02/13/2024 - Regular - PacketT.Q9RCHARD. Meeting Location: Contact us: Council Chambers, 311 Floor Phone (360) 876-4407 216 Prospect Street citvhall@portorchardwa.gov Port Orchard, WA 98366 www.portorchardwa.gov City of Port Orchard City Council Regular Meeting Agenda February 13, 2024 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW, the City Council is conducting its public meeting in a hybrid format with options for in -person attendance in the Council Chambers at City Hall or remote viewing and participation via Zoom (link below). The meeting is streamed live on the City's YouTube channel, click here. Remote access Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/a/82662532554 Zoom Meeting ID: 826 6253 2554 Zoom Call -In: 1-253-215-8782 Guiding Principles • Are we raising the bar? • Are we honoring the past, but not living in the past? • Are we building connections with outside partners? • Is the decision -making process positively impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion? 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Council Group Photos 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council on agenda items that are not associated with a Public Hearing on this agenda. Comments are limited to 3 minutes. Please approach the podium or raise your Zoom hand if viewing remotely and wait to be recognized by the Mayor. Then, state your name for the official record. If you are attending remotely by Zoom via telephone, enter *9 from your keypad to raise your hand.) 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Items listed are to be considered routine in nature and are grouped together in a single motion. A Councilmember may remove an item for separate consideration upon request. In the event of such request, the item is placed under Business Items.) A. Approval of Vouchers and Electronic Payments B. Approval of Payroll and Direct Deposits C. Adootion of a Resolution Authorizini? the Purchase of Radios for Radio Read Meters from Fereuson Waterworks via DES Contract No. 01118 (Ryan) Page 4 D. Approval of the January 23, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 10 �M:j1.4* LkLA 111IQ01 6. PUBLIC HEARING (Accepting public testimony from citizens limited to the specific item listed) Fin 31-L9Ii,I&I.1III kT11i A. Adoption of an Ordinance for the McCormick Village Overlay District Amend ment-Fourplex (Bond) Page 15 B. Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Port Orchard and Century Communities of Washington, LLC Concerning the Mitigation of Traffic Impacts at Sinclair Ridge in Bremerton (Bond) Page 63 C. Approval of the January 15, 2024, Special Meeting Minutes, Legislative Reception Dinner Page 72 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A. Development Activity (Bond) Page 74 B. Downtown Presentation (Mayor) Page 102 9. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES 10. REPORT OF MAYOR 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS 12. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ANY ITEM (This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council on any items that are not associated with a Public Hearing on this agenda. Comments are limited to 3 minutes. Please approach the podium or raise your Zoom hand if viewing remotely and wait to be recognized by the Mayor. Then, state your name for the official record. If you are attending remotely by Zoom via telephone, enter *9 from your keypad to raise your hand.) 13. CITY COUNCIL GOOD OF THE ORDER 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110, the City Council may hold an executive session. The topic(s) and the session duration will be announced prior to the executive session. 15. ADJOURNMENT OF BUSINESS MEETING 16. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING The Council will be entering into a separate meeting related to collective bargaining. Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140 (4)b the Council can convene a session "that portion of a meeting during which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceedings, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress". CITY COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEES (Three council members serve on the committee with staff to make collaborative recommendations about work product. Staff then prepares the items for full Council consideration based on the Committee's discussion.) STANDING COMMITTEE Date & Time Location Economic Development and Tourism TBD; 4:00pm - 3rd Tuesday of the month Remote Access Utilities TBD; 5:00pm — 2nd Tuesday of the month Remote Access Finance TBD; 5:00pm — 3'd Tuesday of the month Remote Access Transportation February 27, 2024- 41h Tuesday of the month Remote Access Land Use TBD; 4:30pm — 3'd Wednesday of the month Remote Access Lodging Tax Advisory TBD 2024 Remote Access Sewer Advisory February 21, 2024; 6:30pm West Sound Utility District* Council Retreat April 12, 2024; 9:00am City Hall Outside Agency Committees Varies Varies *West Sound Utility District, 2924 SE Lund Avenue February 13, 2024, Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 ADA Requirements: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (360) 876-4407. Notification at least 48 hours in advance of meeting will enable the City to make arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. REMINDER: Please silence all electronic devices while City Council is in session. To subscribe to our general news & public notices click the link: https://Portorchardwa.gov/subscribe Robert (Rob) Putaansuu Mayor Administrative Official Eric Worden Councilmember Position 4 Land Use Committee Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee KRCC-alt Brandy Wallace, MMC, CPRO City Clerk Matt Brown Police Chief Mark Trenary Councilmember Position 1 Finance Committee Transportation Committee KRCC PSRC-alt Heidi Fenton Councilmember Position 5 Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee E/D & Tourism Committee Transportation Committee Debbie Lund, CEBS SPHR SHRM-SCP Human Resources Director Nicholas Bond, AICP Community Development Director Jay Rosapepe Councilmember Position 2 Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Land Use Committee KEDA-alt Fred Chang Councilmember Position 6 (Mayor Pro-Tempore) E/D & Tourism Committee Finance Committee Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Denis Ryan Public Works Director Scott Diener Councilmember Position 3 Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Kitsap Public Health District John Morrissey Councilmember Position At -Large Finance Committee E/D & Tourism Committee Lodging Tax, Chair Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Tim Drury Municipal Court Judge February 13, 2024, Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard OW216 Prospect Street Port Or1 (36 , 87 -4407 ORCHARD. cityhall ar portorchardwa.gov � (360) 876-4407 www. ortorchardwa. ov Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Consent Agenda 4C Subject: Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Radios for Radio Read Meters from Ferguson Waterworks via DES Contract No. 01118 Meeting Date: February 13, 2024 Prepared By: Denis Ryan Public Works Director Summary: The Public Works and Finance Departments have jointly identified the need to upgrade the water metering system and associated parts to provide more efficient and accurate water measurement service to homes located within the City. In 2023, the City began the transition to IPerl Radio Read meters. The radio -read water meters are equipped with a radio read transmitter device, which allows the City to wirelessly collect and transmit water service information. Data collection involves driving near meters instead of manual walking to each, providing efficiency in gathering information. The long-term goal is to conduct radio reads directly from City Hall, streamlining the process of monitoring water usage and enhancing overall operational efficiency and reducing costs. Pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the City executed an interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) (City Contract No. C057-13) to allow the City to utilize the contracts hosted by DES for services and purchases, so long as the City confirms the contract complies with all applicable statutory procurement requirements for the particular purchase or service, per RCW 39.34.030. The Public Works Department identified Ferguson Waterworks as an approved vendor for the radios, awarded via WA DES Contract #01118. Staff reviewed the procurement process utilized by DES for this contract to confirm the procurement requirements were met and obtained necessary documentation from DES and the vendor regarding procurement. Public Works Department staff requested a quote from Ferguson Waterworks for IPERL water meter radios. On February 8, 2024, Ferguson Waterworks provided a quote of $473,132.38 (applicable tax included), and staff verified this is consistent with the DES Contract pricing. The City's Procurement Policy requires Council approval for purchases in excess of $35,000.00. On January 19, 2024 the City's Public Works Department completed the City's Interlocal Agreement Purchase Checklist for the selected vendor. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the purchase of water meters and associated parts from Ferguson Waterworks through WA DES Contract #01118 for a total purchase price of $473,132.38 (applicable tax included) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Ch 7: Utilities -Water Page 4 of 117 Back to Agenda Staff Report 4C Page 2 of 2 Motion for Consideration: I move to adopt a Resolution authorizing the purchase of water meters and equipment from Ferguson Waterworks. Fiscal Impact: This purchase is budgeted in the 2023-2024 Budget in GL Code 411.05.534.20.30 Alternatives: Do not approve and provide further guidance. Attachments: Resolution, Ferguson Waterworks Quote, Interlocal Agreement Purchase Checklist Page 5 of 117 Back to Agenda RESOLUTION NO. *** A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF RADIOS FOR RADIO READ METERS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND DOCUMENTING PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES. WHEREAS, the Public Works and Finance Departments have jointly identified the need to upgrade the water metering system and associated parts to provide more efficient and accurate water measurement service to homes located within the City; and WHEREAS, in 2023, the City began the transition to IPerl Radio Read meters, which are equipped with a radio read transmitter device to allow the City to wirelessly collect and transmit water service information; and WHEREAS, data collection involves driving near meters instead of manual walking to each, providing efficiency in gathering information. The long-term goal is to conduct radio reads directly from City Hall, streamlining the process of monitoring water usage and enhancing overall operational efficiency; and WHEREAS, as authorized by the City's Procurement Policies adopted by Resolution No. 073-23, the City entered into an interlocal agreement with Washington State Department of Enterprise (DES) (City Contract No. C057-13) which allows the City to utilize the contracts hosted by DES for services and purchases, so long as the City confirms the contract complies with all applicable statutory procurement requirements for the particular purchase or service, per RCW 39.34.030; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department identified Ferguson Waterworks as an approved, qualified vendor for the desired brand of meters that are required to integrate with the City's existing system, awarded via WA DES Contract #01118; and WHEREAS, staff reviewed the procurement process utilized by DES for this contract to confirm the applicable procurement requirements were met, and staff obtained necessary documentation from DES and the vendor regarding procurement; and WHEREAS, Public Works Department staff requested a quote from Ferguson Waterworks, and on January 12, 2024, Ferguson Waterworks provided a quote of $473,132.38 (applicable tax included), and staff verified this is consistent with the DES Contract pricing; and WHEREAS, on January 19, 2024, the City's Public Works Department completed the Interlocal Agreement Purchase Checklist for the selected vendor; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved procurement policies which require City Council authorization for purchasing items that exceed $35,000; and WHEREAS, the Ferguson Waterworks quote attached as Exhibit A is for the purchase of water meters in an amount that exceeds the $35,000 authorization limit; and WHEREAS, the Port Orchard City Council, at the 2015 recommendation of the State Auditor's Office, wishes to document their selection/procurement process as described herein for this purchase by Resolution; now, therefore, Page 6 of 117 Back to Agenda Resolution No. ** Page 2 of 2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: It is the intent of the Port Orchard City Council that the recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and incorporated as findings in support of this Resolution. THAT: The City Council approves the purchase of radios from Ferguson Waterworks in the amount of $473,132.38 (applicable tax included). The Mayor or his designee is authorized to take all actions necessary to effectuate the purchase consistent with this authorization. THAT: The Resolution shall take full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage on this 13th day of February 2024. ATTEST: Brandy Wallace, City Clerk MMC Robert Putaansuu, Mayor Page 7 of 117 Z FERGUSON° 2042 SOUTOH 122TH ST156 WATERWORKS TACOMA, WA 98444-0000 16:59:15 FEB 08 2024 Phone: 253-538-8275 Fax: 253-531-9909 Deliver To: From: Jason Mosebar Comments: Back to Agenda FERGUSON WATERWORKS #3156 Price Quotation Phone: 253-538-8275 Fax: 253-531-9909 Bid No: B010048 Cust Phone: 360-876-4407 Bid Date: 01/12/24 Terms: NET 10TH PROX Quoted By: DGS Customer: CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Ship To: CITY OF PORT ORCHARD METER ACCOUNT METER ACCOUNT 216 PROSPECT ST 216 PROSPECT ST PORT ORCHARD, WA 98366 PORT ORCHARD, WA 98366 Cust PO#: SENSUS SMARTPOINTS Job Name: 520M SINGLE -PORT TC Item Description Quantity Net Price UM Total S5396353752201MI M520M-F1-TC-X-E-MI 1P PIT W-ID/LD 2500 173.150 EA 432875.00 Net Total: $432875.00 Tax: $40257.38 Freight: $0.00 Total: $473132.38 Quoted prices are based upon receipt of the total quantity for immediate shipment (48 hours). SHIPMENTS BEYOND 48 HOURS SHALL BE AT THE PRICE IN EFFECT AT TIME OF SHIPMENT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. QUOTES FOR PRODUCTS SHIPPED FOR RESALE ARE NOT FIRM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTOR CUSTOMERS: IF YOU HAVE DBE/MBE/WBE//VBE/SDVBE/SBE GOOD FAITH EFFORTS DIVERSITY GOALS/ REQUIREMENTS ON A FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PRIVATE SECTOR PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR BRANCH SALES REPRESENATIVE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO RECEIVING A QUOTE/ORDER. Seller not responsible for delays, lack of product or increase of pricing due to causes beyond our control, and/or based upon Local, State and Federal laws governing type of products that can be sold or put into commerce. This Quote is offered contingent upon the Buyer's acceptance of Seller's terms and conditions, which are incorporated by reference and found either following this document, or on the web at https://www.ferguson.com/content/website-info/terms-of-sale Govt Buyers: All items are open market unless noted otherwise. HOW ARE WE DOING? WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! Scan the QR code or use the link below to r corpQ@t@, .jWrvey about your bids: !] https://survey.medallia.com/?bidsorder&fc=l604&on=987 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PURCHASES THROUGH INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS Back to Agenda City Contract No.: C057-13 Interlocal Agreement with the Host Agency (government agency or Purchasing Co -Op name): Deaartment of Enterarise Services (DES) Item Description: IPERL Radios for Radio Read meters Do you have an Interlocal agreement signed with the Contract (host) Agency? ® If yes, where is it filed: Clerk's office ❑ If no, get a mutually signed Agreement in place before you continue. State OSP Contract No.#: 01118 If you have an Office of State Procurement (OSP) contract number you may skip the remainder of this test because the OSP contracts comply with remaining requirements and retain the documentation on hand for SAO to review in the OSP offices. Is this a technology contract? ❑ If yes, do your own rules allow for technology contracts to be negotiated? ❑ If your own rules allow for negotiated IT contracts, you can skip this test. Is this a services contract? ❑ If yes, do your own rules allow services to be negotiated? ❑ If your own rules allow for negotiated services, you can skip the remainder of the test. Are you using this as only one of multiple quotes, for a small purchase? ❑ If yes, you can skip the remainder of the test. Your purchase will not mandate the sealed bid rules. Checklist for Re wired Compliance Is the Host agency a public agencyi . ❑ Yes ❑ No If Yes, what state laws apply to Host Agency: Does the host agency have a requirement ❑ Yes ❑ No Federal and State contract rules usually don't to run a newspaper ad in their local paper require a newspaper ad. For others, attach the and did they comply ad or place into the file Did they list on the public agency's ❑ Yes ❑ No If Yes, state when and the address, and proof website? of date, address shall be attached or placed into the file. If No, you cannot use the bid. Did the bid & award comply with the ❑ Yes ❑ No If Yes, obtain documentation to support answer Host agency's state procurement laws? from Host Agency. If No, you cannot use the bid. 1 RCW 39.34.020 (1), "public agency' means any agency, political subdivision, or unit of local government of this state including, but not limited to, municipal corporations, quasi municipal corporations, special purpose districts, and local service districts; any agency of the state government; any agency of the United States; any Indian tribe recognized as such by the federal government; and any political subdivision of another state Page 9 of 117 City of Port Orchard Back to Agenda OnJGt�`� Council Meeting Minutes OR -CHARD ® Regular Meeting of January 23, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Chang Present Councilmember Diener Present Councilmember Fenton Present Councilmember Morrissey Present Councilmember Rosapepe Present Councilmember Trenary Present Councilmember Worden Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Public Works Director Ryan, Finance Director Crocker, Community Development Director Bond, City Attorney Archer, HR Director Lund, HR Resources Analysist Spalding, Assistant City Engineer Smith, City Clerk Wallace, and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting streamed live on YouTube. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Time Stamp 00:31) Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Time Stamp: 00:58) MOTION: By Councilmember Rosapepe, seconded by Councilmember Trenary, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS (Time Stamp 01:44) There were no citizen comments. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Time Stamp: 02:15) A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 87169 through 87212 including bank drafts in the amount of $60,368.82 and EFT's in the amount of $312,581.79 totaling $372,950.61. Page 10 of 117 Back to Agenda B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 87213 through 87218 including bank drafts and EFT's in the amount of $247,791.53 and Direct Depositions in the amount of $229,205.74 totaling $476,997.27. C. Adoption of a Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 016-22 and Accepting Council Committee Assignments and Establishing Council Standing Committees (Resolution No. 003-24) D. Adoption of a Resolution Amending Resolution No. 125-23 and Authorizing Additional Payment to Effectuate the Purchase of a Portion of Kitsap County Tax Parcel No. 342401-4-023-2002 (Magneson) for the Pottery Sidewalk Extension Project (Resolution No. 004-24) E. Approval of a Contract with Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Subrecipient Grant Agreement for a Federal Financial Assistant Grant (Contract No. 017-24) F. Approval of the January 9, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION: By Councilmember Trenary, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried. S. PRESENTATION A. City's Inclusion Commission (Time Stamp: 02:44) HR Director Lund gave a brief introduction of the Inclusion Commission and HR Analyst Spalding and Assistant City Engineer Smith provided a presentation which included their origin story, history of Inclusion Commission, background, diversity, equity, inclusion, DEI strategies, the problem and solution, focus, 2023 members, past projects, mission, goals, challenges, and current projects. 6. PUBLIC HEARING There were no public hearings. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Time Stamp: 32:47) Mayor Putaansuu explained it is not necessary to hold the executive session, but if Council would still like to move forward with holding one, we could still have it now, or wait until after City Council Good of the Order. MOTION: By Rosapepe, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to move the executive session after City Council Good of the Order. The motion carried. I:111111111U.1111IL1L 31. 11"►1ri A. Adoption of an Ordinance Amending POMC Chapter 13.04 Related to Penalties for Delinquent Utility Service Charges (Time Stamp 34:30) January 23, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Page 11 of 117 Back to Agenda MOTION: By Councilmember Trenary, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt an ordinance amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Sections 13.04.050, 13.04.056, 13.06.120, and 13.06.121, related to penalty for delinquent utility service charges. The motion carried. (Ordinance No. 001-24) B. Adoption of an Ordinance Repealing and Replacing POMC Chapter 5.97, Pertaining to Impound Services and the City's Rotational Towing List (Time Stamp 45:46) MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt an ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 5.97 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code, pertaining to the City's rotational towing list. The motion carried. (Ordinance No. 002-24) C. Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Contract with PumpTech, LLC for the Tremont Place Lift Station Repairs (Time Stamp 52:19) MOTION: By Councilmember Chang, seconded by Councilmember Morrissey, to adopt a resolution, authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with PumpTech, LLC for the Tremont Place Lift Station Repair Project. The motion carried. (Resolution No. 005-24 and Contract No. 018-24) D. Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Contract with SCJ Alliance for the Sidney Non -Motorized Road Improvements (Time Stamp 59:24) MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Trenary, to adopt a resolution, approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Shea Carr Jewell, Inc for the Sidney Non -Motorized Road Improvements Project in the amount of $277,455.29. The motion carried. (Resolution No. 006-24 and Contract No. 019-24) E. Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Purchase of Asset Management Software (Time Stamp 1:06:51) MOTION: By Councilmember Trenary, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase of Asset Management Software from Carahsoft Technology Corporation. The motion carried. January 23, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3of5 Page 12 of 117 (Resolution No. 007-24) Back to Agenda F. Approval of Amendment No. 13 to Contract No. 066-20 with Rice Fergus Miller, Inc. for the Community Events Center (Time Stamp 1:15:50) MOTION: By Councilmember Rosapepe, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to approve amendment #13 to C066-20 as presented. The motion carried. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A. Council Choice of RMSA Required Course for 2024 (Time Stamp 1:23:29) After a brief discussion, Council chose 'Anti -Harassment in the Workplace'. 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES (Time Stamp 1:26:33) Mayor Putaansuu explained the committees have been created and are waiting on their first meeting. 11. REPORT OF THE MAYOR (Time Stamp: 1:27:45) The Mayor reported on the following: • Council Retreat is confirmed for April 121n • Possible changes to the Festival of Chimes and Lights event. • In accordance with Ordinance 008-20 'Delegating Authority to the Mayor for Creating and Modifications of Job Descriptions', he reported on the revised job description for the Accounting Assistant III. • In accordance with Resolution 007-11 'Establishing a Process for Future Amendments to the City's Personnel Policies and Procedures', he reported on removing reference to requesting use of the leave 2 weeks in advance, and the language related to the number of hours earned by part-time employees ties the calculation to the FTE (Full time equivalent) status as represented in the adopted budget. • New radar signs. • Update on Marina Pump Station. • Bethel/Lincoln/Mitchell roundabout updates. • New smart water meter readers. • Well No. 7 loan. 12. