01/17/2018 - Minutes
City of Port Orchard
Land Use Committee
Meeting Minutes – January 17, 2018
Committee Members Present: Scott Diener, Shawn Cucciardi, John Clausen
City Officials and Staff: Mayor Rob Putaansuu, Community Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works
Director Mark Dorsey
Chair Diener called the meeting to order at 7:34 a.m.
1. Discussion: Kitsap Street Onstreet Parking. Public Works Director Dorsey said that his department received a
request to allow an onstreet parking space in front of the house located at 1020 Kitsap Street. Right now the
house has a yellow curb in front (i.e., no parking). Dorsey said that he is not in favor of the request, since it would
require moving the road’s center striping two feet north, and completely eliminate several parking spaces on the
north of side of the road. The committee agreed that the request would not be supported.
2. Discussion: Draft Design Standards. Community Development Director Bond said that the Planning
Commission opened the public hearing on the draft Design Standards at their January 10 meeting, and will
continue the hearing at the February 6 meeting to allow the public to review and comment on additional changes.
The Design Standards are proposed to go to Council’s February work-study meeting, with adoption in late
February or early March. The adoption ordinance will also include a repeal of Ordinance 1478, which prohibits
new vehicular accesses from Port Orchard Blvd.
Bond gave an overview of the Design Standards draft code, which will be codified as Chapter 20.128 POMC, and
the changes that are proposed to Chapter 2.78 POMC regarding the role and review process of the City’s Design
Review Board (DRB). The DRB will function primarily in an advisory role. Among other duties, the DRB will
provide an annual report to Council on projects that have been approved under the Design Standards, and will
make recommendations to Council regarding any necessary changes for implementation or revisions to the
standards. With adoption of the Design Standards, the special design requirements for the Downtown Overlay
District (DOD) will be removed, although height and use restrictions in the DOD will remain. The Tremont Overlay
District will be repealed. Changes to the DOD and Tremont requirements may concern some members of the
public, but once they have reviewed the Design Standards, they should feel that a more thorough and beneficial
design process is being provided. Bond noted that only one person has testified in front of the Planning
Commission so far, to express concern that additional design requirements could result in a “cookie cutter”
appearance for Port Orchard and reduce its appeal. However, the Design Standards were purposely developed to
provide minimal standards, and to provide freedom of design and a wide range of choices for the appearance of
buildings and landscaping.
Bond said that the City’s design standards consultant had identified a good template for an innovative, form and
performance based zoning code, which had been developed by Teton Valley, Idaho with a grant from HUD. This
code may be used as a model for the City’s Zoning Code update, to be undertaken later in 2018. Bond will provide
a link to the online code so that the committee can review it. He also noted that the accessory dwelling unit
(ADU) code presented to the committee in December 2017 will move forward to Council discussion in February.
Diener adjourned the meeting at 8:10 a.m. Audio-only recording was successful.
Next Meeting/Location: Time to be determined when 2018 Committee membership is effective; location will be
the 720 Prospect conference room.