02/27/2024 - Regular - Additional Docs-Transportation Funding� ORCHARD Council Meetin Transportation Funding 10 02*27.202 Note: This is intended to illustrate the project estimates and potential funding sour 4 Discussion Overview Cities 101- Streets Et the City Transportation System https://youtu.be/bp,otGEBWNf8 Local Transportation Funding Options Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Transportation Benefit District Fee Transportation Benefit District Sales Tax Transportation Impact Fee's Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Other Sources (Property Tax, Sales Tax) Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax • Gas taxes in Washington which means that MVFT are assessed in cents per gallpn, ' distributions depend on the number of gallons sold, not the price per gallon. Quick Summary Distrlbuted to all cities and [awns on a per capita basis. Total distributions depend on amount of gas taxes rollected statewide_ Revenijes are restrlcted and must be used far streets roads and highways_ Cities must use at least 0_42% for pedestrian, equestrian, or bicycle trails unless stIcl, amount would be $500 or less per year. RCW, 46.58.090, 4&68.110 •Budget Amount 2023: $285,000 •Budget Amount 2024: $285,000 Pavement Preservation (O&M) Actual: $302,390 Actual YTD): $22,916 Transportation Benefit District Fee ($20) Et Tax (0.001%) Any city or town may form a transportation benefit district (TBD) under chapter 3 raise revenues for transportation purposes. The TBD vehicle license fee may be imposed in addition to the TBD sales tax if desired, acid several jurisdictions have imposed both concurrently. It is worth noting that these twq revenue options are imposed upon different sources - TBD vehicle license fees are paid solely by city residents who own vehicles, while TBD sales taxes are paid by anyone who makes retail purchases within the city. The amount of revenue a city can generate with each option will also vary depending on the rates imposed, the local economy, and the number of registered vehicles Quick Summary Any cIty that has established a trans po rtatl on benefit district (TBD) may Impose a non -voted vehicle license fee up to $50 ar a voted vehicle license fee up to $100_ • Revenues must be used for specified transportation projects_ RCW: 82.80.140 Budget Amount 2023: $225,000 Actual: $248,294 Budget Amount 2024: $248,294 Actual (YTD): $18,008 Pavement Preservation (0&tM) Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Sales Tax: A tax on all sales within the jurisdiction's boundaries dedicated for transportation purposes Example 1: $10 purchase the TBD Sales Tax would be $0.01 Example 2: $100 purchase the TO Sales Tax would be $0.10 New legislation: Effective July 1, 2022, Sec. 406-407 of ESSB 5974 increases thi g� maximum transportation benefit district (TBD) sales tax authority from 0.2% to 0.3 0 and authorizes indefinite renewals of up to 10 years with voter approval. In additi n, for TBDs that include all of the territory within the boundaries of the jurisdiction(s) that established the TBD, the legislation authorizes the governing board to impose 0.1% of the sales tax councilmanically (without voter approval) up to 10 years at a time. 2023 Target: $830,763 Actual: $748,940 2024 Target: $830,763 Actual(YTD): $74,031 • Capital Project: Bethel Road Phase 1 E Phasing Strategy Phase 1: Bethel Road-Salmonberry Rd to Blueberry Rd • Construct two roundabouts on Bethel Road at both Salmonberry Road and Blueberry Road. While right of -way should be acquired to accommodate the full build -out roundabout design for the 2040 horizon year volumes, the design and number of circulating lanes required to support opening day volumes will be determined during the design phase. At Salmonberry Road, our analysis identified a single -lane roundabout as an interim design. However, a two-lane roundabout with two-lane approaches southbound and northbound on Bethel Road is expected to be required to meet LOS standards in 2040. At Blueberry Road, our analysis did not identify an interim design and a single -lane roundabout is expected to meet LOS standards in 2040. • Construct the Bethel Road segment between