10/10/2016 - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Economic Development and Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 10, 2016 Committee Members Present: Council Members Bek Ashby, Fred Chang and Clancy Donlin. City Staff and Officials: Mayor Rob Putaansuu, Development Director Nick Bond, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, Associate Planner Keri Sallee. The meeting was called to order by Chair Ashby at 9:08 a.m. 1. Discussion: Survey of Downtown Businesses. Chair Ashby presented an informal survey that she took of downtown businesses. The information will be made available to Council for the October 18 work-study meeting. The survey asked for the business hours and days of operation, whether the foot ferry affects the business, and whether the business owner would prefer that downtown have only retail business on the ground floor of buildings or whether other ground-floor uses could also be acceptable. Most businesses were less concerned with ground-floor uses than with having more downtown businesses open during prime shopping times and getting people downtown. It could be helpful for the downtown economy if businesses are open on evenings and weekends when more shoppers are likely to be around. Of 52 business locations, 12% are currently vacant and 27% are closed on Sundays. However, downtown businesses such as second-hand stores also do business on eBay and other online retail sites as well as from their traditional storefronts. Ashby will look into educational presentations and seminars promoting retail success strategies that could be made available for business owners. Mayor Putaansuu said that office space requires a different configuration from retail space, but even if non-retail ground-floor uses are allowed downtown, the City will want buildings to continue the outward appearance of a storefront with street-facing windows, pedestrian entrance from the main sidewalk, etc. If ridership data supports it, the Council may want to inform the POBSA that the City’s support of the foot ferry service may depend on businesses being willing to have expanded and consistent hours. 2. Discussion: Special Event Ordinance. City Clerk Rinearson presented a revised draft of the City’s proposed special event ordinance. The committee discussed the application process and requirements, fees, and deadlines. The ordinance will be moved forward to the City Council for discussion. Mayor Putaansuu said that he and Development Director Bond recently met with Mansour Samadpour regarding Samadpour’s properties in downtown Port Orchard. Samadpour is likely to postpone any redevelopment until he believes there is more economic potential in the downtown. Ashby adjourned the meeting at 9:59 a.m. Audio/visual recording was successful. Next Meeting/Location: The next scheduled committee meeting is November 14, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers.