12/12/2023 - Regular - Revised Budget - Additional DocsAgenda Item No.: Subject: City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Business Item Ordinance No. OXX- 23 Amendine the 2023-2024 Biennial Meeting Date Prepared by: Budget Including Exhibit A Atty Routing No: Personnel Atty Review Date: December 19, 2023 Noah D. Crocker Finance Director Summary: The City of Port Orchard Biennial Budget for 2023-2024 is written to capture revenue and expenses over the fiscal period. During the biennial period, changes to the budget in both revenue and expenditures need to be recognized by a Budget Amendment. By this Ordinance, the City Council would amend the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget, as adopted by Ordinance No. 046-22 and amended by Ordinance No.018-23, 022-23, and Ordinance 029-23 including changes to Exhibit A which identifies Salary and personnel positions of the City. The proposed budget amendment is intended to provide the following: 1) Fund 001: Current Expense Fund a. Increase transfers out to Fund 302 by $29,000 for Electric Charging Stations at PW Shop b.lncrease transfers out to Fund 302 by $67,000 for the Community Events Center RFM Amendment No. 12 c. Reduce ending fund balance by $96,000 2) Fund 109: Real Estate Excise Tax Fund a. Increase transfer into Fund 109 for REET 1 from Fund 302 by $433,000 for Reimbursement of City Hall Expenses b. Increase ending fund balance for Fund 302 by $433,000 3) Fund 111: Impact Fee a. Increase transfer out from Park Impact Fee's to Fund 302 by $352,300 for the Community Events Center RFM Amendment No. 7 b. Reduce ending fund balance for Park Impact fee's by $352,300 4) Fund 302: Capital Construction a. Increase revenues to recognize the actual bond proceeds by increasing budget by $759,075.10 b.lncrease transfers in from Fund 001 by $29,000 for Electric Charging Stations at PW Shop Page 2 of 2 c.Increase transfers in from Fund 001 by $67,000 for the Community Events Center RFM Amendment No. 12 d.lncrease transfer in from Fund 111 (Park Impact Fee's) by $352,300 for the Community Events Center RFM Amendment No. 7 e.lncrease transfers out by $433,000 to Fund 109 to reimburse REET 1 from prior City Hall Expenditures f. Increase expenditures for the City Hall Project including cost of issuance, by $326,075.10 g.Increase expenditure authority by $29,000 for Electric Charging Stations at PW Shop h.lncrease expenditure authority by $67,000 for the Community Events Center RFM Amendment No. 12 i. Increase expenditure authority by $352,300 for the Community Events Center RFM Amendment No. 7 5) Exhibit A a.Adjust the Salary Table for the three groups of city employees who are in collective bargaining agreements by the contractual amounts. b.Adjust the Salary Table for the non -represented employees by the results of the salary review and additional 4.0% COLA, as represented in exhibit A c. Adjust the Exhibit A -Salary Table for the Council members based on Ordinance No. 009-23 d.Create 1 FTE for Principal Planner e. Defund 1 FTE for Senior Planner f. Create 1 FTE for Human Resource Analyst g. Defund 1 FTE for Human Resource Specialist h.All new positions, removed positions, and salary adjustments will become effective the starting first full pay period of fiscal year 2024 (January 14, 2024) Recommendation: The Finance Director recommends adoption of Ordinance No. OOX-23 amending the 2023 — 2024 Biennial Budget. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Motion for consideration: I move to adopt Ordinance No. OXX-23, amending the 2023 — 2024 Biennial Budgets for the City of Port Orchard. Fiscal Impact: The 2023-2024 Biennial Budget amendment increases expenditure authority by $1,640,372. Salary adjustments will be absorbed within the current biennial budget allotment. Alternatives: Do not authorize and provide alternative guidance Attachments: Ordinance No. OXX-23, Income Statement, 2 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 109 - Real Estate Excise Tax Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 029-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 4,182,707 $ - $ 4,182,707 Revenue $ 3,400,093 $ 433,000 $ 3,833,093 Expense $ 5,213,485 $ - $ 5,213,485 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,369,315 $ 433,000 $ 2,802,315 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 111 - Impact Mitigation Fee Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 029-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,304,555 $ - $ 5,304,555 Revenue $ 10,877,245 $ - $ 10,877,245 Expense $ 6,877,890 $ 352,300 $ 7,230,190 Ending Fund Balance $ 9,303,910 $ (352,300) $ 8,951,610 R M11 I 11: 2023-2024 Current 2023-2024 2023-2024 Amended Fund: 302 - Capital Construction Biennial Budget Ord. Adjustments Biennial Budget 029-23 Beginning Fund Balance $ 547,631 $ - $ 547,631 Revenue $ 20,976,269 $ 1,207,372 $ 22,183,641 Expense $ 20,930,700 $ 1,207,372 $ 22,138,072 Ending Fund Balance $ 593,200 $ - $ 593,200 Page 1 Personnel Position Listing Elected Officials Positions Wages Mayor 1 Annual 123,911.41 Council Seats 1,4,5 3 Bi-Weekly 500 Council Seats 2,3,6 3 Monthly 1,000 Council At Large) 1 Bi-Weekly500 Total Elected 8.00 PositionsPersonnel City Clerk 1 50.15 58.15 Community Development Director 1 71.17 82.53 Finance Director 1 72.55 84.13 Human Resources Director 1 60.45 70.11 Police Chief 1 76.71 88.97 Public Works Director 1 74.07 85.90 Total Mayoral Direct Reports 6.00 Deputy City Clerk 1 37.50 43.49 Human Resources Analyst 1 41.85 48.53 Human Resources Specialist 0 30.83 35.75 Total Administration 2.00 Deputy Finance Director 1 55.40 64.24 Accounting Assistant 1 1 28.65 33.22 Accounting Assistant II 4 31.96 37.06 Accounting Assistant 111 2 38.90 45.11 Accounting Assistant III / ITSpecialist 1 40.26 46.69 Information Technology Manager 1 58.58 67.94 IT Support Specialist 1 37.99 44.05 Total Finance/IT 11.00 Deputy Director Community Development 1 54.29 62.97 Permit Center Manager 1 39.34 45.62 Permit Tech 2 32.01 37.12 Permit Clerk 2 29.54 34.28 Permit Center Assistant 0.70 26.03 30.19 Principal Planner 1 54.28 62.96 Senior Planner 1 46.50 53.91 Plans Exam iner/Building Inspector II 2 40.07 46.47 Associate Planner 1 40.15 46.56 Assistant Planner 1 35.42 41.08 Building Inspector 1 1 36.10 41.86 Code Enforcement Officer 1 1 30.64 35.56 Code Enforcement Officer II 1 38.83 45.04 Parking Enforcement Officer 2 PT 1 29.00 1 33.63 Total Community Development 16.70 Municipal Court Judge 0.6 Annual 123,380.28 Municipal Court Administrator 1 50.16 58.17 Lead Clerk 1 31.87 38.08 Court Clerk 2 26.93 32.15 Total Judicial 4.60 Deputy Police Chief Police Services Coordinator Records Evidence Specialist Sergeant 2 69.74 80.87 1 35.85 42.82 3.7 26.80 31.99 5 53.72 59.48 Patrol Officer 1 19 1 36.04 1 49.48 Total Police Department 30.70 Personnel Position Personnel Positions Listing FTE Minimum Maximum City Engineer 1 62.82 72.85 Assistant City Engineer 1 56.67 65.72 Operations Manager 1 52.05 60.36 Utility Manager 1 52.05 60.36 Utilities Compliance Specialist 1 37.34 43.28 Civil Engineer II 1 48.97 56.78 Stormwater Program Coordinator 1 40.88 47.41 GIS Special ist/Develoment Review Assistant 1 41.90 48.60 Public Works Procurement Specialist 1 38.95 45.16 Project Coordinator/Inspector 2 40.77 47.28 Office Assistant II 1 29.67 34.41 Office Assistant 1 1 26.03 30.19 Public Works Foreman 1 39.92 47.65 Mechanic 2 33.26 39.72 Electrician 1 35.28 42.13 Public Works Personnel 15 32.25 38.51 WA/SW/Storm Coordinators 3 34.66 41.38 Public Works Laborer 2 24.02 28.69 Total Public Works 37.00 P Minimum Maximum Seasonal Public Works Hourly 16.87 22.50 Intern Hourl 16.87 22.50 Temporary Employee Hourly 16.87 22.50