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS (Time Stamp 1:37:56) Community Development Director Bond reported on end -of -year permit data. City Attorney Archer provided an update on the Grants Pass decision. January 23, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Page 13 of 117 Back to Agenda Police Chief Brown reported on their office remodel and provided an update on staffing, promotions, commissioning, and the police academy. Mayor Putaansuu spoke about an idea regarding a police pop-up academy. 13. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Time Stamp 1:43:46) Robert McGee and Chuck Huck with Whiskey Gulch CoffeePub, voiced frustrations with contractors being on their property without permission. They also spoke about the City's lack of accountability and respect for property. Mr. Huck spoke about the many awards their business has won and does not understand why the City will not work with them. 14. CITY COUNCIL GOOD OF THE ORDER (Time Stamp: 1:50:20) Councilmember Rosapepe mentioned the upcoming soup crawl in downtown Port Orchard and spoke about signs in public right-of-way. In response to Councilmember Morrissey, Public Works Director Ryan said he was not aware of any activity happening Saturday night outside of McCormick Meadows, but he would investigate it. 15. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:28 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu recessed the meeting for a 10-minute executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(C) regarding real estate matters. City Attorney Archer was invited to attend, and Mayor Putaansuu stated no action would be taken. At 8:38 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu extended the executive session for an additional 5-minutes. At 8:43 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu reconvened the meeting back into session. 16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: By Councilmember Morrissey, seconded by Councilmember Fenton, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor January 23, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Page 14 of 117 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard OW216 Prospect Street Port Or1 (36 , 87 -4407 ORCHARD. cityhall ar portorchardwa.gov � (360) 876-4407 www. ortorchardwa. ov Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7A Subject: Adoption of an Ordinance for the McCormick Village Overlay District Amendment-Fourplex Meeting Date: February 13, 2024 Prepared By: Nicholas Bond, AICP Director Summary: On December 14, 2021, the Port Orchard City Council adopted the McCormick Woods Urban Village Subarea Plan. The Plan's intent was to create a mixed -use area with residential and commercial uses, where residents have convenient and efficient access to goods and services with less reliance on automobile transportation. To implement the Subarea Plan, the City adopted an overlay district with code provisions which promote the development of a compact urban neighborhood with a variety of housing types in a mix of buildings while accommodating a range of land uses within the McCormick Woods Urban Village. The subsequent McCormick Village Overlay District, POMC 20.38.200-280, was designed to promote a compact, walkable, mixed -use environment with a variety of housing types including forecourt apartments, duplexes, and paseo homes. As an oversight to middle housing needs, the fourplex building type was not included in the adopted MVOD standards. The creation of this building type allows additional flexibility in housing products in the subarea's neighborhood core. The inclusion of this housing type is consistent with the intent of the McCormick Urban Village Subarea Plan and the recommendations provided in the June 2023 Housing Action Plan. Absent from the original overlay district regulations was a requirement for residential structure design standards for those not subject to POMC 20.127 and required architectural variety. The following amendments make these additions as well an allowance for fourplex structures and the required specifications and design details. The amendments are summarized as follows: • Building Design, 20.38.285: An overview of design details intended for buildings to clarify the standards residential structures are subject. • Architectural Variety, 20.38.290: Requirements to ensure sufficient differentiation of structure design and clarification that residential buildings other than detached houses may account for variety. • Building Types, Fourplex: An addition of the fourplex building type into the regulations and the definitions and building specifications thereof. Page 15 of 117 Back to Agenda Staff Report 7A Page 2 of 2 Through approval of the 2023 Code Amendment Docket at the City Council meeting, the City Council directed staff to proceed with drafting a code amendment to the McCormick Village Overlay District development regulations. The draft regulations were introduced to the Planning Commission meeting at the December 2023 Planning Commission meeting and a public hearing was held at the January 17, 2024, Planning Commission meeting where the Commission recommended approval of the Ordinance as presented. Public notice for the hearing was provided consistent with the requirements of POMC 20.25. As of the date of publication of this Staff Report the Department of Community Development has not received any comments on the proposed amendment. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to POMC Sections 20.38.225, 20.38.230, 20.38.240, and 20.38.270, and the addition of Sections 20.38.285 and 20.38.290 as presented. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: The proposed amendments implement Goals set out in the Housing Element, Chapter 3, Section 3.3 of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Motion for consideration: "I move to adopt an Ordinance amending POMC Sections 20.38.225, 20.38.230, 20.38.240, and 20.38.270, and the adding Sections 20.38.285 and 20.38.290 as presented." Fiscal Impact: None foreseen. Alternatives: Do not approve the proposed amendment or provide staff direction to develop alternatives. Attachments: Ordinance Page 16 of 117 Back to Agenda ORDINANCE NO. ** AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, REGARDING THE MCCORMICK VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT ZONE, AMENDING PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 20.38.225, 20.38.230, 20.38.240, AND 20.38.270, AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 20.38.285 AND 20.38.290 RELATED TO FOURPLEX BUILDING TYPES AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CORRECTIONS, AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted on June 14, 2016 (Ordinance 014-16); and WHEREAS, Title 20 (Unified Development Code) of the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) was adopted on June 13, 2017 (Ordinance 019-17); and WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard has adopted a comprehensive plan and development regulations in compliance with Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act); and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2021, the City of Port Orchard adopted the McCormick Village Subarea Plan (Ordinance 060-21); and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2021, the City of Port Orchard established the McCormick Village Overlay District (MVOD) and its associated development standards in POMC 20.38.200 — 20.38.280 (Ordinance 060-21); and WHEREAS, the Residential 3 zoning designation allows fourplex building types as defined in POMC 20.32.080; and WHEREAS, the principal zoning designation in the MVOD is Residential 3; and WHEREAS, the permitted building types in the McCormick Village Overlay District omitted the fourplex building type; and WHEREAS, on June 13, 2023, the City of Port Orchard accepted the findings of the City of Port Orchard Housing Action Plan; and WHEREAS, the Housing Action Plan identifies the development of middle housing building types as a potential solution to housing affordability; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the MVOD is to implement the McCormick Urban Village Page 17 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda subarea plan and enable compact, walkable urban development within the subarea's neighborhood core; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend POMC Sections 20.38.225, 20.38.230, 20.38.240, and 20.38.270 to create opportunities for an increased variety of housing stock options within the McCormick Village Overlay District; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to add POMC Sections 20.38.285 and 20.38.290 to clarify design standard and architectural variety standards for residential buildings within the MVOD to ensure a variety of design and to promote livability; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2023, the City's SEPA official issued a determination of nonsignificance for the proposed amendment, which was published and provided to the public in accordance with POMC 20.160.190 and WAC 197-11-510, and there have been no appeals; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance was submitted to the Department of Commerce for 15-day expedited review on December 6, 2023 which was granted by Commerce and the requisite time has now passed to allow this ordinance to be adopted; and WHEREAS, on December 26, 2023, the City issued a Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed amendment to POMC 20.132.270, which was published and provided to the public in accordance with POMC 20.25.050; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the substance of this Ordinance on January 17, 2024, and recommended adoption by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after careful consideration of the recommendation from the Planning Commission, all public comment, and the Ordinance, finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, and that the amendments herein are in the best interests of the residents of the City and further advance the public health, safety, and welfare; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS to]I [e1vdE&1 SECTION 1. The Port Orchard Municipal Code, Section 20.38.225, is hereby amended to read as follows: 20.38.225 MVOD Building Types. (1) No new building may be erected within the MVOD except in conformance with this Page 18 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda section. (2) Building Types. Building types only as listed below, and as described in POMC 20.38.230, shall be permitted within the MVOD. Additional standards for specific building types within the MVOD as described in POMC 20.38.230 are required. Buildings shall comply with the development standards described in the particular building type description and dimensional standards regardless of zoning designation unless otherwise noted. Buildings shall comply with the MVOD Design Standards as established in POMC 20.38.285 and shall comply with architectural variation requirements in POMC 20.38.290. (3) MVOD Building Type Zoning Matrix Key. (a) Permitted Building Type (P). Indicates a building type is permitted in the zoning designation. (b) Building Type Not Permitted (--). Indicates a building type is not permitted in the zoning designation. Building Types Zoning Designation Residential 3 Neighborhood Mixed Use Commercial Mixed Use Detached House P P -- Backyard Cottage P P -- Carriage House P 1P P Paseo House P P -- Duplex: Side -by Side P 1P -- Attached House P P -- Townhouse 1P P P Fourplex P 113 -- Apartment P P P Forecourt Apartment P 1p P Live -Work 1P P Single -Story Shopfront -- -- P Mixed -Use Shopfront -- -- P Accessory Building P P P Page 19 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda SECTION 2. The Port Orchard Municipal Code, Section 20.38.230, is hereby amended to read as follows: 20.38.230 MVOD building type standards. (1) Detached House. A detached house is a building type that accommodates one principal/primary dwelling unit on an individual lot with yards on all sides. Detached houses shall meet the following standards. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Lot Area (sq. ft.) 2,500 min./5,000 max. A Width (ft.) 25 min./50 max. B Detached houses per lot 1 max. Coverage Lot coverage Set by district C Building and Structure Setbacks Page 20 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street 5 ft. min./15 ft. max. D Side street 5 ft. min. E Side interior 3 ft. min. F Rear 5 ft. min. Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Does not apply street Building facade in side Does not apply street I Height and Form 4 Height Principal building 35 ft.; 25 ft. within 20 ft. of A alley Accessory 15 ft. other than carriage B structure house or backyard cottage Ground floor 18 in. min. C elevation Pedestrian Access Page 21 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary Required street Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch See POW 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POW 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only (2) Backyard Cottage. A small self-contained accessory dwelling located on the same lot as a detached house or townhouse but physically separated, for use as a complete, independent living facility, with provisions for cooking, sanitation and sleeping. Backyard cottages may accommodate off-street ground floor parking. (a) A backyard cottage is permitted in conjunction with a detached house. See the standards for detached houses and accessory structures (including backyard cottages) in subsection (1) of this section. (b) Lot and Placement. a .t f Lot and Placement Page 22 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Lot Area Set by principal A building type Width Set by principal B building type Accessory dwelling 1 max. units per lot Coverage Lot coverage Set by district Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street Behind the front wall D of the principal building Side street 5 ft. min. E Side interior 0 ft. min. F Rear 5 ft. min., 0 ft. from G alley Building separation 10 ft. H Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Does not apply street Building facade in side Does not apply street Page 23 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda � 4 � • II I Y ti ,Y Y'J Height and Form Height Backyard cottage 25 ft. max. A Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street See POMC 124-3947-0 20.68.110 Building Elements Allowed Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch See POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard jProhibited Additional on -site Parking See Chapter 20.68 POMC Vehicular access Via alley only (3) Carriage House. An accessory structure self-contained accessory dwelling located on the same site as a paseo house, townhouse, four lex, apartment, or forecourt apartment, but physically separated, for Page 24 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda use as a complete, independent living facility, with provisions for cooking, sanitation and sleeping. Carriage house dwelling units are located above enclosed ground -level off-street parking facilities, or common facilities including, but not limited to, laundry, recreation space or other uses commonly associated with residential development for the associated on -site dwellings. (a) A carriage house is permitted in conjunction with a paseo house, townhouse, fourolex, apartment, or forecourt apartment. (b) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Lot Area Set by principal A building type Width Set by principal B building type Accessory dwelling 1 min./2 max. units per lot Coverage Lot coverage Set by district C Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street 113ehind the rear wall TD Page 25 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Building and Structure Setbacks of the principal building Side street 5 ft. min. E Side interior 0 ft. min. F Rear 5 ft. min., 0 ft. from alley G Building separation 10 ft. H Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Does not apply street Building facade in side Does not apply street Height and Form Height Carriage house 35 ft. max. A Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street See Chapter 20.68 IPOMC Page 26 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Building Elements Allowed Balcony ISee POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch ISee POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop ISee POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard IProhibited Additional on -site parking See POMC 20.38.270 Vehicular access Via alley only (4) Paseo House. A series of small, typically detached, single -story single-family residential buildings oriented around a small, shared courtyard perpendicular to the primary street. The units to the rear of the lot, oriented perpendicular to the primary street, may be larger and attached. The rear building may accommodate residential uses, off-street parking and shared facilities space normally associated with detached houses such as laundry facilities or storage space, plus up to two optional dwellings above an associated detached garage structure served by an alley. The units may be on individual lots or clustered on a single site. (a) Lot and Placement. ~4 l� �4 i{ Lot and Placement Site Area (sq. ft.) 16,000 min. A Page 27 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Site Width/depth (ft.) 110 min. I B Dwelling units per site 5 min./10 max. Lot Area 1,200 sq. ft. min. C Width 20 ft. min. D Coverage Lot coverage Set by district Principal building 600 min./1,200 footprint (sq. ft.) max. C Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street 5 ft. min. F Side street 5 ft. min. G Side interior 5 ft. min. H Rear/alley 115 ft. min./0 ft. I Minimum separation of paseo units (ft.) 10 min. Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Does not apply street Building facade in side Does not apply street Page 28 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Height and Form Height Principal building 30 ft. max. A Building wall plate height Does not apply B Accessory structure 30 ft. CI Ground floor elevation 18 in. min. Courtyard Area 1,000 sq. ft. E Width 15 ft. min. F Additional courtyard area per dwelling unit beyond five units 500 sq. ft. Courtyard cannot be parked or driven upon, except for emergency access and permitted temporary events Pedestrian Access Entrance facing courtyard Required for units abutting courtyard G Page 29 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch ISee POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard jProhibited Vehicular access Via alley only (5) Duplex, Side by Side. A building type that accommodates two dwelling units on an individual lot separated vertically side by side that share a common wall. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Lot Area (sq. ft.) 5,000 min./6,500 max. A Width (ft.) 140 ft. min. B Dwelling units per site 2 min./2 max. Page 30 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Coverage ILot coverage Set by district Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street l5ax. ft. ft. min./15 D Side street 5 ft. min. Side interior 5 ft. min. F Rear/alley 5 ft. min./0 ft. G Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Does not apply street Building facade in side Does not apply street l� Height and Form Height Principal building 55 ft. A Accessory structure 25 ft. B Ground floor elevation 18 in. min. Page 31 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street Required D Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch See POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only (6) Attached House. A building type that accommodates two attached dwelling units located on two separate lots that share a common wall along a lot line. An attached house may require a subdivision or short subdivision. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Lot Page 32 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Lot Area 2,500 min./3,250 max. A Width 20 min./ 35 ft. max. B Dwelling units per site 1 min./1 max. 1 ADU Coverage ILot coverage Set by district CI Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street ��5 ft. min./15 ft. max. D Side street 5 ft. min. E Side interior 5 ft. min. F Rear/alley 15 ft. min./0 ft. ] Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Does not apply street Building facade in side Does not apply street I' Height and Form Page 33 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Height Principal building 35 ft. A Accessory structure 1 25 ft. B Ground floor elevation 18 in. min. Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street Required E Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch See POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only (7) Townhouse. A building type that accommodates three or more dwelling units where each unit is separated vertically by a common side wall and located on its own lot. Units cannot be vertically mixed. A subdivision or short subdivision may be required to construct townhome units. (a) Lot and Placement. Page 34 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda GO ~~4 f- -'+ Lot and Placement Site Site area (sq. ft.) INot applicable IA Site width (ft.) INot applicable B Dwelling units per site 3 min., not to exceed 6 Lot Area (sq. ft.) N/A Width (ft.) 16 min./ 40 max. LD Dwelling units per lot 11 min./1 max. Coverage ILot coverage Set by district E Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street (ft.) 5 min. F Side street (ft.) 5 min. G Side interior JO between townhomes, 3 ft. H Page 35 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Building and Structure Setbacks (ft.) from adjacent townhouse sites Rear/alley (ft.) 5 ft./0 ft. min. Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Set by district street Building facade in side Set by district K street Height and Form Height Principal building (stories) �A Accessory structure (ft.) 24 B Ground floor elevation (in.) 18 min. C Building Dimensions Unit width (ft.) 20 min. D Number of units permitted 6 max. E in a row Page 36 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Transparency Ground story 20% min. Upper story 20% min. Blank wall width 15 ft. max. HH Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street (each tn� ground floor unit) Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Awning/canopy See POMC 20.38.240(a) Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch See POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POW 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only 8) Fourplex. A building type on its own lot that accommodates four dwelling units vertically and horizontally integrated. a) Lot and Placement. Page 37 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Lot Area (sq. ft.l 5400 sq. ft. min./7,000 sq. ft. max. A Width ft. 60 ft. min. B Dwelling units per lot 4 min./6max. Coverage Lot coverage Set by district Building and Structure Setback Primary street (ft.l 10 min./15 max. D Side street (ft.l 5 min./15 max. E Side interior (ft. l 5 min. F Rear/allev 15 min. G Build -to -Zone (BTZI Building facade in primary Set by District H street Building facade in side street Set by District I Page 38 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Height and Form Hem All buildings and structures (ft.l 35ft. A Ground floor elevation 18 min. B in. Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street Required G Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Awning/canopy See POMC 20.38.240 (al Balcony See POMC 20.38.240 (bl Forecourt See POMC 20.38.240 (cl Porch See POMC 20.38.240 (dl =S�o See POMC 20.38.240 (el Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only Page 39 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (99) Apartment. A building type on its own lot that accommodates five or more dwelling units vertically and/or horizontally integrated. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Lot Area (sq. ft.) N/A A Width (ft.) N/A B Dwelling units per site 5 min./no max. Coverage ILot coverage Set by district Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street (ft.) J13 min./15 max. ID Side street (ft.) 5 min. Side interior (ft.) 5 min. Hr Rear/alley (ft.) 5/0 min. Page 40 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Build -to -Zone (BTZ)* Building facade in primary 70% min. H street Building facade in side 30% min. I street *Does not apply to McCormick Village Drive or Old Clifton. Height and Form Height All buildings and 40 max.; 25 max. A structures (ft.) within 20 ft. of alley Ground floor elevation 0 min. B (ft.) Building Dimensions Length 120 ft. max. C Transparency* Ground story 25% D Upper story 25% E Blank wall width (ft.) 115 max. F Page 41 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda *Applies to each street and/or plaza -facing facade. Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street lRequired IG Entrance spacing along primary street 100 ft. max. H Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Awning/canopy ISee POW 20.38.240(a) Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Forecourt See POMC 20.38.240(c) Porch See POW 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard jProhibited Vehicular access Via alley only (910) Forecourt Apartment. A building type, on its own lot, that accommodates at least five multifamily dwellings in the primary building plus up to two optional dwellings above an associated detached garage structure served by an alley. Forecourt apartments shall feature a forecourt as described in POMC 20.38.240(c) along the primary street. (a) Lot and Placement. Page 42 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Lot and Placement Lot Area (sq. ft.) N/A A Width (ft.) N/A B Dwelling units per lot 5 min./10 max. Coverage Lot coverage ISet by district C Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street (ft.) 3 min. D Side street (ft.) 5 min. E Side interior (ft.) 15 min. F Rear/alley (ft.) 5/0 min. G Separation between structures (ft.) 10 min. Build -to -Zone Building facade in primary street 70% min. H Page 43 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Build -to -Zone Building facade in side street 30% min. I Height and Form Height All buildings and 40 max.; 25 max. A structures (ft.) within 20 ft. of alley Ground floor elevation 0 min. B (ft.) Building Dimensions Length (ft.) 100 max. C Transparency* Ground story 25% D Upper story 25% E Blank wall width (ft.) 15 F *Applies to each street and/or plaza -facing facade. Page 44 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Pedestrian Access Entrance facing forecourt Required G Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only (1011) Live -Work. A building type that allows for residential and nonresidential uses in the same physical space. Units may be vertically or horizontally mixed. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Site Site area (sq. ft.) 3,000 min. A Site width (ft.) 40 min. B Live/work units per lot 3 min./no max. Lot Area (sq. ft.) N/A C Width (ft.) N/A Page 45 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Coverage ILot coverage Set by district Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street (ft.) 0 min./10 max. F Side street (ft.) 10 min. G Side interior (ft.) 5 min. H Rear/alley (ft.) 5/0 min. Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary Set by district L street Building facade in side Set by district K street { r �4 F M1_ � Height and Form Height All buildings and structures (ft.) 40 max.; 25 max. within 20 ft. of alley A Ground floor height (ft.) 12 min. B Page 46 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Height Ground floor elevation (ft.) 0 min. C Building Dimensions Unit width (ft.) 15 min. D Maximum building width (ft.) 120 max. E Transparency* Ground story 25% F Upper story 25% G Blank wall width (ft.) 15 max. H *Applies to each street and/or plaza -facing facade. Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street (each ground floor unit) Required Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Awning/canopy See POMC 20.38.240(a) Balcony See POMC 20.38.240(b) Porch See POMC 20.38.240(e) Stoop See POMC 20.38.240(f) Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Vehicular access Via alley only Page 47 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (1112) Single -Story Shopfront. A single -story building type that typically accommodates retail or commercial uses. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Lot Area (sq. ft.) N/A A Width (ft.) N/A IB Coverage Lot coverage Set by district C Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street (ft.) 0 min. D Side street (ft.) 10 min. E Side interior (ft.) 0 min. F Rear (ft.) 0 min. G Page 48 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary 70% H street Building facade in side 30% �T_ street �h. 4 A 4 { Height and Form Height All buildings and 24 max. A structures (ft.) Ground story height 12 min. B (ft.) Building Dimensions Length (ft.) 1150 max. C Transparency* Ground story 600% D IE Blank wall width (ft.) 115 max. *Applies to each street and/or plaza -facing facade. Page 49 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street Required F (each ground floor unit) Entrance facing secondary street Required when present Entrance spacing (primary street) 50 max. G (ft. ) Building footprint 20,000+ sq. ft. 75 max. (ft. ) Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Awning/canopy See POMC 20.38.240(a) Forecourt See POMC 20.38.240(c) Gallery See POMC 20.38.240(d) Parking Location Front yard jProhibited (I- ) Mixed -Use Shopfront. A building type that typically accommodates ground floor retail, office or commercial uses with upper -story residential or office uses. (a) Lot and Placement. Lot and Placement Page 50 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Lot Area (sq. ft.) N/A A Width (ft.) N/A B Coverage ILot coverage Set by district Eci Building and Structure Setbacks Primary street (ft.) J10 min. D� Side street (ft.) 0 min. E Side interior (ft.) J10 min. F Rear (ft.) 0 min. Build -to -Zone (BTZ) Building facade in primary �70% min. street Building facade in side 30% min. I street old* Height and Form Back to Agenda Page 51 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Height All buildings and 40 max. A structures (ft.) Ground story height 12 min. B (ft.) Building Dimensions Length (ft.) 120 max. C Transparency* Ground story 60% min. D Upper story 25% min. Blank wall width (ft.) 15 max. FF] *Applies to each street and/or plaza -facing facade. Pedestrian Access Entrance facing primary street Required G Entrance spacing along primary street (ft.) t:] H Building Elements At least one of the following is required: Awning/canopy See POMC 20.38.240(a) Forecourt See POMC 20.38.240(c) Gallery See POMC 20.38.240(d) Parking Location Front/corner yard Prohibited Page 52 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda SECTION 3. The Port Orchard Municipal Code, Section 20.38.240, is hereby amended to read as follows: 20.38.240 MVOD building elements. (1) The following standards are intended to supplement POMC 20.38.230 and ensure that certain building elements, when added to a street -facing facade, are of sufficient size to be both usable and functional and be architecturally compatible with the building they are attached to. The proposed building shall incorporate at least one of the allowed building elements provided in the specific building type development standards in POMC 20.38.230. (a) Awning and Canopy. A wall -mounted, cantilevered structure providing shade and cover from the weather for a sidewalk. �I ¢I 110 E II I I ao� (i) An awning/canopy must be a minimum of nine feet clear height above the sidewalk and must have a minimum depth of six feet. (ii) An awning/canopy may extend into a primary or side street setback. (iii) An awning/canopy may encroach up to six feet into the public right-of-way but must be at least two feet inside the curb line or edge of pavement, whichever is greater. Page 53 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (b) Balcony. A platform projecting from the wall of an upper story of a building with a railing along its outer edge, often with access from a door or �I window. (i) A balcony must be at least four feet deep. (ii) A balcony must have a clear height above the sidewalk of at least nine feet. (iii) A balcony may be covered and screened but cannot be fully enclosed. (iv) A balcony may extend into a primary or side street setback. (v) A balcony may encroach up to six feet into the public right-of-way but must be at least two feet inside the curb line or edge of pavement, whichever is greater. (c) Forecourt. An open area at grade, or within 30 inches of grade, that serves as an open space, plaza or outdoor dining area. i • F 1 1_ I a k� y �• a 00 EE 00 OQ 1 �D Page 54 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (i) A forecourt must be no more than one-half of the width of the building face, and in no case more than 45 feet in width. (ii) The depth of the forecourt may exceed the general width. A forecourt may be no more than 45 feet in depth. (iii) A maximum of one forecourt is permitted per lot. (iv) A forecourt meeting the above requirements is considered part of the building for the purpose of measuring the build -to zone. (v) A forecourt shall be improved to meet the minimum requirements of pedestrian - oriented space as described in POW 20.127.350(4). (d) Gallery. A covered passage extending along the outside wall of a building supported by arches or columns that is open on three sides. (i) A gallery must have a clear depth from the support columns to the building's facade of at least eight feet and a clear height above the sidewalk of at least nine feet. (ii) A gallery must be contiguous and extend over at least 75 percent of the width of the building facade from which it projects. (iii) A gallery may extend into a primary or side street setback. (iv) A gallery may encroach up to nine feet into the public right-of-way but must be at least two feet inside the curb line or edge of pavement, whichever is greater. (e) Porch. A raised structure attached to a building, forming a covered entrance to a doorway. Page 55 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (i) A front porch must be at least six feet deep (not including the steps) when measured from edge of building to end of porch. A portion of the porch, not to exceed 25 percent of the porch's width, may be less than six feet deep; provided, that the front door is recessed by at least six feet. (ii) A front porch must be contiguous, with a width not less than 50 percent of the building facade from which it projects. (iii) A front porch must be roofed and may be screened, but cannot be fully enclosed. (iv) A front porch may extend up to nine feet, including the steps, into a required front setback; provided, that such extension is at least three feet from the vertical plane of any lot line. (v) A front porch may not encroach into the public right-of-way. (f) Stoop. A small raised platform that serves as an entrance to a building. wide. U U F I II I Lao a (i) A stoop must be no more than six feet deep (not including the steps) and six feet Page 56 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (ii) A stoop may be covered but cannot be fully enclosed. (iii) A stoop may extend up to six feet, including the steps, into a required setback; provided, that such extension is at least two feet from the vertical plane of any lot line. (iv) A stoop may not encroach into the public right-of-way. (Ord. 060-21 § 8). SECTION 4. The Port Orchard Municipal Code, Section 20.38.270, is hereby amended to read as follows: 20.38.270 MVOD off-street parking standards. (1) Off-street parking requirements within the MVOD shall meet the minimum standards described in Chapter 20.124 POMC, except that for residential uses POMC 20.124.140 shall not apply. (a) Vehicle parking minimum quantities for residential uses within the MVOD shall be provided in accordance with Table 20.38.270. Table 20.38.270 Land Use Unit of Measure Minimum Parking Requirement Single-family detached (including manufactured homes, mobile homes) Per dwelling 1 available space within 1,000 ft. of site Backyard cottage Per dwelling N/A Carriage house Per dwelling 1 available space within 1,000 ft. of site Two-family Per dwelling 1 available space within 1,000 ft. of site Single-family attached houses (ems) Per dwelling 1 available space within 1,000 ft. of site Multifamily: Studio — 3+ bedroom Per dwelling 1 on -site space Multifamily accessory dwelling unit Per dwelling 1 available space within 1,000 ft. of site Boarding house Per bedroom 0.5 Congregate living facilities Per bedroom Lodging house Group home (up to 8 residents), except as follows: Per bedroom 0.5 Adult family home Per adult family home 2 All group living (9 or more residents) Per bed 10.5 All social service Per bed/per 300 sq. ft. office 0.5 per bed and 1 per 300 sq. ft. office Page 57 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda SECTION 5. A new section, Section 20.38.285, is hereby added to the Port Orchard Municipal Code, to read as follows: 20.38.285 Building design. 1) Applicability: This section shall apply to detached houses, paseo houses, duplexes, attached houses. townhouses. and fourplexes as defined in Chapter 20.38 POW. (2) Front Entry Focal Point Standards. All buildings subject to these standards shall comply with the following standards to establish the front entry as a focal point: (a) Entry Protrusion or Porch Inclusion: The front entry must be clearly defined as a focal point. This can be achieved through either of the following options. (i) The front entry shall project outward from the street -facing facade of the dwelling. The minimum horizontal projection shall be six feet from the street -facing facade. (H) An alternative to entry protrusion is the inclusion of an entry design that meets the minimum requirements of POW 20.38.240. (b) Entry Design Elements: The front entry or porch shall incorporate at least two architectural features, such as decorative columns, archways, overhangs, or other design elements, that emphasize its prominence. These design elements shall be in proportion to the dwelling's size and shall be consistent with the overall architectural style. (c) Entry Visibility: The front entry or porch shall be visible and easily accessible from the street and shall not be obstructed by landscaping or other structures. 