09/14/2015 - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Economic Development Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes Monday September 14, 2015 Committee Members Present: Council members Bek Ashby, Jeff Cartwright & Fred Chang City Staff present: Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, DCD Intern Scott Bonjukian, DCD Front Counter Clerk Lisa Stone, & Associate Planner Elle Davis Guests: Mayor Tim Matthes, SKFR Chief Steve Wright, & SKFR Guy Dalrymple The meeting was called to order by Councilmember Bek Ashby at 10:20 a.m. Discussion: Bay Street Hanging Banner. Ashby stated a request to discuss this item came from the council. Development Director Nick Bond said this needed to be discussed with the city Attorney. Chief Steve Wright stated he was at the council meeting last week and SKFR doesn’t have time or resources to put up the banner and manage the applications anymore. Ashby asked what it would cost and entail for the city to take over the administration of the banner. City Clerk Brandy Rinearson said the banner could become part of the public events ordinance or part of the sign code. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey said Public Works would have no problem putting up and taking down the banner, but the use should be administered through DCD. The Committee held discussion about banners, timelines and dates. The Committee recommended taking the banner responsibility from SKFR and making it part of the public events ordinance and/or sign ordinance. Discussion: Marina Park Overlook Covering. Ashby stated Council members received email about city council not cooperating with Port of Bremerton about the overlook covering. Ashby said Council heard nothing since they approved the money for the permits. Bond stated DCD is waiting for the Port of Bremerton to submit permits. Dorsey said Council approved money once the Port of Bremerton received approvals. Bond will call the Port of Bremerton Director and notify them what the city needs to move forward with this project. Discussion: Lodging Tax Applications. Rinearson asked committee if they wanted to put in Lodging Tax applications for Chimes & Lights, foot ferry and police overtime. Ashby stated she supported the foot ferry. The Committee held a discussion about what lodging tax funds can be used for. The Committee agreed to $6,500 for foot ferry and marketing cards on ferry. They also recommended that DCD should submit application for kiosk/wayfinding sign downtown. Discussion: Public Event Tool Kit. Rinearson said her staff could do the work instead of contracting it out and should be completed by end of October. The Public Event Tool Kit would include a list of restaurants, lodging, parks and facilities, other parking, contacts to follow up with, list of forms, information on street closures and maps. The Tool Kit will be available online. Rinearson will provide an update at October or November meeting. Discussion: Wayfinding System. Bond stated that the city received feedback from WSDOT about reflectivity and sign placement relative to the traveled way. Bond said the consultant is putting finishing touches on bid specs and that the city should still be able to bid first round of signs by the end of the year. Discussion: Sign Code - Update. Associate Planner Elle Davis has been reviewing draft document. Bond stated details are being worked out between the city and the city attorney. Bond hopes to bring sign code forward to council in November. Discussion: Comprehensive Plan - Update. Bond said the parks survey would allow for the completion of the parks element and that the city’s consultants are working on the water and sewer elements plans but are a little behind schedule. Bond hopes to have presentation to council and public when the draft parks element and water and sewer plan drafts are complete. Committee discussed PSRC approval for Comprehensive Plan. Discussion: Myhre’s Property at 737-739 Bay Street. Ashby stated that the city council has received several comments from the public regarding this property. Councilmember Jeff Cartwright requested staff provide council members a statement about what city can and cannot make developers and property owners do with their property. Bond stated Code Enforcement Officer Doug Price went down to Myhre’s building to make sure the façade was secure. Bond stated the city doesn’t have a dangerous building abatement code, so the city is limited to what it can do. Mayor Tim Matthes said that if the whole council desires, they can ask the city attorney to provide a white paper on city council options for property maintenance and abatement. Discussion: Landlord and Business Owner Leases. Ashby stated she talked to several citizens about leases between landlords and business owners. Bond stated the city doesn’t get involved in landlord/tenant issues until they do a tenant improvement or if there are safety issues. Discussion: Summer Foot Ferry Ridership. Ashby stated the city is supposed to have meeting with contributing partners. Rinearson stated total ridership is down and will have more information when the final invoices are received in October. It was pointed out that the downturn in ridership could be related to the reduction of Friday service. With that discussion, Ashby closed the meeting. Meeting Adjourned: 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting/Location: October 12, 2015, immediately following the Public Properties Meeting at 8:30 a.m. Council Chambers