06/11/2018 - Minutes
City of Port Orchard
Economic Development and Tourism Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 11, 2018
Committee Members Present: Council Members Bek Ashby (Chair), Scott Diener, Jay Rosapepe
City Officials and Staff: Mayor Rob Putaansuu, Community Development Director Nick Bond, Long Range Planner Keri
Guests: John Powers (Kitsap Economic Development Alliance), Kathleen Wilson (POBSA)
The meeting was called to order by Chair Ashby at 9:36 a.m.
1. Presentation: John Powers, Executive Director of Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA). John
Powers made several suggestions for the City’s website. A byline on the main web page describing the
community’s sense of identity, which makes someone want to find out more about Port Orchard, would be a
good addition. A main-page summary, updated regularly, of what there is to see and do in Port Orchard would
also be helpful, as well as information on housing and schools. He also noted that there is no website link to
the promotional video that KEDA made for Port Orchard a few years ago. It would be good to repost this video
at full length as well as a sound-bite version. The business link page should have more substantive information
on why Port Orchard is a great place for business, and should describe the business base (defense,
manufacturing, technology, service industries, tourism, etc). It should also include direct links to business
resource agencies such as KEDA, the Kitsap Aerospace and Defense Alliance (KADA), and the Chamber of
Commerce. The media page links should include regional media and business publications such as the Puget
Sound Business Journal (PSBJ). A local map with a “key business key” could be helpful to potential employers
or business startups who want to understand how the city is oriented and where major businesses and
transportation corridors are located. Aerial photos showing the proximity of Port Orchard to Seattle could also
help visitors understand how conveniently the city is located. The newly-designated Economic Opportunity
Zones should also be highlighted and explained for the benefit of potential investors and developers. Powers
went through several of the recent promotional articles and advertisements that KEDA has prepared about
Port Orchard and South Kitsap businesses.
Powers said that the high cost of real estate throughout much of the Puget Sound region can benefit more
affordable areas like Port Orchard, as small businesses try to find locations with affordable housing and
commercial sites. Right now, Port Orchard is the best value in the regional market for an educated workforce
pool, access to Seattle, and affordability. Mayor Putaansuu noted that the fast ferries are also bringing in more
residents who commute or need easy access to Seattle, and this trend will increase as these ferry services
continues to improve and expand.
Chair Ashby said that the City will be considering zoning updates in the near future, and asked what the most
important considerations would be for infrastructure and zoning regulations that assist economic growth.
Powers said that commercial and industrial sites between 10,000 and 40,000 square feet are generally
desirable for small businesses. The City should focus on providing these smaller properties that can entice
small businesses to locate in Port Orchard, instead of competing with the Port of Bremerton on large industrial
or water access sites. Putaansuu said that the City recently adopted interim regulations to prevent prime
commercial properties from being developed as self-storage facilities. Powers noted that in coming decades,
the Navy is expected to retrofit its carriers to primarily transport autonomous (drone) planes, and South Kitsap
should prepare for and welcome this change which will require a large, highly-trained workforce.
Discussion: Current Projects and Permits. Community Development Director Bond gave a summary of the
City’s current development projects, and building permits that are approved and/or under construction.
Developments currently underway include 314 approved single-family residential lots, of which 112 are under
construction or have completed homes. Approximately 734 additional single-family lots and apartment units
are located in developments which are under review, or which have been approved but have not yet started
construction. Several commercial projects are also in review or under construction. Putaansuu said that the
Overlook Apartments project will utilize the City’s recently-adopted tax abatement program to provide
affordable housing units. Bond said that the next couple of building seasons are anticipated to be very
intensive in Port Orchard. Putaansuu said that Port Orchard is currently growing more slowly than the other
cities in Kitsap County, and the city’s growth rate will be an important factor during future discussions between
the County and City about Port Orchard’s UGA size and population allocation.
2. Discussion: Zoning Code Update. Bond said that the update to the City’s Zoning Code is proceeding according
to the approved work plan. The Planning Commission recently began review of several draft code chapters,
and will continue working on the code through the summer at regular meetings and special study sessions.
Public hearings and adoption will be scheduled for the fall. Bond will keep the Council updated as the draft
code progresses, with briefings to the Land Use and Economic Development and Tourism committees.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on July 9, 2018, at 9:30 am in the Council Chambers.