12/15/2023 - Ordinance No. 038-23Kitsap sun PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK PO Box 52173, Phoenix, AZ. 85072-2173 PROOF OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ORDINANCE Jenine Floyd The following is a summary City Of Port Orchard of an Ordinance approved by 216 Prospect St the Port Orchard City Coun- Port Orchard WA 98366 cil at their regular Council meeting held December 12, 2023. STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF BROWN. ORDINANCE NO. 038-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE I, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That I am now, CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, and at all times embraced in the publication herein mentioned was WASH I NGTON, RELATING the principal clerk of the printers and publishers of KITSAP SUN; TO THE STORM that said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by DRAINAGE RATES AND the order of the Superior Court of the County of Kitsap, in which CAPITAL FACILITY County it is published and is now and has been for more than 6 CHARGES (CFC); months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, AMENDING PORT published in the English language continually as a daily newspaper ORCHARD MUNICIPAL in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, a weekly newspaper in CODE (POMC) SECTION Kitsap County, Washington and is now and during all of the said 13.TO UPDATE STOORMRM DRAINAGE time, was printed in an office maintained in the aforesaid place of RATES THROUGH 2O28; publication of said newspaper; that the following is a true text of an ADDING NEW SECTIONS advertisement as it was published in regular issues (and not in 13.06.150 AND 13.06.160 TO supplement form) of said newspaper on the following date(s), to THE POMC TO ADOPT wit: And on STORM DRAINAGE CAPI- TAL FACILITY CHARGES 12/15/2023 AND INSPECTION FEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVER - such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during ABILITY AND CORREC- all of said period. TIONS; AND ESTABLISH - Subscribed and swo�iNl=re on 12/15/2023 ING DATE. AN EFFECTIVE } A statement of the full text J of the above Ordinance will Legal Clerk be mailed to any interested person upon request by y• — contacting the City Clerk's Notary, State of W1 County of Brow office at (360) 876-4407 or 12 city- clerk@portorchardwa.gov. My commision expires Brandy Wallace, City Clerk Publication Cost: $95.16 9630886 12/15/23 Order No: 9630886 # of Copies: Customer No: 288906 1 PO #: ORD 038-23 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! Please do not use this form for payment remittance. KAITLYN FELTY Notary Public ' State of Wisconsin C Pagel of 1