. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant for the scope of work, and provide that estimate to the applicant for payment to the city. The city shall authorize the consultant to proceed once the payment has been received. If additional special review by the consultant is required, and amended scope of work and new estimate shall be obtained by the city for payment by the applicant before the additional work by the consultant can proceed. If the consultant's fee total is less than the full amount paid by the applicant, the remainder shall be refunded according to section K. and table 25. 2. Alternative Forms Review. When the applicant proposes to use an alternative form instead of the city's standard approved form, the city may request review by the city attorney of the alternative form if a legal determination is required to ensure that the language in the proposed form adequately addresses the city's interests. The cost of review shall be paid by the applicant at the attorney's hourly rate. 71 of 144 15 Back to Agenda 72 of 144 16 H. Appeal Fees. Back to Agenda Fees are collected when the appeal is filed. Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee. If the City Council is the decision -maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. TABLE 22: Appeal Type Appeal Body Amount Abatement Hearing Officer $100 Building Code Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Concurrency Denial Public Works Director $100 Development Agreement Same as underlying Depends on underlying permit. permit or associated legislative approval Director's Code Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Interpretation go directly to Superior Court. Fire Authority's Decision Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Illicit Discharge Detection City Council $450 and Elimination (IDDE) Notice and Order, revocation of permit, or assessment of costs of abatement IDDE Appeal, independent City Council Consultant services, actual costs consultant services to be paid. See Section F for consultant fees. Impact Fee Amount Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Amount Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Impact Fee Credit Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Credit Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director 73 of 144 17 SEPA Appeal Same as underlying $450 Back tv /.gull permit Street Use Permit Hearing Examiner $100 Type I, Director's Decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type II Permit Hearing Examiner $450. Type II Permit, Deposit for Hearing Examiner Deposit is based on fee a certified transcription of estimate from transcription hearing for appeal from service. After the final invoice, Hearing Examiner's any remainder of the deposit decision shall be refunded. Any fees in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the applicant. Type II Permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's appeal go directly to Superior Court. decision Type III permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's go directly to Superior Court. decision I. Hearing Examiner Fees. Hearing Examiner fees (excluding appeals to the Hearing Examiner) shall be the Hearing Examiner's actual costs, plus an administrative fee. Fees and deposits are required to be paid when the application is submitted. da Hearing examiner fees will be secured from the deposited amount and any remainder shall be refunded to the applicant at the end of the appeal period. Hearing Examiner fees in excess of the deposit amount will be billed to the applicant. The outstanding Hearing Examiner fees shall be paid by the applicant after notification of the amount due. Subsequent permits related to the hearing examiner decision may be withheld until hearing examiner fees are paid. City projects which require Hearing Examiner services are exempt from the deposit requirement. Instead, the bill from the Hearing Examiner shall be routed to the appropriate department for payment. TABLE 23: Type Amount TYPE III Hearing, Administrative fee $250 (non-refundable) Type III Hearing, deposit $3,000 deposit Appeal fee, for appeal of Hearing Examiner decision See Table 22. Appeal Fees Appeal fee, for appeals to the Hearing Examiner See Table 22. Appeal Fees. 74 of 144 18 Back to Agenda J. Other Fees. TABLE 24: Other Fees Electronic documents on digital storage media or devices Actual cost Photocopies, 8 % x 11 $0.15 per page Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Published Notice in the city's official newspaper for Notice of Application, Notice of Hearing, SEPA Notice $300 each Mailing fee for Developer's issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% Technology Fee, for each permit application $10 (non-refundable, unless due to entered in the electronic permitting system. city oversight ) The applicant is responsible for paying recording fees for permit -related documents required to be recorded with the Kitsap Actual cost of recording is paid County Auditor. directly to the County Auditor. $75 for each occurrence on a permitted project. (See Work Without a Permit Posted Stop Work penalty for non -permitted work) Notary Service for signatures on permit application documents, including sureties. $10 per stamp K. Refunds. The applicant may request a refund when an application or permit is cancelled or withdrawn. Refunds may also be requested when a fee is overpaid. Refund requests must be submitted using the Permit Center's refund request form. Refund requests must be made within one year of the original payment date. Refund requests must be made prior to the expiration of the permit or application. Overpayment of a fee or fees paid on a cancelled or withdrawn application shall not be credited to another fee owed on the subject application or other associated applications or permits. Refunds shall be issued as authorized by the director. Prior to release of any refund, • All fees or charges owed on the subject application or permit will be deducted. • Expended staff hours for application review, processing or inspection will be deducted. Staff hours shall be calculated at the hourly rate in Table 20. The following items shall not be eligible for refund, unless applied incorrectly: • Technology fee. • Plan review fees once the permit has been issued. • Charges for work without a permit. 75 of 144 19 • Convenience fee for credit/debit card payment. Back to Agenda • Public Notice signs if posted on the property. • Consultant fee after work has been performed. 76 of 144 20 Back to Agenda TABLE 25: Type Amount Plan Review fees for withdrawn, Expended staff hours shall be deducted. cancelled or returned building or fire No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. permit application prior to issuing a permit: Building or Fire Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded provided no staff hours have been expended for inspections or preparing the permit for issuance. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Land Use Permit/Application Fees: Expended staff hours shall be deducted. No refund shall exceed 80% of the initial application fee. Plan Review fees for withdrawn, Expended staff hours shall be deducted. cancelled or returned Public Works No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. LDAP or SDP permit applications prior to issuing a permit: LDAP or SDP Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Consultant Fees If consultant fees are less than the initial estimate, the remainder shall be refunded after the consultant work is completed. 77 of 144 21 o__I- a_ w Building Valuation Data - August 2023 Important Points The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs a, b, Group ( International Building Code) IA B IIA 1113 IIIA 11113 IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 335.89 324.58 316.94 304.93 286.87 278.00 295.62 266.02 257.55 A-1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 307.39 296.08 288.44 276.42 258.37 249.50 267.12 237.51 229.05 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 269.94 261.93 254.48 245.85 230.56 223.99 237.02 209.57 202.79 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 268.94 260.93 252.48 244.85 228.56 222.99 236.02 207.57 201.79 A-3 Assembly, churches 311.88 300.57 292.93 280.91 263.30 254.43 271.60 242.45 233.98 A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, museums 266.07 254.76 246.12 235.10 216.33 208.46 225.80 195.47 188.01 A-4 Assembly, arenas 306.39 295.08 286.44 275.42 256.37 248.50 266.12 235.51 228.05 B Business 260.69 251.13 241.86 231.65 210.99 202.73 222.56 186.21 177.81 E Educational 273.46 263.96 255.62 245.04 228.69 217.00 236.61 200.36 193.94 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 160.20 152.78 143.34 138.64 123.55 117.41 132.48 102.44 95.93 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 159.20 151.78 143.34 137.64 123.55 116.41 131.48 102.44 94.93 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 149.46 142.04 133.60 127.90 114.12 106.97 121.74 93.00 N.P.° H234 High Hazard 149.46 142.04 133.60 127.90 114.12 106.97 121.74 93.00 85.50 H-5 HPM 260.69 251.13 241.86 231.65 210.99 202.73 222.56 186.21 177.81 78 of 144 22 1-1 Institutional, supervised environment 262.22 252.95 244.31 235.67 aac 215.42 - .�. 187.73 1-2 Institutional, hospitals 434.15 424.59 415.32 405.12 383.35 N.P. c 396.02 358.57 N.P. ° 1-2 Institutional, nursing homes 302.01 292.45 283.18 272.97 253.83 N.P. c 263.88 229.05 N.P. ° 1-3 Institutional, restrained 295.86 286.31 277.03 266.83 247.95 238.69 257.74 223.17 212.77 1-4 Institutional, day care facilities 262.22 252.95 244.31 235.67 215.42 209.47 235.71 193.82 187.73 M Mercantile 201.37 193.36 184.91 177.28 161.72 156.15 168.45 140.73 134.95 R-1 Residential, hotels 264.67 255.41 246.77 238.13 218.35 212.40 238.17 196.75 190.67 R-2 Residential, multiple family 221.32 212.06 203.42 194.78 175.96 170.01 194.82 154.36 148.28 R-3 Residential, one- and two-familyd 209.61 203.74 198.94 195.12 188.41 181.45 191.77 175.86 165.67 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 262.22 252.95 244.31 235.67 215.42 209.47 235.71 193.82 187.73 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 148.46 141.04 131.60 126.90 112.12 105.97 120.74 91.00 84.50 S-2 Storage, low hazard 147.46 140.04 131.60 125.90 112.12 104.97 119.74 91.00 83.50 U Utility, miscellaneous 114.09 107.37 99.89 95.60 85.13 79.54 90.99 67.39 64.19 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous c. N.P. = not permitted b. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. Unfinished basements (Group R-3) = $23.20 per sq. ft. 79 of 144 23 Back to Agenda RESOLUTION NO. XXX-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REPEALING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 044-22 AND ESTABLISHING NEW FEE SCHEDULES FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is responsible for implementing land use regulations, planning and public works requirements, administering the building code, and other administrative duties; and WHEREAS, the City incurs administrative costs associated with the implementation of city regulations and policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted, through ordinance, regulations calling for the establishment of administrative fees to be set by resolution of the Council; and WHEREAS, the City's current Community Development and Public Works Departments administrative fees were adopted on April 26, 2022, with an effective date of May 1, 2022, as set forth in Resolution No. 044-22; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City of Port Orchard to periodically review and update the City's administrative fees to ensure the fees are consistent with the services provided and cover the public cost of providing these services so that the public is not subsidizing individual benefits derived from public services; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: Resolution No. 044-22 is hereby repealed in its entirety effective as of 11:59 pm on December 30, 2023. THAT: The rates, fees and charges charged by the Community Development and Public Works Departments for the specified services are here by adopted as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which is adopted by this reference. THAT: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage, but the fees set forth on Exhibit "A" shall be levied beginning at midnight, 12:00 a.m., January 01, 2024. THAT: Upon the approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make any necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, numbering, section/subsection numbers and any reference thereto. THAT: Provisions of this Resolution are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this Resolution or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Resolution, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. 