3) Windows and Transparency. All structures subject to these standards shall include windows that collectively constitute the greater of a minimum of 8%, or the transparency percentage noted in the corresponding building type section in POW 20.38.230.of the total street -facing facade area and utilize the required window trim size requirements as follows: (a) The calculation for determining compliance with the 8% window area requirement shall be as follows: Total Window Area = (Sum of the individual areas of all windows on the street -facing facade) Total Facade Area = (The total surface area of the street -facing facade) Window Area Percentage = (Total Window Area / Total Facade Area) * 100 b) The facade is measured from the base of the house to the start of the roofljne and any other vertical walls facing the street, except for gabled portions of the facade not containing livable floor area. Page 58 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda c) All buildings with street -facing facades shall include window trim and details that conform to one of the following standards: (i) Trim width: Window trim shall have a minimum width of three and one half inches. measured from the edge of the window frame to the outer edge of the trim. (ii) Trim depth: Window trim shall extend outward from the facade to a minimum depth of two inches. (iii) Visual Interest: Window trim and details shall be designed to enhance visual interest and architectural character. This may include decorative moldings, sills, lintels. or other architectural elements that create depth and texture. A minimum of two options from the following list to achieve Visual Interest compliance for window treatments on street -facing facades: a) Shutters on all street facing windows. Shutters shall be installed in a manner consistent with the architectural style of the building. b) A keystone above a window (on masonry homes). The keystone shall be designed to complement the overall architectural style and shall be appropriately sized and located above the window c) Windows containing more than two glass panes (or that give the appearance of multiple panes). Multi -pane windows shall be designed and arranged to enhance visual interest and architectural character. d) Stained or custom glass. Stained or custom glass shall be incorporated into windows in a manner that enhances visual interest and complements the building's design. e) Exterior window sills. Exterior sills shall be designed and installed to provide depth and visual interest to the windows. f) Significantly increased facade transparency percentages in a modern architectural application. In modern architectural applications. increased facade transparency percentages, achieved through large windows or glass facades, shall be used to create visual interest. g) Other design techniques that effectively emphasize windows as an architectural feature as determined by the director. SECTION 6. A new section, Section 20.38.290, is hereby added to the Port Orchard Municipal Code, to read as follows: 20.38.290 MVOD Architectural Variety Page 59 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda (1) Purpose: The purpose of this section is to ensure architectural variety in developments by accommodating various architectural styles, design elements, and facade elevations for certain building typesas described in POMC 20.38.225 2) Applicability: This section shall apply to detached houses, paseo houses, duplexes, attached houses. townhouses, fourplexes, forecourt apartments, and apartments as defined in Chapter 20.38 POMC. (3) Architectural Variety Standards: Structures subject to architectural variety requirements, shall comply with the following standards: (a) Facade Elevation Variety Standards: The number of different facade elevations required shall be based on the size of the development or street block, and shall comply with the following standards: fill Duplicative building designs adjacent to each other are prohibited. Simple reverse configurations of the same building design on adjacent lots are not sufficient to meet architectural variety goals. Exceptions may be granted by the director in special circumstances where similar architectural consistency provides a distinct character for a cluster of buildings surrounding an open space or on a particular street. (ii) Generally, the more buildings in a subdivision or on a street block. the greater the number of different facade elevations will be required. Specifically, the following subdivision and street block variety standards shall apply: Al Subdivisions. i) Ten to 19 buildings, a minimum of four different facade elevations shall be used. ij) Twenty to 39 buildings, a minimum of five different facade elevations shall be used. iiil Forty to 69 buildings, a minimum of six different facade elevations shall be used. (iv) Seventy or more buildings, a minimum of seven different facade elevations shall be used. (B) Street Block. fill Less than six buildings, a minimum of three different facade elevations shall be used. ii) Seven to 10 buildings. a minimum of four different facade elevations shall be used. Page 60 of 117 Ordinance No. ** - B� Agenda iii) Eleven to 14 buildings, a minimum of five different facade elevations shall be used. (iv) Fifteen or more buildines, a minimum of six different facade elevations shall be used. b) Definition of Different Facade Elevation: In order to qualify as a different facade elevation, buildings shall meet the following criteria: i) Have different roofline configurations, different color palettes, and different porch/entry design that meets the requirements of POW 20.38.240. ii) Utilize a minimum of two of the following alternatives: (A) Different window openings (location and design). B) One- and two-story buildings. (C) Different exterior materials and finishes. D) Different garage location, configuration, and design. E) Other different design element that helps to distinguish one facade elevation from another as determined by the director. SECTION 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 8. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. SECTION 9. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTION 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 131" day of February 2024. Page 61 of 117 Ordinance No. ** Back to Agenda Robert Putaansuu, Mayor Ago] L106]3 Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Scott Diener, Councilmember APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: Page 62 of 117 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard OW216 Prospect Street Port Or1 (36 , 87 -4407 ORCHARD. cityhall ar portorchardwa.gov � (360) 876-4407 www. ortorchardwa. ov Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7B Meeting Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Prepared By: Nick Bond, AICP Between the City of Port Orchard and Century DCD Director Communities of Washington, LLC Concerning the Mitigation of Traffic Impacts at Sinclair Ridge in Bremerton Summary: Sinclair Ridge is a 343-lot subdivision within the City of Bremerton that has sole access from McCormick Village Drive (formerly known as Campus Parkway) in Port Orchard. During the preliminary subdivision and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review process for the project, Port Orchard was successful is requesting that the Sinclair Ridge project be required to pay SEPA based transportation mitigation fees to Port Orchard for each house constructed within Sinclair Ridge. In the SEPA Addendum issued for the project, Mitigation Measure #3 states: "Addendum Mitigation Measure #3: The project shall mitigate transportation impacts in the City of Port Orchard as follows. The City of Port Orchard shall provide the proponent with an official receipt after payment. a) The proponent shall provide mitigation funding to Port Orchard for mitigation of traffic impacts in the City of Port Orchard. Prior to building permit issuance, the proponent shall pay to Port Orchard the amount of $1,668.97 per dwelling unit. b) As mitigation for construction of the intersection at Old Clifton Road and Campus Parkway, the proponent shall pay a second mitigation fee in the form of a proportionate share fee to Port Orchard. Prior to building permit issuance, the proponent shall pay to Port Orchard the amount of $1,049.56 per dwelling unit." The Sinclair Ridge project is now owned by Century Communities of Washington and is nearing the construction of the first homes within the subdivision. The City of Port Orchard and Century Communities wish to memorialize the terms and process for the payment of mitigation fees to provide Port Orchard's Finance Department with guidance for the receipt and disbursement of these funds. Under the terms of the MOU, the City will receive a total of $932,455.79 in mitigation fees. Of this total $359,999.09, is being paid toward the City's cost of constructing the McCormick Page 63 of 117 Back to Agenda Staff Report 713 Page 2 of 2 Village Drive Roundabout and will be returned to the City's Transportation Impact fee fund to cover impact fee credits granted to McCormick Communities for the construction of this roundabout under contract C035-21. The remaining $572,456.71 in fees to be paid will be available for use on any of the following projects and/or debt. Tremont Street Widening (Debt) The Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Roundabout Sidney Road SW Widening Old Clifton Road Shoulder and Pedestrian Improvements Old Clifton Road McCormick Woods Drive Intersection Improvements Recommendation: Staff Recommends that the City Council approve the MOU as presented. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Motion for consideration: "I move to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Century Communities of Washington, LLC, as presented." Fiscal Impact: The City will receive funding totaling $932,455.79 under the proposed agreement. Alternatives: Amend the proposed agreement. Note that the amount of mitigation to be paid is fixed and cannot be changed. Attachments: The Memorandum of Understanding Page 64 of 117 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CENTURY COMMUNITIES, LLC AND THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CONCERNING MITIGATION FOR THE SINCLAIR RIDGE SUBDIVISION THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 2024, by and between the City of Port Orchard, a municipal corporation, hereinafter the "City", and Century Communities of Washington LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Owner"), registered under the laws of the State of Washington and doing business at 20000 North Creek Parkway, STE 201, Bothell, WA 98011 The City and the Owner are each a "Party" and collectively the "Parties" to this Agreement. The Parties hereby agree as follows: I. RECITALS 1.1 The Owner has been granted final approval for a preliminary subdivision known as Sinclair Ridge ("Project"), project file number BP14 000075, on the property at located 2900 feet North of Old Clifton Road on Kitsap County Tax Parcel Number 042301-2-038-2006 in Bremerton, Washington ("Property" or "Project Area"), as legally defined in Exhibit A; and 1.2 The Project contains 343 lots and is depicted on Exhibit B; and 1.3 In conjunction with the preliminary subdivision, Bremerton issued a State Environmental Policy Act Mitigated Determination of Non -Significance ("MDNS") on September 4, 2007, which was not appealed; and 1.4 On June 10, 2020, the City of Bremerton issued an addendum to the MDNS, which was not appealed; and 1.5 On October 6, 2023, the City of Bremerton issued a second addendum to the MDNS which was not appealed; and 1.6 The MDNS and addendums required, among other unrelated mitigation, the following SEPA mitigation measure #3: "Addendum Mitigation Measure #3: The project shall mitigate transportation impacts in the City of Port Orchard as follows. The City of Port Orchard shall provide the proponent with an official receipt after payment. a) The proponent shall provide mitigation funding to Port Orchard for mitigation of traffic impacts in the City of Port Orchard. Prior to building permit issuance, the proponent shall pay to Port Orchard the amount of $1, 668.97 per dwelling unit. b) As mitigation for construction of the intersection at Old Clifton Road and Campus Parkway, the proponent shall pay a second mitigation fee in the form of a proportionate share fee to Port Orchard. Prior to building permit issuance, the proponent shall pay to Port Orchard the amount of $1, 049.56 per dwelling unit."; and MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 1 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 Page 65 of 117 1.7 The Owner is nearing the construction of the first model homes within the Project Area and the parties wish to outline in an agreement the process for making mitigation fee payments to the City of Port Orchard; and 1.8 The City wishes to document the purpose of the mitigation fees and to outline how the funds may be used to mitigate project impacts in accordance with the MDNS; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, the Parties hereto agree as set forth above and as follows: II. PERFORMANCE OBLIGATIONS 2.1 Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any individual lot within Sinclair Ridge, the Owner shall pay $1,668.97 per dwelling unit for such lot as a SEPA mitigation fee. Each payment shall indicate the lot(s) containing the dwelling unit(s) for which the payment is being made. 2.2 Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any individual lot within Sinclair Ridge, the Owner shall pay an additional SEPA mitigation fee of $1,049.56 per dwelling unit for such lot as an off -set contribution to the City of Port Orchards cost to construct a roundabout at Old Clifton Road and Campus Parkway (renamed McCormick Village Drive following the issuance of the MDNS and addendum). 