07/24/2018 - AgendaRole of the Finance Committee The finance committee provides oversight of city budgeting, financial planning, and financial reporting. The committee recommends long-range financial goals along with funding strategies for the operating and capital budgets. Human resource issues requiring policy direction are brought before the committee. The committee serves as the advisory forum for transportation and street maintenance funding, and funding relating to the transportation benefit district. Port Orchard Council Finance Committee July 24, 2018 5:15 pm Council Conference Room City Hall 1) Finance Report Finance Director, Noah Crocker a. Sales Tax Revenue Report b. Treasurers Report – Funds, accounts 2) Tremont Widening Project a. Construction Finance Plan Finance Director, Noah Crocker 3) McCormick Park Status Update Finance Director, Noah Crocker a. Budget Update 4) AP Authority Ordinance Finance Director, Noah Crocker 5) 2017-2018 Budget Status Update Finance Director, Noah Crocker 6) Water-Sewer Fund Split Plan Finance Director, Noah Crocker 7) Building Permit Fee Adjustment DCD Director, Nick Bond Other Items to come before the Committee Schedule Next Meeting Date