80 of 144 Back to Agenda PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 28t" Day of November, 2023. ATTEST: Brandy Wallace, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor 81 of 144 Exhibit A to Resolution 044-22XXX-23 FEE SCHEDULES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLI1 Back to Agenda A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. Time of collection of fees. a. Fees shall be collected at the times specified in the City Code or this Fee Resolution. If not specified, the minimum fee shall be collected at the time of application submittal. No application will be deemed "counter complete" until the fee due with the application has been received by the City. b. For applications that are submitted online, the applicant can pay the fees electronically or may submit another form of payment in person or via U.S. Mail. The determination of whether a permit application is "counter complete" will be deferred for four business days following submittal of the online application submittal. If payment for the fees is not received by the City by the fourth business day, then the City will reject the application. In no case will the City take any steps to process an application until such time as the fees due with the application are received in full. c. The City may bill an applicant and require payment for accrued fees at any time in the permit review process. d. The final fees will be recalculated during review, and any additional amount due shall be collected prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation. e. At the time an application or permit is denied or canceled, the final fee shall be determined and collected. f. Any fee in excess of the final calculated fee shall be refunded pursuant to Refunds Table 25. g. All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to scheduling or performing final inspections. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. A project may require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive. When an applicant is required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit, separate fees are required for each permit. 3. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be the contractor's bid price, rounded up to the next whole dollar. For work not done by a contractor, the construction value shall include the price of materials, plus the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found materials, multiplied by two (2). Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. 4. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a "basic plan" review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city's standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be 82 of 144 approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each i Back to Agenda applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city's building code has been updated unless the plans have been re -reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. TABLE 1: Fee Calculations. Permit fees and Plan Review fees shall be determined by using the calculations found in Table 1. Valuations shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the PebFU ust 20239 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and as otherwise set in Tables 2 and 3. Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, $501 to $2,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $2,001 to $25,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $25,001 to $50,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $50,001 to $100,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,001 to $500,000 $500,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each $1,000,001 and up additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Unfinished Basement (Group R-3) $23.50 Square foot Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $64.1999- 4-3 square foot Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 1 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 1 square foot 83 of 144 Back to Agenda TABLE 3: Miscellaneous Permit fees: Unit of Building Permit Type Amount Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $75 Each Fences over 6 feet in height $11.74 Per Linear Foot Garages or Carports, Multiple $64.19 square foot Per Linear Retaining walls $19.67 Foot Construction value (contract Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Apply Construction price or Removal Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Roof: Composition, Metal Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Wood Shake Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Torch Down Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Residential Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $75 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name change, or business ownership change, or property ownership change. $60 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park Does not incl e $150 Each porches, decks, or other added work covered under Back tv Hc�era the IBC Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH park (Does not include porches, decks, or other $75 Each added work covered under the IRC) Reactivation fee, for permit expired for less than one 50% of original year, no plan changes permit fee Violator must obtain the required permit and pay double the permit fee, or a 75.00 minimum Double the permit penalty if the fee, or -e- m e4 permit fee is Work without a permit — penalty; doubled $65-75 less than ViolateY Must obtain the n ;+ minimum. $75.00. Construction value (contract Apply Construction or materials x Sign (when a building permit is required) Value to Table 1 2) Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Calculate Residential siding replacement: permit required construction when over 1000 sq. ft. or if any structural work is Apply Construction value at $70 required (POMC 20.200.014) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Commercial siding replacement Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 For each use Basic plan review, additional elevations) 225 each Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Windows or Doors Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Fire Code Permits Fire Code permit projects may be reviewed by a consultant under contract services, depending on city staff workload. Plan review fee submitted with the application may cover the consultant cost. TABLE 4: Fire Code Permit Fees: Fire Construction Amount Calculation 85 of 144 4 Fire Alarm, new Construction valL._aacK tv r►genua (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Alarm, minor modifications to existing Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Apply Table 1 to construction value Fire Sprinkler, new or major modification Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Apply Table 1 to construction value Fire Sprinkler, modifications 20 heads or fewer Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Apply Table 1 to construction value Fire Suppression System, Class 1 Hood and Duct Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Apply Table 1 to construction value Solar Panels: Solar energy/photovoltaic panel system roof mounted install per WAC 51-51-2300 Sec. M2302 $235 each Standpipe System Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Apply Table 1 to construction value Tank: I In. eFffeund nr Abeve Greunrl Installation n GeRs;tr„C+inn . ^I--n (e n+ract n Apply Table 1 rneya o l rcc'mvva-r +A rA- A .-+r--r+i n m 2� Compressed Gasses Genstructinn value Apply Table 1 (cen+ract z +n nstructinn price ^mac r' ^�value, Marijuana Extraction Construction value Apply Table 1 (e n+r^e+ z +n price Fials x 2� e stFue+inn value Fire Construction permits, other unlnr- n+"^r,• wed runs+ru .+inn Apply z r, n+r^G+ +n S+r, ,.+•nn PFiee eF 75.00 An inspection fee at value the hourly rate will apply when an inspection is required. Fire Operational Amount Calculation (^ar4,nn nin i.Jn Systems rnnstFue+inn Apply Table-4 value (e n+raet +n priee 9F stF etinn High Piled Storage Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Apply Table 1 to construction value Magi uan^ ExtF .e+inn .-.I n nnnl., Table 1 ( n+raet priceW z , StF Gunn e 86 of 144 Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure Permit required_ _ dacK permit fee. Technology fee applies. iv MUUF]Ua Fire operational permits, otheru, ^'^« ^thp-RA fis#ed GeRStFWGtiG^ V ^'ll^ Apply (, RtFa .+ pric:e+^ 75.00 An inspection fee at , ^^ St G ua k+e the hourly rate will apply when an inspection is required. Fireworks Display Permit Pass through from Kitsap County ILA Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Technology fee applies. 87 of 144 Plumbing Permit Fees Agenda Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 5 and 6. TABLE 5: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $9,80 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink $9.80 Each Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub with or without Shower, or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each 88 of 144 7 TABLE 6: Back to Agenda Residential and Multi -Family Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 7 and 8. TABLE 7: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air -Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Air -Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Type 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Type 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove only $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outlets) $10.65 Each Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) $10.65 Each Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) $10.65 Each Unit Heater. Suspended or Floor Mount $14.80 Each Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air Propane tank over 2000 gallons $10.65 Each $10.65 Each O5 OT -144 C-] Back to Agenda TABLE 8: Residential and Multi -Family Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Air conditioning, separate install from furnace $14.80 Each Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace — Electric, +/- AC, Heat Pump, ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Propane +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Gas pipe stub -out $10.65 Each Gas Water heater, Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Mini Split System, AC and/or Heat $14.80 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each 90 of 144 C. Planning and Land Use Fees Back to Agenda The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 9: Subdivisions Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,200 Short Subdivision, Final $700 Short Subdivision, Preliminary, or Alteration $600 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 10-20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,100 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $600 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment $300 Final Plat $1,100 + 50 Per Lot Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Binding Site Plan, Preliminary $1,200 Binding Site Plan, Preliminary, Alteration $500 Binding Site Plan, Final $700 Binding Site Plan, Final, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 10: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non -Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. 91 of 144 10 TABLE 11: Back to Agenda Shoreline Permits Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 12: Land Use Permits Conditional Use Permit $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $73135 Critical Areas Exception $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Modification to Overlay District Boundaries $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance, Administrative $300 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee TABLE 13: Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per RCW 35.21.475 $75 Accessory Dwelling Units $75 $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an Administrative Interpretation (POMC Chapter administrative application shall be paid by 20.10) the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Nonconforming Use $150 $150 (100% is credited to a subsequent related land use application if filed within Pre -Application Meeting 12 months) 92 of 144 11 Back tv /Agenua T +,vvv Applied to the city's costs including city attorney fees regardless of whether a Development Agreements development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Land Use and Development Regulations 500 Amendment (Text) Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 $150 (up to 100% credited to a subsequent related permit application if filed within 12 Pre -Submittal Design Review months) Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500 Zoning Verification Letter $75 Signs Permits Signs may also require a building permit. See Section B.2 and Table 3. TABLE 14: Sign Permits A -Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Master Sign Plan Permit $300 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Sign Variance $300 D. Public Works Department Fees The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 15: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the Minor Land Disturbing Activity same property (parcel Review and Permit (disturbances and/or address) in any 365 of less than 1,000 square feet) $50 day period. $100 base fee, plus $100 for the first acre of (Paid at the time of disturbance + $25 for each application submittal — additional acre of covers Land Disturbing Disturbance above 1 acre. Activity plan review costs). Area to be rounded up to Acres of disturbance should Land Disturbing Activity Permit the next higher acre. $100 be rounded up to the Plan Review 93 f 144 minimum fee. nearest acre. 12 $100 for the first acre of 6acK tv /Agenaa disturbance + $50 for each (Paid at time of permit additional acre of issuance —covers Land Disturbance above 1 acre. Disturbing inspection costs). Area to be rounded up to Acres of disturbance the next higher acre. $100 rounded up to the nearest Land Disturbing Activity Permit minimum fee. acre. $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $25 for each additional 3,000 square (Paid at the time of feet or fraction thereof of application submittal — hard surface to be covers hard surface and Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan constructed. $100 stormwater improvement Review minimum fee. plan review costs). $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $50 for each Stormwater Drainage additional 3,000 square Permit (Paid at time of feet or fraction thereof of permit issuance — covers hard surface to be hard surface and constructed. $100 stormwater inspection Stormwater Drainage Permit minimum fee. costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Tree cutting permit $50 The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit the latecomer agreement For uses which do not include the physical disturbance of the right -of - ROW Permit, Tier 1 $50 way. For activities which alter the appearance, or disturb the surface or sub -surface, or allow long term use of the ROW Permit, Tier 2 $230 right-of-way. Violator must obtain the required permit and pay * • �^ *"^ ^ ^'double the permit fee or a $75.00 Double the permit fee, or minimum penalty if the Permit fee is de bled; $65 permit fee is less than Work without a Permit — Penalty 75 minimum. 