2.3 Upon payment of the fees as described in sections 2.1 and 2.2, the City shall furnish a receipt and provide copies of the receipt to the applicant and the City of Bremerton indicating the receipt of payment and the lots for which the payment has been made. The City will email receipts to the City of Bremerton at DCDPermits(aci.bremerton.wa.us. 2.4 In accordance with the official record for the Preliminary Plat of Sinclair Ridge, the mitigation fees received by the City of Port Orchard under section 2.1 of this Agreement may be used or applied to the following projects, project debt, or future project planning, engineering, design, permitting, and/or construction: 2.4.1 Tremont Street Widening. 2.4.2 The Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Roundabout 2.4.3 Sidney Road SW Widening 2.4.4 Old Clifton Road Shoulder and Pedestrian Improvements 2.4.5 Old Clifton Road McCormick Woods Drive Intersection Improvements 2.5 In accordance with Addendum Mitigation Measure #3 (b), the mitigation fees paid under section 2.2 of this Agreement may be used by the City of Port Orchard to repay project debt related to the construction of the Old Clifton Road/Campus Parkway (renamed McCormick Village Drive) Roundabout project. MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 2 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 Page 66 of 117 2.6 The Owner acknowledges and accepts that the City may utilize the Funds for the purposes described herein at any time after the Funds are deposited with the City, at the City's sole discretion, and the Owner affirmatively disclaims any interest in the Funds following deposit with the City. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 Applicable Law; Attorneys' Fees. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any action arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall lie in Kitsap County Superior Court. The non - prevailing Party in any action brought to enforce this Agreement shall pay the other Parties' expenses and reasonable attorney's fees. 3.2 Effective Date. This Agreement shall be deemed effective upon mutual execution following approval by the Port Orchard City Council, which approval shall be attached hereto and adopted herein by this reference. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until issuance of the Building Permit for the last residential structure of the 343 lot Project and upon payment of the mitigation fee for that dwelling unit. 3.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement embodies and constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties hereto with respect to the transactions contemplated herein, and all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement. 3.4 No Third -Party Beneficiaries. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall not create any rights enforceable by any party who is not a Party to this Agreement. 3.5 Binding on Successors. If the Owner assigns or transfers the Sinclair Ridge Property as a whole, such assignee or transferee shall be obligated and bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall be the beneficiary thereof and a Party thereto. Any such transfer shall include a provision that incorporates this Agreement and requires that such purchaser, assignee, or transferee observe and fully perform all the duties and obligations of the Owner as contained in this Agreement. 3.6 Severability. This Agreement does not violate any federal or state statute, rule, regulation, or common law known; but any provision which is found to be invalid or in violation of any statute, rule, regulation, or common law shall be considered null and void, with the remaining provisions in the Agreement remaining viable and in effect. 3.7 Non -Waiver of Breach. The failure of a Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained herein, or to exercise any option herein conferred in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of said covenants, agreements, or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. 3.8 Written Notice. All written communications regarding enforcement or alleged breach of this Agreement shall be sent to the Parties in accordance with this Section. Notices, MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 3 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 Page 67 of 117 demands, and correspondence to the City and/or the Owner (as applicable) shall be sufficiently given if dispatched by pre -paid first-class mail to the addresses of the Parties as designated below. Notice to the City shall be to the attention of both the City Clerk and the City Attorney. The City shall be required to give notice only to those successors -in -interest of the Owner who have given the City written notice of their address for such notice. The Parties hereto may, from time to time, advise the other of new addresses for such notices, demands, or correspondence. Unless otherwise specified, any written notice hereunder shall become effective upon the date of both emailing and mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated below: CENTURY COMMUNITIES LLC: Christian Cermak, Vice President 20000 North Creek Parkway STE 201 Bothell, WA 98011 CITY: Mayor City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard WA 98366 rputaansuuA, cityofportorchard.us Sean Underwood, Land Acquisition Manager 20000 North Creek Parkway Copies shall also be transmitted to the STE 201 City Clerk and City Attorney at the Bothell, WA 98011 above address. 3.9 Time is of the essence. All time limits set forth herein are of the essence. The Parties agree to perform all obligations under this Agreement with due diligence. 3.10 Covenant of Good Faith and Cooperation. The Parties agree to take further actions and execute further documents, either jointly or within their respective power and authority, to implement the intent of this Agreement. Each Party covenants to use its best efforts and work cooperatively in order to secure the benefits and rights under this Agreement. The Parties shall not unreasonably withhold approvals or consents provided for in this Agreement. Each Party shall execute and deliver to the other all further documents as are reasonably necessary to carry out this Agreement as may be necessary to provide a Party with a full and complete enjoyment of its rights and privileges under this Agreement. 3.11 Interpretation. This Agreement has been reviewed and revised by legal counsel for both Parties, and no presumption or rule construing ambiguity against the drafter of the document shall apply to the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement. 3.12 Counterparts. The Agreement may be signed in two or more counterpart copies with the same effect as if the signature of each counterpart copy were on a single instrument. Each counterparty shall be deemed as an original as to the Party whose signature it bears, and all such counterparts shall constitute one document. MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 4 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 Page 68 of 117 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth below. CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ("City") Its Dated: MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 5 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 CENTURY COMMUNITIES LLC ("Owner") Christian Cermak, Vice President Dated: Page 69 of 117 CITY NOTARY BLOCK STATE OF WASHINGTON ss: COUNTY OF KITSAP I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Robert Putaansuu is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the Mayor of Port Orchard to be the free and voluntary act of such entity for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: NAME: (Print Name) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. Commission Expires: CENTURY COMMUNITIES NOTARY BLOCK STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the of CENTURY COMMUNITIES LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such entity for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: NAME: (Print Name) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. Commission Expires: MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 6 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 Page 70 of 117 MOU with Century Communities for Sinclair Ridge Page 7 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 10815908.1- 366922 - 0001 Page 71 of 117 City of Port Orchard Legislative Dinner OnJGti`� The historic "Maury House" ORCHARD ® 1604 Water Street SW Olympia, WA 98501 Special Meeting of January 15, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Chang Absent Councilmember Diener Absent Councilmember Fenton Present Councilmember Morrissey Present Councilmember Rosapepe Present Councilmember Trenary Present Councilmember Worden Present Mayor Putaansuu Present 2. PRESENTATION Back to Agenda Mayor Putaansuu presented the City's 2024 Legislative Agenda. He provided a brief update on the progress of the Port Orchard Community Events Center. The City intends to request funding in the 2025 Legislative Session for the project. Representatives Hutchins, Caldier, and Senator Randall expressed support for the project. The Mayor then spoke to the City's Bay Street Sea Level Rise project. There was a brief discussion, lead by Senator Randall, regarding the impact of six initiatives being put forward to the Legislature, one of which would repeal the Climate Commitment Act if approved. Senator Randall indicated there would not be funding for resilience projects, like Bay Street, if this law is repealed. The Mayor spoke to the need for further legislative reform to authorize vehicular pursuits for stolen vehicles. There was discussion about the potential need for a police training academy located in Kitsap County or in the region. Representative Caldier will be following up with necessary steps to explore this possibility. The Mayor spoke to the need for ongoing state funding to implement legislation placing additional burden on municipal courts. Page 72 of 117 Back to Agenda The Mayor provided an update on the City's progress on permitting additional municipal water capacity. 3. ADJOURNMENT The special meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. No action was taken. Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor January 15, 2024, Special Legislative Dinner Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Page 73 of 117 �� �• -;�-ram• '�iL 1 �2#Ati L f 4 port nrrkorrJ Development Activity and City Projects February 2024 Kitsap County Campus Parking Expansion • Kitsap County has applied for a development agreement for a phased project. • Phase 0 to commence in 2024. L -L. TO KENDALL Sf L JL_.- -..J -1 L - - CLINE AVE x y -_-- �I.�— — I� - -� J - �I-71 IT SURFACE LOT- AUSTINAVE IMUB C ■ STAFF i 432am - T -I - F-1 ! � MEW "MU-+ — --T = — — � .L F-u>�IJ I �---- -FT -T li i Page 75 of 117 Back to Agenda • 192 Units FOREST SONG • Early Grading and Site Stabilization Work Complete • Land Disturbing Activity Permit (LDAP) for project in review Page 76 of 117 Back to Agenda McCormick Village Phase 1-4 • Homebuilding Underway • Division 1— 84 Lots (Complete) • Division 2 — 66 Lots (more than 50% of homes have been constructed) • Division 3 — 38 Lots (Home building recently commenced on first lots) • Division 4 — 40 Lots (Final plat granted, home building has not commenced) Page 77 of 117 Back to Agenda^ y f McCormick Village Master Plan Commercial Area and Eastern Residential Area under construction. Residential Preliminary Subdivision for east area previously approved. Preliminary Subdivision for Residential West Area is under review. Page 78 of 117 McCormick Village Park Phase 3 • Trail Access from NW side of Park • Pickleball Courts • Picnic Tables • Landscaping F. F-.