Salmonberry Road and Blueberry to the Bethel Road - Typical Section A specifications including sidewalk, bioretention swale, curb and gutter, bike lane, one travel lane in each direction, and a raised center median. • In order to adequately accommodate detour traffic during construction, Ramsey Road between Sedgwick Road and Salmonberry Road will need to be improved to meet City standards prior to implementation of Phase 1, including resolving some existing right-of- way issues. A preliminary cost for this improvement has been included in the estimate for Phase 1. Figure 10: Phasing Strategy diagram 4, • Transportation Impact Fee's Impact fees are one-time charges assessed by a local government against real estate developers to help pay for new or expanded pul facilities and infrastructure that will directly address the increasec demand for services created by new development. Quick Summary • Fee charged to developers to mitigate the Impacts an Infrastructure and capital facilities because of increased demand resulting Iram new development • Revenues are restricted and may only be used for transpodatlon_ • May be imposed by any city, but typically impact fees are assessed under the Growth Management Act rather than LTA. • Dees not require voter approval_ RCW: Chapter 39.92 RC_ • Budget Amount 2023: $2,052,400 Actual: $2,1151700 • Budget Amount 2024: $2,283,100 Actual(YTD): $255,960 • Capital Projects Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) The two main REET options for cities and towns are: • REET 1 ("first quarter percent") - Any city or town may levy a 0.25% real estate excise tax primarily for capital projects and limited mainte nce. • REET 2 ("second quarter percent") - Additional 0.25% real estat a ise tax primarily for capital projects and limited maintenance, but m y o ly be imposed by cities that are fully planning under GMA. REET 1 Budget Amount 2023: $900,000 Actual: $1,056,055 REET 2 Budget Amount 2023: $900,000 Actual: $1,056,055 REET 1 Budget Amount 2024: $800,000 Actual(YTD): $53,660 REET 2 Budget Amount 2024: $800,000 Actual(YTD): $53,660 Capital Projects ■ Other Sources Property Tax: Fund 002-35% Budgeted Operations, Maintenance, Prese Sales Tax: One-time Transfers to support O,M Et P Grants State Transportation Funding Options (Grant) Transportation Improvement Board (TIB): Overview of TIB Grant Programs — Includes urban pr'ograr� small city programs, and "other opportunities" that may have specialized eligibility requirements. TIB also conduct funding workshops throughout the state. WSDOT: Support for Local Programs — Includes state grant programs as well as federal pass -through programs and federal managed programs, plus guidance, training, and technical assistance Federal Funding At the federal level, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) implements transportation funding programs and offers policy guidance. For more information, see: • WSDOT: Support for Local Programs — Includes federal pass -through programs and federal managed programs. • FHWA: Legislation, Regulations and Guidance — Information on federal transportation fund bills. Fund 002 City Street- Operations Fund: 002 -City Street Fund 2023-2024 Amended Biennial Budget Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,771,168 Revenue $ 5,610,532 Expense $ 6,148,192 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,233,508 Road Way (Preservation) Street Lighting No. Traffic Control Devices ► Roadside Snow Et Ice Control -iind 304 Street Capital Construction TIP 1.1 Bay Street Pathway ROW $1,352,285 TIP 1.13 Lippert -Sidewalk Improvements $254,400 TIP 1.14 Sidney Safe Route to School $235,000 TIP 1.15 Pottery Non -Motorized TIP 1.16 SR166 -Street $825,000 $1,300,000 TIP 1.18 Tremont Phase 2 Et 3 $732,000 TIP 1.19 SB 160 2A TIP 1.2 Bay Street Pathway $600,000 $5,000,000 TIP 1.3 Bay Street Situational Study $562,000 TIP 1.5A Old Clifton Road $150,000 TIP 1.7 Bethel Lincoln RAB TIP 1.8 Et 1.9 Salmon Et Blueberry Golden Street Highway Safety Street Light Improvements On Call ROW Surveying Et Service Salary Et Benefits 304-Total Expenses $2,552,400 $712,135 $7, 500 $220, 000 $95,000 $41,990 $14, 639, 710 IT Questions