75.00. TABLE 16: 94 of 144 13 Street Vacations Street Vacation Petition Fee Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Der)osit) TABLE 17: Back to Agenda $120 $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 18: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 Concurrency (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B) for concurrency review as applicable. 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application is to be reviewed by the city or to be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When consultant review is required, the applicant shall pay the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. TABLE 19: Concurrency Review Type of Review A B Application Fee (also Review Performed by Consultant: the total review fee for A scope and fee shall be obtained from the applications reviewed Consultant after the application is received. in house by the City) Transportation $150 Either Tier 1 (limited review) or Tier 2 (full review) fixed fees listed in consultant fee schedule. For projects that do not fit the categories, the fee will be determined on PM peak hour trip generation, or as determined in a not -to -exceed task order. Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. 95 of 144 14 E. Hourly Rates. Back to Agenda A minimum of one hour shall be charged per staff member when using the hourly rates. Additional charges shall be by the quarter hour per staff member. Plan review fees shall apply to the third and any subsequent submittals when plans are revised prior to approval. The fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for all staff performing the review, or the full permit plan review fee, whichever is less. Plan review fees shall apply to revisions to plans or documents which were previously reviewed and approved. The fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for all staff performing the review, or the full permit plan review fee, whichever is less. When an inspection fee is designated in the fee tables as additional on a permit, the fee shall be eaual to the hourly rate for reinspection. with a minimum of one hour. Additional charges shall be by the quarter hour per inspection. The hourly rates shall be used to calculate deductions to refunds. A Reinspection fee is charged at the hourly rate for reinspection after the same inspection fails for the second time. TABLE 20. Type Hourly Rate Notes Plan Review, Building/Fire $75 Plan Review, Planning - DCD $75 Plan Review, Engineering — Public Works $85 Administrative, Permit Center $60 Reinspection, Building/Fire $75 After two prior inspections for same work Reinspection, Public Works $75 After two prior inspections for same work Reinspection, Planning $75 After two prior inspections for same work Inspections outside of normal business Hourly rate x Minimum charge: 2 hours hours, Public Works 1.5 $75 Alternate methods and materials review, $75 Building F. Work by Outside Consultants: Building and Fire Codes. The jurisdiction may send permit applications to third -party consultants for plan review. The plan review fee paid as described in Section B covers the City's consultant cost, except for the following reviews: a. Third and subsequent submittals. The applicant shall pay the actual hourly costs as listed in table 21 for all 3rd and subsequent submittals. b. Projects with total valuation exceeding $10,000,000, or projects of a significant complexity that require outside review such as courthouses, schools, hospitals as determined by the Building Official. For projects as described in this subsection, the initial plan review fee shall be applied to the 3rd party consultant review fee. If that 96 of 144 15 fee is inadequate to fully pay the actual plan review fee then Back to Agenda billed for the additional cost as described in subsection 3 below. 2. The city may provide inspections by contracted services. Permit fees cover the consultant's inspection charges except for afterhours inspection. 3. The plan review fees and afterhours inspection fees as described in Sections 1 and 2 shall be billed at the rates provided in table 21. 4. The fees charged listed in table 21 shall are based on an hourly rate must be paid in full prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation, final inspection, or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, as applicable to the type of permit and when the work is performed. 5. When the hourly rate is used for consultants, the fee may be rounded to the quarter hour. TABLE 21. Building and Fire Code: Consultant Services Hourly Rates. Types listed represent the most frequently used rates. Note that a Technician's time is often included with plan review, and will be reflected when billing at an hourly rate. Type Rate Notes Plan Review, 3rd and subsequent reviews $110 / hour Subject to current contract Plan Review, revisions to approved plans $110 / hour Subject to current contract Fire Code Plan Review: Reviewer $110 / hour Subject to current contract Technician $85 / hour Subject to current contract Inspections, outside of normal business hours $120 / hour Subject to current contract G. Work by Outside Consultants: Other Services. The applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. Special Reports Review. a. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant for the scope of work, and provide that estimate to the applicant for payment to the city. The city shall authorize the consultant to proceed once the payment has been received. b. If additional special review by the consultant is required, and amended scope of work and new estimate shall be obtained by the city for payment by the applicant before the additional work by the consultant can proceed. c. If the consultant's fee total is less than the full amount paid by the applicant, the remainder shall be refunded according to section K. and table 25. 2. Alternative Forms Review. When the applicant proposes to use an alternative form instead of the city's standard approved form, the city may request review by the city attorney of the alternative form if a legal determination is required to ensure that the language in the proposed form adequately addresses the city's interests. The cost of review shall be paid by the applicant at the attorney's hourly rate. 97 of 144 16 Back to Agenda 98 of 144 17 H. Appeal Fees. Back to Agenda Fees are collected when the appeal is filed. Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee. If the City Council is the decision -maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. TABLE 22: Appeal Type Appeal Body Amount Abatement Hearing Officer $100 Building Code Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Concurrency Denial Public Works Director $100 Development Agreement Same as underlying Depends on underlying permit. permit or associated legislative approval Director's Code Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Interpretation go directly to Superior Court. Fire Authority's Decision Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Illicit Discharge Detection City Council $450 and Elimination (IDDE) Notice and Order, revocation of permit, or assessment of costs of abatement IDDE Appeal, independent City Council Consultant services, actual costs consultant services to be paid. See Section F for consultant fees. Impact Fee Amount Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Amount Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Impact Fee Credit Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Credit Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director 99 of 144 W SEPA Appeal Same as underlying $450 Back tv /.gull permit Street Use Permit Hearing Examiner $100 Type I, Director's Decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type II Permit Hearing Examiner $450. Type II Permit, Deposit for Hearing Examiner Deposit is based on fee a certified transcription of estimate from transcription hearing for appeal from service. After the final invoice, Hearing Examiner's any remainder of the deposit decision shall be refunded. Any fees in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the applicant. Type II Permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's appeal go directly to Superior Court. decision Type III permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's go directly to Superior Court. decision I. Hearing Examiner Fees. Hearing Examiner fees (excluding appeals to the Hearing Examiner) shall be the Hearing Examiner's actual costs, plus an administrative fee. Fees and deposits are required to be paid when the application is submitted. da Hearing examiner fees will be secured from the deposited amount and any remainder shall be refunded to the applicant at the end of the appeal period. Hearing Examiner fees in excess of the deposit amount will be billed to the applicant. The , and pFeliminaFy appreval of then ,,et wall h ndi fi.,r.,.J subject topayment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees shall be paid by the applicant after notification of the amount due. Subsequent permits related to the hearing examiner decision may be withheld until hearing examiner fees are City projects which require Hearing Examiner services are exempt from the deposit requirement. Instead, the bill from the Hearing Examiner shall be routed to the appropriate department for payment. TABLE 23: Type Amount TYPE III Hearing, Administrative fee $250 (non-refundable) Type III Hearing, deposit $3,000 deposit Appeal fee, for appeal of Hearing Examiner decision See Table 22. Appeal Fees Appeal fee, for appeals to the Hearing Examiner See Table 22. Appeal Fees. 100 of 144 19 Back to Agenda J. Other Fees. TABLE 24: Other Fees Electronic documents on digital storage media or devices Actual cost Photocopies, 8 % x 11 $0.15 per page Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Published Notice in the city's official newspaper for Notice of Application, Notice 300 each of Hearing, SEPA Notice Mailing fee for Developer's issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% Technology Fee, for each permit application $10 (non-refundable, unless due to entered in the electronic permitting system. city oversight ) The applicant is responsible for paying recording fees for permit -related documents required to be recorded with the Kitsap Actual cost of recording is paid County Auditor. directly to the County Auditor. $75 for each occurrence on a permitted protect. (ROt rzhaFged when -,See Work Without a Permit penalty �s Feeluired at the +im^for non - Posted Stop Work permitted work) Notary Service for signatures on permit application documents, including sureties. $10 per stamp K. Refunds. The applicant may request a refund when an application or permit is cancelled or withdrawn. Refunds may also be requested when a fee is overpaid. Refunds may be Feg estedrequests must be submitted using the Permit Center's refund request form. Refund requests must be made within one year of the original payment date. Refund requests must be made prior to the expiration of the permit or application. Overpayment of a fee or fees paid on a cancelled or withdrawn application shall not be credited to another fee owed on the subiect application or other associated applications or permits. Refunds shall be issued as authorized by the director. Prior to release of any refund, • All fees or charges owed on the subject application or permit will be deducted. • Expended staff hours for application review, processing or inspection will be deducted. Staff hours shall be calculated at the hourly rate in Table 20. The following items shall not be eligible for refund, unless applied incorrectly: • Technology fee. 101 of 144 20 • Plan review fees once the permit has been issued. Back to Agenda • Charges for work without a permit. • Convenience fee for credit/debit card payment. • Public Notice signs if posted on the property. • Consultant fee after work has been performed. 