04/13/2015 - Minutes City of Port Orchard Public Property Committee Meeting Minutes Monday April 13, 2015 Committee Members present: Council members Bek Ashby, Fred Chang, & Jeff Cartwright City Staff Present: Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, DCD Front Counter Clerk Lisa Stone, Associate Planner Elle Davis, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, & Police Commander Dale Schuster Guests: Mayor Tim Matthes, and Kitsap Transit Supervisor Mike Prothero. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Councilmember Jeff Cartwright. 1. Discussion: Taste of Port Orchard. Councilmember Bek Ashby said she was representing for the Taste of Port Orchard. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey said the issue is an incomplete application that doesn’t give staff enough information to comment on. Ashby stated the event will be the same as last year. Ashby also stated the Port Orchard Bay Street Association was hoping to share the cost of Sani-Cans and trash cans with The City of Port Orchard’s 125th Anniversary celebration or use the Port of Bremerton’s restrooms. City Clerk Brandy Rinearson stated the applicants need to specify when using Port of Bremerton’s restrooms. Police Commander Dale Schuster stated there has been no need for police in the past. Dorsey stated Public Works may post 24 hours before event. Ashby said she would make sure application was filled out correctly next year. 2. Discussion: Hog Fest. Dorsey said application is incomplete and provided an overview of the missing information. Dorsey stated Hog Fest wants to use Parking Lots 2, 3 and 4 completely. The committee discussed issues related to lack of available parking, posting the parking lot to notify users that it was reserved, coordinating setup the day before the event, the possibility that biker gangs could attend the event, and the need to provide off-duty police officers for security. Dorsey said Council is required to approve the parking lot closures. 3. Discussion: Givens Playfield Tennis Courts. Dorsey received a letter from Starla Franks with Discovery Montessori about resurfacing and painting the tennis courts. Committee held discussion about possibly putting tennis court resurfacing into the 2016 budget. Councilmember Fred Chang suggested getting a sponsor and naming the courts after them. Schuster suggested keeping one tennis court in the city at professional level and keep the rest at an amateur level. Dorsey stated Public Works could repaint the tennis courts immediately. Dorsey will send Starla Franks a letter stating the city will repaint courts immediately and look into resurfacing in 2016. Rinearson stated Discovery Montessori needs to get a lease to use the tennis courts for upcoming summer events. 4. Discussion: Mindmixer. Associate Planner Elle Davis stated Mindmixer is expected to go live on April 27th. Davis wanted to put City Council members, department heads and the mayor as “Who’s listening.” Davis stated she would use current pictures and email address already on the city website. Rinearson cautioned about a quorum if more than four council members are listening but not commenting. Development Director Nick Bond stated council members would receive a summary of what is being discussed. The committee decided Davis will look into what constitutes a quorum and go ahead with “Who’s Listening” section. Bond stated questions will be sent to committee members before they go online. 5. Discussion: Blackjack Creek Grant. Bond said the city has been asked to support a grant application from the Suquamish Tribe and that the issue is on the consent agenda for Tuesday’s meeting. Dorsey was concerned about unintended consequences of doing this sort of study. Bond stated he understood the risks and thinks we need to do this because it would open doors to help pay for improvements. The committee recommended issuing a letter of support for the grant. 6. Discussion: Bethel South Park Property Naming Request. Bond stated a couple sent in a letter requesting this property be named after the family that donated the land. Cartwright suggested putting plaques at parks in order to educate people on why parks were named that name. Cartwright says it may be premature to name this as a park before a use is determined. Committee agreed to figure out if this land was donated specifically as a park and if so the question about naming the park could go to Mindmixer. Committee agrees to carry this forward to next meeting. 7. Discussion: McCormick Village Park Name. Bond stated this issue was brought to him by the Mayor and there has been no official action to name this park. Dorsey stated naming it McCormick Village Park may lead city residents to think it is not a community park. Ashby suggested naming is McCormick Community Park. Bond stated he would draft a question for Mindmixer and get it out to committee members. 8. Discussion: Kitsap County 6-Year TIP. Chang stated he received an email from Kitsap County concerning citizen input on the 6 year TIP and didn’t think the City did this kind of outreach. Bond doesn’t think we should ask the citizens about something when we aren’t a position to deliver on the request received. Ashby suggested it was to make the citizens more aware. Dorsey stated the city is in a transition phase so we can pay ahead on projects and not be reactive. Bond pointed out that the 6-Year TIP for the city was going through a public process at the Planning Commission and that this should be the city’s approach until it has some discretionary revenue for transportation at which time it can solicit proposal for street improvements from the public. 9. Discussion: Sign Code. Ashby wondered the status of the sign code. Bond said DCD is doing minor updates to the sign code, but don’t have the manpower to do a full overhaul right now. Bond stated the sign code needs different regulations for each area of the city. Bond suggested getting a consultant to redevelop the sign code if Council seeks a major overhaul or significant public involvement. 10. Discussion: Bay Street Sidewalk Use. The Committee briefly discussed the ongoing issues related to the use of the sidewalks downtown. Ashby requested that the City communicate with the POBSA and Downtown Merchants concerning the city’s requirements. She also suggested creating a fact sheet for merchants that could be distributed. Staff agreed to work on a fact sheet and to try to attend a POBSA meeting in the near future, though would not be able to attend the April meeting. Staff also suggested a sidewalk use ordinance to clarify the requirements. The committee requested that staff provide more information on a sidewalk use ordinance at their next meeting. 11. Discussion: Parking on Division Street. Ashby stated she got a letter saying County employees are parking on the street on Division Street instead of using the County employee parking lots. Cartwright said this was a county issue and the County Commissioners need to make employees use the parking lots that are provided. With that discussion, Cartwright closed the meeting. Meeting Adjourned: 10:15 a.m. Next Meeting/Location: May 11, 2015, 8:30 a.m. Council Conference Room