05/11/2015 - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Public Property Committee Meeting Minutes Monday May 11, 2015 Committee Members present: Council members Bek Ashby, Fred Chang, & Jeff Cartwright City Staff Present: Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, DCD Front Counter Clerk Lisa Stone, & Associate Planner Elle Davis Guests: Mayor Tim Matthes The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Councilmember Jeff Cartwright. 1. Discussion: United Methodist Church Parking Request. Associate Planner Elle Davis explained the United Methodist Church requested the installation of two handicap parking spots. Councilmember Fred Chang asked if the spots would block the entrance. Davis said the spots were just requested to be in the front of the building. Currently the church puts out temporary signs on Sundays. Davis stated the church shouldn’t be trying to regulate public right of way. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey said he had two issues with this request: 1) Past council has said no to provide on street handicap parking and 2) On street handicap parking has to meet ADA compliance, which is a two-percent grade. Councilmember Jeff Cartwright asked where the church’s onsite parking is. Davis stated the church only has 3 parking spots. Mayor Tim Matthes and Dorsey will talk to the Pastor of the United Methodist Church and bring back comments to next committee meeting. 2. Discussion: 908 Cline Ave Trailer Parking Request. Davis stated a resident sent in a letter requesting permission to park his 16ft trailer at 908 Cline Ave until Labor Day. Dorsey stated in the past, council had approved a temporary RV permit, but that has since been removed by Ordinance because of complaints from neighbors. Committee recommended that the city decline this request. 3. Discussion: Tree Removal. Dorsey discussed tree removal on Mitchell by the high school because the trees are dying. Public Works employees will reuse the tree grates from the removed trees. Public Works have plans to start pruning trees in the Right of Way. 4. Discussion: A-Board Sign Handouts. Davis stated Code Enforcement Officer Kathy Woodside put together handouts for A-Boards. DCD Director Nick Bond stated his department is working on a handout for use of the right of way with the City Attorney. Mayor stated City Attorney is working on a right of way use permit. Committee members agreed there should be right of way use permit regulations city- wide. Councilmember Bek Ashby asked for a deadline for the Attorney to bring a right of way use permit to council. With that discussion, Cartwright closed the meeting. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 a.m. Next Meeting/Location: June 8, 2015, 8:30 a.m. Council Chambers