102 of 144 21 Back to Agenda TABLE 25: Type Amount Plan Review fees for withdrawn, Expended staff hours shall be deducted. cancelled or returned building or fire No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. permit application prior to issuing a permit: Building or Fire Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded provided no staff hours have been expended for inspections or preparing the permit for issuance. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Land Use Permit/Application Fees: Expended staff hours shall be deducted. No refund shall exceed 80% of the initial application fee. Plan Review fees for withdrawn, Expended staff hours shall be deducted. cancelled or returned Public Works No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. LDAP or SDP permit applications prior to issuing a permit: LDAP or SDP Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Consultant Fees If consultant fees are less than the initial estimate, the remainder shall be refunded after the consultant work is completed. 103 of 144 22 Building Valuation Data - February 2022August 2023 Important Points The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs b, Group (294-5- International Building Code) IA B IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB theaters, with stage Itt, 309 06 335.89 6 324.58 �4 316.94 280 58 304.93 �98 286.87 278.00 295.62 27202 266.02 257.55 255 82 244 80 237.02 -1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 307.39 296.08 288.44 276.42 258.37 249.50 267.12 24581 237.51 229.05 29285 272 45 26542 245.36 20299 229fil 21 a a9 210 89 -2 Assembly, nightclubs 269.94 261.93 254.48 245.85 230.56 223.99 237.02 20769 209.57 202.79 23721 230.23 224.56 215.36 20299 19740 19363 17749 -2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 268.94 260.93 252.48 244.85 228.56 222.99 236.02 296 69 207.57 201.79 23631 22923 22256 214 36 200.99 19640 491.63 176 49 -3 Assembly, churches 311.88 300.57 292.93 280.91 263.30 254.43 271.60 249.8E 242.45 233.98 236 90 27649 26947 25R42 24223 234.07 22305 215.26 -3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, useums 266.07 254.76 246.12 235.10 216.33 208.46 225.80 20772 195.47 188.01 172 98 24477 234.37 22634 216.29 19894 191 79 179.77 4 Assembly, arenas I 306.39 295.08 286.44 275.42 256.37 248.50 266.12 24461 235.51 228.05 23I 85 271 45 26242 25337 22577 22361 21659 20.9 39 Business 260.69 251.13 241.86 231.65 210.99 202.73 222.56 205 63 186.21 177.81 24099 22207 223 54 214 83 494 61 1 F17 36 17202 164 34 Educational 273.46 263.96 255.62 245.04 228.69 217.00 236.61 22392 200.36 193.94 257 78 249 89 242 35 231 99 21647 205 54 4$9 21 IS331 1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 1 160.20 152.78 143.34 138.64 123.55 117.41 132.48 12002 102.44 95.93 3623 444 93 12911 439 39 425 49 11249 10710 926.9 2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 1 159.20 151.78 143.34 137.64 123.55 116.41 131.48 11902 102.44 94.93 35R3 14293 13711 430 39 424 49 11249 10610 926.9 l il -1 High Hazard, explosives 149.46 142.04 133.60 127.90 114.12 106.97 121.74 110 39 93.00 34 34 NP.° 840 135 29 12947 121 75 115 76 104 14 9-7-75 11l234 High Hazard 149.46 142.04 133.60 127.90 114.12 106.97 121.74 11 Q 2A 93.00 R434 85.50 77 53 13529 12947 421 75 115 76 494 14 97 75 -5 HPM 260.69 251.13 241.86 231.65 210.99 202.73 222.56 20568 186.21 177.81 24090 = 07 223 61 214 03 494 91 19726 172 02 164 34 104 of 144 23 11 Institutional, supervised environment 262.22 252.95 244.31 235.67 215.42 !L 4Afi 53 220.19 187.73 244 45 23609 22906 219.82 202.16 481.25 17591 12 Institutional, hospitals 434.15 424.59 415.32 405.12 383.35 N.P. ° 0_.Q0 396.02 366 09 358.57 N.P. &00 404.22 29240 392 83 374.40 354.29 334.40 12 Institutional, nursing homes 302.01 292.45 270.32 283.18 272.97 253.83 N.P.° 0_.W 263.88 243.93 229.05 N.P.° 0-00 279.15 26176 252.33 234 64 211 75 13 Institutional, restrained 295.86 286.31 277.03 266.83 247.95 238.69 257.74 233.17 223.17 212.77 IN fifi6 27340 264 57 25600 24657 229.13 2208 20624 14 Institutional, day care facilities 262.22 252.95 244.31 235.67 215.42 209.47 235.71 220 10 193.82 187.73 244 45 236019 229 86 249.92 20216 196 53 434 25 17581 Mercantile 201.37 193.36 46A94 184.91 177.28 161.72 156.15 168.45 14740 140.73 134.95 17702 463 455.07 142 43 127 R R 42217 11789 -1 Residential, hotels 264.67 255.41 246.77 238.13 218.35 212.40 238.17 222fig 196.75 190.67 246s94 238 56 251.54 222:30 204 25 49Qv77 43344 476 00 -2 Residential, multiple family 221.32 212.06 203.42 194.78 175.96 170.01 194.82 43z?46 154.36 148.28 206 34 49343 431 41 43�7 46g.14 4�3 444�0 12906 -3 Residential, one- and two-familyd 209.61 203.74 198.94 195.12 188.41 181.45 191.77 47501 175.86 165.67 492 53 487 37 18253 47R 04 472 R5 466 59 460 35 450 87 -4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 262.22 252.95 23608 244.31 235.67 215.42 209.47 235.71 22010 193.82 187.73 244 45 229 06 21982 20216 496 53 181 25 17531 -1 Storage, moderate hazard 148.46 141.04 131.60 126.90 112.12 105.97 120.74 10939 91.00 8224 84.50 76 53 434 29 12747 41975 44_�. 10214 96 75 -2 Storage, low hazard 147.46 140.04 131.60 125.90 112.12 104.97 119.74 10829 91.00 8224 83.50 75 53 433.29 12647 119 75 11276 10214 95 75 Utility, miscellaneous 114.09 107.37 99.89 1 93� 95.60 89 21 85.13 30 44 79.54 7445 90.99 65 33 67.39 6342 64.19 6042 40498 99 94 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous c. N.P. = not permitted b. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. Unfinished basements (Group R-3) = $23.20 per sq. ft. 105 of 144 24 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Back to Agenda RESOLUTION NO. 044-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REPEALING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 034-20 AND ESTABLISHING NEW FEE SCHEDULES FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS. WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is responsible for implementing land use regulations, planning and public works requirements, administering the building code, and other administrative duties; and WHEREAS, the City incurs administrative costs associated with the implementation of city regulations and policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted, through ordinance, regulations calling for the establishment of administrative fees to be set by resolution of the Council; and WHEREAS, the City's current Community Development and Public Works Departments administrative fees were adopted on August 18, 2020, with an effective date of October 1, 2020, as set forth in Resolution No. 034-20; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City of Port Orchard to periodically review and update the City's administrative fees to ensure the fees are consistent with the services provided and cover the public cost of providing these services so that the public is not subsidizing individual benefits derived from public services; now, therefore, AS FOLLOWS: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES THAT: Resolution No. 034-20 is hereby repealed in its entirety effective as of 11:59 pm on May 29, 2022. THAT: The rates, fees and charges charged by the Community Development and Public Works Departments for the specified services are here by adopted as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which is adopted by this reference. THAT: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage, but the fees set forth on Exhibit "A" shall be levied beginning at midnight, 12:00 a.m., May 30, 2022. THAT: Upon the approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make any necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, numbering, section/subsection numbers and any reference thereto. THAT: Provisions of this Resolution are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this Resolution or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Resolution, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. 106 of 144 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Resolution No. 044-22 Paae2of19 Back to Agenda PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 26t" day of April 2022. ATTEST: DocuSigned by: Brana'Y'Wafface, MMC, City Clerk DocuSigned by: jeabtJ'f P4MM W, E8865Dt7ET4E ... Robert Putaansuu, Mayor �RP O R R� % (j MBE N ���,• rrnnm n 107 of 144 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Exhibit A to Resolution OXX-22 FEE SCHEDULES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLI1 Back to Agenda A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. Time of collection of fees. a. Fees shall be collected at the times specified in the City Code or this Fee Resolution. If not specified, the minimum fee shall be collected at the time of application submittal. No application will be deemed "counter complete" until the fee due with the application has been received by the City. b. For applications that are submitted online, the applicant can pay the fees electronically or may submit another form of payment in person or via U.S. Mail. The determination of whether a permit application is "counter complete" will be deferred for four business days following submittal of the online application submittal. If payment for the fees is not received by the City by the fourth business day, then the City will reject the application. In no case will the City take any steps to process an application until such time as the fees due with the application are received in full. c. The City may bill an applicant and require payment for accrued fees at any time in the permit review process. d. The final fees will be recalculated during review, and any additional amount due shall be collected prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation. e. At the time an application or permit is denied or canceled, the final fee shall be determined and collected. f. Any fee in excess of the final calculated fee shall be refunded pursuant to Refunds Table 25. g. All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to scheduling or performing final inspections. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. A project may require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive. When an applicant is required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit, separate fees are required for each permit. 3. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be the contractor's bid price, rounded up to the next whole dollar. For work not done by a contractor, the construction value shall include the price of materials, plus the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found materials, multiplied by two (2). Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. 4. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a "basic plan" review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city's standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each use of the plan, the applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city's building code has been updated unless the plans have been re - reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. 108 of 144 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 TABLE 1: Fee Calculations. Permit fees and Plan Review fees shall be determined by using the calculations fou Back to Agenda shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the February /-u/-u Lame a�, a«ac;ried hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and as otherwise set in Tables 2 and 3. Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, $501 to $2,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $2,001 to $25,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $25,001 to $50,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $50,001 to $100,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,001 to $500,000 $500,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each $1,000,001 and up additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Unfinished Basement (Group R-3) $23.50 Square foot Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $60.43 square foot Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 square foot TABLE 3: Miscellaneous Permit fees: Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $75 Each Fences over 6 feet in height I M$11.74 Per Linear Foot 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Per Linear Retaining walls $19.67 Foot value (contract Apply Construction price or Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Removal Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Roof: Composition, Metal Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Wood Shake Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Torch Down Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Residential Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $75 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name change, or business ownership change, or property ownership change. $60 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park $150 Each Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH park $75 Each Reactivation fee, for permit expired for less than one year, no 50% of original plan changes permit fee Permit fee is Work without a permit — penalty; doubled, $65 Violator must obtain the necessary permit. minimum. Construction value Apply Construction (contract or Sign (when a building permit is required) Value to Table 1 materials x 2) DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Calculate Back to Agenda i Residential siding replacement: permit required when over 1000 Apply Construction value at 570 sq. ft. or if any structural work is required (POMC 20.200.014) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Commercial siding replacement Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 For each use Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Windows or Doors Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Fire Code Permits Fire Code permit projects may be reviewed by a consultant under contract services, depending on city staff workload. Plan review fee submitted with the application may cover the consultant cost. TABLE 4: Fire Code Permit Fees: Fire Construction Amount Calculation Fire Alarm, new Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Fire Alarm, minor modifications to existing Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Fire Sprinkler, new or major modification Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Fire Sprinkler, modifications 20 heads or fewer Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Fire Suppression System, Class 1 Hood and Duct Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Solar Panels: Solar energy/photovoltaic panel system roof $235 each mounted install per WAC 51-51-2300 Sec. M2302 Standpipe System Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Construction value Apply Table 1 to Removal (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Compressed Gasses Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) 111 of 144 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Marijuana Extraction Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Back to Agenda Apply I apse 1 io Fire Construction permits unless otherwise listed Construction value (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Fire Operational Amount Calculation Carbon Dioxide Systems Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) High Piled Storage Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Marijuana Extraction Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure Permit required. No permit fee. Fire operational permits unless otherwise listed Construction value Apply Table 1 to (contract price or construction value materials x 2) Plumbing Permit Fees Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 5 and 6. TABLE 5: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $9,80 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink 9.80 Each DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub with or without Shower, or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each TABLE 6: Residential Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Back to Agenda Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 7 and 8. TABLE 7: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air -Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Air -Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Type 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Type 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove only $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outl $10.65 Each 0 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) Unit Heater Suspended or Floor Mount Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air Propane tank over 2000 gallons TABLE 8: $10.65 Each $10.65 Each $10.65 Each $14.80 Each $10.65 Each $10.65 Each Residential Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Air conditioning, separate install from furnace $14.80 Each Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace — Electric, +/- AC, Heat Pump, ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Propane +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Gas pipe stub -out $10.65 Each Gas Water heater, Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Mini Split System, AC and/or Heat $14.80 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each da C. Planning and Land Use Fees The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 9: Subdivisions Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,200 Short Subdivision, Final $700 Short Subdivision, Preliminary, or Alteration $600 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 10-20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,100 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $600 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment 44AJAA$300 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Final Plat $1,100 + 50 Per Lot Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,100 + $50 per lot plus Henrina Fvnminar faac Back to Agenda Binding Site Plan, Preliminary Binding Site Plan, Preliminary, Alteration $500 Binding Site Plan, Final $700 Binding Site Plan, Final, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 10: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non -Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. TABLE 11: Shoreline Permits Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 12: Land Use Permits Conditional Use Permit $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $75 Critical Areas Exception $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Modification to Overlay District Boundaries $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance, Administrative $300 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee "ml am, DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 TAI BILE 13: Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per Back to Agen RCW 35.21.475 575 Accessory Dwelling Units $75 $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an Administrative Interpretation (POMC Chapter administrative application shall be paid by 20.10) the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Nonconforming Use $150 $150 (100% is credited to a subsequent related land use application if filed within Pre -Application Meeting 12 months) $1, 000 Applied to the city's costs including city attorney fees regardless of whether a Development Agreements development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 $150 (up to 100% credited to a subsequent related permit application if filed within 12 Pre -Submittal Design Review months) Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500 Zoning Verification Letter $75 Signs Permits Signs may also require a building permit. See Section 13.2 and Table 3. TABLE 14: Sign Permits A -Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Master Sign Plan Permit $300 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Sign Variance $300 da D. Public Works Department Fees 116 of 144 0 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. Back to Agenda TABLE 15: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the same Minor Land Disturbing Activity Review and property (parcel Permit (disturbances of less than 1,000 and/or address) in any square feet) $50 365 day period. (Paid at the time of $100 base fee, plus $100 for application submittal — the first acre of disturbance covers Land Disturbing + $25 for each additional Activity plan review acre of Disturbance above 1 costs). Acres of acre. Area to be rounded up disturbance should be Land Disturbing Activity Permit Plan to the next higher acre. rounded up to the Review $100 minimum fee. nearest acre. $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $50 for each (Paid at time of permit additional acre of issuance — covers Land Disturbance above 1 acre. Disturbing inspection Area to be rounded up to costs). Acres of the next higher acre. $100 disturbance rounded Land Disturbing Activity Permit minimum fee. up to the nearest acre. $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be (Paid at the time of constructed + $25 for each application submittal — additional 3,000 square feet covers hard surface or fraction thereof of hard and stormwater surface to be constructed. improvement plan Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan Review $100 minimum fee. review costs). $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be Stormwater Drainage constructed + $50 for each Permit (Paid at time of additional 3,000 square feet permit issuance — or fraction thereof of hard covers hard surface surface to be constructed. and stormwater Stormwater Drainage Permit $100 minimum fee. inspection costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Tree cutting permit $50 The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing the Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit latecomer agreement For uses which do not ROW Permit, Tier 1 1 $50 include the physical 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 disturbance of the right-of-way. Foi Back to Agenda alter the appearance, or disturb the surface or sub -surface, or allow long term use of the ROW Permit, Tier 2 $230 right-of-way. Violator must obtain the required permit Permit fee is doubled; $65 and pay twice the Work without a Permit — Penalty minimum. normal permit fee TABLE 16: Street Vacations Street Vacation Petition Fee $120 Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Deposit) $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. TABLE 17: Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 18: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 Concurrency (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B) for concurrency review as applicable. 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application is to be reviewed by the city or to be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When consultant review is required, the applicant shall pay the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. TABLE 19: Concurrency Review Type of Review A B Application Fee (also Review Performed by Consultant: the total review fee for A scope and fee shall be obtained from the applications reviewed Consultant after the application is received. in house by the City) Transportation $150 Either Tier 1 (limited review) or Tier 2 (full review) fixed fees listed in consultant fee schedule. For projects that do not fit the categories, the fee will be determined on PM peak hour trip generation, or as determined in a not -to -exceed task order. 118 of 144 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. Back to Age, Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount snown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. E. Hourly Rates. ida A minimum of one hour shall be charged per staff member when using the hourly rates. Additional charges shall be by the quarter hour per staff member. Plan review fees shall apply to revisions to plans or documents which were previously reviewed and approved. The fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for all staff performing the review, or the full permit plan review fee, whichever is less. The hourly rates shall be used to calculate deductions to refunds. A Reinspection fee is charged at the hourly rate for reinspection after the same inspection fails for the second time. TABLE 20. Type Hourly Rate Notes Plan Review, Building/Fire $75 Plan Review, Planning - DCD $75 Plan Review, Engineering— Public Works $85 Administrative, Permit Center $60 Reinspection, Building/Fire $75 After two prior inspections for same work Reinspection, Public Works $75 After two prior inspections for same work Reinspection, Planning $75 After two prior inspections for same work Inspections outside of normal business hours, Public Works Hourly rate x 1.5 $75 Minimum charge: 2 hours Alternate methods and materials review, Building $75 F. Work by Outside Consultants: Building and Fire Codes. 1. The jurisdiction may send permit applications to third -party consultants for plan review. The plan review fee paid as described in Section B covers the City's consultant cost, except for the following reviews: a. Third and subsequent submittals. The applicant shall pay the actual hourly costs as listed in table 21 for all 3rd and subsequent submittals. b. Projects with total valuation exceeding $10,000,000, or projects of a significant complexity that require outside review such as courthouses, schools, hospitals as determined by the Building Official. For projects as described in this subsection, the initial plan review fee shall be applied to the 3rd party consultant review fee. If that fee is inadequate to fully pay the actual plan review fee then the applicant shall be billed for the additional cost as described in subsection 3 below. 2. The city may provide inspections by contracted services. Permit fees cover the consultant's inspection charges except for afterhours inspection. 3. The plan review fees and afterhours inspection fees as described in Sections 1 and 2 shall be billed at the rates provided in table 21. 4. The fees charged listed in table 21 shall are based on an hourly rate must be paid in full prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation, final inspection, or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, as applicable to the type of permitaind4when the work is performed. 