� McCormick Trails (McCormick West) • Under Construction • Division 11— 99 Lots (more than 50% of lots have homes constructed) • Division 12 — 136 Lots (more than 50% of lots have homes constructed) • Division 13 — 111 Lots (Final Plat Expected in 2024) • Division 14 — 120 Lots (Final Plat Expected in 2024) • In Permitting • Division 18 — 114 Lots • Future Phases • Divisions 15-17, 19-23 in future years — 956 Additional Lots Back to Agenda 4. �'.Wobds G-Q1 SAO I armic%C Tram +, by P01te Nome i f - R P em rial Pa *' A F Whrnond-Ameji an es at#li +ormie T�,rll #, T-Durkur h+1odeir�m �l _ 1 ir y # dip T 4. Y +�* • ' r , r1� wS • T T. I 5 McCormick Trails Division 18 • 114 lots • Civil Plan Review Underway • Construction expected in 2024 • Final Plat expected in 2025 r St. Andrews Park 8 • Park to be constructed along St. Andrews near Parcel K • Amenities include parking, playground, pickleball court, and picnic shelter • Estimated construction in 2026-2028 (subject to change) Back to Agenda 77, xM_ Page 83 of 117 lilt, tT, At N. x� r l�< Y ay; 1 i St'�e a eF otogvp flo R 1 xoro r.WinsulB• rks I�� ����� I - '.'". �•. ._ .oT3 and Patios,L-L�{t k y rile V. AWL Stetson Heights/Stetson Ridge Total of 412 Lots Final Plat Issued on Phases 1-4 — Housing Construction Underway. Stetson Ridge Under Construction — Contains 108 of 412 lots — Completion expected late 2024. 0 9 Amm IK§F�4 - n� Kitsap Transit Park and Ride • Construction 2024 • Future Development Pads TBD • Sidney Road SW to be Improved • Lift Station Site to be Dedicated to City • Sewer improvements in Sidney Road SW to be constructed • Development Agreement Proposed Meyer's Sedgwick • The Ramsey Mixed Use - 99 Units • Multifamily Tax Exemption • Retail Space • Starbucks recently completed Pottery Creek Apartments Phase 2 J■ • Phase 1— 136 Units (Recently Completed) • Phase 2 — 192 Units (Building Permit Applications Submitted and Under Review) • Multifamily Tax Exemption 4 -Q48 4.029 • �� i 077 3.07� Blueberry Apartments • 108 Apartments • Under Construction • Development Agreement approved • Multifamily Tax Exemption approved for the project Back to Agenda Hidden Hills Apartments 117 Apartments — LDAP Application - ready to issue • Fee in Lieu of Construction Agreement in Place �1 3-D15 3.015 x MR 41 t, 3-121 } I { r 2-077 -' Thimbleberry Townhomes 20 remaining townhomes to be constructed Binding Site Plan Application Submitted •••••••••• •••••••••• Salmonberry Apartments • 28 Apartments • Dedicated Access to Home Depot Site • Building Permit Applications Submitted 0 Multifamily Tax Exemption Back to Agenda — a Irt7una � - I I x�KAT30A I ?WS— ame I I I — { I BW- ELI ' F oe a: I I mc- f :r=fffsti f ii k' •f••; F.fF.ff ., SE SAUgoNBE RY RD •iami• ��x��M f� The Home Depot • Development Agreement Proposed • LDAP Submitted • Construction delayed because company is waiting for Bethel Phase 1 project to be completed. • Construction 2027? EP-__________._ _____ ________._________ _ 1 ' I I � I +S' 91PEwlLA III ETL-- I REn Fu00 xc.+ MOO T. T — T I I :w} I 'm'aTEk ' TREATMENT ! 17EA f L- 1 2451 xeu¢ f�ffLU 7MD aI:MT PE wa• I h—I�I Ix r F..T4xE PER POW Br PER I'OYC 20.1 pA7-21. + F1-PPP} I F'iGESxWC PATH 3N ROxC ap,l]}-�K r MD Tr RENTAL `ARCEL I �F f! -23 AC}TRN t .1 OISF + r I ate. , cv-�r-umx L r BETeINIxO wrLL ,1•') REMAINDU WETLANDS PARCEL (6.25 AC) FxFHn� nF�`xYaT Y.1H ILL Page 93 of 117 Back to Agenda - ir lei i tI Riverstone Plat and Bridgeview Apartments • Bridgeview Apartments: 136 Units • Riverstone Plat: 39 Lots Contour Apartments • Contour Apartments: 24 Units • Includes extension of Harold to Lund Back to Agenda I 11 1 L---JI i i L-----__J I 1 I Page 95 of 117 D 5 ' i brae- M. Plisko Apartments 58 Units MFTE Agreement In Place Plisko Frontage Improvements Back to Agenda. r ,,. , }� - �,.,! .$ 'q. 4�• AMF � S ;PAk�' r L r 1. - JOEL_ Page 96 of 117 RIP. R . dt Sbri I i Back to Agenda I wl� I_j r - � wff ly f'� err Overlook Apartments Overlook Apartments — 117 Units — Temporary Occupancy Granted on 3 Buildings Page 97 of 117 Kitsa p Ba n k • Development Agreement approved • Construction Planned 2024-2025 • Building Permits and Shoreline Substantial Development Permit applications have been submitted to the City. lAr Back to Agenda V 4 98of117 �V 9 F::� INS Back to Agenda im KIM oil RIM! Erma lip Bay St re et TI, 2 Mr; A WOO Ir soll--im .to ddqm _jl� pit 12; all .... ........ .... .. .... Diaz Meadows • Located on Old Clifton Road west of Industrial Park • Development Agreement approved • 96 Apartment Units • Project to build a portion of 390- 580 zone water intertie • Permits issued _vrgrn, S€: Semi €vrgrn, DT. DmughP Tod, OR.' Deer Resist N-)Mfirm non. 5.n.a.I.J 96. Po.m.rx. Nye IILP PC. D. x•SY�rn •a ss s. W Isr C[!Y RSn \`tll YC. 0.Fl Pi. trcN ao.bi5b• non rop mi N' s [Sya Re[4 F.00ra..Ey.K o.yr YC. YC 0. nl root* l+i[w IV. In oonl pau-s o-as s u n'M. �e0 J b. E. wrG. bents d Back to Agenda uTr, Mw�xtl i'C. E.. eae6+ns ue[.5ea' — 00 +rxrav ncee KebesT C 4N R 1G P.H�i. anMrase [H.Q'.ae'rdN'+nanx n'bXad M I e.vnauv. &N rs a. bb3rts E.mWe.-[. .L �9+baw iJwe.11Ra Rsl[+&>Mbmr Jattrlval Faall W![a [^Rq k-s wk PS.rT N. bu el.th wlM A+m arlenHme RE .GT. sesmr'Sosrxbeor.wrsHYsnsa r.ra SnF Pad SWrWrA![Rpmss Wl.' P'a E. pprbans rn 4++a.i+CXP 6a� HSSn V rae' s U.E. PT.. PR CR PgarMkln.X u+.W. m1e rt+lilX nripy ai.sayn wKy�wmxa }-0 pplm KinwllW .L IL P. 6G. Pi.HPR G. PT.HRi..artLlMt.r Kns'asl n+.er .Fnrrmwu pxvlaKu^qq. IG SpT.H�.b. Jn4 N�.'ba*�I rswr.hm.r KnL.WNn� CrIbr4 YqL NrM IpG [, M. CR Lage yrvq WW s... r.�..w - st r.y�w Ix...rte eu.eon n...�ry e.rt«. 14 14 aT.9R ay1 rtuaT � n� t� r..d.�.d aT. [R C•.n X++4 >rn �r.r 1 [Wgr9er Tres-.[ 1%,pi,Iwawwll-0Irr. irMn�r Itirm valor, .FL. R 4[. rrprn IrrS eek rated, strlla aqr, nn Ivrtl - IrarYnrlrxa� 9 R na xrba Smslr' wx warRr 'JrarrRrn s M [loot#drq nw�avlx bn�n I a1 R�Makb.n nurvm 5n x. rrm I4 ROI, M, M,1rlgxr��r1 •c x. 6abIr' eM x` x FC 1 a L>: pl h.— 19 0.rvluw u•.n wew iw ariw +4r S.. Waanw.r4n `hantnv� 1Q AND PLAY AREA .ki.�r arar S RA rP loj mcO rdW—r0LSr4^Trl[Lrpf—*6%tl4 Pa-d r F.--awew ww �wm IarinL [iw rwMl►nSr. rru X...ra r+M.p�M1 �OntR..[rw.txwnrf . i 0.F WBIOii I-EETC--ATK71 W70 YJ.ONS Ir�+Llp }ry,yrT pNl11} TY Mi TQ[ PS[ YRp OM1 �4PY pLLLL [i9pVTi MreR [r rT,yrRM1p T{} M31M BUFFER I69EA3 a pnnJ[K9R n'/+'s1[ GlrTa9i � FOR GPEN ErNCE RIW %'�i�l�{. ObivPPRa.-yc xssmm nxsil [r5L s¢ un l plyrny@9EPg1wT.RE srfA3R ' Trf unrYwOR SW.nFE OnBOE - ' PR RLgrR4P lA.P}C�PEWE.B OnLTrds.nrc n sswsry titnwpirnr[m R,.rxfFE F W a�11R�+Ir WE Y Lp a[sY.f11i 6F BI..W FIC'AC �*f1 ,;�• ., ' CR91 [aXw1[nwP PFla if. WO > titi •. i� YGTnpyp H S ry iP. W e _ �,r �iT� �• r 4,. f.iltr�vw+ai av'IR=n<Fxf KB b.6y' F.01 �� p6LVIlLP[ '._J'll[Pll PR]-0p RTY _F[^. N[[' r-R: ] 'y1 WRClY RiCL56p PRR APY[p11:10]B�l A4r Xp - - -- f Un OM —MU 4 ur^e '_ A Total Residential Development Activity • Near Term: 1,927 total units with capacity for 4,571 Residents: • 749 Single Family Homes • 400 Middle Housing Units (McCormick Village) • 778 Apartments • Long Term and Approved Projects (In addition to near term): 2,209 total units with capacity for 5,812 residents • 1,653 Single Family Units • 556 Multifamily Units DOWNTO ORC HARD Back to Agenda N ORCHARD "ACHT SALES / i i � i I AV rage iuz or i it Back to Agenda OVERVIEW + Total Investments ............................ 3 PU r ': + Marina Breakwater .......................... 4 + Electric Ferry Charging Infrastructure .......... 5 + Bay Street Reconstruction .....................6 + Bay Street Ped. Path ....................... 7-8 + City Hall Reskin Project .......................9 + Community Event Center .................... 10 + Orchard Street Plaza .........................11 + Marina Lift Station .......................... 12 PRIVATE + Kitsap Bank Headquarters . + 429 Bay Street ............ ..................14 ... ..............15 Page 103 of 117 DOWNTOWN PROJECTS - TOTAL INVESTMENT Public Projects Downtown Port Orchard Agency Total Funding Secured Federal State Public Facilities District Local Match Outside Agency Marina Breakwater Port of Bremerton $15,741,412.00 $9,400,000.00 $5,008,430.00 $332,982.00 $1,000,000.00 Electric Ferry Charging Infrastructure Kitsap Transit $13,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $6,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Bay Street Reconstruction City of Port Orchard $3,784,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $784,000.00 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Phase 2 City of Port Orchard $8,557,590.00 $5,118,590.00 $3,439,000.00 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Situational Study City Hall Reskin Project Community Event Center/Library Orchard Street Plaza Marina Lift Station Bay Street Environmental Cleanup Total City of Port Orchard City of Port Orchard City of Port Orchard/ Kitsap Regional Library City of Port Orchard City of Port Orchard Port of Bremerton $566,474.00 $10,997,000.00 $31,046,000.00 $900,000.00 $15,821,100.00 $800,000.00 $566,474.00 $2,821,100.00 $1,500,000.00 $13, 000, 000.00 $800,000.00 $18,546,000.00 $10,997,000.00 $5,500,000.00 $5,500,000.00 $900,000.00 $101,213,576.00 $24,906,164.00 $26,808,430.00 $18,546,000.00 $24,452,982.00 $6,500,000.00 Private Projects Downtown Port Orchard Developer Total Cost Estimate Kitsap Bank Kitsap Bank $40,000,000.00 429 Bay Street BJC Group $20,000,000.00 Total Total Estimated Public and Private Investment in Downtown Port Orchard Total Estimated Local Capital $161,213,576.00 $24,452,982.00 $60,000,000.00 Page 104 of 117 Mp- 7- sl .! wr ol & 9, A Is Ill PC 101 rM I on I Wo 7 ril . . . . . . . . . . 4 46 6 AFL- =3F IN ELECTRIC"�ndaERRY & CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE All Electric Local Foot Ferry $131000,9000 + $4/000/000 Federal Transit Administation Passenger Grant Program + $6/500/000 Washington State Department of Transportation Foot Ferry Charging Infrastructure $31700.VOOO + $3/000/000 Federal Transit Administration Passenger Ferry Grant Program Page 106 of 117 5 DESIGN + Federal - $1,000,000 appropriated via Representative Kilmer CONSTRUCTION + Federal - Puget Sound Regional Council STP: $2/2001000 Back to Agenda BAY STREET RECONSTRUCTION 4" ,f r-i'• S TIN®IR T,FE ILA .. t .i FrLIS Plll1 �Rt'`IF i WEJdw... ...... .......... l lae 299� � Ert65 (IQ I � � I Y•� 1 I i• 4l r. E ' V 1 r-_ E I F I'. G. I 3bg I Page 107 of 117 t� I, .911` PORT ORCHARD _ COMMUNITY EVENT CENTER (POCEC) BAY STREET STUDY STATE ROUTE 166 (SR-i66) RE -ALIGNMENT ANALYSIS +r FORT ORCHARD, WA �..._. DATE: 5/2012022 DRAWN BY; BJD/KPFF PRELIMINARY UTILITY & STORM PLAN I�1 PATH PHASE 2 JL1-L:--: HLL'ff + Federal - FHWA $5,118,590 + Local $3,439,000 a;;w ms 0 Leg4 D A 9 0 D ej FA MKORM �3 IM18,11SYSSITSTO tit CA. -k �4 dEft q 4,* W, AFP fJ CEC Building • Kitsap Public Facilities District: $18546,000 + Kitsap Regional Library: $5,500,000 Shoreline Restoration �ro � Y (Adjacent to CEC) 5 Page 111 of 117 10 I C Back toAgenda '.RD STREET PLAZA Overall Design I The Vision ion The overall area is being designed as a T..SOHMORMELLINE RESTORATION SCOPE community destination fof daily informal gatherings and larger formal weekly, monthly and annual events. Flexibility and shared use of the outdoor spaced is Ivey to being able to activate the spaces. Site Activation and Programming include= • -OCEC events • _ibrary hildren's space • -ibrary Teen space • Seating Edge Flex1ible event space Food trucks Retail/Entry Stage Waterfront viewing, limited shoreline access SOUTH I IT AP COM ICI U N1T EVENTSCENTER 04.11.2023 SITE SCOPE DELINEATION h: LN .;ram• ;.'"�-�;,"'. ,' -- r� �.-� w.r FUTURE POCEC CACHAR 4 -AVE 0 } jC I. ' ti k 5 _ 4 I r I 4 I � " IAG_J72 TW42 —.fie 70 Exis-n L CcOD POO f x � o YACHT FUTURE - - KITSAP KANK ' FCEC SCOPE FUTURE ti j DEVELOPMENT � { ° ORCHARD •. �, .. PLAZA 5COP Seeking Funding (areas in red): + $2/000/000 Possible 2024 RCO Local Parks funding: + $500,000 maximum award Page 112 of 117 11 MARINA IwIFT-S ti f TAT[, ' Generator, E-response trailer ■ `, and dumpsters � t 1 - � 1 �* New Multi -Use Trail 1 ��4• • �4 7PA, kh�• Back to Agenda to exit on Sidney Ave + Clean Water State Revolving Fund: $13,000,000 ioReprised Traffic Circulation A ................ . ti lb 4 � tit ��4� titi rr� New Viewing` Plaza bdI6 m 10 41 + Federal ARPA Funds: $2,821,100 J� � w Nk �--sue --- -- - f - �-------- New Multi -Use Building .� - Page 113 of 117 12 Back to Agenda 4 A° , A Port of Bremerton vrn Federal EPA Brownsfield Program: Ap $800/000 13 IMM Iff7 10 21 Pot •' tF 4 7r. r Os a D Bay Sty NORF [04 AAM110 FAUZOIR-OVA 429 SON pwr .... .... Pon 0 J-1 D Page 117 of 117