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 5. When the hourly rate is used for consultants, the fee may be rounded to the quarter hour. TABLE 21. Building and Fire Code: Consultant Services Hourly Rates. Types listed represent the most frequently used rates. Back to Agenda Type Rate Notes Plan Review, 3rd and subsequent reviews $110 / hour Subject to current contract Plan Review, revisions to approved plans $110 / hour Subject to current contract Fire Code Plan Review: Reviewer $110 / hour Subject to current contract Technician $85 / hour Subject to current contract Inspections, outside of normal business hours $120 / hour Subject to current contract G. Work by Outside Consultants: Other Services. The applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. 1. Special Reports Review. a. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant for the scope of work, and provide that estimate to the applicant for payment to the city. The city shall authorize the consultant to proceed once the payment has been received. b. If additional special review by the consultant is required, and amended scope of work and new estimate shall be obtained by the city for payment by the applicant before the additional work by the consultant can proceed. c. If the consultant's fee total is less than the full amount paid by the applicant, the remainder shall be refunded according to section K. and table 25. 2. Alternative Forms Review. When the applicant proposes to use an alternative form instead of the city's standard approved form, the city may request review by the city attorney of the alternative form if a legal determination is required to ensure that the language in the proposed form adequately addresses the city's interests. The cost of review shall be paid by the applicant at the attorney's hourly rate. H. Appeal Fees. Fees are collected when the appeal is filed. Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee. If the City Council is the decision -maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. TABLE 22: Appeal Type Appeal Body Amount Abatement Hearing Officer $100 12U Ot 144 13 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Building Code Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Concurrency Denial Public Works Director $100 Back to Age Development Agreement Same as underlying permit Depends on underlying permit. or associated legislative approval Director's Code Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Interpretation go directly to Superior Court. Fire Authority's Decision Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Illicit Discharge Detection City Council $450 and Elimination (IDDE) Notice and Order, revocation of permit, or assessment of costs of abatement IDDE Appeal, independent City Council $500 $ 500 deposit fait consultant services Consultant services, actual costs to be paid. See Section F for consultant fees. Impact Fee Amount Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Amount Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Impact Fee Credit Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Credit Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director SEPA Appeal Same as underlying permit $450 Street Use Permit Hearing Examiner $100 Type I, Director's Decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type II Permit Hearing Examiner $450. Type II Permit, Deposit for a Hearing Examiner Deposit is based on fee estimate certified transcription of from transcription service. After hearing for appeal from the final invoice, any remainder of Hearing Examiner's decision the deposit shall be refunded. Any fees in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the applicant. Type II Permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's appeal go directly to Superior Court. decision Type III permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's decision go directly to Superior Court. nda Hearing Examiner Fees. Hearing Examiner fees (excluding appeals to the Hearing Examiner) shall be the Hearing Examiner's actual costs, plus an administrative fee. 121 of 144 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Fees and deposits are required to be paid when the application is submitted. Back to Agenda Hearing examiner fees will be secured from the deposited amount and any remainuer !>riaii ue reiuriueu Lu the applicant at the end of the appeal period. Hearing Examiner fees in excess of the deposit amount will be billed to the applicant, and preliminary approval of the project will be conditioned subject to payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. City projects which require Hearing Examiner services are exempt from the deposit requirement. Instead, the bill from the Hearing Examiner shall be routed to the appropriate department for payment. TABLE 23: Type Amount TYPE III Hearing, Administrative fee $250 (non-refundable) Type III Hearing, deposit $3,000 deposit Appeal fee, for appeal of Hearing Examiner decision See Table 22. Appeal Fees Appeal fee, for appeals to the Hearing Examiner See Table 22. Appeal Fees. J. Other Fees. TABLE 24: Other Fees Electronic documents on digital storage media or devices Actual cost Photocopies, 8 % x 11 $0.15 per page Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Mailing fee for Developer's issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% Technology Fee, for each permit application entered in the electronic permitting system. $10 (non-refundable) The applicant is responsible for paying recording fees for permit -related documents required to be Actual cost of recording is paid directly to the recorded with the Kitsap County Auditor. County Auditor. $75 for each occurrence (not charged when a Work Without a Permit Posted Stop Work penalty is required at the same time) Notary Service $10 per stamp K. Refunds. Refunds may be requested using the Permit Center's refund request form. Refund requests must be made within one year of the original payment date. Refund requests must be made prior to the expiration of the permit or application. Refunds shall be issued as authorized by the director. Prior to release of any refund, • All fees or charges owed on the subject application or permit will be deducted. • All fees or charges owed on associated applications or permits will be deducted. • Expended staff hours for application review,10?6LE644ing or inspection will be deducted. 15 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Staff hours shall be calculated at the hourly rate in Table 20. The following items shall not be eligible for refund: • Technology fee. • Plan review fees once the permit has been issued. • Charges for work without a permit. • Convenience fee for credit/debit card payment. • Public Notice signs if posted on the property. • Consultant fee after work has been performed. TABLE 25: Back to Agenda Type Amount Plan Review fees for withdrawn, cancelled Expended staff hours shall be deducted. or returned building or fire permit No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. application prior to issuing a permit: Building or Fire Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded provided no staff hours have been expended for inspections or preparing the permit for issuance. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Land Use Permit/Application Fees: Expended staff hours shall be deducted. No refund shall exceed 80% of the initial application fee. Plan Review fees for withdrawn, cancelled Expended staff hours shall be deducted. or returned Public Works LDAP or SDP No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. permit applications prior to issuing a permit: LDAP or SDP Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Consultant Fees If consultant fees are less than the initial estimate, the remainder shall be refunded after the consultant work is completed. 123 of 144 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: E609FOFA-F8B8-45AF-BB1C-C44EA520CD94 Building Valuation Data - February 2022 Important Points The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs a, b, 111111 IV VA VR A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 309.06 298.66 291.64 280.58 263.98 255.82 272.02 244.80 237.02 A-1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 282.85 272.45 265.42 215.36 202.99 229.61 245.81 218.59 210.80 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 237.31 230.23 224.56 215.36 202.99 197.40 207.69 183.68 177.40 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 236.31 229.23 222.56 214.36 200.99 196.40 206.69 181.68 176.40 A-3 Assembly, churches 286.90 276.49 269.47 258.42 242.23 234.07 249.86 223.05 215.26 A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, museums 244.77 234.37 226.34 216.29 198.94 191.79 207.73 179.77 172.98 A-4 Assembly, arenas 281.85 271.45 263.42 253.37 235.77 228.61 244.61 216.59 209.80 B Business 240.90 232.07 223.51 214.08 194.91 187.36 205.68 172.02 164.34 E Educational 257.70 248.89 242.35 231.90 216.47 205.54 223.92 189.21 183.31 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 144.93 138.11 130.39 125.40 112.49 107.10 120.02 92.69 86.88 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 143.93 137.11 130.39 124.40 112.49 106.10 119.02 92.69 85.88 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 135.29 128.47 121.75 115.76 104.14 97.75 110.39 84.34 0.00 H234 High Hazard 135.29 128.47 121.75 115.76 104.14 97.75 110.39 84.34 77.53 H-5 HPM 240.90 232.07 223.51 214.08 194.91 187.36 205.68 172.02 164.34 1-1 Institutional, supervised environment 244.45 236.08 229.06 219.82 202.16 196.58 220.10 181.25 175.81 1-2 Institutional, hospitals 401.22 392.40 383.83 374.40 354.29 0.00 366.00 331.40 0.00 1-2 Institutional, nursing homes 279.15 270.32 61.76 252.33 234.64 0.00 243.93 211.75 0.00 1-3 Institutional, restrained 273.40 264.57 256.00 246.57 229.13 220.58 238.17 206.24 196.56 1-4 Institutional, day care facilities 244.45 236.08 229.06 219.82 202.16 196.58 220.10 181.25 175.81 M Mercantile 177.02 169.94 163.27 155.07 142.48 137.88 147.40 123.17 117.89 R-1 Residential, hotels 246.94 238.56 231.54 222.30 204.35 198.77 222.58 183.44 178.00 R-2 Residential, multiple family 206.81 198.43 191.41 182.17 165.41 159.83 182.46 144.50 139.06 R-3 Residential, one- and two-familyd 192.58 187.37 182.53 178.04 172.85 166.59 175.01 160.35 150.87 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 244.45 236.08 229.06 219.82 202.16 196.58 220.10 181.25 175.81 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 134.29 127.47 119.75 114.76 102.14 96.75 109.39 82.34 76.53 S-2 Storage, low hazard 133.29 126.47 119.75 113.76 102.14 95.75 108.39 82.34 75.53 U Utility, miscellaneous 104.98 99.04 93.31 89.21 80.44 74.45 85.33 63.42 60.43 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent c. N.P. = not permitted d. Unfinished basements (Group R-3) = $23.20 per sq. ft. 124 of 144 17 Exhibit A to Resolution 044-22 FEE SCHEDULES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLI1 Back to Agenda A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. Time of collection of fees. a. Fees shall be collected at the times specified in the City Code or this Fee Resolution. If not specified, the minimum fee shall be collected at the time of application submittal. No application will be deemed "counter complete" until the fee due with the application has been received by the City. b. For applications that are submitted online, the applicant can pay the fees electronically or may submit another form of payment in person or via U.S. Mail. The determination of whether a permit application is "counter complete" will be deferred for four business days following submittal of the online application submittal. If payment for the fees is not received by the City by the fourth business day, then the City will reject the application. In no case will the City take any steps to process an application until such time as the fees due with the application are received in full. c. The City may bill an applicant and require payment for accrued fees at any time in the permit review process. d. The final fees will be recalculated during review, and any additional amount due shall be collected prior to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation. e. At the time an application or permit is denied or canceled, the final fee shall be determined and collected. f. Any fee in excess of the final calculated fee shall be refunded pursuant to Refunds Table 25. g. All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to scheduling or performing final inspections. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. A project may require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive. When an applicant is required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit, separate fees are required for each permit. 3. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be the contractor's bid price, rounded up to the next whole dollar. For work not done by a contractor, the construction value shall include the price of materials, plus the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found materials, multiplied by two (2). Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. 4. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a "basic plan" review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city's standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be 125 of 144 approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each i Back to Agenda applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city's building code has been updated unless the plans have been re -reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. TABLE 1: Fee Calculations. Permit fees and Plan Review fees shall be determined by using the calculations found in Table 1. Valuations shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the February 2020 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and as otherwise set in Tables 2 and 3. Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, $501 to $2,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $2,001 to $25,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $25,001 to $50,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $50,001 to $100,000 $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,001 to $500,000 $500,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each $1,000,001 and up additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Unfinished Basement (Group R-3) $23.50 Square foot Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $60.43 square foot Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 square foot 126 of 144 Back to Agenda TABLE 3: Miscellaneous Permit fees: Unit of Building Permit Type Amount Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $75 Each Fences over 6 feet in height $11.74 Per Linear Foot Per Linear Retaining walls $19.67 Foot Construction value (contract Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Apply Construction price or Removal Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Roof: Composition, Metal Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Wood Shake Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $140 Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $90 Roof: Torch Down Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Residential Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $75 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name change, or business ownership change, or property ownership change. $60 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park $150 Each 127 of 144 Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH Back tv r►genva park $75 Each Reactivation fee, for permit expired for less than one 50% of original year, no plan changes permit fee Permit fee is Work without a permit — penalty; doubled, $65 Violator must obtain the necessary permit. minimum. Construction value (contract Apply Construction or materials x Sign (when a building permit is required) Value to Table 1 2) Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Calculate Residential siding replacement: permit required construction when over 1000 sq. ft. or if any structural work is Apply Construction value at $70 required (POMC 20.200.014) Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Calculate construction Apply Construction value at $70 Commercial siding replacement Value to Table 1 per 100 SQ FT Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 For each use Construction value (contract Apply Construction price or Windows or Doors Value to Table 1 materials x 2) Fire Code Permits Fire Code permit projects may be reviewed by a consultant under contract services, depending on city staff workload. Plan review fee submitted with the application may cover the consultant cost. TABLE 4: Fire Code Permit Fees: Fire Construction Amount Calculation Fire Alarm, new Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Alarm, minor modifications to existing Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Sprinkler, new or major modification Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Sprinkler, modifications 20 heads or fewer Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Suppression System, Class 1 Hood and Duct Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value 128 of 144 4 Solar Panels: Solar energy/photovoltaic panel ddcK tv /Agunua system roof mounted install per WAC 51-51-2300 Sec. M2302 Standpipe System Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Construction value Apply Table 1 Removal (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Compressed Gasses Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Marijuana Extraction Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Construction permits unless otherwise listed Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Fire Operational Amount Calculation Carbon Dioxide Systems Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value High Piled Storage Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Marijuana Extraction Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure Permit required. No permit fee. Fire operational permits unless otherwise listed Construction value Apply Table 1 (contract price or to construction materials x 2) value 129 of 144 Plumbing Permit Fees Agenda Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 5 and 6. TABLE 5: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $9,80 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink $9.80 Each Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub with or without Shower, or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each 130 of 144 N. TABLE 6: Back to Agenda Residential Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sewer Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 7 and 8. TABLE 7: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air -Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Air -Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Type 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Type 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove only $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outlets) $10.65 Each Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) $10.65 Each Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) $10.65 Each Unit Heater Suspended or Floor Mount $14.80 Each Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air Propane tank over 2000 gallons $10.65 Each $10.65 Each 13l Of 144 7 Back to Agenda TABLE 8: Residential Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Air conditioning, separate install from furnace $14.80 Each Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace — Electric, +/- AC, Heat Pump, ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Furnace Propane +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Gas pipe stub -out $10.65 Each Gas Water heater, Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Mini Split System, AC and/or Heat $14.80 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each 132 of 144 C. Planning and Land Use Fees Back to Agenda The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 9: Subdivisions Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,200 Short Subdivision, Final $700 Short Subdivision, Preliminary, or Alteration $600 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 10-20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,100 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $600 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,100 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment $300 Final Plat $1,100 + 50 Per Lot Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,100 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Binding Site Plan, Preliminary $1,200 Binding Site Plan, Preliminary, Alteration $500 Binding Site Plan, Final $700 Binding Site Plan, Final, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 10: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non -Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. 133 of 144 TABLE 11: Back to Agenda Shoreline Permits Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 12: Land Use Permits Conditional Use Permit $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $75 Critical Areas Exception $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Modification to Overlay District Boundaries $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,375 plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance, Administrative $300 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee TABLE 13: Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per RCW 35.21.475 $75 Accessory Dwelling Units $75 $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an Administrative Interpretation (POMC Chapter administrative application shall be paid by 20.10) the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Nonconforming Use $150 $150 (100% is credited to a subsequent related land use application if filed within Pre -Application Meeting 12 months) 134 of 144 10 Development Agreements Back tv mquiiva Applied to the city's costs including city attorney fees regardless of whether a development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 Pre -Submittal Design Review $150 (up to 100% credited to a subsequent related permit application if filed within 12 months) Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500 Zoning Verification Letter $75 Signs Permits Signs may also require a building permit. See Section B.2 and Table 3. TABLE 14: Sign Permits A -Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Master Sign Plan Permit $300 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Sign Variance $300 D. Public Works Department Fees The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 15: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the Minor Land Disturbing Activity same property (parcel Review and Permit (disturbances and/or address) in any 365 of less than 1,000 square feet) $50 day period. $100 base fee, plus $100 for the first acre of (Paid at the time of disturbance + $25 for each application submittal — additional acre of covers Land Disturbing Disturbance above 1 acre. Activity plan review costs). Area to be rounded up to Acres of disturbance should Land Disturbing Activity Permit the next higher acre. $100 be rounded up to the Plan Review minimum fee. nearest acre. 135 of 144 11 $100 for the first acre of 6acK tv /Agenaa disturbance + $50 for each (Paid at time of permit additional acre of issuance —covers Land Disturbance above 1 acre. Disturbing inspection costs). Area to be rounded up to Acres of disturbance the next higher acre. $100 rounded up to the nearest Land Disturbing Activity Permit minimum fee. acre. $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $25 for each additional 3,000 square (Paid at the time of feet or fraction thereof of application submittal — hard surface to be covers hard surface and Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan constructed. $100 stormwater improvement Review minimum fee. plan review costs). $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $50 for each Stormwater Drainage additional 3,000 square Permit (Paid at time of feet or fraction thereof of permit issuance — covers hard surface to be hard surface and constructed. $100 stormwater inspection Stormwater Drainage Permit minimum fee. costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Tree cutting permit $50 The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit the latecomer agreement For uses which do not include the physical disturbance of the right -of - ROW Permit, Tier 1 $50 way. For activities which alter the appearance, or disturb the surface or sub -surface, or allow long term use of the ROW Permit, Tier 2 $230 right-of-way. Violator must obtain the Permit fee is doubled; $65 required permit and pay Work without a Permit — Penalty minimum. twice the normal permit fee TABLE 16: Street Vacations Street Vacation Petition Fee $120 Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Deposit) $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. 136 of 144 12 Back to Agenda TABLE 17: Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 18: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 Concurrency (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B) for concurrency review as applicable. 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application is to be reviewed by the city or to be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When consultant review is required, the applicant shall pay the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. TABLE 19: Concurrency Review Type of Review A B Application Fee (also Review Performed by Consultant: the total review fee for A scope and fee shall be obtained from the applications reviewed Consultant after the application is received. in house by the City) Transportation $150 Either Tier 1 (limited review) or Tier 2 (full review) fixed fees listed in consultant fee schedule. For projects that do not fit the categories, the fee will be determined on PM peak hour trip generation, or as determined in a not -to -exceed task order. Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City's Consultant. 137 of 144 13 E. Hourly Rates. Back to Agenda A minimum of one hour shall be charged per staff member when using the hourly rates. Additional charges shall be by the quarter hour per staff member. Plan review fees shall apply to revisions to plans or documents which were previously reviewed and approved. The fee shall be equal to the hourly rate for all staff performing the review, or the full permit plan review fee, whichever is less. The hourly rates shall be used to calculate deductions to refunds. A Reinspection fee is charged at the hourly rate for reinspection after the same inspection fails for the second time. TABLE 20. Type Hourly Rate Notes Plan Review, Building/Fire $75 Plan Review, Planning - DCD $75 Plan Review, Engineering — Public Works $85 Administrative, Permit Center $60 Reinspection, Building/Fire After two prior inspections for $75 same work Reinspection, Public Works After two prior inspections for $75 same work Reinspection, Planning After two prior inspections for $75 same work Inspections outside of normal business Hourly rate x Minimum charge: 2 hours hours, Public Works 1.5 $75 Alternate methods and materials review, Building $75 F. Work by Outside Consultants: Building and Fire Codes. 1. The jurisdiction may send permit applications to third -party consultants for plan review. The plan review fee paid as described in Section B covers the City's consultant cost, except for the following reviews: a. Third and subsequent submittals. The applicant shall pay the actual hourly costs as listed in table 21 for all 3rd and subsequent submittals. Projects with total valuation exceeding $10,000,000, or projects of a significant complexity that require outside review such as courthouses, schools, hospitals as determined by the Building Official. For projects as described in this subsection, the initial plan review fee shall be applied to the 3rd party consultant review fee. If that fee is inadequate to fully pay the actual plan review fee then the applicant shall be billed for the additional cost as described in subsection 3 below. 2. The city may provide inspections by contracted services. Permit fees cover the consultant's inspection charges except for afterhours inspection. 3. The plan review fees and afterhours inspection fees as described in Sections 1 and 2 shall be billed at the rates provided in table 21. 138 of 144 14 4. The fees charged listed in table 21 shall are based on an hourly rate rr Back to Agenda to the issuance of the permit, approval, denial, decision or recommendation, final inspection, or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, as applicable to the type of permit and when the work is performed. 5. When the hourly rate is used for consultants, the fee may be rounded to the quarter hour. TABLE 21. Building and Fire Code: Consultant Services Hourly Rates. Types listed represent the most frequently used rates. Type Rate Notes Plan Review, 3rd and subsequent reviews $110 / hour Subject to current contract Plan Review, revisions to approved plans $110 / hour Subject to current contract Fire Code Plan Review: Reviewer $110 / hour Subject to current contract Technician $85 / hour Subject to current contract Inspections, outside of normal business hours $120 / hour Subject to current contract G. Work by Outside Consultants: Other Services. The applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. Special Reports Review. a. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant for the scope of work, and provide that estimate to the applicant for payment to the city. The city shall authorize the consultant to proceed once the payment has been received. If additional special review by the consultant is required, and amended scope of work and new estimate shall be obtained by the city for payment by the applicant before the additional work by the consultant can proceed. c. If the consultant's fee total is less than the full amount paid by the applicant, the remainder shall be refunded according to section K. and table 25. 2. Alternative Forms Review. When the applicant proposes to use an alternative form instead of the city's standard approved form, the city may request review by the city attorney of the alternative form if a legal determination is required to ensure that the language in the proposed form adequately addresses the city's interests. The cost of review shall be paid by the applicant at the attorney's hourly rate. 139 of 144 15 H. Appeal Fees. Back to Agenda Fees are collected when the appeal is filed. Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee. If the City Council is the decision -maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. TABLE 22: Appeal Type Appeal Body Amount Abatement Hearing Officer $100 Building Code Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Concurrency Denial Public Works Director $100 Development Agreement Same as underlying Depends on underlying permit. permit or associated legislative approval Director's Code Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Interpretation go directly to Superior Court. Fire Authority's Decision Building Board of Appeals $450 (BBOA) Illicit Discharge Detection City Council $450 and Elimination (IDDE) Notice and Order, revocation of permit, or assessment of costs of abatement IDDE Appeal, independent City Council Consultant services, actual costs consultant services to be paid. See Section F for consultant fees. Impact Fee Amount Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Amount Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Impact Fee Credit Director $100 Reconsideration Impact Fee Credit Hearing Examiner $450 Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director 140 of 144 16 SEPA Appeal Same as underlying $450 Back tv /.gull permit Street Use Permit Hearing Examiner $100 Type I, Director's Decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type II Permit Hearing Examiner $450. Type II Permit, Deposit for Hearing Examiner Deposit is based on fee a certified transcription of estimate from transcription hearing for appeal from service. After the final invoice, Hearing Examiner's any remainder of the deposit decision shall be refunded. Any fees in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the applicant. Type II Permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's appeal go directly to Superior Court. decision Type III permit, appeal of Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees Hearing Examiner's go directly to Superior Court. decision I. Hearing Examiner Fees. Hearing Examiner fees (excluding appeals to the Hearing Examiner) shall be the Hearing Examiner's actual costs, plus an administrative fee. Fees and deposits are required to be paid when the application is submitted. da Hearing examiner fees will be secured from the deposited amount and any remainder shall be refunded to the applicant at the end of the appeal period. Hearing Examiner fees in excess of the deposit amount will be billed to the applicant, and preliminary approval of the project will be conditioned subject to payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. City projects which require Hearing Examiner services are exempt from the deposit requirement. Instead, the bill from the Hearing Examiner shall be routed to the appropriate department for payment. TABLE 23: Type Amount TYPE III Hearing, Administrative fee $250 (non-refundable) Type III Hearing, deposit $3,000 deposit Appeal fee, for appeal of Hearing Examiner decision See Table 22. Appeal Fees Appeal fee, for appeals to the Hearing Examiner See Table 22. Appeal Fees. 141 of 144 17 Back to Agenda J. Other Fees. TABLE 24: Other Fees Electronic documents on digital storage media or devices Actual cost Photocopies, 8 % x 11 $0.15 per page Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Mailing fee for Developer's issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% Technology Fee, for each permit application entered in the electronic permitting system. $10 (non-refundable) The applicant is responsible for paying recording fees for permit -related documents required to be recorded with the Kitsap Actual cost of recording is paid County Auditor. directly to the County Auditor. $75 for each occurrence (not charged when a Work Without a Permit penalty is required at the Posted Stop Work same time) Notary Service $10 per stamp K. Refunds. Refunds may be requested using the Permit Center's refund request form. Refund requests must be made within one year of the original payment date. Refund requests must be made prior to the expiration of the permit or application. Refunds shall be issued as authorized by the director. Prior to release of any refund, • All fees or charges owed on the subject application or permit will be deducted. • All fees or charges owed on associated applications or permits will be deducted. • Expended staff hours for application review, processing or inspection will be deducted. Staff hours shall be calculated at the hourly rate in Table 20. The following items shall not be eligible for refund: • Technology fee. • Plan review fees once the permit has been issued. • Charges for work without a permit. • Convenience fee for credit/debit card payment. • Public Notice signs if posted on the property. • Consultant fee after work has been performed. 142 of 144 18 Back to Agenda TABLE 25: Type Amount Plan Review fees for withdrawn, Expended staff hours shall be deducted. cancelled or returned building or fire No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. permit application prior to issuing a permit: Building or Fire Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded provided no staff hours have been expended for inspections or preparing the permit for issuance. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Land Use Permit/Application Fees: Expended staff hours shall be deducted. No refund shall exceed 80% of the initial application fee. Plan Review fees for withdrawn, Expended staff hours shall be deducted. cancelled or returned Public Works No refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. LDAP or SDP permit applications prior to issuing a permit: LDAP or SDP Permit Fees: If the permit fee was paid and the application cancelled or withdrawn prior to issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. Expended staff hours shall be deducted after a permit has been issued. No refund shall exceed 80% of the permit fee after a permit has been issued. Consultant Fees If consultant fees are less than the initial estimate, the remainder shall be refunded after the consultant work is completed. 143 of 144 19 M__1_ a_ w Building Valuation Data - February 2022 Important Points The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs b, Group (2015 International Building Code) IA B IIA 11113 IIIA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 309.06 298.66 291.64 280.58 263.98 255.82 272.02 244.80 237.02 A-1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 282.85 272.45 265.42 215.36 202.99 229.61 245.81 218.59 210.80 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 237.31 230.23 224.56 215.36 202.99 197.40 207.69 183.68 177.40 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 236.31 229.23 222.56 214.36 200.99 196.40 206.69 181.68 176.40 A-3 Assembly, churches 286.90 276.49 269.47 258.42 242.23 234.07 249.86 223.05 215.26 A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, museums 244.77 234.37 226.34 216.29 198.94 191.79 207.73 179.77 172.98 A-4 Assembly, arenas 281.85 271.45 263.42 253.37 235.77 228.61 244.61 216.59 209.80 B Business 240.90 232.07 223.51 214.08 194.91 187.36 205.68 172.02 164.34 E Educational 257.70 248.89 242.35 231.90 216.47 205.54 223.92 189.21 183.31 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 144.93 138.11 130.39 125.40 112.49 107.10 120.02 92.69 86.88 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 143.93 137.11 130.39 124.40 112.49 106.10 119.02 92.69 85.88 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 135.29 128.47 121.75 115.76 104.14 97.75 110.39 84.34 0.00 H234 High Hazard 135.29 128.47 121.75 115.76 104.14 97.75 110.39 84.34 77.53 H-5 HPM 240.90 232.07 223.51 214.08 194.91 187.36 205.68 172.02 164.34 1-1 Institutional, supervised environment 244.45 236.08 1 229.06 219.82 1 202.16 196.58 220.10 1 181.25 175.81 1-2 Institutional, hospitals 401.22 392.40 383.83 374.40 354.29 0.00 366.00 331.40 0.00 1-2 Institutional, nursing homes 279.15 270.32 61.76 252.33 234.64 0.00 243.93 211.75 0.00 1-3 Institutional, restrained 273.40 264.57 256.00 246.57 229.13 220.58 238.17 206.24 196.56 1-4 Institutional, day care facilities 244.45 236.08 229.06 219.82 202.16 196.58 220.10 181.25 175.81 M Mercantile 177.02 169.94 163.27 155.07 142.48 137.88 147.40 123.17 117.89 R-1 Residential, hotels 246.94 238.56 231.54 222.30 204.35 198.77 222.58 183.44 178.00 R-2 Residential, multiple family 206.81 198.43 191.41 182.17 165.41 159.83 182.46 144.50 139.06 R-3 Residential, one- and two-familya 192.58 187.37 182.53 178.04 172.85 166.59 175.01 160.35 150.87 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 244.45 236.08 229.06 219.82 202.16 196.58 220.10 181.25 175.81 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 134.29 127.47 119.75 114.76 102.14 96.75 109.39 82.34 76.53 S-2 Storage, low hazard 133.29 126.47 119.75 113.76 102.14 95.75 108.39 82.34 75.53 U Utility, miscellaneous 104.98 99.04 93.31 89.21 80.44 74.45 85.33 63.42 60.43 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous c. N.P. = not permitted b. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. Unfinished basements (Group R-3) = $23.20 per sq. ft. 144 of 144 20